Without any hesitation, Ji Ruo raised his hand and smashed the wall.

Rosie was stunned.

She looked behind the wall, then looked up at Ji Ruo.

"Why, there are two masters?"

Yes, behind the wall, is another scheming.

He who was still screaming abruptly stopped, staring blankly at Ji Ruo who was holding Rosie.

Ji Ruo pondered for a moment and said, "Obviously, this is a mirror hidden behind the wall."


"That's right!" Ji Ruo said firmly: "If you don't believe me, look."

Ji Ruo said, suddenly raised his hands high, and performed the seventh set of national elementary and middle school students radio gymnastics.

The man behind the wall naturally followed suit. Except for the direction of movement and Ji Ruo, everything else was exactly the same.

Rosie suddenly said, "It's really a mirror."

Hu Wang: "...You didn't realize Rosie, didn't that guy hold you? If it was a mirror, you should be there too."

"Ah! That's right!" Rosie suddenly woke up: "Master, he's not a mirror!"

"I know." Ji Ruo grinned.

Hu Wang asked curiously, "Boss, do you know him?"

"Of course." Ji Ruo nodded, the radio gymnastics just now wasn't all for fun, the most important thing was to find the guy's flaws.

Yes, the guy hiding behind the wall, Ji Ruo is not very harmonious from the perspective of a warrior, but it is no different from a normal person.

And it was this little difference that made Ji Ruo discover the other side's flaws.

Ji Ruo raised his hand and placed it directly on the opponent's chest. The strength penetrated his body, allowing Ji Ruo to understand the opponent's body structure. Sure enough, he was not a living person.

"Hey hey hey! Did you say hello like that! You haven't seen me for 20 years, come up and want to dismantle my mecha?"

The man on the opposite side backed away with a strange cry, Ji Ruo smiled and said, "If you're afraid of being demolished, why don't you come out? How does it feel to have been a 'Ji Ruo' for 20 years?"

"Not much." The guy opened a door the size of a slap in his chest, revealing the exquisite, small, yet technologically-sounding cockpit, Ji Xiaoxiao pouted and climbed out of it, saying, "When 'Ji Ruo' 'It's not fun at all, utility bills, property bills, and all kinds of messy expenses have to be paid by oneself, and there are a lot of interpersonal relationships to maintain... tsk, it's annoying to death, this is the devil what to do?

Young Master, I was a 'Ji Ruo' for a week back then, and I almost choked out a 'Ji Ruo'. Whoever likes to be a 'Ji Ruo' should go for it, Master gave up long ago. "

Ji Ruole said, "That's how people are, aren't you afraid?"


Hu Wang asked curiously, "Boss, this is...?"

"Oh, this is my martial arts demon named Ji Xiaoxiao. Wait a minute, I'll have a private chat with him first." Ji Ruo introduced casually, and then patted the abstract wristwatch drawn on his wrist, opening and stopping the field. , picked up Ji Xiao's back collar, picked it up, and asked, "It's you, why are you here?"

Ji Ruo looked into the hole he had photographed, and it was also a basement, but in terms of scale, it was much smaller than this cult stronghold, just a small room of less than 30 square meters.

"Of course I am here to collect evidence of this cult!" Ji Xiaodao.

"Collecting evidence?" Ji Ruo was stunned for a moment: "How long has it been collected?"

"It will take half a month." Ji Xiaoxiao smacked his lips: "With my strength, I can't catch them all in one go, so I hurriedly reported it and worried that I would start a snake, so I set an automatic monitoring function for the mecha and waited for the opportunity. …”

"That's it...wait a moment!" Ji Ruogang was about to nod his head, but suddenly he came back to his senses, looked back at the cultists who were suppressed by his shadow clone and couldn't resist, and said in surprise: "Why do you Can't we kill them all at once?"

Seeing Ji Ruo's expression of 'you seem to be teasing me', Ji Xiaoxiao spread her hands: "Take a good look at my strength."

"You... um? Why did you just enter the Xingxuan realm?" Ji Ruo's face was full of surprise, she shook Ji Xiaoxiao, and directly shook the dark Xingxuan virtual image behind him: "Why is there only one left? It's still hollow... What's going on?"

