There is a big problem with my achievement system 365, lively home (seeking a monthly ticket

The Sky Surveying Island Whale is a monster with a very high bloodline level. Almost as long as it is an adult, it can have the strength of a five-star peak.

Not only that, it also possesses a bloodline spell called 'devour the sky and devour the earth', and even the inherent magic of the four-star monsters, 'Fa Tianxiangdi', is stronger than other monsters, much like the legendary Kunpeng.

It enters the water as a whale, and can fly in the sky to survey the sky. It is a veritable overlord-level monster.

There are few whales on the Sky Survey Island, and because the power of the bloodline is too strong, it is difficult to give birth—the difficulty is that many of the whales on the Sky Survey Island cannot meet the same kind in their entire lives.

So they spend almost their entire lives on the road to find companions. When they find them, they have sex, and when they can't find them, they continue to find...

All the way to find, all the way to eat.

And today, this Sky Surveying Island Whale just happened to come to the sky above the demon tribe where Ji Ruo's sneakers are located.

It is planning to swallow this tribe as usual, replenishing its own consumption, and continue its lonely journey.

When the monsters in the tribe saw this behemoth, their moods were very complicated.

They didn't even think about resisting, because among the demon clan, the law of the weak is the absolute truth.

They usually eat weak and savage wild beasts, but now they are swallowed by more powerful monsters, and there is no way to do it.

There are no powerful demons in this small tribe.

And, more importantly—

"Finally, freed."

They've been miserable in recent months because of that sneaker.

There is no way to go out hunting, and there is no way to live a good life, and I don't want to live for a long time.

At this moment, it is not bad to be buried in the mouth of a strong man like the Sky Survey Island Whale.


The whale on the island of the sky opened its huge mouth, like an abyss suddenly opened, and the terrifying suction suddenly erupted, and 'devour the sky and devour the earth' was activated.

This demon tribe that has been ravaged by sneakers for several months has long been in ruins. At this moment, under the influence of terrifying suction, those ruins continue to float up and fly towards the whale's mouth.

The little demons in the tribe were in extremely complicated moods. Looking back on their short life, they suddenly felt a little regretful.

But only regret.

With the sneakers, they couldn't escape, and they couldn't resist the Sky Survey Island whale.

The end seems to be doomed.

At this moment, the sneaker moved again.

It is far from Jiruo, there is still nearly seventeen years of time away, and it is working very hard to get closer to that timeline.

It will never leave until it reaches that timeline.

If it is swallowed by the Sky Survey Island Whale at this moment, it will have to stop the time and space shuttle, that is, there is no way to return to Ji Ruo's feet "quickly".

Its properties do not allow this.


The sneakers turned upside-down and slammed hard against the chin of the Skyscanner whale.

The huge open mouth was actually knocked closed on the spot, and the bloodline spell 'devour the sky and devour the earth' was interrupted.

The severe pain made the Sky Survey Whale angry.


! "

It activates the bloodline spell, causing the water vapor in the air to condense, turning it into a floating ocean in an instant, and then the temperature plummets, blizzards and rains convolve, constantly bombarding sneakers.

Not to be outdone, the sneakers crossed a mysterious track, stepping on time, and fighting with the whales on the Xuntian Island.

The little demons below were stunned.

"That shoe is protecting us?"

Their mood suddenly became more complicated.

I never thought about it, the sneakers just don't want to leave here, a shoe, even if it has special blessings, wants to travel through time and space, span the seventeen years of time, and return to Ji Ruo's feet, it is not an easy thing.

The reason why it has been raging here is because with the raging, the time and space here has become more and more strange, which can make it more convenient to travel.

If you change the place, everything has to start all over again. The efficiency is too low. It has no wisdom and no thinking. It just wants to return to Ji Ruo's feet as soon as possible.

"Why should it protect us?"

"Are we all wrong about it? Isn't it an evil shoe?"

"Think about it carefully. Although its strength is powerful, it has never really hurt us. After a few months, none of us have died."

"Also, my bloodline has become more pure because of the confrontation with it during this period of time!"

"It, has been helping us?"


The little monsters made up their minds.

The leader of the rock bear, whose teeth had grown back, suddenly clenched his fists, raised his head and said loudly: "I'm sorry! We blame you wrongly, thank you for protecting us, come on! Shoes!"

The little demon next to him: "???"

They are a little confused.

The guy who hates this shoe the most is you!

But they didn't think much of it.

Mainly, now sneakers, ostensibly, are actually protecting them.

If you can live, who wants to die?

So they started to fuel sneakers too.

