I Have a Big Problem with My Achievement System

Chapter 290: Faith Trading · Divine Power 0 sale!

Kevin's expression changed suddenly, he quickly knelt down with his five brothers, kept kowtowing and begging for forgiveness.

He listened to it with gusto just now, but now he suddenly came to his senses—is this something he can listen to casually?

This is two gods discussing missionary matters!

If they each have a sect, then this thing is religious simmi. Kevin and the brothers are just ordinary adventurers. Knowing this kind of thing, how many lives are not enough to lose!

"You are..."

Lauren was surprised at first, and then reacted, with a pale face, and hurriedly knelt down.

"Please don't kill me, Lord God, I won't say anything!"

The mine **** is unknown. So, you are my precious believers in the future. Who is going to kill you?

"Haha, you are smart." Ji Ruo chuckled: "However, knowing our big secret, do you think it's over just by kowtowing and admitting your mistake?"

"I don't want to die, I don't want to die!"

Several people were immediately scared to tears: "Please, your honorable Kitchen God, don't kill me, I really don't want to die!"

Sheila heard the words and said faintly, "What's wrong with dying?"

The Mine God hurriedly said, "Brother Kitchen God, don't..."

Ji coughed a few times and said coldly, "You guys are lucky today. Now that the Mine God is starting its business, it is the time when manpower is needed. If you don't want to die, why don't you hurry up to praise the Mine God and pray to become the Mine God's believers?"

Several people suddenly seemed to have caught a life-saving straw, and frantically prayed to the mine god.

The effect of this kind of face-to-face prayer is quite good, and the Mine God didn't intend to refuse, and directly established a religious connection with several people.

Ji Ruo said: "Next, let's finalize the details, so that these mortals will not listen, let's go over there and talk."

"Good good!"

The Mine God nodded and said to Kevin and the others who were kneeling on the ground: "Don't leave, wait here, wait for me to discuss with the Kitchen God brothers, and then come back to give you strength..."

Kevin and others were overjoyed.

Could this be a windfall? !


After a while, not only the mine god, but even Sheila had an expression of doubt about life.

"You, how did you come up with this method? Or is it all the people on your side?"

Sheila said in disbelief: "This is too dark!"

After finalizing the system of 'only believers can get the divine crystal card', Ji Ruo roughly improved the conditions for obtaining the divine crystal card.

Taking the divine power contained in a divine crystal card as the standard, when a pan-believer provides the **** with the same amount of useful faith power about twenty times (that is, the power of faith can be converted into an amount sufficient to make twenty divine crystal cards) in equal proportions. , you can get a **** crystal card, and use this as a medium to temporarily borrow part of the power of gods. .

It looks a little dark in this way, but it's not over yet.

Ji Ruo then proposed a 'believer grade membership system'.

Ordinary believers can obtain a divine crystal card by providing fifteen to twenty copies of the power of faith.

True believers, provide ten to fourteen copies of the power of faith to obtain a divine crystal card.

Mad believers, three to nine shares of the power of faith...

Saints, one or two servings...

Even the saints who can act as agents and carry the will of the gods cannot be exchanged one-to-one!

"What is black?" Ji Ruo was not happy, "The main function of the divine crystal card is to carry divine power, and divine power is possessed only by gods, although the source is the power of faith, but as gods, we can give them free work? Always earn some!

And if you think about it carefully, compared to other gods, no matter how long you pray, there may not be a response. If we directly list the price, is it much better than them? "

"It seems... it's really good."

Honest God Mine thought for a moment and agreed with Ji Ruo's point of view.

Ji Ruoyi spread his hands: "Really? For example, if you send a message to other gods, they will not love you back. But we are different. We clearly mark the price, but as long as the standard is met, we will issue the **** crystal card. Think about it, which is better for believers?"

"But we are gods, how can we... be so humble." Sheila gritted her teeth: "If you ask for it, don't you become a slave of mankind!"

"Eh~ What gods are not gods." Ji Ruoyi shrugged: "To earn faith, it's not shabby. If you want to be safe, you have to illegally preach and collect faith... It's good to have a way, but what face is needed?

