"You **** heretic, how dare you—"

The bishop was furious. The **** he believed in was trampled underfoot like this. Although he 'knows' it wasn't true, it also made him so angry.

The pupil of truth shot out the divine light again, but it was different from the last time. After the divine light appeared this time, it did not attack the plan, but in turn wrapped the bishop.

The bishop was bathed in divine light, and his face that had just recovered a little became old again.

The divine light rolled back, emitted from the pupil of true vision between the eyebrows, and penetrated into the bishop's original facial features.

The bishop's thin body swelled up like a balloon, and in an instant he turned into a muscular giant.

The red robe that originally looked very loose was now completely tensed, and even a muscle shock could shatter the red robe, revealing a muscular body.

Although his face is old, he is unusually strong.

His body is so huge that even this tunnel can't accommodate his body.


At this moment, the bishop only felt that his body was full of strength, and his heart was filled with pride. He couldn't help but take a stance. He pushed his palms to the sides, pushing the tunnel walls away, and abruptly pushed out a body that was large enough to accommodate his current figure. space to come.


After the divine light turned the bishop into a giant, it was not over yet, and it overflowed from his limbs, condensing into a set of golden armor on his body surface, which was extraordinary.

"How dare you insult eternal truth! Heretics, you be damned!"

The bishop gritted his teeth.

The skeleton soldiers summoned by Sheila roared to kill the bishop, wrapped in the strong resentment of his life.

They were wrapped in pitch-black incantations, which temporarily greatly enhanced the strength of their bones, or finger claws, or ribs, which became extremely sharp under the blessing of the incantations.

Before they were alive, they were powerless to resist, but after death, they gained the power of revenge.

The bishop said coldly: "There are also filthy necromancers, who are indeed heretics, filthy and filthy!"

"Go away!"

The bishop roared violently, without a flashy straight punch, the terrifying force was unexpectedly setting off a gust of wind in this small dungeon, and the skeletons were unstoppable and fell apart on the spot.

"Now, it's your turn!" the bishop growled: "Insulting eternal truth, you, **** it!"

Saying that, the bishop rushed towards Ji Ruo, his huge body and terrifying power like a humanoid tyrannosaurus, forcibly opening the dungeon space, his heavy footsteps like a life-threatening war drum.

The double impact of vision and mind, those sluggish girls finally had a little look in their eyes.

Even though they were already desperate, they were still afraid.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, we will protect you." Liang Shixian quickly reassured: "I promise, you will not be hurt any more."

Emily's healing magic can only heal her injuries, but can't counteract her exhaustion and hunger. Fortunately, Ji Ruo's four-dimensional pocket kept a lot of delicious food. Liang Shixian took out the delicious food and distributed it to the frightened girls.

Sheila was not surprised to see the skeleton girls being defeated, her spells were not that simple.

Ji Ruo's face was covered with a stern faceplate, making it difficult for others to see his expression. Facing the violent bishop, Ji Ruo didn't care about him, holding swords in both hands, and suddenly there was a symphony of gold and iron in his body. A phantom of Star Swirl made up of sharp metal rocks appeared behind him.

The divine sword was swung like a door smashed!

boom! !

The bishop came fast and went back faster, and there was still a strong disbelief on his face while flying backwards.

Ji Ruo sneered: "Scare me, I thought you were strong, that's all?"

The bishop is deeply embedded in the wall, and his face is full of doubts about life. How can the power of this pagan be stronger than that of him who has been blessed by the gods? !

"This is impossible!"

The bishop struggled to get up.

However, Ji Ruo didn't give him a chance, with his true essence as a supplement, mobilizing his body, holding the divine sword high was a blow to smash Mount Hua.


The surging air waves surged up, the divine sword slashed out a terrifying wind pressure, and the pure power slashed out a huge wind blade!

The entire dungeon was cut open by a sword, and even the church above was affected, causing some buildings to collapse.

Ji Ruo danced a sword flower, raised his foot again and stepped on the sleeping god's chin, and sneered: "What's impossible? The sword has no sharp edge, and it's too clever to work. It's because you have little knowledge, don't say it's impossible. "

How dare you compare your strength with the 'Star Swirl Realm Reserve Real Star Warrior'?

The bishop was slashed into the depths of the ground, and numerous fine wounds were cut on the surface of his body by countless broken wind blades, and his expression was horrified.

Is this the power that human beings can possess? !

The eye of truth branded on the center of his eyebrows constantly draws out the bishop's vitality, and there is a feeling of turning from illusion to reality.

The damage taken is largely negated.

"They are here!"

"How dare you destroy the church!"

"Catch them!"

"For the truth!"

Because the movement of the dungeon being cut open was too great, it attracted the believers above.

They didn't even think about whether they could beat it or not, and rushed towards this place in a swarm.

