I Have a Big Problem with My Achievement System

Chapter 390: The secret of time and space

The countless and extremely dazzling brilliance looked like bursting fireworks, but in fact, every ray of light was a palm print of different shapes.

Nian Beast was attracted by the brilliance, and the sky's palm print fireworks reflected in his eyes. For a time, he forgot to escape, and temporarily overcame his instinctive fear of explosives.

Although "Human" is a pure mental attack, it can also deal substantial damage.

Conversely, 'fireworks' is a similar situation.

It comes with a mental attack.

At this moment, from the perspective of expression, it is like an unprecedented grand fireworks, the ultimate beauty of that moment, people who are not determined, can't get rid of it.

And once affected, even if it's just a moment's absence, the convenience has no chance to escape, and can only resist.

Nian Beast is such a situation at this moment.

She was attracted by the gorgeous fireworks, and before she could regain her senses, the murderous intent hidden under the extreme beauty had already appeared.

The Nian Beast was submerged by the palm prints of endless rays of light, and was washed away. Any rays of light were equivalent to a full-strength palm of Ji Ruo. The consumption could be imagined, and the power was naturally extremely terrifying.

That is to say, the real essence stored in the Thirty-Three Heavens is boundless, otherwise, Ji Ruozhen might not be able to hit this palm.


Ji Ruo felt a deep exhaustion after a long absence, and he sat on the ground without any image.

This was his strongest attack, and even the 'happiness' stored in the red scarf was consumed in an instant. His red scarf became dilapidated as a result, but it still fluttered in the wind like a banner standing on the battlefield.

No matter what happened, this red scarf, which is infected with the blood of countless martyrs, may become dark, but it will never fade!

"Uh ah ah!"

The Nian beast was suppressed and washed away by countless palm prints, unable to move or escape.

The subtotal and Liang Shijing that are the core of it are affected by Ji Ruo's "happiness", and even the endless evil thoughts are also affected.

The powerful offensive power contained in the glorious palm print is presented in another way under the influence of the 'happiness' provided by Ji Ruo.

Nian Beast was bombarded, and her 'formed core', as well as the endless evil thoughts, gradually saw some pictures.

In the wilderness, two teenagers who looked embarrassed were surrounded by a group of tree demons, squatting on the ground, eating spiritual fruit, their dirty faces were full of pure smiles.

In the huge nest on the floating island, a cute black cat squatted on the shoulder of a certain teenager, staring at the barbecue, eager to try.

On the top of the mountain surrounded by demons, the young man stood with a feathered sword and stepped on a giant toad, arrogant and awe-inspiring, shocking the group of demons.

Covered with ice and snow, the giant tree is towering, the boy stretched out his little finger, hooked up with the branches of the giant tree, and made a promise...

The snow-covered mountains in Wan Beast Mountain are full of snow and cherry blossoms;

The white-haired boy at the entrance of Yuncheng No. 1 Middle School;

The half-walled sky of the first martial arts school stands with demons;

Babaozhai's shoulders carry the thunder and slaughter the monsters;

The hundred-zhang giants on the frontier chase the demons;

The gods of the mother continent help me cut off the goblins...

Every picture, every smiling face, accompanied by countless palm prints and endless laughter, bombarded Nian Beast's body one after another, and also bombarded Nian Beast's heart.

In the wilderness, a black-haired boy with a black cat, with black mist surging above his head, clasped his fists and cupped his hands at a broken icon: "Wu Sheng, look, I am safe in the mountains and rivers of Daxia."

Seeing this, a ray of evil thoughts murmured: "I am in the summer, the mountains and rivers are safe..."

"Yes! My generation of martial arts is to keep my Daxia mountains and rivers safe! Since I am safe, why should I complain? Why don't I go back!"

Immediately, the evil thoughts were relieved and slowly dissipated.

More and more evil thoughts, because I saw the 'happiness' that Ji Ruo has been accumulating, and felt the pure thoughts in it.

Or, what is learned from some pictures.

They find their meaning again, gradually release, or dissipate or transform.

They are no longer the food for Nian Beast to become stronger, and they are no longer evil thoughts.

And the year beast.

At this moment, the golden light in his eyes was extremely dazzling, and Xiaoji saw that there were two very familiar figures walking towards him slowly from the golden light, and stretched out his hands.

"Sorry, Mom and Dad are late."

Xiaoji's nose is sour: "Why did you guys come here! I'm about to be beaten to death by the future me!"

The two old heroes embraced Xiaoji and Liang Shijing in their arms and protected them.

The Nian Beast suddenly lost its core, but it did not die.

But fortunately, Ji Ruo didn't eat dry rice, and his 'fireworks' did not end.

Without the core, there is no supply of endless evil thoughts.

