I Have a Big Problem with My Achievement System

Chapter 298: Liang Shixian: Let's part here

There is a big problem with my achievement system 298, Liang Shixian: Let's separate here

Under the strong request of Liang Shixian, Ji Ruo slightly modified the setting of [Real Glasses] with a screwdriver and a small hammer, and Liang Shixian let Ji Ruo go.

The crystallized pupils were cut and polished into four lenses by Ji Ruo, the larger two were made into Liang Shixian's black-rimmed glasses, and the smaller ones were made a pair of rimless glasses with the same special effects for Sheila.

Although Sheila is also very satisfied with the appearance of the rimless glasses, in contrast, the design of the new armor is more important.

So Ji Ruo began to help Sheila design a battle armor style.

According to Sheila's request, first of all, the armor must look good, handsome and cool!

Secondly, the colors should not be too bright - Sheila is also a necromancer anyway and prefers some darker colors, and Ji Ruo's proposal for pink armor was rejected on the spot.

Then, there must be some necromancer-related elements on the armor, but not disgusting, scary, or curious.

Moreover, although dark colors are required, the style of the armor should not be too heavy... It is best to be able to recognize death at a glance, but not feel fear and disgust...

"Of course, it would be great if a special vitality could be shown through the depiction and outline of the elements of death!"

Sheila asked enthusiastically.

Ji Ruo: "..."

Good guy, you are the legendary 'Party A', aren't you?

Through the depiction and outline of the elements of death, show a special vitality? Can't make people feel fear and disgust?

Dark but not heavy?

Just say you want colorful black!

Everyone gathered together and thought hard according to Sheila's request. The ragged young ladies were even fainted by Sheila's request.

Ji Ruo pondered for a moment, and suddenly a flash of light flashed, and he picked up a brush to paint.

Although he hadn't studied painting in detail, as a martial artist, Ji Ruo's control over his body had already been meticulous. In addition, this was only a sketch, and the quality requirements were not very high. After a while, a self-cultivation armor appeared on the paper.

"Here, see if you're satisfied."

Sheila took it and couldn't help but her eyes brightened, and she fell in love with it at a glance: "This is good! I'll change it according to this!"

Saying that, Sheila couldn't help but get up.

"Undead Armor - Fusion!"

The ethereal voice that belonged to a necromancer sounded, and Sheila, without a teacher, actually made a huge 'transformation special effect' by herself.

Intricate magic patterns appeared on the ground ten meters around Sheila and quickly lit up.

A majestic tomb rose from the ground, the nameless tombstone suddenly cracked, and dozens of gloomy chains were projected in the void, blocking the space.

The ethereal and beautiful banshee flew out of the tomb and sang sad songs around Sheila, as if resentful and relieved.

The strange thing is that the tune and lyrics are so sad, but they sound inexplicably exciting.

For example, living in a desperate situation for a long time, dying in depression, suffering grievances and finally repenting.


Sheila opened her arms, and the beautiful banshee took the armor from the tomb and fused with Sheila.

The undead armor designed by Ji Ruo looks like a set of black and purple leather armor, mainly inspired by the 'Tian Delina' in the Iron Armor.

At the joints of the armor, there are small protective gear in the shape of white bones, and the shoulder pads are the image of two inverted hand bones. Of course, the chest is also held up...cough.

The external breastplate looks like a rib relief, but it is thinner than the regular ribs, and it looks strangely cute.

Mainly black and purple, with a slightly cartoonish white skeleton embossed embellishment, it looks mysterious, noble and evil.

With the feeling of death, the cool handsome was replaced by the evil charm, and Sheila's request was basically completed, even better than she thought.

As for the special vitality...

Cough, this part is completely supported by Sheila's figure...

All in all, Ji Ruo completed Sheila's commission, and it was even perfect.

So, after Liang Shixian, the stinky armor summoner in front of the full-length mirror that Ji Ruo took out has another Sheila...

Sheila is satisfied with how her armor looks, especially her self-made 'transformation special effects'.

The process is a little longer, but I have to say, it is really handsome!

Presumably, Ji Ruo's "transformation special effect" with only simple sound and light effects is nothing at all!

"How? Are you alright?"

"That's too good!" Sheila was overjoyed: "Thank you for thinking, you are really amazing!"


Sheila couldn't wait to 'hehehaha', drinking and punching. Although there were no rules, it also had some kind of beauty.

Ji Ruo smiled a little weird.

Looking at Sheila like this, I'm afraid that I don't want to switch to melee combat in the future?

