In the evening, it's rare to have leisure. Pei Ming drives his horse away from the camp to relax on his own.

The sun is about to sink in two quarters of an hour. It's all orange red. It makes half of the sky beautiful and covers the boundless field.

This is the scenery of the north that she missed. She also missed the mood when she and Xue Ting survived the most difficult days and finally relaxed.

At the beginning, they were lying side by side under the veil of heaven, with ten fingers clasped together, speechless than thousands of love words. It was the happiest time for her. Even now, she is still excited in retrospect.


When she was sad, the voice behind her interrupted her thinking. Pei Li came to send a message. Her sixth highness asked her to see her tonight.

The most instinctive reaction is to blush. Pei Ming quickly converges his emotions. "I know, it's the last time. Let him be more careful."

At this time, the sun was already in the middle of the night. She and Perry turned back together. In the dusk of the sun, she caught a glimpse of a man outside the camp looking at this side. When she was found, she quickly slipped away and couldn't distinguish her face.

Have you already been suspected of being in trouble? Who is that man and what do you want to do?

Suspicious color climbed up eyebrows, and recalled his father's set at noon, a plan suddenly sprouted, after carefully thinking about all aspects, Mou color turned and called Peili.

"There's something very important for you tonight." After that, she thought for a moment and asked in a deep voice, "what's the accuracy of your archery?"

"Not bad." Pei Li didn't think much about it, but he saw the young lady smile mysteriously. He was as clever as he could see that there would be a big fight tonight

Pei Ming, who always has a small appetite, eats a lot of supper. After all, he may have to spend a lot of energy at night. He wanted to discuss with his father, but he would not agree. He had to fight alone.

Xue tingji was also serious. He went to bed early as it was dark. Those picky pawns had a long memory. They didn't dare to provoke him any more, but they remembered this hatred and were waiting for him.

At midnight, it's time for the two patrol shifts to hand over. At this time, they are most evasive. Rao is so. Pei Ming is still watching carefully.

She deliberately bypassed Zhang Xiaowei's tent, the fire outside should be able to reflect her figure, and then stopped at the edge of the camp to make sure that there was no one left or right to slip out.

Just as she expected, Zhang Xiaowei really followed her. When she looked around, she carefully hid behind the tent. She did not catch up with her actions immediately, but vaguely saw Pei Ming look in a certain direction before her figure disappeared into the dark.

He followed his line of sight and suddenly understood something. Then he pretended to patrol and went to Xue Tingzhi's tent.

It happened that when he was about to reach the account, he just saw Xue Ting come out and quickly went back. Fortunately, he was not found.

I saw "Wang a Ye" peeping around stealthily, then crept out of the camp and looked back from time to time.

It was not easy for Zhang Xiaowei to catch up with him until he walked away. As expected, he found that he was going to see the eldest lady. Unfortunately, he could not hear their conversation clearly.

But it doesn't matter, because their actions are enough to explain the problem.

This is what he saw with his own eyes. The young lady hugged "Wang a Ye" and even kissed her!

If you think about Perry's care for the boy and the obvious partiality of the young lady yesterday, it's not hard to think of the truth.

Wang a Ye is the sixth highness in disguise!

After the shock is ecstasy, as long as the news to the prince, he made great achievements! Even if you want to take advantage of the night to evacuate, fast horse back to the imperial city.

Pei Ming and Xue tingji didn't want to be intimate at the moment. Their kiss was true, but it was not beautiful at all. Xue tingji even hesitated before kissing.

After all The experience of nosebleed is so humiliating!

Pei Ming is not so good either. When she knows someone is spying on her, she can't let go, and Xue tingji's hesitation is even more embarrassing.

In the end, they still focus on big things. They have done enough drama. Where is Perry at this time?

He is behind captain Zhang.

According to the plan, as long as it is determined that Zhang Xiaowei is meticulous, he will shoot an arrow. As for how to determine, his vision is enough.