Ji Xiaoxiao sighed: "Brother, I am an inner demon, what is the source of the inner demon's power, don't you know? It is the obsession of the body, you haven't seen anyone for 20 years, rounding up is equivalent to death, I will go Where can I find the obsession of the ontology?"

"No, isn't your strength in sync with mine? When you were still in the mother continent, didn't you have synchronized a lot of Xingxuan? It's still solid!"

"You really don't know what your current star map looks like... Oh, forget it, I'm too lazy to explain it to you, I'm tired, you can study it yourself."

"Star map?" Ji Ruo looked suspiciously inward. Thirty-three solid star swirls were at the core, each of which extended out a layer of vast star sea, wrapped layer by layer, embellished with countless bright lights, truly brilliant like stars.

He didn't notice anything wrong for the time being.

"What about the future me? Didn't the future me have new obsessions?"

"Where is the future of you?" Ji Xiaoxiao picked his nose and said, "Where are you now? Have you gone back so far?"


"Time is a very complicated thing, and I can't explain it to you in a while, because I can't know it myself." Ji Xiaoxiao said honestly: "You should also know that you can build a time machine, it doesn't mean that we will Insight into the time, should not understand or not understand.

You only need to know that you are now, or in the future. You have not gone back. You have skipped 20 years. In these 20 years, you have not existed at all. I said this, do you understand? "

Ji Xiao came here, and Ji Ruocai finally came to a realization.

He can be considered to understand where the weird feeling has come from, but with it comes more doubts.

"But I will definitely go back later. I can't stay in the future all my life... Besides, isn't the past me taken over by the future me? That's right, right?"

"That's right, but again, this matter is very complicated. Twenty years ago, I only remember some key words. Now I don't know anything. You can understand that the continuity of time and space caused a bug in me. .


Ji Xiaoxiao sent out a soul torture: "Go back? How do you plan to go back?"

"Of course it's the same as when you came here, turn on the time machine!" Ji Ruo replied as a matter of course.

"What about the time machine?"

"In... slap!" Ji Ruomeng slapped his forehead and finally realized the seriousness of the problem: "Young! The time machine fell into the tunnel, and it seems to have crashed!"

"So, yeah, you won't be going back for a while."

Calculate if silent.

The main material of the time machine was removed from the 'Fantasy Creation · Life Simulation Scroll'. Although theoretically the "Great Inventor" can make a new one, the lack of main materials means that the plan can be obtained. Looking for other materials to replace... In this regard, he has absolutely no clue!

"So you can stay here for the time being. I think you have a good physique. It shouldn't be a problem to apply for a security guard. Although the current security industry has a large influx of zombies, it's not good to be introverted. Often one shift and one stop is one stop. For two months, I didn't move.

But you are a living person, and your image and temperament are okay, so you should be able to add some points.

Huh? Become a security guard after 20 years of travel? ho! Good guy, take 20 years less detours! "

Ji Ruo heard the words, his head was full of black lines: "You know I will definitely go back. Even if I don't go back, the squad leader will go back. His family has been waiting for him for twenty years, and I can't let them wait in vain."

"Damn, there's nothing you can do about it. The time machine is gone, and you won't be able to go back for a while. Have fun in this future for a while, and then you'll see your luck."


Ji Ruo asked again, "What about the past me? The past me has also been brought to the future. Do you have any news about him?"

"Please, big brother, I'm a demon, not Baidu, can you not ask me anything?" Ji Xiaoxiao said angrily: "I want to know if I can tell you? They all say that the continuity of time and space is on me. There is a bug, I don't know!

Also, how long are you going to carry me? When will you let me down? "

Ji Ruo pondered for a moment, then put Ji Xiaoxiao down.

Ji Xiaoxiao hurriedly crawled back into the small cockpit on the chest of the 'Ji Ruo's high-tech battle armor' and said, "Since the matter here has been resolved by you, then I will go to the next point to follow. ~Please stop when it starts."

Ji Ruo asked curiously, "What's the next point?"

Ji Xiaoxiao pouted and said, "You think everyone is like you, unemployed, I have a job too!

In this day and age, cults are proliferating, and it is all thanks to enthusiastic people like me who report them everywhere, so that you can see such a harmonious Yuncheng, do you understand? "

Ji Ruo was stunned: "Is there still a stronghold in Yuncheng for the Worship of God?"

