Under the command of the bishop, the believers chanted the name of eternal truth, stepped on the dislocated space, and started a carpet-like search.


The bishop's breathing became more and more difficult. He was too old. This is how he carried the power of gods in a mortal body. The stronger the power, the greater the damage to himself.


Although the gods have the ability to minimize this kind of damage in theory, no gods would do that—it is already a great gift for mortals to use their own power, so why bother?


And not everyone can obtain this kind of power, unless it is an agent with a high natural affinity, or they can apply for it only if they have a certain degree of piety—that’s all, it depends on whether the gods are happy or not. .....


The bishop's vision began to blur, and the figure floating in the sky was shaky.


"Great eternal truth, I have to leave first, in order to let your gaze stay longer, I need to add..."


The eyes of truth slowly closed, and the bishop dragged his old body and flew towards the church.




"It's strange, this time I only have one eye, and I can't even count as a clone. Why does it feel more difficult than last time?"


Under the ground, Ji Ruo threw the shoes several times in a row, and the direction the toes pointed to was very strange, and the feedback to Ji Ruo from [Line of Intuition] was also very confusing, and the white line twisted into a twist in the void... .


If it is just a matter of one person, there is no problem. After all, he has already practiced the Eight Extremes Heaven in the 'Steel Polar Region'. Although he has not yet reached the perfection, he has also exercised enough flexibility to walk on the ground at any angle.


The key is that now there is not only one person, but if he can run, other people can't.


The space is chaotic, and it is impossible to even open any door and run away.


The chaotic space will make the transmission of any door deviate. If you go in rashly, it is equivalent to actively entering the turbulent flow of space.


It's okay to go back to Daxia. The teleportation of the same plane only involves space, and the interplanetary plane involves time and space. They are two different gears. The spatial confusion of the initial teleportation point will have a certain impact, but it is not big.




What is it like to run to the house when you encounter some difficulties?


So Ji Ruo didn't plan to run.


"Last time?" Sheila said, "Have you played against the truth before? But this is normal. The truth itself has no exact form, or that he has all the forms, and each form has the ability that the form is good at, even in the Among the gods, truth is also a very special existence, born in people's exploration of the world..."


Ji Ruo was a little surprised to hear this. Could it be that Sheila didn't know that the truth was one of the incarnations of the **** of law, Charles?


Emily said angrily: "I was really startled just now, Sheila, can you inform me in advance when you cast this kind of magic next time?"


Just now, the situation is urgent, everything has lost its due color, and everything has turned into the most primitive and simple lines. Seeing that the situation is not good, Sheila uses the talent of her agent to activate non-singing magic, and the soil turns into a huge wave. In an instant, several people were covered and a hole was formed, and several people were moved to the depths of the ground.


Not only that, the edge of the cave is also wrapped by a special breath, which seems to be able to isolate the perception.


"If it wasn't for my quick reaction, you would have been muddled by the old man's eyes just now!" Sheila said coldly.


Emily scratched her head.


Liang Shixian said curiously: "By the way, Sheila, what kind of magic did you use just now? I was buried before I could react. It's amazing."


"Necromantic spell, burial." Sheila introduced proudly: "This is one of my favorite spells, the dead energy it produces can isolate most shielding methods and cover up the vitality in the tomb, no matter whether it is used To store things or to escape, it is very useful.


Sometimes when the weather is too hot or you really can't find a place to live, you can also use it as a temporary shelter, but the underground humidity is heavy, and living for a long time is not good for your health..."


Liang Shixian was shocked: "Burial technique?! You use burial to store things?! No, you usually live in this kind of place?!"


Not to mention Liang Shixian, even Ji Ruo was shocked: "You are a dignified representative, you don't even have a place to live?!"


"Isn't there?" Sheila blushed for the first time: "Besides, being an agent doesn't mean that I have to be rich, God doesn't need to eat and drink, I need it... "


Sheila muttered, followed by some incomprehensible words.


Something like "living in a tomb doesn't cost money, and at the same time increases your proficiency in burial techniques", and "as a necromancer, it's normal to live in a tomb", etc., which made Ji Ruo laugh.


Emily also laughed out loud. Sheila couldn't hold it any longer and said angrily, "Why are you laughing? Where do you usually live!"


Emily blinked: "I live in the emerald palace in the Elf Forest, what's the matter?"


"Ah this..." Sheila opened her mouth wide.


The atmosphere suddenly became awkward.


Seeing this, Liang Shixian quickly changed the subject: "By the way, Ji Ruo, what should we do next?"