He could not mistake Zhang Xiaowei's face. At the same time, the bow in his hand slowly opened, and the arrow with cold light was right at his heart.

Tonight's star is good, this distance can't defeat him, as long as this arrow goes out, the big lady's trouble can be solved

However, he never thought that there was someone standing behind him. At the moment when he was about to let go, the minions who often asked Xue ting for trouble suddenly yelled!

Pei Li, who was frightened, missed the arrow, only wiped Zhang Xiaowei's arm, and even nearly flew to Xue tingji. Zhang Xiaowei, who was shocked, knew that he had been exposed. He did not even look back, so he ran to the stable.

Seeing that the assassination failed, Pei Ming didn't delay. He chased after Zhang Xiaowei. Xue Ting ran faster with his legs, but he was still a step slower. Seeing Zhang Xiaowei snatch a horse and escape from the barracks, he could only chase him with his horse.Pei Li didn't have time to be annoyed. He also wanted to catch up with them, but he was caught by those people and took this good opportunity to retaliate wantonly.

"Ah, Peili, you're going to kill people, come on! Wang Anye has defected. Don't sleep and catch people! "

It turned out that they had seen Wang a Ye's suspicious behavior for a long time, so this time they were careful. As a result, they found that Pei Li was also missing in the middle of the night, so they secretly hid in the corner, waiting for Pei Li to do something bad when he wanted to do it.

I wanted to hunt for cicadas with mantis, but I didn't expect that the Yellow finch would fall into the trap of others. When I saw that things were going to be big, Pei Li couldn't manage so much. He chopped them dizzy with a knife.

At the same time, the others ran out to see the scene and surrounded Perry layer by layer. And Pei Li's eyes through the gap between the crowd, just see Zhang Xiaowei riding away figure, anxious, regardless of other people's interception, just rushed to the stables to chase out.

At that time, Pei Ming was already chasing after Zhang Xiaowei. She and Xue tingji revealed the most fatal secret. For example, they couldn't let go of this work, and they were determined to avenge their father. They didn't forget to take bow, arrow and knife.

He tried his best to drive the horse. It was so bumpy that he almost threw her down several times. His skeleton was almost scattered, but he still couldn't win the anger in his heart.

It was this man who killed her father. She had to take revenge on him. She had to do it herself!

I didn't expect that Zhang Xiaowei was a master who disguised himself as a pig and ate a tiger. He took the hidden weapon and powder to cure the enemy with him and threw it back, which directly fascinated Pei Ming's eyes.

The intense pain of the moment made her not doubt that she would be blind, but she still refused to stop and went up against the wind with the thin blade that would fly at any time.

But her eyes can't open, it's difficult to judge the direction after all, just when she is about to lose, Xue tingji catches up and blocks in front of her.

She was able to relax and remind him to be careful of the powder. Xue tingji had seen it before and was annoyed that her negligence put her at risk.

Finally catching up again, Pei Ming raised his bow and pulled man, "get out of the way!"

Zhang Xiaowei is not stupid, deliberately hiding in front of Xue tingji, let Pei Ming have no way to start, finally afraid of wrong injury can only give up.

If you can't attack from a distance, you have to fight in close combat. However, compared with Zhang Xiaowei, who has been in the army for many years, Xue tingji's physical strength is still much worse. He can only fight hard. He has got all his strength and stabbed the horse with a dagger to stimulate the fastest speed.

Finally, he rushed to the front. He quickly transferred his horse and forced Zhang Xiaowei to stop. But this was not enough. He could get around, so Pei Ming followed him and ended the chase in a more rude way.

She couldn't think of anything else. She had only one idea in her head - to push him off the horse!

Only in this way can she have a chance to win. Therefore, she didn't even have time to consider the consequences. She yanked the reins and let the horse throw its head directly. She just threw Zhang Xiaowei off the horse.

However, it was this that made her own horse lose its center of gravity and fall to the ground on its side. With her, she fell heavily on the ground from the back of a high horse

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