I Have a Big Problem with My Achievement System

Chapter 299: Killed?, explosive equipment!

The latest website: Ji Xiaoxiao is a demon, but it does not produce negative emotions, or in other words, it is a combination of Ji Ruo's negative emotions and obsessions, of course, it is impossible to rely on yourself to become stronger.

After all, the plan is the body.

Even if it is an inner demon, the law of conservation of energy must be obeyed, unless the obsession of scheming deepens, or a new obsession arises - but how can obsession be deepened or generated so easily?

If it is not revealed by Chen Mo, the inner demon will only remain dormant, and at a certain moment suddenly erupt, making people become mad warriors.

But now that it has been manifested, it is difficult for the demon to continue to become stronger-here refers to the obsession that constitutes the demon, not the strength of the demon.

Because a demon like Ji Xiaoxiao, who can often be in contact with the main body after being stripped, has its own combat power that grows with the main body.

But it's just about fighting power.


Ji Xiaoxiao took the material and looked at it.

"Huh? The squad leader also has a battle armor? It's quite handsome."

Liang Xiaoxiao stared blankly at Liang Shixian who was summoning the Vajra Armor in the picture, his expression suddenly changed, he rushed out of any door, ran to Liang Shixian's side and jumped up, grabbing Liang Shixian's ears and shaking constantly.

"Where's the armor summoner? Take it out and play with me too, hurry up!"

Liang Shixian: "..."

How can I give this?

I am totally confused!

Moreover, that thing is bigger than your whole body, so what if it can give you, you can't play it!

Ji Xiaoxiao didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said: "Little squad leader, you are the inner demon of the big squad leader. You will definitely know what he knows. Just think about it and call it yourself."

"Me too?" Liang Xiaoxiao pondered for a moment, then under the guidance of Ji Xiaoxiao, he successfully summoned his own little armor: "Okay!"

Liang Shixian smiled. After arranging the young ladies and sisters, he suddenly remembered something and asked, "By the way, Ji Ruo, was there anyone around when you fought that God of Truth last time?"

"No, what's wrong?"

"You said that after the fight was over that day, your wanted order appeared on the mainland, and the entire Truth Sect wanted you.

And the avatar of truth was made by you... ahem, Divine Sword. If no one was present at the time, the news should not have been leaked in theory, but it was leaked anyway.

Therefore, I think there must be some kind of connection between his various avatars..."

Ji Ruo thought about it and said, "I actually thought about this question too. At first, I just wanted to get some bounty, but I didn't expect their reaction to be so big. Now... Honestly, I I really want to take the initiative to find trouble with other branches of the Church of Truth.”

Liang Shixian was stunned for a moment: "Why? Oh, do you suspect that those divisions are also like this True Eye Church, secretly hiding dirty behaviors?"

"It's just one aspect, and the other side—"

Ji Ruo looked around for a week, tossed the ten gold coins in his hand, and took stock of his gains this time—just for these ten gold coins, the Church of True Eye was completely gone.

Sheila was instructing those church members who were drained to scavenge the ruined battlefield. Almost all the magic potions were destroyed, and it was not very convenient to find gold coins or something.

Of course, there are also various magic scrolls that record truth spells, but unfortunately these scrolls can only be used by believers of the truth sect—it is necessary to establish a firm belief connection with eternal truth.

Ji Ruo continued: "My idea is relatively simple. If you beat them, you can drop attribute equipment. This time we made two glasses and only used one eyeball. In theory, the Church of Truth should have another eyeball. can be used."

Liang Shixian: "..."

Take the eye of God as glasses... I'm afraid you have misunderstood the word "simplicity"!

"You're not too timid, you dare to plan for us!"

Suddenly, a voice with suppressed anger sounded between Ji Ruo and Liang Shixian.

Ji Ruo's face changed, and he rubbed his five fingers, directly rubbing out a spiral pill, and smashing it at the guy who suddenly appeared.

"The little tricks of carving insects, disperse!"

Ji Ruo's spiral pill dissipated immediately, and even the strength of the muscles all over his body dissipated in an instant.

The sudden sense of powerlessness made Ji Ruo stumble and almost fell.


Liang Shixian's body was shocked, his qi and blood turned sharply, his skin was like a red-hot iron, and a rolling heat wave rose up - iron cloth shirt · superb!


dong dong dong!

Three consecutive bells sounded in Liang Shixian's body, and the strength was superimposed layer by layer, and it was triple in an instant.

Liang Shixian turned his palm into a knife and stabbed the mysterious man fiercely.