But think about it, all the armors are integrated, what skills do you use remotely?

Emily looked at Sheila eagerly, "hehehaha", her eyes full of envy.

At this moment, the most uncomfortable person present was Emily.

Now all three of the team have their own armor, but she doesn't. She is pouting and looking unhappy at the moment.

"You ask the goddess of nature to help you get a transformation belt. This kind of thing should not be difficult for the goddess of nature, right?" Ji Ruo said.

"No!" Emily pouted: "Why are yours given by others, I have to do it myself! No, I also want others to sincerely thank me and be willing to be my strength!"

Ji Ruo didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Okay, okay."

That's right, but Ji Ruo thinks this should just be an excuse. When it's time to borrow the power of the Goddess of Nature, Emily will definitely borrow it.

She just needs a reason, and it's fine to be able to live on face.

Liang Shixian pulled Ji Ruo and whispered, "Ji Ruo, you are the Kitchen God, how do you deal with your believers?"

"Deal with it?" Ji Ruo was stunned for a moment.

Liang Shixian scratched his head and whispered, "Cough, sorry, sorry, I said the wrong thing. I mean, what about these young ladies?

They have become my followers now, so I can't just leave them alone, right?

They are all girls and have no ability to protect themselves. If we leave, if they encounter bad people in the future...

It is not appropriate for us to keep guarding them, and it is not convenient to take them away, so I just want to ask you, where are your believers? If it is convenient, can you let them go too, okay? "

Ji Ruo asked, "What if my followers hurt them?"

Liang Shixian: "Damn, I can't believe others, but I can't believe you. Although I haven't met your believers, and I don't know when you became a god, I believe that those who can believe in you are definitely not bad people. They I am also relieved to live with your followers in Jiruo.

But there is one thing to trouble you. If you tell your followers, that is, what happened to the ladies before... In short, they should have a better life..."

After a pause, Liang Shixian said again: "Of course, don't get me wrong if you plan, I'm not asking you to help conceal this matter, I just try not to cause secondary harm to them.

"The Guard is Here"

If possible, I hope they can be treated tenderly, find someone who loves them, get married and have children, and live a happy life..."

Ji Ruo smiled.

"I'd love to promise you, squad leader, but they can't live with my followers."

"Ah? Why?" Liang Shixian didn't react at once: "Do your believers have this aspect of cleanliness? Well, I have indeed heard that most people have this aspect of cleanliness... That can bless them a little bit. Is it? Ji If you also know that the kind of life in the past was not chosen by them, they were forced..."

Ji Ruo didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Monitor, what are you learning every day? What kind of cleanliness?"

Liang Shixian: "?"

Ji Ruo raised his hand and lightly tapped between his eyebrows.

Immediately, dozens of human-shaped lights and shadows projected from Ji Ruo's eyebrows and stood behind Ji Ruo.

As soon as Henry and the others came out, they said loudly, "Lord Kitchen God, I don't despise them!"

"Yes! Lord Kitchen God, they can live with us, we don't mind!"

"They are so pitiful! What kind of **** is the Church of Truth, bah, not even as good as Kyris!"

Ji Ruo smiled and scolded: "Go, go, you don't mind if I still mind, the ladies and sisters are still alive, how can I live with you?"

Henry and the others immediately scratched their heads and smirked.

Liang Shixian stared blankly at the group of people behind Ji Ruo.

"Jiruo, your believers..."

"That's why I'm wanted." Ji Ruo shrugged, "The **** scum I made into a sword killed them."

Old Lauder hurriedly said: "Lord Kitchen God, we don't blame you, don't say such things again!"

"Okay, I won't say it anymore."

Then, Henry and others told Liang Shixian about the situation at that time.

When it comes to Ji Ruo fighting a **** to the death for them, he was very excited. Liang Shixian thought it was hard to accept the death of so many people, but Henry and others actually comforted him and made him think about it... ..

Who the **** should think about it!

Ji Ruo shrugged: "That's why I said, squad leader, ladies and sisters can't live with my followers, and..."

Ji Ruo turned her head and glanced at the young ladies who were not far away: "As their god, you have to protect them yourself."

Liang Shixian was silent.

After a while: "I didn't know that so many things happened, I'm sorry, it reminds you of sad things again..."

Jonathan waved his hand: "Damn, what a big deal, Mr. Kitchen God's monitor, if you want to open up, it's all over."

Liang Shixian: "..."

Don't keep trying to persuade me to think about it! Are you positioned wrong? !

