I Have a Big Problem with My Achievement System

Chapter 289: Want to learn? Sign a contract first~

Kevin and Mine God are not fools, so why do they still believe it when they have just participated in the filming process?

They may feel that Ji Ruo's process of gaining power is probably like this, and Ji Ruo just presents it in a way that is acceptable to them.

Kevin and Lauren quietly glanced at the handsome belt around Ji Ruo's waist, and then quietly glanced at the Mine God who had been saying good things for them.

The Mine God's idea was similar, but what He thought was that Ji Ruo should be the so-called agent, and the one who gave Ji Ruo power was the Kitchen God.

Although I have never heard of the name 'Stove God' before, if Ji Ruo is really a 'God's agent'... a mere agent can hang himself, then how powerful should the real Kitchen God be?

Therefore, the mine **** suddenly became so polite, even a little humble.



Ji Ruo was happy. He originally wanted to give it to him from the beginning, but since the mine **** took the initiative to propose it, Ji Ruo couldn't give it so easily.

Of course, the so-called 'not easy to give' is only a relative term. In fact, Ji Ruo has asked the shadow clone to notify Ji Xiaoduo to cut a different version of the special drama.

And this version is specially prepared for the mine god.

"Really!" The mine **** rejoiced: "Thank you so much, your **** is so good!"

Saying that, the God of Mine is ready to take out the shadow stone that has been prepared - this shadow stone is a relatively common magic item, and its main function is to record images and sounds.

But common is common. After all, it is a magic item, and the price is not very close to the people.

Each photo stone can only record one video and audio. If you want to record a new video, you must delete the previous video, so generally only the noble class can afford it. It is said that some nobles like to use photo stones to record some daily preservation.

Of course, you can occasionally get blank or recorded photo stones in the dungeon, and most of those recorded photo stones are the daily life of some nobles - after all, the gods personally purchase them, so it is not surprising that there are special sources of purchases .

The Mine God has operated the La Hapa Underground City for many years, and it is not surprising that there is a photo stone.

However, after digging into his own divine domain for a while, his expression suddenly froze.

Only then did he realize that he didn't even have a shadow stone!

Although this thing is not cheap, it is not very useful in itself, so the mine **** didn't buy much when he "stocked".

The key is that someone suddenly came to the ninth floor. In order not to disappoint the 'adventurers', the mine **** put all the treasures in his inventory - he did not expect that the ninth floor would have visitors so soon, so he did not Not enough 'goods' prepared in advance...

After all, it is not the Daxia God, there is no concept of deposit...

The Mine God struggled for a moment, and said, "That... Kitchen God, can you lend me a photo stone? I promise with my divine personality that I will definitely return it to you!"

Ji Ruo could not laugh or cry.

This mine **** doesn't seem to be very smart.

If you think about it, it is estimated that those who believe in the mine **** are all miners with little culture. The education level of the mother continent is not high. Like the town of Rouen before, a poor man like Henry can't even write his own name.

"What to say or not to borrow, this is not a valuable thing, just give it to you directly."

The mine **** was very grateful: "Thank you, thank you so much!"

This **** is so pure.

Ji Ruo couldn't help sighing, the photo stone he owned was obviously the God of Mine, the God of Mine had just put down his front feet, and the back of the shadow clone had been put away... That's all, if Ji Ruo gave the God of Mine a few photo stones, he would also Thank you so much...  

Ji Ruo then started playing another version of "Armored Warriors".

The plan in this version is the aboriginal people of Rouen, who left their hometown to go out on their own because of their longing for the outside world.

By chance, he entered the Lahapa dungeon, encountered a crisis, and almost survived. After that, he was lucky to be recognized by the gods, obtained a battle armor, his strength soared, and all kinds of monsters in the dungeon were hanged...

Compared with the previous version, this version is more in line with the needs of the mine god, and there is no description of 'traversing' - the 'selection' in the previous version was interpreted as 'through the high-level compound type' The righteous boy randomly drawn by the magic of the mind space'.

It may sound a little ridiculous, but Kevin and the others believe it.

After all, they are "underground gods who haven't seen much of the world" and "ordinary adventurers who don't even have the skills bestowed by gods", so they have no ability to distinguish between true and false.

Sheila's mouth twitched slightly, obviously, she didn't believe it.

But it doesn't matter.

