I Freakin Reincarnated With A System


[~Tony~:- *host* God had sent a memory

( literally) for you but ordered me to tell you about this when your Mental&Physical condition is as it's peak.]


[System call online , user can communicate with other System possessors or soul friends regardless of distance or world.

Current contacts :- Nikasu Namikaze ]

I blanked out for a second after reading the name and muttered confusily" This name...."

Suddenly my brain started to hurt as new memories started to appear in my mind ,tears started to rolls down my face and a light smile hung on my mouth. I shook my head as I said "Idiotic bastard!!!!".

I said once again after calming myself down "~Tony~ connect to him."


[Establishing Connection.....]


Before I could even utter a word I heard a voice in my mind "Took you long enough!!!


(Let skip the part of them catching up or you guys would probably curse me to death.lol)

Two more years went by , Itachi and I , due to our excellent performance on missions were allowed to take part in chunin exams only at the age of 10 and we passed it pretty easily .

At the age of 11 Itachi and I were approached by Danzo , he invited us to join Anbu. I flatly rejected him while Itachi accepted his offer.

When father asked "Why did you rejected the offer???..."

I replied "I am going to train in the 3 great sage lands for the upcoming years that's why...."

father went speechless , even though being a part of anbu is a great achievement for a kid but training in 3 great sage lands is on another level.

Today was Itachi's first day at anbu so I wished his the all best as he went away .

I mentally said "~Tony~ connect us"

[~Tony~:- Roger that ]

I said "Take care of him for me Nikasu don't let his become cold...or be bullied there."

he replied "Don't worry I got everything covered."

I made hand-signs as I thought " First stop Ryuchi-cave ..." and said " Reverse-Summoning jutsu"


As I opened my eyes all I could see ....well I could see nothing as the whole cave was filled with fog, having no choice left I activated my sharingan as I moved forward.

Just after taking a single step I heard a voice "Welcome you must be Ichizu-kun!!!." following came another voice " Our Great white-snake sage informed us that you will visit us please follow us will we take you to our Great white-snake sage".

"My name is Tagorihime." & "And my name is Tagitsuhime."

I replied "Nice meeting you both." then smiled as we headed deeper in the cave after waking for some time I could see light coming out of the end of the cave as we exited it and arrived at an open area underground there in a distance I could see an old man (Not really old) I knew he was the Great white-snake sage so I bowed as I said "It's an honor to meet you Great snake-sage ".

he smiles and says "Usually people have to clear 3 test before reaching here but I myself gave you the contract so you are an important member of our Ryuuchi cave, let's go time to introduce you to others ."

We arrived in a hall where many big snakes could be seen but I only recognized Manda.

He and others looked towards me curiously as their head himself brought me here.

The White-snake sage introduces me to them and I greeted them while saying "As this is my first time here so I bought some gifts for everyone though I don't know if you guys will like it or not."

I waved my hand and some cookies appeared in my hands I asked Tagitsuhime to given some to everyone even the Snake sage as they ate it .

They became very delighted after consuming the *Great chakra cookies*

[Great chakra cookies :- Provides large amounts of chakra to the consumer and also provides the most desiring taste ,d_e_s_i_r_ed by the consumer . Taste varies from consumer to consumer ,contains chakra = low-level jounin

Current stock:- 10 stacks (1stack=99)]

I bought 10 stacks from ~Tony~ for 30.000p since I bought in bulk I even got 60% discount for it.

Manda said " This is delicious quickly give me more brat ." after listening to his tone Snake-sage glared at him as he suddenly became quite . I smiled and said "Don't worry I have plenty for everyone."

Saying so I emptied my storage and everyone could see I big mountain of cookies as they drooled over it ,I said " There is enough for everyone so please divide equally amongst each other."

Suddenly we heard a voice which snapped them out of their daze "*cough* *cough* Separate some for me too *cough* *cough*" everyone stared after the Snake-sage as I smiled .

I spent 4 months in the cave, 1 month to *GET USE TO* Snake-sage mode and snake combat style and the other 3 months I spend exploring the cave and bonding with everyone so that when I summon them they would help me out and not ask for some sick sacrifices.

I bonded with everyone easily , cookies played a big role while doing so. I became very good friends with Tagitsuhime and Tagorihime as they both were incharge of taking care of me.

They were stunned at the speed I mastered everthing while Snake-sage just smiled.

I bid everyone good-bye as it was time for me to visit Mount-Myoboku . I did hand-signs and uttered "Reverse-summoning jutsu.....".


This time as I opened my eyes and looked around I saw that I was in a strange yet cool place with frog statues everywhere . As I moved forward I saw two frogs, small in size one male and another female standing at a distance and behind them were some Giagantic frogs .

As I got close ,the male frog said " You must be Ichizu-chan our Great Toad-sage told us that you will be visiting us soon. Welcome to Mount-Myoboku , I am Fukasaku one of the two elders."

"This is my wife Shima ,also one of the two elders and standing behind me are some brats whom you don't need to pay attention to.

I noded and said in a polite tone "P_l_e_a_s_u_r_e meeting you elders..."

He says " Follow me I will take you to our Great Toad-sage ". I followed him and we arrived at a huge hall with a big-old toad sitting at the highest plateform.

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