The superb iron cloth shirt brought extremely powerful defensive power, and the terrifying triple force blessing actually pierced the air and made a sound like cracking silk!

However, the mysterious man didn't even look at it, and said indifferently, "You are worthy of reaching out to God? Get out!"

As soon as these words came out, Liang Shixian's face changed greatly, he fell to the ground uncontrollably, and rolled out involuntarily like a ball.

However, the mysterious man was not unscathed. The strong wind brought by Liang Shixian's thorn palm directly pierced his cheek, leaving a bloodstain.

The mysterious man raised his hand and touched the wound on his face. He was slightly stunned. After a while, he realized: "So, you are also a foreigner - come back!"

The rules were temporarily rewritten again, and Liang Shixian rolled back involuntarily.

Liang Shixian: "..."

Emily clenched her staff tightly in both hands, nervous, she wanted to move but didn't dare to move.

Sheila wasn't afraid, so she shouted: "Undead armor, fit together!"

The transformation special effect of the explosion of funds appeared. The beautiful banshee just flew out of the tomb, and was "imprisoned" by the mysterious person, including Sheila herself, imprisoned in place, with her eyes wide open and unable to move.

Her transformation process is not invincible.


Time to dial back a little.

In the middle of nowhere, a pentagram suddenly lit up, and the distance between each two star horns was not small. They were located in various parts of the continent and monitored the entire continent.

The horns of the pentagram represent the five senses—eyes, ears, mouth, and nose of the God of Truth.

Different from the past, at this moment, one of the star corners of this pentagram is extremely dim, almost disappearing.

The remaining five senses were silent, communicating in an incomprehensible way.

The 'right eye' has lost contact, and they are discussing countermeasures.

Because the 'right eye' was lost after the gods descended, it was almost equivalent to the god's disappearance. Therefore, after Ji Ruo made it into [real glasses], all members of the Church of Truth that believe in the 'right eye of truth' The statues were all shattered, causing the believers to panic.

Believers must be appeased, outsiders must be dealt with, the 'right eye' must be recovered, and the mainland must continue to monitor...

A series of thoughts collided with sparks in the void, and they quickly discussed a solution.

Since they are only five senses, their way of thinking is relatively simple. The 'brain of truth' has not woken up. Without a brain, they can only think in the way they were originally set.

The 'left eye' found something interesting and was cooperating with both ears and couldn't walk away for the time being.

The Church of Nose of Truth is a little far from the location of the outsiders, so it is inconvenient to go there.

So it was handed over to the Mouth of Truth to deal with it.


A certain Mouth of Truth church.

The style of the church here is not much different from that of the Eye of Truth, almost exactly the same.

The only difference is that the deity here is an image of a mouth.

The believers are also carrying out their daily routine of brainwashing and prayer.

Suddenly, the stone mouth-shaped statue above moved and lowered the oracle.

The believers were ecstatic.

The cardinal endured his excitement and devoutly received the oracle.

The next moment, the mouth of truth descended directly.

The cardinal was bathed in the dazzling divine light, and the original mouth on his face was instantly erased and replaced with the "Mouth of Truth".

And the 'Mouth of Truth' also gained complete thinking ability because it occupied the body and linked the cardinal's brain.

"Such a weak body, tsk."

He muttered to himself with some disgust.

The life level of gods is much higher than that of human beings. If it is not a human body specially created for themselves, even if gods descend on saints, they will continue to consume the vitality of the other party.

The believers below were full of fanaticism and worshipped.

The Mouth of Truth glanced at them lightly, and suddenly remembered what he had just discussed with other colleagues from the Eye, Ear, Mouth and Nose Department.

"God crystal card? Interesting thing, it can temporarily allow believers to gain some god's power or ability without damaging the vitality of believers... If it is done properly, it is equivalent to the descending of inferior gods.

You can try it later. "

"The mouth of truth that speaks the law!" A believer said frantically: "Please give the oracle, and your will will be implemented!"

The 'Mouth of Truth' was expressionless, and used the cardinal's brain to analyze the battle scene transmitted by the 'Right Eye of Truth'.

"I need you," said the 'Mouth of Truth'.

"It's an honor!"

"very good."

The next moment, the Mouth of Truth opened his mouth and took a breath, and said lightly, "Strengthen."

The whole church seemed to be suddenly pressed by someone, and everything stopped for a moment.

Rays of brilliance flew out from the believers, the buildings of the church, the ground, and even the ground, and were inhaled by the Mouth of Truth.

