I Have a Big Problem with My Achievement System

Chapter 288: Live-action special shot - "Armored Warriors"!

Strictly speaking, the time flow rate of the uncompleted secret realm and the plane where Daxia is located is actually different.


Even some secret realms, even if they come, are not consistent with the time flow of the plane where Daxia is located, and the closer to the center of the secret realm, the faster the time flow.


Of course, the mother continent is obviously not such a secret realm, and the flow of time varies, but not much.


In the underground city of La Happa, Ji Ruo kept filming various materials with the help of the crowd and two gods, one god.


Of course, it is serious material.


These video materials will be quietly transmitted to Ji Xiaoxiao by the shadow clone through any door.


Originally, at the beginning, Ji Xiaoxiao did all the video editing work, because he was the only one, so the efficiency was not very high.


But later, those big heart demons also gradually learned simple video editing skills and were able to do some basic editing work, so Ji Xiaoxiao simply delegated part of the editing work.


The big heart demons edited it first, and the small ones checked to see if there were any problems, and then fine-tuned if there were any.


The big heart demons are all former students of the No. 1 Martial Arts School. If they can enter the No. 1 Martial Arts School, their personal talents should not be underestimated. At first, they only helped to edit videos.


In this way, while the amount of small and small work is greatly reduced, the work efficiency is also greatly improved.


It happened that Liang Shixian wanted to find Ji Ruo, so Ji Xiaoyi summed up and decided to choose the 'start'.


The filming inside and outside of the secret is synchronized, and the filming is done while editing. Because there is a lot of material, several different versions can be edited.


After determining the final version of the script, Ji Xiaoxiao and the demons quickly completed the production of the first season and sent the sample to the media department for review.






Daxia, Yuncheng.


"Mom, I'm back!"


Hu Wang returned home covered in sweat.


"I'm back? I'm back so late, really, I'm dirty again. I'm going to take a shower and eat."


"Okay." Hu Wang put down his schoolbag, took out two big peaches from it, put them on the coffee table, and said, "Mom, I just helped Grandma Li close the stall, and Grandma Li has to thank me and give me a big bag. Fruit, I didn't plan to ask for it, but Grandma Li was very determined, so I took two peaches..."


"Nahwang is a good boy now. Grandma Li likes Nahwang very much."


"Hehehe...and also, Mom, I'm at school today..."


Hu Wang rummaged through the clothes and shared with Zhang Ping about his school life today.


Zhang Ping listened carefully while cooking, and gave some opinions from time to time.


"Do you want mom to help you take a bath?"


"No need, Mom, I've grown up and can wash by myself."


"Awang is awesome!"




After dinner, Hu Wang volunteered to wash the dishes, and then began to do his homework under the guidance of Zhang Ping.


Hu Wang originally had poor grades, but he wasn't stupid. The main reason was that the child's reaction in learning was a little slow--simply put, he couldn't turn his head around.


But that's all in the past. Now Hu Wang seems to be enlightened, and his academic performance has changed a lot.


Taking homework as an example, Zhang Ping and the others are the kind of parents who don't tell their children the answers directly. They only guide and let their children derive the answers to the questions little by little.


So in the past, tutoring Hu Wang with his homework was a very hard task. This kid was too hard-working. Even with parental tutoring, he had to do it at eleven or twelve almost every night.


Now it's much better. Hu Wang seems to have become a little smarter, and his academic performance has improved. The homework that used to be 'a lot to manage' doesn't take Hu Wang much time.


Zhang Ping finally felt the joy of tutoring homework.


"It's done!"


Hu Wang stretched and glanced at the time, it was six fifty.


"Catch up, catch up!"


Hu Wang rubbed his hands together. After finishing the housework and homework, he got the permission to watch the children's channel.


Seeing what Hu Wang was looking forward to, Zhang Ping smiled, got up, washed and peeled the two peaches, cut them into small pieces, placed them on a plate, put a toothpick and brought them over, and then accompanied Hu Wang to watch the children's channel .


These days have been going on for a while. For some special reasons, Zhang Ping doesn't have to go to work and can accompany Hu Wang at home.


She knew that Hu Wang was looking forward to the Children's Channel's "Animation DreamWorks" program at 7 o'clock every night. The cartoon currently being broadcast is...


The host's sweet voice came from the TV: "Hello everyone in front of the TV, I'm your friend, Sister Xiaolu~"


"Sister Xiaolu" did not summarize yesterday's plot as usual, so there is no speculation about today's plot.


