The stronghold of the Worship of God was taken over in Yuncheng, but Black and White Impermanence, the agent of the branch, did not despair. On the contrary, they were very excited. Why did the above give them such a task? Let them come to Yuncheng to summon the Nian beast? The Nian Beast is a legendary evil beast, neither a demon nor a demon, and its source of power is people's fear and despair and other negative emotions. In a sense, Nian Beast can actually be called an alternative belief in God. Because its strength depends entirely on the amount of 'negative emotions' it can absorb. The worship of gods has long known that incense is poisonous. In today's summer, the positive incense emotions have long been planned as the food for the residents' 'domestic' incense gods, but those negative ones have always been Not able to get good use. This gave the worship of gods an opportunity. After all, no matter how devout their believers are, the number is too small, and even if they can worship a certain god, it cannot be strong. And that's when the negative public thoughts come into play. Therefore, most of the worshipped gods are some evil gods. This time the Nian Beast is one of them. By convention, they will search for everything related to the legendary Nian beast as a material for rituals, and through their bug-like beliefs, they will be summoned from ancient legends. After that, the Nian beast will absorb Daxia's The accumulated negative public thoughts have grown rapidly, showing to the world what the real legendary **** is with an absolutely ferocious and powerful attitude. However, among the materials for summoning the Nian Beast, there is a core main material, and the worship of gods has no clue. The legendary Nian Beast only appears on the night of the thirtieth year every year, that is, when the old and the new alternate every year. The name of the Nian beast comes from this, and its real name should be 'Xi'. It only appears at a specific time, and it has extremely powerful power. According to legend, no one has ever found a New Year beast at a time other than the 30th year of the year. Therefore, the worship of the gods believes that this evil beast should still have a part of it. power of time. In other words, the core material of the ceremony, the bearer used to carry the arrival of the Nian Beast, must have the power of time. Over the years, the Cult of God has not successfully summoned the Nian beast once, because it cannot find a 'bearer with the power of time'. And the reason why the senior officials of the Worship Cult sent such a task to the Yuncheng branch is because they got a message from somewhere. The 'Bearer with the power of time' will appear in Yuncheng... It is only a piece of news that is difficult to distinguish between true and false, so that the branch of one city will risk exposure to try, it seems possible Some are not very sensible. But don't forget, they are a sect, a sect that can only survive in the cracks. News is enough. Anyway, they usually worship and summon the legendary evil gods. It is the same for everyone. The mission of the Yuncheng branch is just a chess game for the top sect, but now, the 'core materials' are actually real Appeared... So even if Black and White Impermanence was caught, the first thought was not how to get out of trouble, but how to pass the news. Black and white impermanence, who had already had their masks removed and had been put on special rune handcuffs, looked at each other and saw determination in each other's eyes. "Uh uh uh!" During the escort, Hei Wuchang suddenly rolled his eyes, his body twitched wildly, and a lot of foam came out of his mouth. "Brother Hei!" Bai Wuchang panicked: "What's wrong with you Brother Hei! Are you sick again? Where's the medicine? Where is your medicine, take it quickly!" Hei Wuchang was still twitching. Bai Wuchang quickly asked the law enforcement officers who escorted them: "I know that the crimes we committed are unforgivable, but Brother Hei is sick now, you may not know that he has been born with epilepsy since he was a child... "A law enforcement officer glanced at the information in his hand and asked in confusion: "Li Erdan, what are you doing? We have all the information you have since childhood. What kind of congenital epilepsy are you pretending to be?" Bai Wuchang's expression froze. . 