I Have a Big Problem with My Achievement System

Chapter 296: Vajra Armor - Integrate!

Liang Shixian originally practiced the 'Yi Wu Dao', and he only needed to open up five Qi channels.

However, some time ago, Shan Shenmu was promoted to Tongtian Jianmu, and there were many new types of spiritual fruits that could be produced.

And before the promotion, Shanshenmu, with the help of the Department of Agriculture and the Department of Medicine, was able to adapt the attributes of the Spirit Fruit to a certain extent.

After promotion, this ability is even stronger.

Not to mention the rest, the potion with the pulp-washing fruit as the main material has been upgraded to version 4.0, and it can already have an effect on the martial artist's Qi meridian.

Although at present, the production cost of this kind of medicine is still a bit high... The main reason is that the configuration process is a bit complicated, and there is no way to mass-produce it for the time being, and to carry out large-scale promotion, but due to the relationship between Liang Shixian and Ji Ruo, Tongtian Jianmu Aiwu and Wu, various new medicines Liang Shixian can also be used early.

The main function of this new type of marrow-washing medicine is to help open up Qi channels—simply put, it can greatly reduce the difficulty of practicing the ‘Body Martial Dao’.

It is almost foreseeable that in the near future, if the pharmaceutical company makes another breakthrough, the price of the new marrow washing medicine will inevitably plummet.

The boundary between the Martial Apprentice Realm and the Qi Pulse Realm will become blurred.


Closer to home.

Although Liang Shixian is still in the Qi pulse state, his Qi pulse has been opened up by 80 to 90% due to the large amount of medicines Ji Xiaoxiao helped to apply and his own hard work, and it will not be long before he gathers Dantian Xingxuan.

At this moment, in order to protect the girls behind him, he endured the bishop's blood curse alone, and his blood became extremely violent.

Fortunately, Liang Shixian majored in hard skills, and although the blood rage was uncomfortable, it was not unbearable.

Although it looks a bit miserable, there will be no major problems for the time being.


Liang Shixian gasped heavily, his iron cloth shirt had already reached the level of 'pure blue', and he was only one step away from 'superiority'.

If it weren't for the "superiority" that was different from the previous level, it was not achieved by just a lot of practice and the supply of medicinal liquids, Liang Shixian's iron cloth shirt had already broken through.

He is not like Ji Ruo with the help of the system teacher, every effort will not be let down, and his martial arts proficiency can be seen to grow.

In this short period of time, Liang Shixian was able to raise the iron cloth shirt to the level of 'pure blue', and even mastered the golden bell hood by analogy, which is evident in his talent.

At this moment, because he resisted the blood curse, his blood was running wild, and the accumulated medicinal power in his body that had not been completely refined due to the large amount of medicine taken during this period of time was being rapidly refined.

There is no more regularity between the runaway qi and blood, and the qi hood condensed by the golden bell hood becomes shaky because of this.

Liang Shixian gritted his teeth and insisted.

Under normal circumstances, the qi and blood of hard gong tend to run thickly and slowly, but at this moment, the situation is completely opposite.

So much so that Liang Shixian's iron cloth shirt, which had reached the state of perfection, suddenly turned a strange crimson on the dark iron skin.

Liang Shixian's breathing became heavier and heavier, slow to tyrannical, and this change actually made Liang Shixian feel a little different in his heart.

"Defense is power!"

Liang Shixian suddenly realized that he no longer suppressed this runaway.

The black iron skin instantly turned crimson, and the blood-colored steam rose.

"Whoo—it's so hot!"

Blood beads oozing out of the pores instantly escaped from Liang Shixian's body and flew towards the bishop.

The air hood condensed by the golden bell hood, the diamond indestructible magic taught by Ji Ruo, and the iron cloth shirt that is undergoing some kind of mutation...

The body-protecting qi trained by the Indestructible King Kong merged with the golden bell hood, contracted suddenly, and merged into Liang Shixian's limbs.

The sound of the symphony of gold and iron rang out from Liang Shixian's flesh and blood, as if a piece of fine iron was being tempered.

More and more blood escaped from Liang Shixian's body, and his body quickly became thin.

Suddenly, Liang Shixian felt a strange force slowly surrounding him, pure and concise.

His consciousness has begun to blur, and that power has kept the final clarity for him.

In a trance, someone seemed to be asking him softly what he wanted to do with this power.

Liang Shixian subconsciously thought of Ji Ruo's handsome armor, and how gorgeous he was when he transformed.

