Even worse than the hunting, a smell of blood rushed to the exit. She endured the pain, got up and rushed to Zhang Xiaowei.

What a mess she is doing! Xue Ting panics and wants to get her on the horse, but Pei Ming ignores him and grabs Zhang Xiaowei's clothes.

It's a pity that she can't match Zhang Xiaowei's strength after all. She is defeated by Zhang Xiaowei and is strangled by him.

The neck of a weak woman can't stand the strangulation of a strong soldier. Soon Pei Ming's eyes are dark and unconscious, and Zhang Xiaowei has no scruple to kill Miss Pei, and he can make another contribution. He is waiting for him!

Before he could laugh, he was suddenly pulled apart by Xue tingji. Pei Ming, whose face was already purple, could not get up again and lay on the ground breathing heavily.

Xue tingji really wants to kill Zhang Xiaowei. When he presses him to the ground for a fatal blow, Pei Ming stops him.

She wants revenge herself!

The short knife just came in handy. She didn't give Zhang Xiaowei the chance to fight back or even speak, so she stuck it in his heart.

This ambush in Pei long-term side for many years of meticulous work, finally died in her hands.

Her red and swollen eyes were so painful that she could hardly open them. However, Pei Ming insisted on seeing him completely cut off his breath with her own eyes. One knife was not enough. She made up a lot of knives to vent her long-standing indignation.

Her father is such a good person, half his life for the country and the people, clearly did nothing wrong, but was mercilessly killed by the prince!

It was because of her father's death that she was bullied so miserably by Xue tingji that there was no one who could save her. All this was because of this traitor!

At last, she had no strength. She sat down on the ground and cried. Her tears flushed the powder out of her eyes, but it didn't hurt so much.

In the past, every time she cried, she was hiding from someone. This time, she had nowhere to hide, and she didn't want to hide. In front of Xue tingji, she cried until she was heartbroken, and then she burst into tears and laughed, even with sadness.

She got rid of the murderer beside her father. He was safe. The regret of last life was finally made up.

However, the so-called make-up can never make up for the heartbreak. Her guilt for her father will not disappear.

No matter whether she was crying or laughing, Xue Ting was very sad. She always felt that there was endless bitterness in her heart. But as a young lady, how could she have the sadness of a person who has gone through many vicissitudes?

But he didn't want to care about it. He just wanted to hold her and comfort her. Pei Ming was also very quiet in his arms. Although his choking did not subside, his tears stopped.

It's like the shackles on her heart are finally cut off, and Pei Ming suddenly relaxes. Xiaomu, Lixue, and father, who she was unable to save, are finally completed in this life.

Xue tingji played an important role in the reversal of each of them. Apart from the tears he brought in in his last life, at least he in this life and in front of him deserve her thanks.

For the first time, I sincerely put my arms around his waist and put my forehead on the place where his heart beat most strongly, so that she could rest at ease.

To embrace her in his arms after the terrifying fight, Xue Ting sighed with contentment, and when he looked up, he had no intention to see the light of the sky.

Put down the last worry, and exhausted all the physical strength, fatigue and sleepiness swept, Pei Ming lying in Xue tingji's arms drowsy.

All of a sudden, he awoke her unwittingly, "Ah Ming, look up quickly!"

She squeezed her eyes and sat up reluctantly, but she was completely stunned when she looked up.

The long screen of stars poured down and hung over the dome, reflecting a gorgeous halo in the dark sky, where the Milky Way flowed across the whole blue sky, drowning her vision.

Standing up, she was surprised at the beauty she had never seen before. Is this the meteor shower? More spectacular than she thought.

The boundless plain is connected with the dizzy starry sky, as if she is standing in the middle of the sky and the earth, and can hold the silver river with her hand.

Sitting on the ground, looking at her childish look, Xue Ting pursed the corners of her mouth, gently encircled her from behind, palms covering the back of her hands, and clasped her fingers.

"So the stars don't leak out of your fingertips."

Pei Ming laughed. "The stars are in the sky. Can you reach them?"

"Yes." He took her hand to her lips and gave her a hot kiss. Naturally, Pei Ming turned to face him and was held by him with his cheek in his hand. He said, "are you full of it in your eyes

Just now, how fierce they were when they were chasing, how soft they are now. Pei Ming knew what he was thinking and lowered his head to feel embarrassed.

The most difficult to see is her coquettishness, but also to scratch Xue Ting by heart, chasing her lips away, but she repeatedly dodged.

He is not anxious, simply gave up the chase, looked up to enjoy the meteor shower, "look a few more eyes, don't miss it."

Pei Ming didn't think much about it. He raised his head to greet her with a kiss waiting for an opportunity. In fact, didn't she really know? Xue tingji's heartbeat has long been exposed.

Wilderness, star waterfall, two people, if this scene is painted, there is no need to add ink. It's a pity that there's a corpse at their feet, which is a bit of a nuisance to the sceneryJust when they were still at their end, a large group of people came from afar. It was Pei Changyuan and Pei Li who led the people to support them. Pei Ming waved to them and hurt their side accidentally.

It seems that the fall just now was more or less caused by internal injury.

Without waiting for the horse's hooves to stop, Pei Longyuan was in a hurry to come down, "what's the matter with you?"

Pei Ming turned around obediently, "it's OK." He pointed to Zhang Xiaowei, who was horrified by his death. It was a pity that she could still laugh, "this traitor doesn't need your hands."

But Pei Changyuan was not surprised at all. Instead, he sighed with chagrin, "are you good at it? Not even me? If I hadn't chased Perry back, God knows what an accident you'd have

It's not convenient to talk outside. Pei Changyuan takes them back to the camp first. On the way, Pei Li bows his head and doesn't dare to say a word. Xue tingji comforts him for a long time. Pei Ming enjoys the night sky leisurely and doesn't worry about being scolded by his father.

After returning to the camp, Pei Changyuan hinted that Xue tingji would continue to be his "Wang Aye", and then called Pei Ming into the tent to lecture. Before he spoke, Pei Ming began to cry out, "father, I broke my bone..."

"You deserve it!" Pei Changyuan was not moved. He pointed to her nose and shook it for a long time before he laughed, "do you think being a father is a fool? You're going to have to fight for it?! In fact, I've been ambushing for a long time. "

Pei Ming is puzzled. His silly appearance amuses Pei Changyuan. He shakes his head and asks if she can see who is not there?

She just reflected that general Tan didn't follow his father, so

"And where is he?"

Pei long-term hem a smile, pointing to the direction of their return, "you want to go further two miles to see him."

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