"It has been said that cults are proliferating, and the worship of gods has such a stronghold in Yuncheng. I am going to watch other cults."

"What teaching? How long have you been staring?" Ji Ruolai became interested.

"An organization called the Hehuan Sect, I've been watching it for three or four years." Ji Xiaoxiao smacked his lips: "I've never been willing to report on a large scale."

Ji Ruo: "???"

"Is it the Acacia I know!"

"Hey, you know~"

"I will go with you!"

Ji Ruo said awe-inspiringly: "Evil demons are heretics, everyone gets them and kills them!"

Ji Xiaoxiao rolled his eyes: "Virtue."

Looking at Ji Xiaoxiao's eyes, Ji Ruo quibble: "Don't get me wrong, I've been doing things like helping maintain social order, and I've only been here, and you're definitely not familiar with this future, so take me with you. Walk around, and by the way, let's find me in the past."

"You're just the young lady who wants to see Hehuan Sect!"

"It's not that I don't have you, don't talk nonsense, I'm just a little curious, just a little bit!"

Hearing the new term, Rosie raised her head curiously and asked, "Master, what does the Hehuan Sect do?"

"Anyway, it's a bad thing, don't ask so many children."



Ji Ruo helped Ji Xiaoxiao to slightly change the appearance of the waiting mecha, and then released the time-stop field.

Hu Wang expressed his surprise that Ji Ruo had finished talking with his inner demon in such a 'moment', but he didn't ask any further questions.

With Ji Ruo, he has experienced even more outrageous things, and 'instant communication' is nothing.

"Boss, I'm afraid you won't be able to go back with me in the past few days. Today, so many people have been arrested, and they need to be interrogated one by one. The workload is not small. As the director..."

Not only in terms of work, Hu Wang felt that he had to take time to digest everything he had experienced with Ji Ruo today.

"Understood, you have something to do, I will just ask Ji Xiaoxiao to take me for a walk, you can do yours." Ji Ruo said anxiously.

Hu Wang was a little puzzled why Ji Ruo was in such a hurry, but he didn't think much about it, and said, "Then boss, I'll go back first... By the way, leave a contact information this time?"


Ji Ruo drew a message for Hu Wang without saying a word: "If you want to find me, just write in the chat box on the back of this talisman, and I can receive it."

"Communication Talisman?" Hu Wang was curious: "What is the principle?"

"Do you know quantum mechanics? The entanglement between heaven and earth aura... In short, it's very complicated to explain, so go ahead and get busy."


What happened all of a sudden?

Hu Wang glanced at Ji Xiaoxiao suspiciously.

What the **** did the boss and his inner demon talk about just now?

Full of doubts, Hu Wang, with the help of Ji Ruoying's clones, bound all the cultists, and then from a certain room, he found a special monster that seemed to be composed entirely of gears. Take them away together, and then leave this underground space.

That monster is called 'Mecha Beast', which is a magical pet that has evolved through special training, which is the 'Digimon' or 'Pokémon' in Ji Xiaoxiao's mouth.

Its combat power is not very strong, but it has an extremely convenient talent that can "organize" the surrounding environment.

All the mechanisms in this underground space were made with the help of this little guy's talent.

Of course, the strength of these organs is not high, but the advantage is that they are safe and concealed, and there is almost no movement during the 'construction'.

According to Hu Wang, most of the cult strongholds will raise a magic pet like this.

Rosie looked curious. After asking Hu Wang if he could 'feel' it carefully, and getting a definite reply, she couldn't help but opened her mouth and took a bite of the mecha beast. Come.

"Bah! It's so unpalatable!"

Hu Wang was stunned.

Mecha beasts are covered with wooden structures or metal rusted gears, UU reading www. The taste of uukanshu.com is naturally not much better.

Hu Wang just didn't expect that Rosie's so-called 'feel it' turned out to be a bite...

You can't eat this thing at first sight!

Watching Hu Wang and the law enforcement officers who had been waiting outside to **** the cultists away, Ji Ruo and Ji Xiaoxiao also started their own actions.

"Hehuan Teaching..."

[Disguise] Ji Ruo, the blessing, followed Ji Xiaoxiao on the street, a little looking forward to it.

On the way, he remembered what Ji Xiaoxiao had said before about his "star map", so he took this opportunity to study it carefully.

This research is amazing.


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