"If I can, I also want a set of armor like Ji Ruo..." Liang Shixian thought subconsciously.

The next moment, a golden-red belt was condensed around his waist.

"King Kong!" Liang Shixian was so blessed, he smashed his fists together, and shouted: "Forge the body!"

The energy of the King Kong melts into the flesh and bones, tempering the internal organs!

The medicinal power accumulated in the body was refined by the runaway qi and blood, making the qi and blood even more violent, rampaging, and rushing through the gates in an extremely crazy state.

"Transformation - body!"


The girls who were guarded by Liang Shixian stared at Liang Shixian's back, and their hearts were shaken.

They know very well what Liang Shixian is doing now.

Previously, the power of the blood curse was scattered on them, and they couldn't bear it, but now, Liang Shixian is using his own power to resist the power of the blood curse for them.

Because the power to hurt them was blocked by Liang Shixian, they would be safe and sound.

The rich blood-colored steam emerging from Liang Shixian's body, the distorted skin, turned into a red complexion...

A strange feeling rose in their hearts.

They had long been desperate, and even their parents had not protected them. For a little money, or even a word from the Church of Truth, they could give them away.

Those sanctimonious believers never protected them, they just kept persecuting, persecuting, and persecuting again.

In contrast, Liang Shixian and them just met by chance, and they didn't even know each other's names.

In order to protect them, Liang Shixian was able to stand in front of them, using his thin flesh and blood to resist the power like a god...

Endure great pain, but keep silent

How can these persecuted girls not be moved? How not to be shocked? How not to... yearn!

But they can't do anything now. The long-term imprisonment has made them extremely weak. In the face of the bishop's god-like might, they don't even have the courage to stand up.

But... always do something!

"come on."

A girl suddenly whispered.

"come on!"

The other girl's voice was firm.

"Come on!!!"

The girls cheered for Liang Shixian loudly. This is all they can do.

Liang Shixian's increasingly thin back became tall and stalwart in their eyes.

Hope, born out of despair, possesses unparalleled power.

That unusually pure faith condensed—

Except for the roaring sound of qi and blood in his body, Liang Shixian, whose qi and blood were running wild, could no longer hear anything else.

He is at an unusually critical moment at the moment. Although the bishop's blood curse continues to hurt him, to a certain extent, isn't it helping him to hone his martial arts?

Qi veins were violently opened up, and although Liang Shixian couldn't hear the cheers of the girls, the pure faith contained in them, the hope born in despair, broke the boundary between illusion and reality.

The girls wanted to help Liang Shixian, and the power of hope turned into faith, and Liang Shixian began to gather the power of faith.

Seeing this, Emily was slightly taken aback.

This belief is pure and pure, and it can even temporarily reach the quality comparable to a saint, but since the girls are just cheering for Liang Shixian, there is no other fantasy.

Because it is single, it is pure.

But also because of the singleness, there is no way to ignite the fire for Liang Shixian and condense a specific godhead.

As a visitor, Emily decided to guide Liang Shixian a little.

Emily's cherry lips opened and closed, and a soft voice sounded in Liang Shixian's sea of ​​consciousness.

"What do you want to do with these beliefs? You can do it if you want."

Liang Shixian whispered subconsciously: "If I can, I also want a set of armor like Ji Ruo, it looks so handsome..."

Emily: "???"

And because Liang Shixian had a specific idea, the power of belief that gathered in him had a goal and flocked to Liang Shixian's waist.

A gold-red belt was condensed and formed.

Emily: "..."

You don't use such a good opportunity to ignite the divine fire to condense the godhead, you just want a transformation belt? !

In the next moment, several martial arts that Liang Shixian majored in were united under strong pressure, and Ji Ruo taught him the Indestructible King Kong Technique that went straight to the second realm, King Kong Body Forging!

Not only that, Liang Shixian also reached the peak of the Qi pulse state by the way, and the dantian Xingxuan in his body was beginning to take shape.

"Transformation - body!"

Liang Shixian shouted violently, dazzling colorful lights flickered, and battle armor phantoms appeared around Liang Shixian.

Liang Shixian was blessed to the heart: "Vajra armor! Fit!"

In the next moment, the armor was combined and the transformation was completed. With the blessing of the Vajra armor, the bishop's blood curse could no longer have any effect on Liang Shixian.

However, Liang Shixian had no energy left, and he fell into a coma with his arms outstretched to protect his back.

Although Emily felt that it was a pity that Liang Shixian failed to ignite the fire, she couldn't help but take a few more glances at Liang Shixian's diamond armor.