"Eternal life."

"Building solidity."

"The weight of the earth."

"The wind of the moment."


A series of dozens of blessings and blessings were said in an understatement by the "Mouth of Truth", turned into reality, and temporarily strengthened the body of his descended **** to the level comparable to the two-star God of War.

"Should be enough."

After analyzing the battle scene, He felt that the reason why the 'Right Eye of Truth' would lose was mainly because the body of the goddess was not strong enough, and there was not enough vitality consumption.

Therefore, He immediately absorbed all the believers and strengthened his divinely descended body.

The breeze blew, and everything here collapsed into ashes and was blown away by the wind.


The 'Mouth of Truth' said, took a step forward, and suddenly crossed the endless distance, shrinking into an inch, and appeared beside Ji Ruo two, listening to the content of the two people's discussion, his own divinity was affected by the human nature of the god-descended body, Furious.

After that, a few people were arranged in three or two sentences.

He was very well prepared this time, and he never thought that he would fail.

"Who are you!" Liang Shixian rolled back, his body was bound by some mysterious force, making it difficult to move.

"Aren't you guys still discussing what to do with me just now?" The Mouth of Truth stepped on Liang Shixian and said with a sneer, "Why are you here now, you seem to be surprised?"

Liang Shixian wore black-rimmed glasses and looked towards the mouth of truth.

[The mouth of eternal truth, the words come true, the words follow the law! 】

In addition to this news, Liang Shixian also saw that the mouth of truth was full of blood, with hundreds of human-shaped phantoms floating around.

All phantoms have two identical messages—

[Cause of death: everything was taken away by the mouth of eternal truth. 】

[Death time: just now. 】

Liang Shixian was in a rage and roared: "Ji Ruo, kill him and explode his equipment! This time, open your mouth! You can follow the law!"


Ji Ruo, whose sense of powerlessness gradually subsided, stood up, and without waiting for the God of Truth to speak, he took a stance, and his armor fit together.

Liang Shixian: "???"

He looked at Ji Ruo, who was running away while getting together, his head buzzing.

Is it possible, if you run in the opposite direction?

But Liang Shixian didn't think much about it, he knew that Ji Ruo must have his reasons for doing so.

"Hahaha!" The mouth of truth laughed: "I want to run now? It's too late! Come back to me!"

The instructions spoken casually are turned into the truth at the moment, and the words follow the law, and the influence is calculated.

Fortunately, Ji Ruo is in the process of transforming at the moment. Although the transformation special effects produced by the system teacher are simple, when transforming, Ji is invincible!

"Huh?" The mouth of truth frowned slightly, not understanding why it didn't affect Ji Ruo.

But it doesn't matter, it's just two more words.

He is very confident.

"Slandering · maiming—"

Before he could understand, Liang Shixian, who felt the restraint gradually dissipating, raised his hand and slapped the mouth of the truth, which had no time to respond, from bottom to top.

The mouth of truth was forced to shut up, almost biting off his tongue, and his body flew upside down uncontrollably.

"Come back you!"

Liang Shixian's power was unforgiving, he grabbed the mouth of the truth's legs, pulled it down, took it into his arms, and covered the crow's mouth with both hands.

"Emily, beat him!"

Emily immediately picked up a rock, rushed over with a 'yah, yah', picked up the rock and smashed it on the mouth of the truth.

"Work hard, don't worry about me!" Liang Shixian encouraged.

He, who majored in hard gong, didn't care about this damage at all.

The mouth of truth was smashed.

what happened?

Who is fighting and covering his mouth!

In his heart, he opened his mouth and began to bite Liang Shixian's fingers, but sadly found that he couldn't bite...

As a result, He kept beating Liang Shixian with his backhand, making a muffled sound, with a lot of strength, and Liang Shixian's qi and blood were shaking.

And Emily...

After only smashing it twice, he was kicked and flew out by the mouth of truth, and fell into the ruins not far away. After shaking a few times, there was no movement.

Liang Shixian: "..."

"Ji Ruo! What are you doing!"

"I'm coming!"

Ji Ruo, who had just finished explaining to Ji Xiaoxiao through the random door, rushed back with the sword transformed by Wanhua's arsenal. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

"Hundred-step flying sword!"

The blade was released and stabbed towards the throat of the mouth of truth.

The mouth of truth widened its eyes.

------off topic-----

Push the book: "Wearing a skirt to cultivate immortals, the mana is boundless"

A good friend's book, you can tell by the name that he is not a serious person, hehe~


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