I Have a Big Problem with My Achievement System

Chapter 389: Who told you that my strongest is the knife and the sword?

This 'True Dragon Transformation' is a very powerful martial art of Yiwudao. Only when the practice of Yiwudao reaches a very high level, and the will of the martial arts is unprecedentedly strong, and it must be able to meet some special requirements, it can be practiced. .

Just to practice the threshold, you must reach the golden body state, and it is the golden body state that has not been smelted by the martial arts body.

This also means that if you want to practice the 'True Dragon Transformation', you must consciously cultivate your own martial arts will from the beginning of your contact with martial arts...

The training conditions are extremely harsh!

But harshness is harsh, and after practice, the power is naturally extremely strong.

It can make the warrior temporarily incarnate the dragon in the ancient myths and legends of Daxia!

Yes, it is the kind of dragon with horns like a deer, head like a camel, eyes like a rabbit, neck like a snake, belly like a mirage, scales like a fish, claws like an eagle, palms like a tiger, ears like a cow...

This transformation is naturally more than just a change in appearance.

Body size, constitution, resistance, and even the power that the dragons in myths and legends should have can be fully realized!

Even stronger than the legend!

After all, it is the totem of Daxia!

All the above, it is destined that the cultivation process of this martial arts will not be easy.

There will be strong resentment, and it is understandable.

After all, the entry requirement for this martial arts is to plasticize the will of the martial arts, so that the will of the martial arts grows within a long-planned range.

Without freedom, pain and resentment will naturally arise.

But compared to the strength that can be obtained after training, according to Ji Ruo's understanding, replacing it is actually equivalent to handing over all the leisurely and happy childhood to various cram schools... ..

That is, to exchange the pain of the present for the strength of the future.

Strong returns to strong, but this kind of martial arts, if you give it to Ji Ruo Ji, you won't want it.

Because this martial arts is really a free gift, at least in the first martial arts school.

Although Ji Ruo didn't finish a semester in the university before, he has actually learned all the knowledge that the entire university requires students to master.

This martial art called 'True Dragon Transformation' was known at that time.

In the first martial arts school, this martial arts is completely given away. Anyone who wants to learn it can learn it. Even if the minimum threshold for entering the lowest first martial arts school is the Qi Pulse Realm, there is no way to cultivate the true dragon. Principal Chen Zai also He will do it himself to help students train their bodies, so that they can regain the qualifications to practice True Dragon Transformation.

Of course, practicing this martial art is not completely free.

The only price is that after confirming that he wants to practice, he can no longer be a student of the first martial arts school.

According to Principal Chen Zai, he will not stop any student from any whimsy, just do it when he thinks of it, youth is enough capital.

But after practicing the true dragon transformation, the future is equivalent to being dead, so there is no need to stay in the first martial arts school...


Looking at the huge dragon that had no friends and meandered the entire Yuncheng, Ji Ruo's scattered thoughts gradually retracted.

To be fair, Ji Ruo is not surprised that Nian Beast can display the True Dragon Transformation.

The cultivation process of this martial art is inherently 'painful', and it would be strange if there were no evil thoughts.

The Nian Beast feeds on the evil thoughts of all living beings, and it is not strange at all that it can eat some messy things from evil thoughts.

I just don't know why I only 'eat' it now.

Although this guy was born not long ago, under the unlimited supply of endless evil thoughts, its growth rate is extremely fast.

If you can eat it, it should have been eaten long ago, why do you have to wait until now?

If you have some doubts.

But he didn't think too much.

Liang Shixian is still in Heilong's body at the moment, and he may not even know that he has been 'caught'.

The Nian beast's body modeling has become the black dragon's body modeling, and it is still going on.

Facing the aggressive Nian Beast, Ji Ruo chuckled.

"If you were on the ground, you might be able to hold on longer, but..."


The plan is like a sword dance, and the meaning of Tai Chi is messing with the world!

Sword Intent and Sword Intent are intertwined and linked, and a terrifying artistic conception hurricane rises from the ground!

The meaning contained in the hurricane, in the air and against the dragon, can exert a power that completely exceeds the limit!

Then, the hurricane suddenly disappeared from the naked eye.

Instead, there are thousands of beautiful and delicate feathers that are completely merged with sword intent and sword intent!

And the hurricane didn't really disappear, it just changed its form.

The meaning contained in it draws the huge black dragon and makes it unable to control itself. It can only follow that meaning and go with the flow!

"what is this!"

Nian Beast was horrified.

With white hair flying all over her head, Ji Ruo's movements are beautiful, as if she is dancing a killing battle dance that coexists with femininity and masculinity!

The intention between the day and the earth was accumulated to the extreme, Ji Ruo's eyes were slightly cold.

