Half an hour later, Liang Shixian woke up leisurely.

"What are you doing!"

After first awakening, Liang Shixian was stunned.

Emily, Sheila, Ji Ruo, three people squatted beside him... next to the lower part of the body.

And is staring at his waist...

Liang Shixian was frightened, and hurriedly shrank back: "Where are you looking!"

"Cough, squad leader, don't misunderstand." Ji Shixu coughed, pointed to Liang Shixian's waist, and said, "We are mainly looking at this, not other places."

Liang Shixian bowed his head in doubt. He didn't feel any foreign objects on his body, but after bowing his head, he saw a golden belt around his waist.

The belt was constantly switching between the illusory and the real—mainly because the illusory state accounted for more.

Liang Shixian suddenly felt that he had established a special connection with the belt.

The memory of just now flooded into his mind, and Liang Shixian was stunned: "This is my transformation belt?!"

Ji Ruo was noncommittal: "It is estimated that it is."

Emily said seriously, "It's true that I can transform."

Sheila looked strange: "Strictly speaking, this should be your godhead... This is the first time I've seen an external godhead, tsk tsk."

"What godhead? What are you talking about, why can't I understand?" Liang Shixian raised his hand subconsciously and touched the illusory belt. The moment his palm touched the belt, it turned into reality, allowing Liang Shixian to touch the reality. The touch: "Isn't this the Vajra armor? After the transformation, it seems that the hard skills I have learned can be temporarily integrated, and the power can be superimposed..."

Liang Shixian carefully recalled the situation just now: "It's just that the speed will be slightly reduced, but it won't affect much—"

"Vajra armor! Fit!"

Liang Shixian suddenly stood up, put on a weird pose and screamed and transformed.

After the splendid brilliance, the heavy golden-red armor wrapped Liang Shixian, and he said excitedly: "If you think about it! Do you have a mirror in your treasure bag? A full-length mirror, hurry up, take it out and let me see it. Look, my armor is handsome!"

Ji Ruo smiled and took out a large mirror from the fourth dimension pocket.

Liang Shixian looked at his armor image in the mirror.

The main color of his diamond armor is gold and red, with silver and black embellishments.

This suit of armor is the embodiment of his own strength. The golden color probably comes from the golden bell hood and the indestructible power of the King Kong, and the red color seems to be related to the iron cloth shirt that is superb.

The armor is majestic and brave, and the whole body is full of solid and heavy feeling. The wrist is a combination of beads and a tight hoop, the shoulder armor is similar to the image of the ancient beacon tower in Daxia, and the back is square, like the rear of an engineering equipment...

If it is said that Ji Ruo is light armor, then Liang Shixian's is heavy armor.

The more he looked, the more satisfied he became. He didn't feel the slightest composure. He showed a saucy pose in front of the mirror. At this time, Liang Shixian, unlike the monitor, was more like a child who got a favorite toy.

"Ji Ruo, isn't my diamond armor handsome?" Liang Shixian asked hehe.

"Handsome!" Ji Ruo gave a thumbs up: "Your style matches the monitor!"


Liang Shixian knocked on his heavy breastplate and made dull noises. No matter how he looked at it, he was satisfied.

Sheila and Emily looked at each other subconsciously and clenched their fists quietly.

Really handsome!

They also want a set of...

At this time, Liang Shixian suddenly felt a strong sense of dizziness, and the diamond armor collapsed into countless light dust.

A strong sense of dizziness made Liang Shixian fall to the ground.

Seeing this, Ji Ruo quickly took out a lot of spiritual fruit from the pocket of the fourth dimension, and whether it was useful or not, he stuffed them all into Liang Shixian, saying: "Squad leader, you are consuming too much, take a rest first and eat some spiritual fruit supplements. Make up your body."

Emily and Sheila checked for help, and the latter said, "Liang Shixian, your body's compatibility with belief in divine power is still a little low, and your transformation can't last long...

Your Vajra armor is different from Ji Ruo's. "


Liang Shixian suddenly became anxious: "What do you mean? I will be like this in the future when I transform? It's only a few minutes at a time, it's too..."

"Not really," Sheila shook her head: "The main reason is that you were affected by the blood curse before, and after condensing your beliefs, you didn't choose to condense the godhead... The conventional godhead consumes too much.

And your diamond armor can integrate your abilities, although I don't know much about it, but since it was not integrated before the transformation, there is probably some conflict between those abilities.

If you can solve this problem and integrate what you have learned, you should be able to last longer after the transformation. "

Liang Shixian thought thoughtfully: "So why did I condense my beliefs and godheads? I have no impression."

"This... look behind you."


Liang Shixian looked back and saw the twenty or so ragged little sisters looking at him with concern.

Liang Shixian: "???"