After another moment of silence, Liang Shixian suddenly said solemnly: "I know, I will take up my due responsibilities, Ji Ruo, let's separate here."


Ji Ruo was stunned: "Separate? Why?"

"I want to stay here to protect them." Liang Shixian said firmly: "They are from the secret realm, they can't go to Daxia now, and my family can't support so many people... So at least, let them With the ability to protect themselves, I plan to teach them martial arts... They are devout believers who can entrust their lives to me. I can feel this trust and connection. I promise that they will never leak without my permission. My Daxia's martial arts..."

"It's not for you to wait!" Ji Ruo rubbed his eyebrows and said, "It's true that you can't go to Daxia, but you don't have to stay here!"

Liang Shixian was stunned for a moment: "But if I'm not here, don't they have no one to protect them? Although, they are all girls, and they are all quite beautiful. If they continue to live here, they will inevitably be missed... ."

"You can't go to Daxia, but you can go to Ten Thousand Beast Mountain!" Ji Ruo winked: "Squad leader, you forgot, Ten Thousand Beast Mountain can now live in people."

"Ah this..." Liang Shixian was stunned: "Is this appropriate?"

"Why is it inappropriate? As far as our relationship with Aunt Jinglan and Grandpa Tongtian Jianmu is concerned, we have arranged for 30 people to live in Ten Thousand Beast Mountain for a period of time. Is there any problem?"


"Then it's over!"

Ji Ruoyi clapped his hands and said, "So monitor, go and ask them, if they want to go, I'll open the door for them, but if they don't want to go, I'm saying, you don't have to stay, there are many ways to help them. ."

"Okay." Liang Shixian nodded and turned to leave.

Ji Ruo smiled and shook his head, then hooked his fingers in a certain direction.

Immediately, the three shadow avatars rushed out from the corner with their equipment in their hands - 'Shadow Profound Truth: Three Lives Dust Dreams Awaken' can summon three shadow avatars with the same strength as the main body, and can ignore most physical damage, Unless the power is exhausted, it is normally very difficult to defeat.

If someone else learns this martial art, they will definitely develop it in the direction of combat, but if the plan is not the same, his shadow clone is more grounded.

When filming, it is used to carry equipment as a field clerk, and it can also help to edit videos!

Usually, I just do some housework, do some cleaning, wash dishes and clothes, etc...

Ji Ruo opened any door, handed over today's material to Ji Xiaoxiao, and discussed re-editing by the way.

Thirty centimeters tall Ji Xiaoxiao separated from any door, and said angrily: "Did you make a mistake! Change it again?! What is this young master is a demon, not a wage earner!

During this time, the young man worked overtime, and the busyness has shrunk! You don't care about anything, you know that you want to ask for a change, and you even ask for it on a temporary basis!

Draw your sword! Gan! Today, you and Mr. Ye can only live together! "

Ji Xiaoxiao has indeed shrunk.

Previously, due to the events in Rouen Town, Ji Ruo’s negative emotions were overwhelming, and Ji Xiaoxiao suddenly grew to a height of more than half a meter... It seems that this time is indeed a bit busy~www.readwn.com~ Ji Xiaoxiao has shrunk halfway through...

But it's not entirely because of busyness.

After all, the negative emotions at that time broke out in an instant, not some strong obsession over the years. It was nourishment for the demons, but it could not last, and would gradually dissipate with the passage of time.

So even if he is not busy, Ji Xiao's body will gradually return to the original fist size over time.

Ji Ruo folded his hands and said with a smirk, "I'm sorry, I'm really wrong about this... But you also know that there is no fixed script for this film, and those episodes that have been edited can continue to be used, only Just need to add a few things in there..."

"Whoever you love, Young Master won't serve you anyway!" Ji Xiao said stingly: "You play outside all day, you don't take me with you, and you want me to work for you? Dream!"

Liang Xiaoxiao on the side suddenly persuaded: "Ji Xiaoxiao, let's help Ji Ruo, it's not easy for him outside, aren't there many gods in that secret realm? It must be very dangerous, let us stay in the first place. The martial arts school is also for our safety!"

Ji Xiaoxiao heard the words, and said angrily: "Little squad leader, you are also a demon, how can you turn your elbows out!"

"Oh, just help Ji Ruo, I'll do it for you."

Ji Xiaoxiao sighed: "Little squad leader, please spoil him..."

He stretched out his hand towards Ji Ruo and said impatiently, "Bring it!"

Ji Ruohe smiled and handed over the material this time.


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