What she is introducing today is a new... live-action special drama?


"Eh? Why isn't it "The Legend of Martial Arts"?"


Hu Wang looked at Zhang Ping blankly and asked, "Mom, what is a live-action special drama?"


"This... Mom doesn't know either." Zhang Ping said hesitantly, "But since it's on a children's channel, it should be similar to a cartoon, right?"


Hu Wang listened to the introduction of 'Sister Xiaolu' on TV, and muttered unhappily: "'Armored Warriors'? What is this? .."


With the introduction of "Sister Xiaolu", some real battle scenes are interspersed, and mysterious people wearing different handsome armors are fighting against demons.


Hu Wang was quickly attracted to his attention.


What kind of special drama is this, it seems to be better than "Legend of Martial Arts"!


Hu Wang, who had planned to change the channel, stopped.


Soon, the opening song played on the TV, interspersed with a large number of wonderful clips, accompanied by a pure music called "Pipa Into the Battle", which quickly captured the attention of the mother and son.


It is true that the opening song was well cut, but what attracted the mother and son was actually the white-haired boy who appeared from time to time in the picture——


"Boss! It's the boss!"


Hu Wang jumped up excitedly: "Mom, look, it's the boss!"


"Well, I saw it." Zhang Ping was also a little surprised, she remembered this young man.


In the previous martial arts exam, she lost her husband and her legs. If she hadn't been worried about her, Zhang Ping might not have been able to wake up from the hospital.


And when he was in a coma, it was this young man named Ji Ruo who helped him take care of Hu Wang... Later, the young man gave him a fruit of life...


In Zhang Ping's impression, Ji Ruo is a very good and amazing boy... But, did Ji Ruo go to college at this time? How long did it take to start filming?


Zhang Ping didn't want to understand, but Hu Wang had lost the thought of changing channels and stared at the TV screen with great interest.


"Awang, stay away from the TV. It's not good for your eyes to be so close."


"it is good."


Hu Wang stepped back a little, widening his eyes.


The feature film begins—




The sun is shining brightly, and the summer cicada is singing softly.


A dozen or so teenagers were walking on the forest path with mottled trees, and Ji Ruo, who was full of white hair, held a small red flag and acted as a tour guide at the forefront.


"Ji Ruo, slow down, the mountain road is shaking a little, don't fall down." Liang Shixian sighed: "You are too well prepared."


"Hey, camping, what if you don't prepare enough?"


With a small wooden stick and a marching water bottle on his waist, a net pocket and a fishing rod on his back, and goggles on his forehead... Ji Ruo laughed.


They are here to camp.


Liang Shixian took out a small notebook and said sternly: "In short, when we arrive at our destination, let's tie up the tent first, and then look for water sources, firewood..."


Before he could finish speaking, Ji Ruo had already rushed out and grabbed a unicorn with the net bag he was carrying with him.


"Look! What a big unicorn!"


Liang Shixian: "..."


He decided to ignore it for the time being and ask others first.


Ji Ruo was holding the unicorn, and was about to put it in the glass jar that he brought with him, when suddenly—


The sound of cicadas and the wind suddenly disappeared, and the voices of Liang Shixian and others discussing seemed to come from the horizon.


'Please, help me. ’


Ji Ruo was stunned for a moment.


The noisy natural sound returned again, as if everything just happened was just an illusion.


The white-haired boy scratched his head suspiciously and looked at Liang Shixian: "Squad leader, have you heard any strange noises?"


"A strange sound? No."


Ji Ruo looked left and right, and then stared at the Unicorn in the glass bottle for a while.


Suddenly, Ji Ruo whispered to Unicorn, "Did you talk to me just now? What do you want me to do for you?"


Obviously, the Unicorn did not answer.


Ji Ruo scratched his head again: "Is it an illusion?"




In the evening, the boys and girls had dinner, sat around the bonfire and chatted, sharing interesting things that happened in their lives.


Ji Ruo also laughed when she first listened to it, but for some reason, the voices of the classmates around her gradually faded away, and the wind stopped.


In the silence, Ji Ruo heard the crisp voice again.


'Anyone is fine, help me. ’


'I beg you......'


Accompanied by strange sounds, strange pictures flashed in Jiruo's horizon.


Ji Ruo shook his head and stood up in a trance.