He touched the twisted earth wall, and even the hand he stretched out was twisted into a curious look in the space. He quickly retracted his hand and said, "It seems that it is not easy to leave the ground."


Ji Ruo thought about it and said, "It's easy to handle, Sheila, your basement should be able to move freely, right?"


"What basement, this is a tomb, a tomb!"


"Eh, it's almost the same, can you move?"




"That's good, let's go this way."


"Over there?" Sheila was stunned for a moment: "Isn't that the direction of the Church of Truth? What are you going to do, throw yourself into the net?"


Ji Ruo smiled mysteriously: "What do you know, the most dangerous place is the safest place. Now they are all out to chase us, there is probably no one in the church, let's go back and see if we can contact the truth and ask Him again. A bounty."






After a while, under the control of Sheila, the simple mobile tomb came to the bottom of the church.


"Are we really going up?"


"It's all here, so how can there be a fake?" Ji Ruo patted Sheila on the shoulder and encouraged, "Go up, while there's no one on it."


"......All right."


Sheila swallowed her saliva, and while she was worried, she also had a vague feeling of anticipation in her heart.


To be honest, even as the agent of the **** of death, this is the first time she has experienced such a thing.


Sheila even felt that compared to herself, Ji Ruocai was more like a necromancer—using flying needles as bows and arrows, slimes as bombs... In short, if people do nothing, they do nothing. what!


Sheila controlled the tomb to rise slowly.


"Those believers never imagined that we would come back again!" Ji Ruo said proudly: "And with my relationship with the truth, how could my bounty be only ten gold coins? It must be these guys who are secretly greedy for ink, this time we will directly Look for the truth, and there is no middleman to make the difference!"


Several people:"......"


What does it mean 'with your relationship with the truth, the bounty won't be so low'?


What have you done to the truth?


God, there is no middleman to make the difference...


There are so many flaws that even Liang Shixian doesn't know where to vomit.








While slowly ascending the dome of the tomb, a petite human-shaped skeleton suddenly fell, scaring Emily.


"This is?"


"It's a female skeleton." Sheila analyzed with a professional eye: "Looking at the body shape and the shape of the pelvis, it should be an unmanned girl..."

Before he finished speaking, the skeleton seemed to be affected by the dead aura of the tomb, and a ferocious human-shaped phantom condensed from the skeleton, roaring and rushing towards several people.


"What a strong resentment!" Sheila frowned, and she surrendered the girl's resentment with a wave of her staff.


Ji Ruo: "..."


While saying that the opponent is strong, he will surrender the opponent at will... he can play.


The resentful spirit was pinched into an illusory ball of light by Sheila. Inside the ball of light, the originally charming face became hideous and terrifying due to the strong resentment.


Before his death, he did not know what cruel torture he suffered. After he incarnated as a resentful spirit, he had no consciousness at all. He kept roaring and roaring, and his eyes were not clear at all, but full of resentment and hatred.


Sheila frowned deeply.


On the bones, there are traces of necromancy.


It's just that this is the underground of the Church of Truth, how can there be resentful spirits?


This is not a Necronomicon... There is no special church for Necromancers.


Just as he was thinking, another skeleton fell from the ascending tomb.


As the burial chamber continued to rise, more and more skeletons fell.


As a necromancer, Sheila is very professional. Although these skeletons are all women, they are not all unmanned girls.






The dying cardinal entered a hidden underground cell through a secret passage in the church.


On both sides of the passage, there are dozens of cells, and in each cell there are one or several women who are not fully clothed. Their eyes are dull, and their bodies exude a strange smell.


The bishop frowned and entered a cell at will.


He sang in a low voice, the eyes of truth between his eyebrows were completely closed, and he began to exude a strong sense of death.


On the ground of the cell, the ritual that had been prepared was activated by death energy.


Because the process is too bloody, the details of the ceremony will not be repeated too much.


In short, the bishop's tiger teeth suddenly extended out of his lips, and his pupils turned scarlet.


The blood of the women in the center of the ceremony was drawn from their bodies and absorbed by the bishop, and the bishop himself also regained his youth little by little in the process.


"Not enough, not enough..."


The bishop murmured.


This time the consumption is too great, a cell can't completely make up for it, and if the protection is not complete, he will have to borrow the power of eternal truth. He needs to save some 'life force'.


He walked to the next cell.




"I heard that places like this where many people often stay are usually built on mass graves. Will it be..."


The subtle voice sounded, and the bishop was stunned for a moment.