Asking so much, why don't you be a god? "

Honest God Mine thought for a while and nodded slightly: "It makes sense."

Sheila took a deep breath and reluctantly said calmly: "Okay, I admit that your method has a certain feasibility, and if it can really spread, it can indeed ensure safety, but do you know that there is a fatal factor in your plan? Defects?"

"What flaw?"

Sheila sneered: "How can you guarantee that the beliefs of those possible believers are all beliefs in the mine god?"

"You said this," Ji Ruo said, "Why do you think I want to split the contents of the shadow stone? Put a shadow stone on each floor, isn't the information in the shadow stone used for guidance.

In most cases, when people encounter danger, when their beliefs are the purest, we first give them a little thought through the photo stone, so that when they encounter danger, they will subconsciously desire to gain powerful power in panic. , or hoping that someone strong can save him.

Do you think that if an adventurer suddenly encounters a powerful monster after watching the picture of the 'protagonist' who has obtained the battle armor of the gods in the photo stone, he suddenly encounters a powerful monster, and he can't defeat or escape with all his means. At this time, he will What will the probability do? "

Sheila was stunned for a moment, and said: "There is a high probability... I will pray to the **** in the image who gave the 'protagonist' powerful armor..."


Ji Ruoyi clapped his hands: "If at this moment, the adventurer 'coincidentally' got an inferior divine crystal card and used it to turn defeat into victory, what would he do?"

"Will... be grateful for the blessings of the gods..."

"So, with the Photo Stone, we don't need to take the initiative to contact believers at all, and believers don't know that they believe in us. The relationship between us and believers has changed from a one-way transparency to a two-way secret transaction: people With faith, buy power from gods.

The gods get the belief they want, and the believers also get the power they want, and more importantly, the belief relationship between the believers and the gods will be simplified..."

Ji Ruo raised his chin: "I call it - 'Faith Trading · Divine Power Retail'!"

Sheila and the mine **** were stunned.

"Ji Ruo...you're a genius!"

Sheila said subconsciously.

She was also interested~www.readwn.com~ and Ji Ruo discussed other details, and the more they chatted, the more excited she became.

Emily... Eating sweet-scented osmanthus cake next to her.

Otherwise, what else can we do? She couldn't interrupt again.


------off topic-----

Push the book: "Six ears taught me fairy art, I realized the power of the gods to control prison"

Introduction: "From today onwards, I will call you Disciple, you will call me Senior, only the reality of Master and Disciple, but without the name of Master and Disciple, there is no cause and effect."

"I teach you the supreme cultivation method. With your talent for meditation, not to mention Sun Wukong, Tathagata Laoer, Jade Emperor Laoer are nothing."

"Thank you senior!"

"You don't need to be too polite!"

Shi Li was reborn in Journey to the West and came to the node of the Monkey King, the real and fake Monkey King, and became the son of a robber, and Sun Wukong inexplicably became the enemy who killed his father.

On the day of the death of his father and mother, Shi Li came to his father's and mother's grave, thinking of putting a stick of incense on his father and mother, but the dead six-eared macaque unexpectedly jumped out.

Shi Li originally thought that he had reached the path of longevity that everyone yearned for.

However, who knows, the reality is often too cruel and real, what kind of **** road this has become a legend and a symbol.

Whether the heaven and earth are not benevolent, or the heart of heaven is merciful,

Birth, death, and restoration are the basic laws of all things in the universe, called Tao.

But the way of heaven is fair to all things, to all living beings, and even to the way of gods, Buddhas, demons, and demons.

So in heaven and earth, all living beings are evolving, they are struggling for survival, forming various cause and effect.

As life multiplies, this struggle for survival becomes more and more intense, and contradictions break out under the induction of a certain factor, which is called robbery.

Starting from the Journey to the West, the First Tribulation of Chaos, the Ancestral Tribulation of the Dragon and Han Dynasty, the Battle of the Lich, the Battle of the Conferred God...

Is all this a reincarnation or an end!

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