The black dragon transformed by the Nian Beast was out of control, and the huge dragon head fell, Ji Ruo rode the flying feathers in the sky, bucked the trend, and slashed with swords!

A dazzling light that could not tell whether it was the sword energy or the sword light crossed the dragon head. Ji Ruo crossed his hands, and the sword returned to its sheath.

Breathe out slowly.

"Dragon Slaying Dance!"

The huge body of the black dragon was frozen in an instant, and then, a thin line slowly appeared between its throat, and the dragon's head slid down.

One blow, owl head!

"you you-"

The black dragon's body collapsed and shattered into countless light feathers, which were extremely beautiful.

Ji Ruo's blow actually shattered even the evil version of the real dragon!

Nian Beast can no longer perform this trick!

Liang Shixian was still holding her paws.

Seeing this, Ji Ruo quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

Nian Beast was shocked: "Impossible! How can you be so strong! You are so small!"

"That's why I said that many times, if you are not big, you must be strong."

Ji Ruo turned around and smiled: "Speaking of which, I suddenly remembered something."

"What's up?"

Nian Beast and sheep pretend to be curious, and at the same time quietly manipulate evil thoughts, turning them into invisible tentacles, hiding their whereabouts and breath, and slowly approaching Ji Ruo.

"Before, you, who were affected by endless evil thoughts, couldn't feel anything except pain, right?"

"Huh? What do you mean?" Nian Beast didn't pretend this time, she really didn't understand.

Ji Ruo said to himself: "No wonder the old trick made me apply what I have learned in my life, it is because of this."

"what are you talking about!"

Ji Ruo asked: "Have you not found it yet, do you still feel pain now?"


"Someone is watching over you, little fool."

Nian Beast was stunned.

It's just that she pretended to be stunned.

"Who? Who's guarding me?! I don't need anyone's guard, I'm strong!"

"Don't be stubborn." Ji Ruo shook his head slightly: "Only the two of you can't bear to endure so many evil thoughts and still stay awake.

The person who protects you is naturally..."

Ji Ruo didn't finish speaking.

The hidden tentacles of evil thoughts controlled by Nian Beast have come to Ji Ruo's side, and Ji Ruo has not found it at all!

"Hahaha! You are careless! I won!"

The tentacles scurried away, and in the blink of an eye, he snatched the two swords from Ji Ruo's waist.

"Without the sword, let me see what you will do! You are all about the sword! Hahaha! Ji Ruo, as the future me, you are indeed strong, but I am stronger than you! I will definitely be able to return Go to the past, reverse everything, and save them!"


Shuangzhi of the sword was robbed.

"As for you!"

Nian Beast said fiercely: "Why do you laugh so happily! I don't want such a future at all, so go to hell!"

The tentacles of evil thoughts wanted to destroy the double branches of the sword, but they couldn't break them no matter what, so they could only retreat and swallow them temporarily.

As a martial artist, Ji Ruo is so good at swordplay, at first glance, he is specialized in swordsmanship.

Without the sword, most of the strength of one's body has gone, so there is nothing to be afraid of!

As for that soft boxing technique... it's just a little weird, Nian Beast, who has learned to master martial arts from evil thoughts, is not afraid at all!


The tentacles of evil thoughts merged into one, taking advantage of the distraction of the plan, slammed it down, and smashed it from the air.

"Hahahaha! I really am the strongest!"

The Nian Beast laughed loudly, stepped into the sky, flew high into the sky again, opened his **** mouth, and gathered endless evil thoughts. He didn't hesitate at all, and directly attacked if he launched a fatal blow!

The jet-black beam of light slammed down—

"Tai Chi · Four liang dials a thousand jins!"

The smoke and dust dissipated, Ji Ruo's body was whistling with strong winds, his hands wearing half-finger gloves grabbed the beam of light, turned around and threw the beam of light towards the Nian beast.

The young beast avoided it lightly.

She has grown up again, and all kinds of movements come at her fingertips.

"It's that kind of boxing again... hum! You have no sword, what can you use against me!"

"Who told you..."

Ji Ruo grinned: "What am I best at with swords?"


"I'm absolutely right about swordsmanship, but I started training with iron sand palms!"

"Iron sand palm—" Nian Beast sneered.

next moment!

"Human · Baiwei!"

The artistic conception of martial arts supernatural powers evolved, turned into a large number of steaming delicacies, and slammed into the Nian beast.

The aroma was fragrant, and Nian Beast subconsciously stretched out his claws, his eyes slightly blurred.

“It smells so good...”

Ji Ruo took advantage of the situation and scribbled with both hands in the void.