Closer to home, the new version of "Armored Warriors" has almost no plot to speak of, except for the acquisition of the "transformer", there is almost no plot to speak of, it is just playing all the way.

Of course, there are no scenes from Kevin and others. Compared with the drama, it is more like a product display advertisement.

There are very few lines in it, there is only a conversation in the paragraph "God chooses a righteous boy and gives a battle armor transforming device", and it mainly introduces the mine god.

The Mine God saw the brilliance in the eyes of a pair of gems. He was sure that if this was used as a means of publicity, the effect would be very good!

He can almost foresee the picture of his followers skyrocketing in the near future.

After the Mine God recorded all the pictures with the Photo Stone, "Mine God, how are you going to use this?"

The mine **** didn't even think about it, and blurted out: "Get more photo-taking stones, keep re-engraving the video and give it to the humans outside!"

In the mine god's view, this is the fastest and most convenient way.

However, Ji Ruo shook his head slightly and said, "It's small, the layout is small."

"Huh? How do you say it?"

Ji Ruo said: "The shadow stone needs to be motivated by magic, right? Although theoretically any creature has magic, not everyone knows how to use magic..."

The Mine God was thoughtful.

The so-called 'magic power' is actually the power generated by the body's long-term influence of the elemental force and the unconscious absorption of the elemental force.

This is actually a bit similar to the martial artist's use of spiritual energy to refine the body, but the process of martial arts training is to absorb and refine the spiritual energy in a targeted manner, and to boil the blood-although the efficiency of the Qi pulse state was not very high before, it is also better than the original of the mother continent. The passive absorption method of the residents is much stronger.

Except for magicians or some special professionals, there is no way for ordinary people to increase their magic power through hard work.

But even those professionals, the method of exercising magic power is not efficient, because the way to increase magic power, in addition to growing naturally with age, is to exhaust it again and again and wait for it to recover.

The recovery process is very mentally consuming.

Compared with Daxia, Earth Mother Continent uses power like primitive people.

Ji Ruo continued: "Also, you're better at running dungeons now, but if you send out photo-taking stones, no matter if they are useful or not, you are preaching in terms of behavior, and you are not allowed by those sects. It's just illegal preaching...what do you think will happen?"

What will happen? Of course he was expelled as a heretic!


Useless gods will be expelled as heretics - and there are only two ways to expel them, either, a small regional autonomous **** like Keres, who is hanged by sect priests or gods in front of their own believers , to forcibly collapse the faith of believers and plunder it.

Or, it is to directly kill all the believers of the "heretic".

Without faith, the gods become rootless. When the divine power is exhausted and the divine personality collapses, the gods cease to exist.

And 'it's useless', mainly refers to those gods who are fighting.

Like Mine God... can be attributed to the functional direction. If you preach illegally, you will not necessarily be 'expelled', but you may be caught and become an existence similar to the 'resource point' in the game...

Of course, the Mine God didn't know what a 'resource point' was, but that's what he meant, so he was a little flustered.

"Then what should I do? You know what to do, right? Teach me..." After speaking, the mine **** suddenly felt that it was a little bad for him to say this, and after a pause, he changed his mind and said, "Stove God, please, please. You, teach me!"

If you can't place an advertisement in your hand, who is not in a hurry to change it?

Ji Ruo heard the words, so he said with difficulty: "I have a way, you should have seen it, I am much stronger than you, and it doesn't take much effort to beat you..."

Mine God: "...Can this unimportant thing be skipped first?"

"Cough, in short, you see that I am so strong, you have never heard my name, so I must have a special way of preaching, right?" Ji Ruo officially began to fool: "Yes, I There is indeed a way to avoid risks and preach safely, but after all, this method is the foundation of my life, so let me teach you the foundation of peace...

To be honest, it’s not that I can’t teach you. After all, you and I, brother of mine god, hit it off right away, right? "

The mine **** was overjoyed when he heard the words: "Thank you..."

"But, how can I say it? It's not that we can't help, it's just that we're talking about this. It doesn't mean that we can do it. You know what I mean? It means..."

Ji Ruo rambled on Tai Chi official accents, and the mine **** was confused.

What does it mean to be able to do it, but some things can't be done if they can be done?

Help is sure to help, but what does it mean if you can't do this?

Would you like to hear what you're saying?

The Mine God looked bewildered.

Kevin couldn't take it any longer, and regardless of his arrogance, he quietly poked the Mine God, and said in a low voice, "Master God, Master Kitchen God means that you want benefits..."