"Although...it's really handsome, I also want a set..."



Because of Liang Shixian's obstruction, the bishop sucked a few drops of blood with the blood curse for a long time. Moreover, it was the waste blood that Liang Shixian excreted during his body training, and there was no way to supplement his vitality.

The desperate bishop has reached the limit of age, and if he can't be replenished, he will be drained by the Eye of Truth!

Although his faith is firm, he does not want to die yet.

Moreover, he has not yet completed the task assigned by the eternal truth...

"Damn heretics, just watch over those untouchables!" the bishop roared: "For the great eternal truth, everyone, now is the time for you to dedicate to it!

Don't worry, your sacrifice will not be in vain, you will be the cornerstone of the eternal truth, and the eternal truth will reward us, let us go to his kingdom of God! "

When the believers who were fighting with Sheila heard the words, most of them did not hesitate and shouted: "For eternal truth!"

Then he gave up his resistance and let the bishop's blood curse draw his blood away, turning into a mummified corpse with a frenzied expression.

But there are still a few who prefer to live rather than contribute to the gods.

Just, useless.

The pupil of truth branded on the bishop's eyebrows has completely crystallized, but because of this, the bishop's vitality is almost exhausted, which is why he is so crazy.

The small group of believers who don't want to dedicate themselves can't resist the power of the bishop's blood curse at this moment.

No matter how unwilling it is, it's useless, you can only watch the blood in your body leave your body in despair.

Looking at the **** rain that carried the vast vitality, the bishop's original eyes flashed with brilliance.


Sheila sneered: "Is it a bit too contemptible to use necromantic magic to replenish vitality in front of me?"

"What are you doing!" The bishop's expression changed.

"Make it clear, here, I'm the only necromancer!"

Sheila said, using magic to seize control of the rain of blood.

"Do not!"

The bishop widened his eyes.

Because of the existence of Liang Shixian on the girl's side, his blood curse can't absorb anything.

Above, the rain of blood squeezed out of the believers was seized by the professional necromancer Sheila, and hovered in the void, with no intention of falling.

The Eye of Truth does not care about the life and death of the bishop, and once the ceremony begins, it will not stop.

Feeling the rapid passing of his vitality, the bishop was terrified: "No! No! Great eternal truth, I am your most devout believer, you can't do this to me!"

Eternal truth does not answer.

The Eye of Truth is completely crystallized.

The bishop's vitality was also exhausted, his expression was sluggish, and when the wind blew, the old body turned into countless fly ash and dissipated.

And the pupil of truth, because it lost the human body that carried it, no one could control it after it came, and it couldn't even do the simplest floating, and it fell down.

"Bah bah bah!"

At this time, Ji Ruo pushed aside the gravel on his body, got up from the ruins, and muttered softly, "It seems that the air tightness needs to be improved... Huh?"

A crystallized divine pupil fell freely and fell at Ji Ruo's feet.

Ji Ruo's gaze followed the crystallized pupil until it smashed into the dust.

"This is......"

Divine Consciousness swept around, Ji Ruo scratched his head: "It's over? All the equipment has been dropped, it should be over, right?"

After thinking about it, Ji Ruo bent down and picked up the crystallized divine pupil, which reflected countless knowledge, and it made people feel relaxed and happy just by looking at it.

Ji Ruo held the crystallized divine pupil in front of her, and squinted one eye to look into it: "I didn't expect, I didn't expect that the eyes of this fellow truth, glaucoma and cataract are so serious, tsk tsk, and astigmatism, it looks like a degree It's not too low..."

Countless knowledge flows in the crystallized divine pupil, trying to seduce him.

Ji Ruo thought about it for a while, and walked towards Liang Shixian while holding the crystallized pupil.

"Yeah, squad leader, you're pretty handsome!" Ji Ruo patted Liang Shixian on the shoulder: "It's just a little worse than mine, not bad..."


Liang Shixian maintained that posture~www.readwn.com~ fell on his back.

Ji Ruo: "???"

In this situation, could it be the legendary touch porcelain? !


------off topic-----

Push the book: "Brother Huangtian Emperor is also reborn"

Introduction: Shi Yi, a man with heavy pupils, was reborn. Just when he decided to leave no regrets in this life and not follow the old path, the bear boy suddenly ran over and asked in a milky voice, "Brother, look at the piece on my chest." Does the bone resemble the supreme bone?

Shi Yi was stunned, something seemed wrong!

It seems that the younger brother of Tiandi has also been reborn!


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