The ultimate baptism from body to mind finally shattered Nian Beast's huge body completely, leaving only Subji and Liang Shijing wrapped in a golden ball of light, still staying in mid-air.

"Ha, the last step!"

Ji Ruo, who had rested for a while, stood up again, and the pots and pans he had summoned just now came into use.

"Although it's still a little early, it's time for New Year's Eve dinner!"

Blessed by the priesthood of the kitchen master, the human palm method is used for seasoning, and it is cooked with fireworks.

Nian is the main beast, and evil thoughts are matched!

A delicacy with all the flavors and aromas suddenly appeared on the ruins after the war. Although they won, most of Yuncheng was also destroyed.

Fortunately, the divisions acted in a timely manner, and there were not many casualties...

"Hello? The incident is over, let the dead come back to life, it's done."


Ji Ruo turned around in surprise, but saw that Lao Ji appeared at an unknown time, and was standing in a strange phone booth, making a phone call.

Seeing Ji Ruo, he also smiled and waved at Ji Ruo.

"By the way, if Yuncheng becomes a super-large banquet venue, um, an amusement park will definitely be required..."

In an instant, the situation changed, and all the ruins and walls flew up and reassembled.

Half is a super-large banquet hall, and the other half is an ultra-luxurious amusement park that is enough to satisfy any child's fantasy.

Everyone in Yuncheng, zombies, ghosts, magic pets, etc., all maintained their previous actions, and were stunned by the sudden change of the world.

"What if a phone booth?!" Ji Ruo was dumbfounded: "You even built this thing?"

Old Ji grinned: "Awesome, right?"

Ji Ruo gave a thumbs up and smiled as well: "As expected of me!"

"Clap clap."

Lao Liang clapped his hands: "Everyone, don't be stunned, find a seat first, although the incident happened suddenly, and the time is not right... But let's have a New Year's Eve dinner together!"


Hu Wang was stunned: "This is, what's the situation?"

After a brief period of stunned, people from various sects were the first to react, and they were ready to flee.

Some take hostages, some turn over and jump on the back of zombies, and some directly perform DIY's Five Elements Escape.

Lao Liang put on a pair of black-rimmed glasses, locked all the believers, and snorted coldly.


In an instant, the strange force was controlled by Lao Liang, suppressing all the believers.

Lao Ji raised his hand and slid gently, and the ground surged, dividing the cells and detaining the believers.

Ji Ruo pouted slightly as she watched the two of them lightly written to deal with all the believers in Yuncheng.

"Why did you go early?"

At this time, Liang Shixian, who still didn't know the truth, brought his parents to find him.

"Ji Ruo, what happened? Has it all been resolved?"

"Ah, it's settled."

"But I haven't finished modeling yet!"

Ji Ruo scratched his head in embarrassment: "Cough, this, the situation in the battle changes rapidly, I suddenly found another solution, I didn't have time to tell you..."

Liang Shixian: "..."

So the fight just now was a waste of time?

But Liang Shixian didn't care, he hurriedly asked, "Where's my sister!"

"It's still up there, and I don't know when it will come down." Ji Ruo pointed to the golden light ball above his head.

"But what is certain is that they are safe now."

Liang's father and Liang's mother looked at Lao Liang and then at Liang Shixian, a little confused.

"Sir, may I ask..."

Lao Liang smiled bitterly: "Dad, Mom, don't call me Mr. I can't stand it..."

Mother Liang covered her mouth in disbelief.

"So, you are the Shixian of our time and space?!"

Lao Liang scratched his head: "...It can also be understood that way, I'm sorry, Dad, Mom, these years, because of work, I can't go back...My job, the confidentiality level is too high already."

He knew that his parents must have a lot to say to him.

Who knows—

Mother Liang said expectantly, "Then are you married?"

Lao Liang: "?"

"Cough, it's over..."

"It's there! Don't bring it over and let Mom see it!" Liang's mother suddenly became excited.

Liang Shixian who was left out: "...Mom, Xiaojing hasn't been rescued yet."

"Oh yes yes yes! Look at my brain, that, world..."

Lao Liang smiled and said, "Mom, you should call me Da Liang, so it's convenient to call me... It's not difficult for Xiao Jing to come down, you listen to me..."

Ji Ruo looked at the interaction of Liang Shixian's family with some envy, but this time, he won't have any resentment anymore.

Both Android and Apple. 】


Old Ji snapped his fingers, and suddenly, thousands of shadow clones who could ignore the collision per unit volume stood up behind them, and started cooking, as if they really planned to invite the people of Quanyun City to a meal.

Although the Nian Beast has been beaten into a dish, and the number is quite large, but the New Year's Eve dinner can't just eat the Nian Beast, right?

After doing all this, Lao Ji put his arms around Ji Ruo's shoulder and said, "Let's go, let's chat in the private room."