Mine God suddenly realized.

Then he became embarrassed again and said: "But I have nothing else to give you... You definitely don't want gold and gems, ores and metals should be of no use to you, those things I put in the dungeon. , I don't even like me, you certainly don't like it... I don't seem to have anything to give you..."

Ji Ruo snickered in his heart, but on the surface he scolded Kevin seriously: "Nonsense! How could I be that kind of god? Brother mine god, don't listen to him, I don't want to ask for benefits, but this method It's too important to me, although I believe you won't leak it, but just in case, I think it's better to have insurance."

"What insurance?"

"Let's sign a contract, and I'll teach you after signing it."

"Contracts? Those things that humans use to make agreements? But...this is nothing to us gods...Ah! That's how it is!"

Mine God suddenly realized: "The contract is just an excuse, so that I can accept your gift with peace of mind, Brother Kitchen God, you are so kind to me!"

This **** of different gold mines, who can spawn any kind of ore veins, was very moved by Ji Ruo's approach.

Since becoming a God, it was the first time that He had met such a good God.

"I sign!"

The Mine God said solemnly: "Not only do I have to sign the contract, but I also swear by my godhead. In the future, Brother Kitchen God, if you have anything that you can use me, I will never frown whether you go up the mountain of knives or the sea of ​​fire!"

The title of [Beastmaster] is mainly for signing a master-servant contract, and in order to successfully sign a contract, three conditions need to be met.

First, both parties must be willing.

The second is that the other party cannot be a human being, that is, it cannot be the same race as Jiruo.

The third is that Ji Ruo's strength should exceed the opponent's.

Only when the above three conditions are met at the same time can a master-servant contract be signed.

So the Mine God signed a master-servant contract with Ji Ruo.

Sheila on the side blinked, she thought this contract was some mysterious power, but it turned out to be a verbal signing?

But if that's the case, why does Ji Ruo make such a big circle?

Sheila pondered for a moment, and suddenly a flash of light flashed.

There seems to be no **** in charge of contracts in the Mother Earth Continent right now!

There are covenants, but those valid covenants will specify which **** is the witness, and no **** is specifically in charge of this, because everyone can.

So, if Ji wants to steal this part of the authority?

Sheila thought.

Ji Ruo didn't know what Sheila was thinking about. After signing the contract with the mine god, Ji Ruo suddenly became more enthusiastic.

"The method is actually very simple. You split the image recorded in this shadow stone into multiple shadow stones, and then leave these shadow stones in a certain corner of each layer, and then use a magic core or something else, In short, 24 hours to activate the shadow stone to ensure that it can be played all the time, or directly create a small mechanism, once an adventurer opens the treasure chest, the shadow stone will be activated..."

Mine God asked in a daze: "Why don't you put the whole one?"

Ji Ruo explained casually: "This is the joy of chasing more, it is difficult for me to explain it to you based on your cultural level... In short, you just need to know that after the split, it can greatly increase the enthusiasm of adventurers to pass the level.... ..”

Because the contract has been signed, Ji Ruo is still very attentive and tells the mine **** many ways to advertise.

Safe and efficient!

Sheila suddenly said: "In this way, the number of believers can indeed be increased, and the professionals who are empowered can indeed have the effect of preaching, but it will also increase the chance of exposure. Suddenly there are so many professionals using the same skills. , Surely it will be investigated, right? Isn't that still exposed?"

The mine **** thinks about it, it seems to be the same!

He hurriedly looked at Ji Ruo again: "Yes, yes, this may also be exposed!"

He, who has no conventional biological brain structure, has completely given up thinking at this moment.

Ji Ruo rolled his eyes, "You're stupid, who asked you to give your power all at once? Those elemental master gods know? Will they give power directly to believers?

We can learn from them completely~www.readwn.com~ Open up a part of our divine authority for believers to pray... Well, don't use spells or anything, it's not practical, and it's easy to expose, I suggest you get it directly A spar **** card or something, store a little of your own divine power in it, so that believers can use it directly when they need it, without singing.

Then if you get a way... put it in your dungeon, as a god, you must know who your believers are, how much faith has contributed to you, and who you don't give, it's not you who said it Calculate?

The believers who get the crystal card will be more devout, and at the same time, as a hole card, they will also subconsciously keep secrets for you, you just need to guide you a little..."

The Mine God was shocked: "Is this still possible?!"



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