The whale on Xuntian Island couldn't fight for a long time, and gradually realized that he had encountered a tough problem.

Their family has been traveling all their lives, and their temperament is still mild.

In addition, there is no one of the same kind in this place - you have to fight for a meal, think about it or forget it.

So it snorted coldly, and the huge body began to turn, intending to leave.

But I don't know if the sneakers are having fun or something. The Whale on the Sky Survey Island wants to go, but it won't let it.


(are you crazy!

The Sky Survey Island Whale was angry again: "Wow! (I won't eat you anymore, what else do you want?

Sneakers didn't answer and couldn't answer.

However, due to the influence of the powerful demon power of the Whales on the Sky Surveying Island, the power of time and space around the sneakers became more distorted, enhancing the efficiency of the sneakers traveling through time and space.

So it didn't want to just let the Sky Survey Island whales go.

This battle has lasted for a long time. From the perspective of the timeline, it can look like half a year.

At the end of the fight, the Skyscanner Whale gave up completely—fighting a sneaker that couldn't be destroyed, didn't feel the slightest, and wouldn't bleed. Neither side was hurt, but it was annoying.

Wanting to leave, the sneakers were not allowed, so the Xuntian Island Whale reluctantly settled in this demon tribe.

Sneakers also gradually realized that the efficiency of traveling through time and space will be higher due to the influence of its demon power.

So, after the battle, the sneakers brought this piece of chaotic time and space affected by it, and came to the back of the whale on the Sky Survey Island.

Those little demons naturally followed, because they were originally part of this affected space-time.

The sneakers gradually settled down, and the Xuntian Island Whale reluctantly embarked on his own journey again, burdened by a chaotic time and space, and a group of little demons.

In this way, Sky Survey Island Whale was forced to drift further and further away on this journey to the future.

As a result, the little demons were sheltered by the whales on the Xuntian Island and lived and worked in peace and contentment on the backs of the whales on the Xuntian Island.

The whale on the island of the sky also gradually discovered that it feels quite good to have such a group of little monsters on her body. Usually, there are monsters who can chat with him and help him clean his body. . . .

That shoe is a little troublesome, but if you get used to it, it's actually okay.

They have completely embraced the existence of sneakers, which also have a new name - the shoe monster.


"Huh? Why is the convenience store gone?"

Ji Ruo took Liang Shixian to the downstairs of his house, a little surprised.

In the first chapter, the convenience store where Ji Ruo bought a bag of rice has closed down at some point, there are not many pedestrians around, and the walls of the residential buildings are mottled, which are traces left by the years.

Walking into the residential building, the walls are covered with various small advertisements, and there is thick dust on the stairs. It seems that no one has lived in it for a long time.

"It's weird, did everyone move away?" Ji Ruo scratched his head.

Rosie wrinkled her little nose. The thick dust inside the stairs made her uncomfortable.

Liang Shixian nodded: "It is estimated that it seems that no one has lived here for a long time."

Ji Ruo pouted: "Could it be that the future I also moved? When did I move, why didn't you tell me."

Liang Shixian: "...then you have to ask the future you."

"Go back and have a look first."

Ji Ruo came to the door of his house, took out the rusted key from the crack in the wall, and opened the door.

The house is also dusty and cobwebs are everywhere.

If you ignore these, all the decorations will still look like they left last time.

Ji Ruo couldn't help but swept away his senses, the whole residential building, at this moment, it is indeed only him and Liang Shixian alive...

"Monitor, prepare yourself mentally." Ji Ruo said suddenly.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"My house is a little lively..."

Before Liang Shixian could react, Ji Ruo mobilized the divine power of incense fire, pointed like a sword, and lightly tapped between himself and Liang Shixian's eyebrows.

Immediately, there were shadows in the room, dozens of ghosts were stacked one upon another, staring vigilantly at Ji Ruo and Liang Shixian.


Liang Shixian exclaimed, and subconsciously moved the body of King Ming Fu.

"Ji Ruo, this, this, what's the situation!"

"Yeah, what's the situation?" Ji Ruo looked at the ghosts with a black face: "Why are you at my house?"

"What's your home?" A ghost asked in confusion: "This building has long been empty of living people, and the surrounding area is the official residence of ghosts in Yuncheng."

Ji Ruo: "???"

A middle-aged ghost said: "Young man, you said this is your home, but we have all lived here for seven or eight years, and we have never seen you.

You better leave early. We have a lot of yin here, and staying alive for a long time is not good for your health. "

"..." Ji Ruo was silent, returned to his room, rummaged through the bedside table to find the yellowed real estate certificate, and took out his ID card from the fourth dimension pocket, saying: " This is really my home."