Ji Ruo nodded.

Later, the banquet hall changed again, and a huge private room was divided.

"It's almost time for the guests to arrive..."


If in doubt.

Then, special invitation cards appeared out of thin air, opening the portal in the void.

Black qi emerged, and a black fog burst out, appearing beside Ji Ruo, holding his arm, and said pitifully: "Ji Ruo! Ji Ruo, please save me!"

"Uncle Chen Mo?" Ji Ruo was slightly taken aback: "What's the matter, what happened?"

"The old lady is going to marry me! Help!"

"Huh? Who are you calling the old woman?"

The beautiful and youthful Hua Qianrou walked out of the portal with a smile.

Chen Mo shrank behind Ji Ruo and said, "I'm not getting married! I'm going to take risks with Ji Ruo! You liar, it's not fun to be with you at all!

Ji Ruo, do you know how I have spent the past 20 years? Honeymoon is so boring! I want to be the light too! "

Ji Ruo smiled awkwardly.

How can he help this kind of thing?


Emily, Sheila, Tim, otherworldly gods...

Hu Yonglin, Tang Dong, Li Bindao, Gu Shaoxuan, Gu Xingzhou...

Human fireworks sequence...  

Tongtian Jianmu, Jinglan, Dabao Erbao, Dabai...

Wait, Ji Ruo's relatives and friends all came here through the portal.


Emily burst into laughter as soon as she arrived, stunned everyone.

Sheila looked bewildered: "What are you crazy about?"

Emily said proudly: "I had the last laugh!"


Sheila couldn't believe it: "That's why you're laughing all the time?!"

What a laugh for twenty years!

"Count if... woo woo woo!"

Emily was very proud, but Sheila covered her mouth for the first time.

"Are you sick! Twenty years of laughter!"

Sheila breaks down a bit.

She inexplicably lost to a fool...

"Don't make trouble, now there are two plans, one for each of us!"

Emily was stunned.

Tim launched a magical technique, searched, and then looked at the air excitedly: "I have one too!"

"Go, go, what are you doing to join in the fun!"

The two goddesses work together to subdue Tim.

Lao Ji and Ji Ruo greeted the guests.

Ji Ruo asked, "Where's your wife?"

Old Ji asked back, "Where did my wife come from?"


Ji Ruo looked incredulous: "I'm still single when it comes to you?!"

"Yeah." Lao Ji looked melancholy: "I don't know what's going on, I just can't meet a suitable girl, alas."

Ji Ruo was also a little helpless when he heard the words.

At this time, Lao Liang brought his family over and said tentatively, "Old Trick, what do you think about Emily and the others?"

"They? Good brothers, what's wrong?"

Lao Liang: "..."

Liang Shijing had been rescued, and was crying at the moment.

No matter how strong her consciousness was when danger came, she was only a sixteen-year-old girl after all.

Xu was because Liang Shijing had already returned, and the ball of light in the sky began to fall slowly.

Ji Ruo chatted with Lao Ji for a while, and when he saw this, he hurried to greet the guests.

He seemed to be running away from something.

At this moment, his chaotic memory has almost completely returned to normal. He is very clear that he is a traverser from another world. Before taking the martial arts exam... he has not yet traversed.

Seeing this, Lao Ji smiled without saying a word, said nothing, and did not intend to dismantle Ji Ruo.

He just summoned some more shadow clones to maintain the order of this big venue.


After the subtotal landed, he rushed into the crowd and grabbed Ji Ruo: "What are you running for?"

"What are you talking about, where did I run away?" Ji Ruoqiang pretended to be calm, stretched out his hand and squeezed Xiaoji's baby-fat face, and said, "It's not your little guy who is angry and caused such a big mess, I I want to help you explain to those uncles and aunts!"

"You don't need to explain." Lao Ji came over with a smile: "Why do you understand the sub-total, you still don't understand?"

"Nonsense, I understand!"

"Then tell me, what do you understand?"


If there is a momentary lag.

Suddenly, the whole venue was quiet, and everyone looked at Ji Ruo with a smile.

There was a sudden sound of light footsteps.

Hearing the familiar and unfamiliar footsteps, Ji Ruo trembled.

"They've grown so big..."

Ji Ruo's eyes were slightly red~www.readwn.com~ slowly turned around, and finally saw the two golden lights behind him.

[Congratulations to the host child for triggering the achievement: whose footsteps are these? 】

[Reward: Shunfeng Ear (enhanced hearing, sonic simulation!)]

[Note: The voice of the big leather shoes is Dad! 】

[Note: High heels? It must be mom! 】

[Note: Good! All right! 】

"Dad, Mom..."

Ji Ruo burst into tears.


(ps: Volume 5, The Secret of Superspace, will end~)

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