Ji Ruo patted Liang Shixian on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Squad leader, it's amazing, I lost myself in the cheers of the little sisters.

Liang Shixian's face turned red, and he was speechless.

"No, I, no, ahem..."

"Since Liang Shixian has woken up, let's start cleaning the battlefield, those poor girls haven't returned home yet." Sheila stood up and said, "I'll deal with those corpses, Liang Shixian, I'll leave it to you, after all, it's you believers."

"Ah this..." Liang Shixian scratched his head.

Ji Ruo blinked and said, "Come on, squad leader! Although I didn't see it, you must have been handsome just now! I'll prepare a present for you first."

Having said that, Ji Ruo took out a small cartoon-style box from the pocket of the fourth dimension, and went to the side to fiddle with it.

This small box is a physical reward for the achievement of the [Great Inventor]. It is called [The Great Inventor's Toolbox]. There are various gadgets in it, all of which tend to be cartoon-style and look pretty good. Lovely.

Of course, cuteness is cuteness, but functionality is not discounted at all. The utility knife inside looks like a 50 cents utility knife in the canteen, which can cut 'everything' and is extremely sharp.

It's just that this utility knife can't be used for fighting, because it can't cause any damage to living beings, it can only be used to cut materials, and it must be a material that is self-conscious and self-conscious.

In addition to utility knives, there are screwdrivers, vices, small hammers...whatever.

There are a lot of practical tools, so there are a lot of small red flowers required for the exchange. In order to exchange, Ji Ruo's small red flowers have bottomed out again - he has no more than ten small red flowers in stock.

Ji Ruo took out a utility knife, cut the crystalized divine pupil he had just picked up, and polished it with whetstone and sandpaper, and began to invent.

The crystallized divine pupil is Liang Shixian's trophy. If Liang Shixian hadn't disregarded his own safety and carried the bishop's blood curse, once it was replenished, no one could predict what kind of terrifying power the crystallized divine pupil would burst out.

But speaking, Ji Ruo looked up.

The blood rain was still suspended in mid-air, like a blood-colored cloud.

Sheila also helped to block a part of it, so they both had a share of the spoils.

Strictly speaking, it was Sheila and Liang Shixian who gave the bishop the fatal blow.

The situation at that time was probably equivalent to the bishop's plan to enlarge the move, but his own mp was not enough, so the hp came to collect... Later, the hp was not enough, the bishop planned to borrow a little from others, but he didn't get it, so he was drained by the big move. ......

This story tells us, don't be too presumptuous, it's useless. What if there is a big move? Not letting it go is not in vain.

Ji Ruo's own firework palm technique in the human world has not been able to produce a complete set of 'fireworks' until now.

The power is strong, but it's useless if you can't fight it.

"Sheila, you have a share of the spoils. I'm going to make something fun, do you want it?"

"Fun? Of course!"


Ji Ruo continued to lower his head and fiddle.

On the other side, Liang Shixian and the little sisters stared at each other.

Although the young ladies are in ragged clothes, they have been imprisoned and abused for so long, and many things have long been neglected.

But just now Liang Shixian gave them hope. Now that the crisis is over, they feel ashamed in front of Liang Shixian.

Liang Shixian didn't know what to say for a while. Although he has been the squad leader for so many years, he is quite experienced in this area, but the situation seems to be a little wrong...

Both sides stared at each other.

"Miss, you, cough... Why don't you put on your clothes. Why don't you wear the clothes I gave you just now?"

A young girl said cautiously, "We, we're afraid of getting your clothes dirty, we don't deserve to wear such clean and beautiful clothes..."


Liang Shixian scratched his head.

He took out these clothes from Ji Ruo's fourth-dimensional pocket. Ji Ruo himself doesn't have any good-looking clothes, except for training clothes, which are sports clothes, mainly to facilitate activities.

As for being pretty or something, it has something to do with sportswear?

Liang Shixian said, "Ahem, anyway, let's get to know each other first, my name is Liang Shixian..."


The skeleton beast lay down its huge body, and the entire body suddenly fell apart. Thousands of bones were scattered and reorganized, turning into petite little skeletons again.

"I avenged you." Sheila said, "The wicked have already received their due."

The dark green soul fire danced in the eye sockets of the skeletons.

"You want to repay me?" Sheila was a little surprised, then she waved her hand and said, "No, no, don't look at me as a necromancer. In fact, I still respect the dead, and your sleep is the greatest reward for me."

The skeletons looked at each other in dismay, and then the soul fire jumped again.

Sheila was stunned for a moment.

"Want to be my strength? You don't have to do this, I really... um, if this is your will..."

She quietly glanced at the direction where Liang Shixian was, and suddenly said to the skeletons in a low voice, "Have you seen that guy's armor just now? If you can, you can fight side by side with me in this way in the future."