Beside him, Liang Shixian asked in surprise, "Ji Ruo, what's wrong?"


"I, I'm a little uncomfortable. I'm going to sleep first."






The starry sky is bright, and everyone has fallen asleep.


In the tent, the plan was tossing and turning.




'The chosen hero, please, help me. ’


The starry sky falls, and time freezes in an instant.


A blue sky vortex appeared under Ji Ruo.


"So what exactly are you helping you with!"


Ji Ruo suddenly woke up and sat up, looking a little angry, but the anger didn't last long.




I do not know when the body became empty, and Ji Ruo, who had not yet reacted, suddenly fell.




The screen zooms out.


A swirl of azure blue starry sky appeared under each tent.




Ji Ruo kept falling in the tunnel like a starry sky, waving his limbs randomly, panicking.




After an unknown amount of time, Ji Ruo finally landed.


Then the plot is simple.


The New World Tim Continent, the treasure thief group, the endangered 'Golden Gem Beast', Ji Ruo was hunted down.


In order to protect the 'Golden Gem Beast', Ji Ruo pushed the 'Golden Gem Beast' away at the last minute, but unfortunately he was hit by a gun bullet.


As she was dying, Ji Ruo's bravery was recognized by the gods, her injuries were healed by the gods, and she was given a transformation belt.


Ji Ruo then transformed into, with the powerful power of the battle armor, defeated the villains of the treasure thief group, and successfully protected the golden gem beast...


This is the end of the first episode.


The plot of 'Before being summoned' takes less than five minutes, followed by the battle royale in the cave, with the help of the mouth of the golden gem beast to draw out a part of the world view, and then get the approval of the gods and transform into battle.


An episode of half an hour, the story of transformation and battle accounts for half, the rhythm is lively, with real-time changing background music, not to mention Hu Wang, even Zhang Ping, a martial artist who once served as a patrol martial artist, was deeply impressed by the plot. deeply attracted.




"Boss is amazing!"


Hu Wang's face flushed with excitement, he stood in front of the TV imitating Ji Ruo's movements, and said with a serious expression: "Transformation!"


"Red Turban: Initial Form!"




Zhang Ping wanted to laugh a little when she saw Hu Wang imitating the moves she had just planned, but then she realized that Hu Wang's movements seemed to be basic martial arts moves that had been dismantled!


Not only that, the sounds of 'hey' and 'ha' didn't seem to be shouting randomly, but in a certain rhythm... general basic breathing method?


Thinking of this, Zhang Ping stared blankly at the TV screen that was playing the ending song.


Director: Ji Ruo


Producer: Ji Ruo


Screenwriter: Ji Ruo




A similar scene happened in many families in Daxia.


Although not all children know Ji Ruo like Hu Wang, this time is the time for children to watch cartoons!


When it comes to this time, many children will stay in front of the TV, waiting for the broadcast of "Animation DreamWorks".


Although the new drama was temporarily replaced, with the help of "Sister Xiaolu", plus the trailer of the battle scene specially edited by Ji Xiaoxiao, and the opening song with a tight rhythm and ingenious style, the ratings are really not low.


Many children fell in love with 'Armored Warrior Red Turban Man' at a glance.




Mother Earth.


On the third floor of La Happa Dungeon, a simple premiere has just ended.


"So that's how the armor on your body came from!" Kevin was shocked: "It turned out to be the creation of a god, no wonder it is so powerful!"


Ji Ruo: "?"


This is so special, weren't you also participating in the filming?


Lauren murmured, "Unbelievable..."


Mine God is also a little suspicious of Shensheng: "Is this really my power? So I'm so powerful..."




Everyone said this was just filmed!


Have you forgotten the filming process just now? !


Emily and Sheila have beautiful eyes again and again~www.readwn.com~ but they didn't say anything, even when Ji Ruo looked at them, they would snort and don't look away - it's not that you didn't have you in the first episode The two of them play! Angry about this?


You two are the agents of the Lord God!


"That... Brother Kitchen God, look at this... hehe."


The God of Mines found Ji Ruo, rubbed out the golden sand with his golden palms, and said a little shyly:


"That's it, you... can you let me use the photo stone to make a copy... If you have any requirements, just mention it, and I will never frown!"


"Sword Comes"


He vaguely felt that if he could get these images, it would definitely be of great help to his mission!


Although I don't quite understand it yet, Mine God has already begun to have ideas like 'advertisement'.






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