"How could the mass graves be all the bones of young girls? There must be something wrong with this church!"


"This is... the skeleton of the elf..."


The ground in front of the bishop suddenly swelled up several large bags, and skeletons emerged from the ground.


Then the bishop saw a familiar touch of white in the bones.


"Huh? Someone..." Ji Ruo's senses swept away, and his face instantly turned gloomy: "I saw it wrong, it's not a human, it's a beast!"


The bishop was overjoyed: "I actually brought it to my door by myself. God helped me!"


"Help your uncle!"


The ground exploded, and Ji Ruo jumped up from the pit with a face full of anger.


The pupil of truth printed on the center of the bishop's eyebrows suddenly opened, divine light shot out, and with the power of truth, he built a prison of truth, intending to catch him alive.


"The great eternal truth will reward me!"


Ji Ruo's shadows flowed around, and the three shadow clones were placed in different places in the blink of an eye, filling the light, and carrying the camera's anti-camera.


Ji Ruo himself summoned a transformation belt in mid-air, roared lowly, and completed the transformation in the radiance of light.


When the prison of truth hit the light, it was actually stuck three feet away by the light of Ji Ruo's transformation. When the light dissipated, Ji Ruo's whole person was wrapped in handsome armor, and the prison of truth was reopened. start to fall.


"Fairy Wood"


The bishop was slightly surprised.


Ji Ruo had already slapped both hands, and the Wanhua arsenal on his wrist surged and reorganized, turning into a giant sword that was nearly one meter wide and two meters long!


Wanhua Arsenal · Divine Sword Form!


This is a divine sword made with the body of a clone of truth. For the sake of his own image, Ji Ruo thoughtfully attached a layer of metal casing after it was finished.


It's just that due to the limited size of Wanhua's arsenal, there is not much memory metal left after the hilt is changed to wrap the truth's feet, so the blade is translucent, and the sleeping **** inside is faintly visible.




Truth and truth collide, and eternity confronts eternity.


The bishop's expression changed from ecstasy to contempt, and then from contempt to astonishment.


In just an instant, the prison of truth was cut in half from bottom to top by the great sword of Ji Ruo.


This is also normal. After all, one side is the avatar of the god, and the other side is only part of the power of the projection of consciousness. No matter how you look at it, Ji Ruo's 'Divine Sword' is stronger.


However, Ji Ruo's 'Divine Sword' was not unscathed. After all, the Divine Sword form was not added to the Wanhua arsenal for a long time. Although the strength has increased, it is still not as good as the God of Truth.


The layer of translucent metal shell outside the sword body was smashed by the prison of truth, revealing the sleeping avatar of truth inside.


The bishop's pupils trembled, and all three pupils trembled.


Although he mainly believes in the Eye of Truth, as a member of the Truth Sect, how could he not know the human form of his own god?


"Eternal truth?!"


The bishop fell silent.


Sheila and the others climbed out of the big pit that Ji Ruo had knocked out one after another, seeing the scene in the dungeon. As a necromancer, Sheila couldn't help but surge up with anger.


"Blood evil reincarnation against fate?!" Sheila scolded: "You scum! It is because of the existence of scum like you that the world has such a big prejudice against our necromancer!"


She waved her staff and chanted for the first time.


The urgent and mysterious incantation condensed into substance, manifesting one after another of pitch-black incantations, clinging to the dozens of pitiful skeletons.


The resentful spirits roared and flew out, merging with their skeletons. They took off their ribs, turned them into sharp weapons with the help of the Shira technique, and charged towards the bishop with a silent roar.


"Go! Use the power I gave you to take revenge!"


Emily is also very angry, because among the bones, there are compatriots of the elves.


If it wasn't for her not being good at fighting, I'm afraid she would have rushed up at this moment.


Liang Shixian rushed out, broke open the prison doors with tyrannical physical strength, and rescued the panicked girls in the door one by one, lest these poor people be affected by the battle.


Emily sang the magic of life and healed the miserable girls rescued by Liang Shixian one by one.


Physical wounds can be healed, but spiritually—


Liang Shixian looked at the bishop angrily, and Ji Ruo suddenly threw his fourth-dimensional pocket over.


"Squad leader, there are some clothes and quilts in there, help to take them, don't let the young ladies catch a cold." Ji Ruo Shenjian was stationed, raised his foot and stepped on the chin of the sleeping God of Truth, and the icy mask was murderous. Yi: "This way, leave it to me!"


Liang Shixian nodded vigorously: "Okay!"




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