"Yes, it is faith. That is to say, your situation is rather special. To be honest, I have rarely seen resentful spirits like you... Of course, if I can, I would rather not meet you. Wanting to become such a ghost is really...

However, it's all over, and no one will hurt you in the future... In terms of styles, neither of them suits me well. Ji Ruo's set looks good, but I can't talk to him either. The same ah... let me ask him to help design? "

Sheila thought for a moment: "In this way, I want to bury you. You can follow me in the form of a spirit body."

Afterwards, Sheila waved her staff to cast magic and built tombs for the girl skeletons.

The girl skeletons looked at Sheila silently, with soul fire in their eyes, as if thanking Sheila.

Then, they turned around and walked into the tomb, where they chose to sleep forever.

However, they did not sleep completely. After the skeleton body fell asleep, the resentful spirit broke away from the body and gathered into a dark green flame in Sheila's hand.

Then, under Sheila's operation, the dark green flame 'burned' a transformation belt around Sheila's waist...


"Two shapes, um, almost there, just one for men and one for women."

After completing the invention, Ji Ruo tried it out.

The effect is very good.

"Squad leader, here are your spoils."


Liang Shixian took over the black-rimmed glasses.

There are many strange patterns on the lens, and the visibility does not seem to be very high.

"Quickly put it on and try it out." Ji Ruo urged.

"All right."

Liang Shixian didn't hesitate and put on black-rimmed glasses.

Then, something miraculous happened.

After putting on the glasses, everything showed some information in Liang Shixian's eyes.

Liang Shixian was stunned for a moment and looked at Ji Ruo.

The black-rimmed glasses immediately gave feedback, and a few lines of small words appeared on the top of Ji Ruo's head:

【Name: Ji Ruo (Stove God)】

【Race: Human (God)】

【Location: Daxia】

【Relationship: Best friend】

"If you count..."

At this moment, Sheila came over: "Ji Ruo, I also have a belt, can you help me design the image of the armor?"

Liang Shixian looked at Sheila subconsciously—

[Name: Olivina Sheila (The Human Body of the Goddess of Death)]

【Race: Human (God)】

【Attribution: Mother Earth Continent】

【Relationship: Unknown】


[Name: Emily (the human body of the goddess of nature and life)]

[Race: Elf (God)]

【Attribution: Mother Earth Continent · Forest of Elves】

【Relationship: Unknown】


"Ji Ruo, these glasses..." Liang Shixian said, "I seem to have seen something incredible..."

"Is the function of this [real glasses] not bad?" Ji Ruo introduced Liang Shixian, "It can see part of the real information of the target, and the scope of the displayed information can be customized. The presentation of some information needs to meet certain conditions, and then the information The integrity of the situation mainly depends on the strength of both parties and whether the other party has taken precautions.

In addition to the normal form of black-rimmed glasses, there is also the form of a telescope. You can see the picture you want to see by consuming real yuan. Although this function is not perfect and the success rate is not very high, it can still be used. "

"No, Ji Ruo, am I dazzled..." Liang Shixian said, "You seem to be a god? And Sheila and Emily seem to be..."

Good guy, I thought everyone was ordinary people, but three out of the four were human beings, and I was the only ordinary person, the other three were actually gods!

"Yeah, we are all gods." Ji Ruo didn't hide it, "Theoretically, you are a **** now... Well, Sheila, this pair is yours~www.readwn.com~ battle. If A, what style do you want?"

Ji Ruo is not surprised that Sheila has a transformation belt. As the human body of the goddess of death, it seems that it is not difficult to get a transformation belt.

"I think......"

Sheila began to make demands.

Liang Shixian glanced at Sheila's belt blankly, then lowered his head and summoned his own belt, and looked intently——

[Name: King Kong Armor Summoner (External Godhead)]

[Attribution: Liang Shixian (Vajra Armor Summoner) (Unique)]

[Divine Power: 28 (↑)]

Liang Shixian pushed the glasses and felt that they were quite useful.

He looked at the group of ragged little sisters again. Perhaps it was because of Liang Shixian's previous life-saving protection and the huge gap in strength between the two sides. In short, the information of the little sisters is very detailed, but there are two strange things——

[Attribution: Vajra Armor Summoner (Unique) (Life and Death) (Faith of Hope)]

[Identity: Member of the exclusive harem of the Summoner of King Kong Armor]

Liang Shixian: "???"

Ji Ruo laughed.

In other words, Liang Shixian couldn't see his own information, otherwise he would be able to see that in his identity introduction, there was a line "Master of the Harem", which Ji Ruo added casually...

Liang Shixian still didn't understand what was going on, blushed, and scuffled with Ji Ruo in anger: "Can you be serious, change it for me quickly!"



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