Ji Ruo is getting ready to start.

As soon as Sheila's staff was lifted, the scattered skeletons flew into the air. With the help of the black incantation, more than a dozen skeletons merged into one, turning into a ferocious skeleton beast.

With anger in Sheila's eyes, she slowly lifted off into the body of the skeleton beast.

"Come on, let's shred these bad guys who have bullied you!"

She controlled the skeleton beast and began to attack the truth believers.

The truth followers are not simple things. Although they are not as strong as cardinals, as regular believers, each of them is a professional, and because "truth" is all-encompassing, their strengths are also different.

When they cooperated with each other, they actually caused a lot of trouble to the skeleton beast.

The young ladies and sisters who were still alive shivered. Liang Shixian thought they were afraid because they saw the scum who hurt them. It took a while to realize that they were afraid of Sheila, who controlled the skeleton beast.

"Cough, don't be afraid, sisters, we are here to save you, don't look at Sheila, she is actually a good necromancer."

Liang Shixian said dryly, in fact, his first impression was that Sheila was a bit of a jerk. After all, they didn't get along for a long time, and Ji Ruo was worried that it would cause unnecessary trouble, so he did not tell Liang Shixian the true identities of Sheila and Emily for the time being.

The skeletal beast and the cultists fought each other. For a while, neither of them could do anything about the other. Liang Shixian wanted to help, but he couldn't worry about these young ladies.

On the other side, the bishop has climbed out of the deep pit, the pupil of truth branded between his eyebrows has been fully opened, and his face has become even older.

After realizing that he could not be a scheming opponent by strength alone, the bishop changed his tactics.

He was panting heavily, his hands slammed on the ground, the power of the earth veins was stirred by divine power, and the rich earth elements condensed into a figure of earth and stone knights, with the constantly emerging earth thorns, attacking like a plan.

Although the bishop himself is not a magician, but as a cardinal of the Church of Truth, and at this moment carries the power of the Eye of Truth, in a sense, he is more difficult to deal with than a magician.

Because the magician needs to cast a spell to cast magic, but the bishop does not.

Everything that the Eye of Reality sees is real, and everything is truth. When Eternal Truth temporarily grants this power to mortals, then mortals can rely on imagination to make the pictures in their minds through the power of the Eye of Reality. Be real!

Fall for the cause!

High winds, torrential rains, thunderstorms, sky fires, earth movements...

The complex elemental forces are intertwined into an icy murderous intent, and Ji Ruo seems to be fighting against the entire world.

They turn into various elemental knights, and cooperate closely with each other. If they miss a hit, they will become elemental attacks again, and they will react with other elements to spawn random attacks such as freezing, explosion, overload, electrocution, and poisonous gas. form.

Ji Ruo swung the Divine Sword in an airtight manner, blocking a large number of attacks, but the rain soaked the quilt on the sword's body, and the Divine Sword's body suddenly shivered and woke up leisurely.

"My God...Damn outsider, you—"

When he woke up, he found that the God of Truth, who had become a weapon in the hands of the enemy, had his nose crooked with anger, raised his finger and pointed at Ji Ruo, and his trembling words were unreasonable.

The bishop shouted: "Great eternal truth, humble Bunir offers you the most sincere greetings, please rest assured, I will definitely save you from the hands of this heretic!"

The God of Truth ignored Bunir, whose feet were bound by the hilt of the Wanhua arsenal, and because of the characteristics of the [Great Inventor], he has integrated with the Wanhua arsenal, and even the quilt has become his. part, so He couldn't escape.

However, his hands were not bound. At this moment, he was like a big caterpillar, bent down the 'sword body', and slammed his fists towards Ji Ruo.

"Damn it! What is this? Let go of this god!"

Ji Ruo was dodging the attacks of the elemental knights, and at the same time dodging the backlash of his own divine sword.

Liang Shixian and Emily, who were watching the battle, felt their brains buzzing.

It was enough to shock them that Ji Ruo made a **** into a sword. At this moment, the sword came alive and attacked Ji Ruo with the enemy?

Liang Shixian murmured, "I knew this guy was unreliable, how could that kind of thing be used as a weapon..."

"That's not necessarily true." Emily expressed a different opinion on this, and said solemnly: "Some of the similar situations I have seen have happened. It is just the so-called divine artifact has a spirit. If the spirit of the artifact and the master cannot be unified, If you use it forcibly, the tool spirit will eat the master."

Liang Shixian: "..."

On the other hand, Ji Ruo was also annoyed by the awakened God of Truth, but now is not the time to educate weapons, so Ji Ruo flicked his wrist and released the 'Wanhua Arsenal Divine Sword Form'.

So the God of Truth was fissioned and reorganized in this way, and in an instant, it reverted to the original bracelet form.