"Since you don't listen to me, I'm too lazy to tell you, just one move to decide the outcome!"

Watching Ji Ruo running farther and farther, Nian Beast: "..."

Run away, run away, what rude words are you talking about!

"Hmph, coward!"

Young beast contempt.

She looked at the delicious food that evolved from the martial arts conception, and took a direct breath, sucking all of it into her belly.

Obviously it's just an evolution of artistic conception, but it seems like it really exists.

Every dish made a subtotal, and I was really happy sitting at the table and eating it.

The continuous dishes were brought to the table by two 'cookers' whose faces could not be seen clearly. In the illusion, Subji was very happy to eat.

"Is it tasty?"

A cook asked gently.

"good to eat!"

Xiaoji nodded happily, then froze.

He raised his head, his eyes penetrated the dense aroma and heat, and he looked at the so-called 'cooker'.

"Dad, Mom..."

He saw their faces clearly and was completely stunned.

Subtotal's nose is sour, and a lot of water vapor can't be controlled to accumulate in the eye sockets.

Ji's mother reached out and rubbed Xiaoji's head, and said gently: "Eat more if it's delicious, if it's not enough, Mom will make it for you, okay?"

"Okay... woo woo woo!" Xiao Ji couldn't help it anymore, and rushed over to hug his parents tightly: "Dad! Mom! I miss you so much!"

"We are always by your side."

"by my side?"

Xiaoji raised his head with tears in his eyes and was about to ask.

At this time, the palm of 'Human World · Baiwei' was exhausted, and the illusion dissipated.

Nian Beast's huge and ferocious body hovered in the air in a weird posture, tears streaming down his face.

"Dad! Mom! Where are you!"

Nian Beast is frantically looking for it.

However, except for the ruins in all directions, she could not find anything.

"Hoo~ It's okay, it's okay, I caught up."

Suddenly, Ji Ruo's voice sounded.

Nian Beast looked at Ji Ruo, furious: "You! Damn, how dare you lie to me!"

"I lied to you? When did I lie to you?" Ji Ruo was a little surprised: "I don't know what kind of fantasy 'Human World·Bawei' will generate... Tsk, forget it, I can't explain it to you. ."

Ji Ruo simply did not explain.

The moment when the Nian Beast was controlled by the magical realm, Ji Ruo had already completed the final preparations.

At this moment, he was surrounded by dozens of magic talismans, but the lines on those talismans seemed completely illogical, like a child's doodles, meaningless.

But obviously, these magic symbols can't be meaningless.

"Pots and pans, listen to my orders!"

Ji Ruo's expression was solemn, and he squeezed his fingers: "Quickly manifest!"

The Kitchen God's divine power is released and interacts with the talisman.

In an instant, a large number of pots and pans flew into the sky and gathered towards Cuihu Park.

All kinds of kitchen utensils have turned into a real "cooking road" dragon.

Under the command of Ji Ruo, they were divided into ten directions.

"Huh? Pots and pans?"

Nian Beast was a little confused by Ji Ruo's sudden operation.

Why are there still people fighting and fighting, summoning these things out!

What's the use of summoning these things?

However, Ji Ruo did not intend to explain.

He raised his hand and stroked the red scarf on his chest—

"Since I realized my supernatural powers, this palm is the first time I have appeared in this world... Enjoy!"

All the happiness stored in Ji Ruo's red scarf was released and concentrated on Ji Ruo's palms.

At the same time, the power of the iron sand palm is running to the extreme, and Ji Ruo's palms are flying, which seems to contain endless changes.


Ji Ruo put his palms on his waist.

Countless palm shadows gathered.

The whole world is dark, as if the light between heaven and earth has been gathered in an instant, condensed on Ji Ruo's palms.

For a time, Ji Ruo's palms became extremely bright.

The unimaginably high temperature caused even the air to distort, making Ji Ruo's hands look like a bright little sun.

At this moment, the illusion of the light from the sky and the earth that evolved from the artistic conception of martial arts, Ji Ruo's hands became the only light source in this world!

He raised his hand, hit the air with his palm, and 'exploded'!



! "

The indescribably splendid light and shadow burst, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is extremely beautiful, gorgeous to the extreme, dazzling to the extreme!

Nian Beast's instinct made her instinctively want to escape amid the explosion.

But subconsciously, she felt that the fireworks were extremely beautiful, and for a while, the emotion of desire overcame her instinct.

The Nian Beast was afraid and reluctant to escape. He stood in the air, watching the gorgeously bursting fireworks. Countless rays of light flew in, wrapping it and drowning it.

"so beautiful......"

The subtotal murmured, and Liang Shijing murmured.

Whispering endless evil thoughts.


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