'Li Erdan' is the title of the black impermanence book. What Bai Wuchang didn't expect was that they had just been arrested, and their normal identities were completely exposed not long after they were exposed. The trick of pretending to be sick seems like... Li Erdan heard the words, his heart was ruthless, and he directly stimulated the spiritual power in his body, breaking several meridians in his body. For a while, Li Erdan's breath was scattered, his face was pale, and he even opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of old blood, his face like golden paper. The accompanying law enforcement officers changed their faces. A law enforcement officer who had studied Chinese medicine hurriedly stepped forward and grabbed Li Erdan's wrist. Li Erdan's heart was settled. He had broken several of his meridians. If he used a special instrument to check, he would definitely be able to find out the problem, but if he just checked the pulse, he was confident. This person is not too ill' to come to the conclusion! And even if it is checked by professional equipment, it does not matter. As a professional sectarian, he had already rehearsed a similar situation countless times. His injury may seem serious, but in fact it won't last long. Coupled with the special exercises he has practiced, those broken meridians will heal themselves within a very short period of time. When he is officially inspected by special equipment, he will be able to recover as before. At that time, as long as he insists that this is just a hidden disease of his own, it is a dark wound left by his early practice, and it cannot be cured. He could even say with tears in his eyes, "If I didn't have a dark disease and couldn't do a normal job, how could I join a sect in order to earn money to support my family? This society is full of people who have a strange disease against me. Even if I reincarnate as a zombie, I can only become an inferior zombie. I have no choice but to become a sectarian!" Thinking of this, Li Erdan couldn't help but feel proud. If the operation is good, he may even obtain a certain degree of leniency during the interrogation stage! He knew very well that sects were illegal, so he had long thought about what would happen after he was exposed. The above rhetoric, after his countless perfections, has long been impeccable... At least in his opinion. And now is the time to use this rhetoric. He thought very well. If all goes well, then he will be able to pass the news that the "Bearer with the Power of Time" has appeared through the backhand he has left behind. Then, through his "unspeakable concealment" and good performance during his sentence, he will strive for leniency. In the end, he will "reform his past wrongs", "reform his mind", and even possibly infiltrate the Law Enforcement Department and become a positive teaching material for "abandoning the dark and turning to the light"! Those leaders like him. And on the side of the Worship, because of his outstanding contributions, he will be promoted... Wouldn't it be beautiful to get a double salary then? Thinking about it, the black impermanence is a little floating. He was already immersed in the perfect future he had constructed for himself. "How, what's the problem?" The law enforcement officers quickly asked. The 'Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner' felt the strange pulse of Li Erdan at that time, as well as the peculiar and forbidding vitality hidden under the pulse of the other party, and his expression became very strange. "The pulse appears and disappears from time to time. It's true that he is seriously ill, but..." Li Erdan was still complacent, and suddenly heard this 'but', a little inexplicable. But now in this situation, it's not his turn to ask anything. Fortunately, Bai Wuchang's response was not slow, and he asked anxiously, "But what? Is Brother Hei okay?" , looked around again, and finally sighed. "Li Erdan, although it's a little inappropriate, I still want to congratulate you." "Huh?" Everyone was stunned. Even Li Erdan, who was acting so fast, couldn't help but **** up his ears. He was very puzzled. This guy congratulates him on what he is doing. Could it be that he took a pulse and could know what he was thinking through the pulse? The 'Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner' took a deep breath: "You're happy. Although you can't tell from the outside, from this pulse, the day of giving birth is not far away." Li Erdan: "???" He couldn't help but repeat. A mouthful of old blood spurted out. It does not make sense! I am a man! Everyone was stunned, and Bai Wuchang asked in a daze: "No, Brother Hei is a man! I took a bath with him and saw it with my own eyes! I even touched it!" . If two men wash together, why are you touching them? ! The 'Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner' said with a serious face: "Medicine is serious, and the pulse cannot be faked. This is the Ximai, and he is happy! I have never touched such a 'strong' Ximai, Li Erdan's child , very healthy." Li Erdan: "..." He never imagined that he would cut off his meridians by himself, and then secretly and quickly heal himself through a secret technique, and it was actually characterized as a happy meridian... Li Erdan had a toothache, but the matter had come to this point, he could only say weakly to Bai Wuchang, who had a broken face: "Sorry, Brother Bai, I have kept it from you for so long. There is a big problem with Fa, but I didn't understand it before. When I discovered the problem, it was too late... Because of this practice, the yin and yang in my body are in reverse, and most of the time my gender is confused. I have always been careful to hide it, but I didn't expect it to be exposed..." Bai Wuchang said in a trembling voice: "Three years of teaching, you and I are like brothers, staying together all the time, even