Even if he used to be a god, he is now only one of the forms of Wanhua's arsenal. Unless Ji Ruo dismantles it himself, there is no way to escape Ji Ruo's control with just his clone.

"It seems that there is no way to use the divine sword in a short time, tsk... Let's wait for him to transform for a while."

The bishop was furious: "Here! Where did you hide the eternal truth?! Damn it, let go of my god!"

His fantasy turned into a real magic attack through the pupil of truth, and the attack became more and more fierce because of anger.

The things around Ji Ruo began to line up again, the bishop moved his fingers, and the environment changed rapidly, and there was almost no place for Ji Ruo to stand.


Faced with this situation, Ji Ruo took a deep breath, hugged her body in front of her with one hand and stretched out the other hand back, her body slumped slightly.


Condensed white air flowed out from Jiruo's visor.

Ji Ruo rushed towards the bishop.

For a time, neither elemental force nor unpredictable strange terrain could stop Ji Ruo's footsteps.

He is like a breeze, ignoring the complexity of the terrain and traversing quickly.

Like walking on the ground!

The bishop was shocked to find that Ji Ruo had disappeared from his line of sight, and even the pupil of truth could not capture Ji Ruo's figure.

In the vision of the Eye of Truth, you can only see the things in front of you are blurred a little bit, falling into darkness, as if blocked by clouds.

The fantasy attack he launched with the help of the Eye of Truth made muffled noises in the dark clouds, like dull thunder in the clouds.

Bajitian·Steel Sunda·Invisible!

"Broken the sheath."

The strong wind blew Ji Ruo's whisper, and the bishop was a little dazed.

The next moment, the dark clouds dissipated, Ji Ruo did not know when he appeared in front of the bishop, and stabbed his palm towards the bishop.

But there was no stab, Ji Ruo's thorn palm stopped a meter away.

The bishop wanted to say something, but could only make a 'ho~ho~' sound.

Only then did he realize that his throat had been penetrated by the gust of wind just now.

Ji Ruocai's high-speed assault actually caused the air to extend into a blade, penetrating the bishop's throat!

"Humph! Scumbag!"

Ji Ruo snorted coldly, swung the knife in his palm, and controlled the scabbard qi blade to cut the bishop's throat, and the blood on the qi blade threw a **** ripple on the ground.

The bishop's eyes remained horrified, clutching his throat, staggering back, and fell to the ground.

Ji Ruo turned around and looked up. Sheila wasn't finished yet, and the skeleton beast looked terrifying. In fact, the fighting ability didn't seem to be very strong.

In the end, it was just the bones of an ordinary girl, and even with the blessing of incantation, it was no match for the joint siege of hundreds of believers.

Ji Ruo bends her knees slightly and intends to jump up to help.

Liang Shixian exclaimed, "Be careful! That guy isn't dead yet!"

Ji Ruo was surprised. He had just jumped halfway and felt that his legs were being grabbed by someone, and a huge force was coming. Ji Ruo ignored it for a while, and was slammed down by the bishop who had only half of his neck left.

After that, the throat that the bishop was holding quickly healed, the pupil of truth between the eyebrows began to crystallize, and a large number of elemental blades appeared in the void, falling towards the place where Ji Ruo fell like falling rain.


Liang Shixian scolded angrily and was about to go over to help.

The bishop suddenly opened his arms: "The great eternal truth, your will, will be implemented!"

Liang Shixian felt a peculiar force blowing towards his face, causing the blood in his body to suddenly become extremely restless.

Fortunately, this kind of restlessness is still within the tolerance range, and Liang Shixian did not intend to control it.

But suddenly there was a cry of pain behind him, and the blood vessels on the tortured girls suddenly bulged, as if many insects were crawling in them.

The bishop growled: "It is your honor to be the medium for the coming of eternal truth!"

The girls were terrified, and there were even a few with poor physique. The blood vessels had begun to burst, and the dark red blood was constantly flying towards the bishop.

"No! Please, don't!"

"I don't want to die yet!"

The girls were crying, begging, and suffering.

Emily continued to cast healing techniques to help heal her. She had no fighting ability and couldn't do anything except cast healing techniques.

Liang Shixian frowned and roared, "I said, I will protect you!"

He stood in front of the girls, opened his arms, and his eyes were wide open!

"Iron! Cloth! Shirt!"

Liang Shixian's skin seems to be transformed into black iron~www.readwn.com~ is very tough.

"Gold! Bell! Hood!"

The golden bell-shaped air hood condensed on its body, and then the air hood opened and turned into a golden barrier, blocking the girls from behind.

The effects of the girls were isolated and the pain subsided.

Facing the bishop's power alone, Liang Shixian's qi and blood ran wild, and his veins throbbed violently.

"You can never hurt them again!!!"



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