"The Guard is Here"

"?" This time, it was the ghosts' turn to be stunned.

It really is!

"Then, are you going to drive us away?" a young girl asked timidly.

Ji Ruo rubbed his brows and said, "Forget it, you can stay here, but why don't you clean up, the dust is too thick..."

The ghosts said in unison: "We usually live in the tablet and don't care about these things."

A ghost suddenly said: "Can I trouble you to move your feet, the owner, you stepped on my tablet."

"Ah, I'm sorry, sorry... No, why are you even throwing tablets around!" Ji Ruo scratched his hair, and his doubts finally broke out: "Ghosts, shouldn't live in Wanshun Banners? ?"

"Damn, is the Wanhun Banner that ordinary souls can live in? Young man, you are not a ghost. I don't know how tense the ghost house in Wanhun Banner is. We, the first- and second-order little ghosts, are not qualified to live in it. "

A ghost pouted and said, "It's actually just like that in the Wanhun banner, and the effect is not much different from our soul-cultivating wooden tablet, that is, the distribution of the work package, which makes the soul more envious."

"Yeah, yeah, it's really hard to find a job now, alas."


Ji Ruo looked at this group of ghosts who suddenly became depressed, and didn't know what to say for a while.

"You guys stay here, I won't drive you away... Squad leader, Rosie, help, let's clean up first."

"it is good."

The ghosts blinked: "Do you need help? Although we don't clean, but if we really clean it, it's still quite powerful."

"Yes, yes, one of the most suitable professions for our ghosts is housekeeping."

"Oh?" Ji Ruo came interested: "Then thank you."

He also wanted to see how the ghosts cleaned up.

"Look at it."

Suddenly, a cloudy wind picked up, and Ji Ruo's house was full of shadows, and the ghosts kept walking through, bringing the whole cloudy wind and blowing up the thick dust in the house.

A ghost brought a plastic bag and controlled the wind, letting dust and cobwebs fly into the plastic bag.

They ignore collisions per unit volume and can drill into even the smallest gap.

Soon, Ji Ruo's house became completely new.

Ji Ruo Le is happy, these ghosts really have two brushes when they do housework.

Of course, Ji Ruo did not forget the purpose of his trip.

He found a pair of shoes from the room, but twenty years later, the shoes were so dirty that they couldn't be worn without washing.

Ji Ruo summoned a shadow clone and asked him to go to the bathroom to wash his shoes, but because he hadn't paid the utility bill for 20 years, the water and electricity at home had long been stopped.

However, it is not difficult to count down, he temporarily strengthened his hearing, communicated with the water element free in the void, and soon summoned a ball of pure water.

And this also made Ji Ruo discover that it is indeed difficult to cast 'elemental magic' on Daxia's side.

The main thing is that Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi didn't seem to have done anything similar before. Like elemental force, they lacked wisdom. Although they had a higher energy level, they were more rigid.

"So, as long as the aura knows what to do, can they help..." Ji thought thoughtfully.

"Homeowner, what did you say?"

"It's nothing." Ji Ruo shook his head slightly, took advantage of the time when the shadow clone was washing shoes, sat on the sofa with Rosie in his arms, and said, "My uncles and aunts, can I ask you something, you know, I have been for many years. I haven't come back, and now the changes in Daxia are really a little..."

"Where have you been before?" The ghosts asked curiously.

"Going to guard the border. UU reading" Ji Ruo explained casually: "There was a small accident, I was trapped in a secret realm for 20 years, and finally came back."

"Keeping the edge?" The ghosts were immediately awe-inspiring.

With the [Diplomatic Spokesperson] increasing the appeal of the language, they believed Ji Ruo's words almost immediately.

Afterwards, Ji Ruo gradually learned about Daxia's current situation from the mouths of these ghosts.

The more Liang Shixian listened, the more shocked he felt, and he felt that his three views had been subverted.

Ghosts, zombies, incense fire gods, and even some monsters and monsters have become legal citizens of Daxia.

Among them, ghosts and zombies, because of their unlimited energy, have become indispensable talents in all walks of life - they can work unlimited overtime, what company doesn't like it?

There is also the God of Incense... This effect is even greater.

Take navigation as an example, in Daxia, if you want to go anywhere, just say "respectfully, please indicate the direction of Beidou Navigation Lord", and the road sign arrows that change in real time will appear in the line of sight, which is very convenient.

The realm of martial arts has been optimized by the Supreme Profound Academy and has become a means of Xianwu cultivation.

Daxia, from the national martial arts, to the national cultivation of immortality...


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