sleeping in the same bed. , you...whose is the child?" Li Erdan was silent. How does he know who the child is! He has no children at all! But it has already come to this point, and I can only bite the bullet and go on. He has already made such a great sacrifice, if he still can't get the news out, then he will not be able to stay in the worshipping religion in the future, and even his normal life will be affected - a man is pregnant, he will definitely suffer People are gossiping... And it was Li Erdan's silence that made Bai Wuchang panic. "I said why you sleep so badly, you often climb on top of me when you fall asleep in the middle of the night, it turns out, it turns out..." Bai Wuchang's heart was bleeding. "I treat you as a brother, yet you treat me like this!" Li Erdan's heart was bleeding. He doesn't want to either! Who knew that his pulse would be touched as a happy pulse! He doesn't know Chinese medicine! The expressions of the sectarians who were arrested together were also strange. Even Li Erdan could hear someone whispering, saying what God Envoy usually does besides another God Envoy, who else is there? Whoever has a closer relationship... Li Erdan's head is full of black lines, and his reputation in the church is completely ruined. However, as long as the message can be passed on, all this is worth it, although the sacrifice is a bit big... Bai Wuchang's expression collapsed. He is not a fool, but the incident happened suddenly, and it was completely different from the several emergency reports they had rehearsed countless times before, plus the serious left evidence of the 'trainee Chinese medicine'... Bai Wuchang was flustered, and he didn't Ways to calm down and think about the key. Bai Wuchang's mind is now full of the 'intimate actions' when the two got along. Originally, Bai Wuchang didn't feel anything, it was just a normal interaction, but now...he couldn't look directly at that experience. Li Erdan endured the grief and anger, and said, "Mr. Law enforcement officers, my current state... is a little dizzy with Feijian, can we go down for a while?" The law enforcement officers hesitated. Hu Wang couldn't figure out what was going on right now. It seems that after Ji Ruo reappears, his life becomes strange. It's only been a day, and the Three Views he has built over the past 20 years have suffered a serious impact and are crumbling. He couldn't help asking in a low voice the 'Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner': "You didn't feel it wrong? Is it really Ximai?" The 'Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner' nodded earnestly and said firmly: "That's right! Director, that is Ximai, please believe me, I am a professional. "Okay..." Hu Wang opened his mouth: "Then let's go down and walk, just to let the public see, these sectarians who have been arrested..." Li Erdan got what he deserved. Wish, at the moment of landing, the secret method has been activated, and the prepared backhand has been activated to transmit the news in some way. Then, listening to the whispers of the former compatriots behind him, Li Erdan burst into tears. His sacrifice was too great! ............On the other hand, Liang Shixian, who had eaten, didn't stay at home much, so he came out to look for a plan. Liang's father and Liang's mother also knew that if Liang Shixian had something serious to do, UU Reading didn't say much. Just let Liang Shijing come out with him. What the second elder thought was to take advantage of this opportunity to let the two children improve their relationship a little bit. "Xiaojing, how old are you this year?" Liang Shixian had no experience with his sister at all, so he was speechless. "Don't call me Xiaojing!" Liang Shijing said vigorously: "Also, how can anyone ask the girl's age as soon as they come up! Don't you know this is personal privacy!" "Ah this... "Liang Shixian scratched his head, "I'm sorry, I really don't know this." "Humph! Straight man!" Regarding his own affairs, he said: "Xiaojing, I'm sorry, it was because of my sudden disappearance that made your childhood so... But don't worry, we will go back after the plan is finished... ...When I go back 20 years ago, I will definitely make up for you, and I won't force you to watch "Armored Warriors" so many times..." "It's all happened, you say this now What's the use?" Liang Shijing sneered: "Even if what you said is true, does it affect me? From childhood to adulthood, all I remember about you is the "Armored Warrior" and the photos that my parents kept. , even if you can really go back to the past, your influence on me now has become a fact! How can you change! How can you compensate me!" Liang Shixian was silent. Yeah, how to change it? How to make up for the lost twenty years. Seeing this, Liang Shijing continued to mock: "Also, even if you go back twenty years ago, you can't find me." Liang Shixian was stunned when he heard the words: "Why?" "Because twenty years ago, there was no me at all!" Liang Shijing took out his ID card: "Okay, I'm sixteen years old this year!"..........

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