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After 20 years of development, the human fireworks sequence has grown.

Although there are no counts, there are also small counts.

Although Ji Xiaoxiao's strength has long ceased to grow, he can still use various achievements.

In addition, this guy usually says that he is fierce, but he is actually not a bad embryo.

And there are Xu Dong and others who are on the left. The team he leads, rounded up, is no different from Ji Ruo himself.

Maybe even better.

After all, Xu Dong is a normal person, ahem...

In short, even after twenty years have passed, the fireworks sequence in the world still exists, and even the Wuxiang Mala Group has been 'expanded' to many other martial arts schools.

And they always have a love in their hearts, and they have not been defeated by life.

Therefore, when they just appeared, they shouted "the last general is here" and "the last general leads the order" one by one.

Without him, I just think it looks more handsome.

But now with the addition of the human fireworks sequence, the pressure on the various departments in Yuncheng has been greatly reduced.

All of these guys are starry sky warriors. They started out as heavenly beings in the five realms of martial arts.

In this way, Ji Ruo can concentrate on dealing with the Nian beast.

Liang Shixian's modeling of the Nian beast's body structure did not progress very quickly.

This is mainly because Liang Shixian is a little impatient, attacking from all directions, and wants to quickly complete the overall modeling.

But the more so, the slower his progress will be.

After all, the Nian beast is extremely large, and the feedback from a collision can at most make Liang Shixian understand the range of his arm under his skin.

Liang Shixian thought about it, he can't go on like this!

So his mind moved, he suddenly opened his arms and hugged Nian Beast's leg, intending to specialize in a little bit, first modeling this huge leg like an Optimus Prime.

"What does it mean to show what you have learned throughout your life?"

Ji Ruo was still resisting the Nian beast in Taiji, while thinking secretly.


He noticed that Nian Beast's eyes and ears seemed to contain a strange golden light.

The reason why it is said to be weird is because from Ji Ruo's perception, the properties of those golden lights seem to be completely different from the power of the Nian Beast itself.

The Nian Beast, which feeds on evil thoughts, is inclined towards destruction and destruction.

But that golden light somehow gave Ji Ruo a feeling of 'protection'.

"This feeling......"

Some are like Martial Saint statues, but they are not.

"and many more!"

Ji Ruo suddenly widened his eyes: "Could it be, guarding the heroic soul?!"

He turned back and looked behind him.

Still empty, but possessing a guardian hero is clearly one of the characteristics of the red scarf.

You know, the red scarf is a creation produced by Teacher System.

At the beginning, even the white cat, who had two souls with Rosie, was forcibly pulled out after Rosie put on the red scarf.

It can be seen that its function is strong.

But Ji Ruo never found the heroic soul that protects him...

"It's about me? Or an elder in Liang Shijing's family?"

Ji Ruo pondered for a moment.

If it had something to do with him, the so-called 'showing a lifetime of learning' would be easier to understand.

"Equal to some kind of exam or interview? My guardian hero, maybe for some special reason, can't appear, or can't wake up...

Showing what I have learned throughout my life, in a sense, is actually showing my growth to my elders and awakening them? "

Ji Ruo felt as if he had discovered the truth.

"Try it!"

Ji Ruo swiped his fingertips and drew out aura of spiritual light in the void in front of him.

The next moment, a 'ghost painting talisman' appeared in front of Ji Ruo.

"Water is coming!"

The void spirit talisman took effect instantly, and the water vapor around the body condensed and turned into a huge water ball.

Taijiquan changed his mind, and the water polo burst immediately, turning into endless water droplets, lingering around the Nian Beast in ten directions.

"Qinggong · Water Floating!"

This is Ji Ruo's martial arts achievement that was unlocked in the rainstorm when Ji Ruo was in Babaozhai.

It is a body method.

The kind that can be called conceptual martial arts, as long as there is water, you can step into the air!

Ji Ruo steps on the water droplets, the movement moves, and the sky is step by step!

"it works!"

Ji Ruo, who had been paying attention to Nian Beast, was slightly happy when he saw the golden light in the other's eyes flashing slightly.

Just when he was just drawing the talisman, the golden light didn't respond. If he guessed, it might have to be martial arts.

"In this case-"

Ji Ruo reached out and pulled out the sword branch, stepped on the water to attack, and jumped violently.

"Flower Burial!"

Twenty-four sword lights appeared at once, and in the next year, the beast's body was wrong, and in an instant, it turned into a beautiful flower of sword lights.

The Nian beast in it is like a flower core, bound by the petals of the sword glow, unable to move, roaring and filial again and again.

The next moment, the flower was fully formed, and the time and space within the flower seemed to stop for a moment.

Then the sword glow burst, turning into countless sword qi petals and slowly falling.

Those seemingly weak petals are actually all composed of sword energy, and they are extremely sharp. Although they fall slowly, they also make Nian Beast bruised all over.

The golden light in his eyes brightened again.

"Very good, keep up the good work!"

Ji Ruo drew the sword again and wielded both swords, without using much real energy.

What can determine the amount of true essence is only the ability of the warrior to continue fighting. The real warrior has a meticulous control over himself.

A single force can produce several times or even dozens of times the effect. UU reading

Ji Ruo is not the kind of person who likes to squander his true essence, even if his true essence at the moment is boundless and boundless.

Of course, the main thing is to worry about hitting high, leaving unbearable damage to Xiaoji and Liang Shijing.


Ji Ruo took a deep breath.

The Nian Beast screamed in pain, and it looked like it was covered in bruises and wounds, very miserable, but in fact it was just some skin injuries, and the injuries were not serious.

He wields two swords, and his two intentions are condensed.

Obviously not the same weapon, nor the same artistic conception, but at this moment it is unexpectedly harmonious.

Ji Ruo cut out the sword in his hand.

"Lightning · Whirlwind!"

Nian Beast has completely unable to keep up with the speed of the calculation.

At her feet, Liang Shixian was still holding her tightly, not knowing what was going on above.

Liang Shixian is very dedicated and has to complete the task given by Ji Ruo no matter what.

However, on Ji Ruo's side, because the golden light in the eyes of the beast became stronger and stronger that year, he sensed something deeper with his divine sense.

"It's coming soon..."

Counting to himself.

The golden light was getting brighter and brighter, and Ji Ruo could already sense the two special thoughts contained in it.

Those two thoughts were somewhat unfamiliar, but inexplicably gave Ji Ruo a very kind feeling.

Ji Ruo felt that he was about to wake them up.

He has the 'Swords and Swords' buff blessing, any sword intent and sword intent is at your fingertips without any pressure.

The only bottleneck is only limited by the imagination.

Nian Beast's injuries are getting heavier and heavier, but the number of evil thoughts in this world is extremely large, and evil thoughts are not vegetarian.

As the injuries on Nian Beast's body accumulated to a certain level, Nian Beast could not learn by himself, instead of using those evil thoughts to strengthen himself, instead he used it to recover his injuries.

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