I Have a Big Problem with My Achievement System

Chapter 387: Magic pet riot? Wait for me to shake people!

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The 'main constituent core' of Nian Beast is Liang Shijing and subtotals.

One of the two is a cultivator in the new era, and the other is too young to start martial arts at all.

So the two of them don't know martial arts at all.

In addition, the gap between the human body and the beast body is really huge, and the huge evil thoughts in this world are constantly affecting them, making them unable to think calmly.

So Nian Beast's attack method is actually very simple.

Open mouth to bite, claws slap, head hits... It's just three axes.

At most, some energy attacks may be used subconsciously, but attacks of that level are useless to the plan.

This kind of unstructured and indeterminate energy attack, Ji Ruo can dodge with his eyes closed.


The Nian Beast roared, and what he said was not aimed at Ji Ruo, but kept saying things like "I am so painful".

The animal claws were photographed, and Ji Ruo's body was very small in front of him, but he was lightly written and held it up with his hands, and when the back force turned, the strength contained in the huge animal claws was changed by Ji Ruo. In the direction, the beast's claws fell to the ground, and it was not hurt in the slightest.

"Tai Chi, Ji Ruo, please enlighten me."

Ji Ruodan opened his mouth.

However, this tantrum didn't last long—

Rosie, who was squatting on Ji Ruo's shoulder, asked excitedly, "Master, can you save the little master by eating her?"

She also heard what Lao Ji said just now. Although she didn't understand most of it, she still understood the most important point.

Isn't it just to eat!

She is the best at it!

"No, keep your mouth shut!"

Ji Ruo quickly held down Rosie who was eager to try.

He has already probed with his divine sense, and this year's beast is integrated with the two 'core components', regardless of each other, just like Ji Ruo's Xingxuandongtian, without relying on specific means, it is impossible to forcibly strip it out.

If Rosie's mouth plan is very clear, if she really wants to let her eat it on the spot, the Nian Beast will definitely be able to eat it, but that is, after eating, the subtotal and Liang Shijing will no longer exist... ..

Therefore, Rosie couldn't move her mouth.

At least not now.

"Can't you eat it?" Rosie was a little disappointed, but not completely lost: "You can't eat it if you can't eat it. It doesn't smell delicious anyway, it's bitter..."

This is the evil thought that everyone in Daxia has had in the past thirty-three years!

Most of them are all kinds of helplessness to life, can you not be bitter!

"Ji Ruo, do you have a solution?"

Liang Shixian is not like Ji Ruo, one-eighth of Taijiquan is superb, but he is rough-skinned and thick-skinned, and he is completely unscathed and unscathed when facing the beast head that hits.

Martial arts supernatural powers, but very strong!

With the strength of the two, it should not be difficult to solve the Nian beast.

After all, the two of them are warriors, and although Nian Beast is strong, it has no rules, and even its own strength cannot be fully controlled. Fighting against warriors is simply a living target.

It's only a matter of time before she gets killed.

The main thing is, how to save the two 'core components' in it while destroying the Nian beast unharmed!

Ji Ruo dodged while recalling the feedback his kitchen **** status gave him when he was in physical contact with Nian Beast, and said solemnly: "I probably have some ideas, but I need your help from the squad leader and Rosie."

"Whatever you say, how to do it!"

"Squad leader, use your power of shock to help me find out the body structure of this year's beast! Rosie, go with the squad leader and use your talent to present the information detected by the squad leader!"

"it is good!"

Liang Shixian nodded.

He understands what Ji Ruo means, it is nothing more than being beaten, and he is good at this!

Only Rosie was a little confused.

"How to do it?"

Liang Shixian said: "Rosie, come here, just share my senses directly!"

"it is good!"

Rosie immediately went to the designated position, squatted on Liang Shixian's shoulder, focused on it, and shared Liang Shixian's senses with herself.

Then, according to Liang Shixian's request, he adjusted his loading talent in real time.

Of course, Liang Shixian didn't know how much talent or what kind of talent Rosie had. He could only give Rosie a general description to let Rosie know exactly what kind of effect he wanted to show.

Fortunately, Rosie is not stupid. She has been a very hungry devil for a while, and she is already familiar with many talents.

In addition, she has become a good friend with the regulation, even if she doesn't understand, she can also help the regulation of the talent through the contact with the regulation.

In this way, although Rosie and Liang Shixian have not cooperated several times, they can be regarded as tacit understanding.

Liang Shixian rammed and rammed the Nian Beast's huge body like a hill again and again with his tiny body.

The powerful shock force is transmitted into the Nian beast from all parts.

Because the effect of force is mutual, Liang Shixian can also learn the body structure of Nian beast.

It's just that the Nian beast's body is too large compared to the current Liang Shixian, and its body is not a conventional flesh-and-blood structure, so the progress of building the "Nian beast structural model" is not very fast.

He didn't know what Ji Ruo wanted to do, but he believed that Ji Ruo was a habit he had formed long ago.

Although Ji Ruo doesn't seem to be very rude most of the time, but you can definitely trust it!

Why would Jiruo do this?


The old trick said that the only way to get rid of evil thoughts is to eat them.

At the beginning, Ji Ruo didn't quite understand what it meant.

But as the kitchen **** who is in charge of the fireworks in the world, he is blessed by the divine position, and his cooking skills are at their peak.

It can be said that as long as it is a dish that exists, there is nothing that can't be cooked.

Even the 'ingredients' that he had never come into contact with before, Ji Ruo could naturally understand its cooking method through the divine position at the moment of contact.

The cognition of gods comes from the cognition of believers.

No matter how niche the 'ingredients' are, there will always be people who have tried cooking, because this is Daxia.

The Kitchen God is the **** of Daxia.

However, the Nian beast is not among them.

Throughout the ages, no one has tried cooking with the Nian beast, because this thing is a legendary existence, and no one has seen it before.

Even if you have seen such a terrifying image, few people will associate it with it.

Taking a step back, even if you think about it, it may be because the number of Nian beasts is too rare, UU Reading www.uukanshu. com may not even have one at all.

Even if you think about it, you can't really eat it.

Therefore, Ji Ruo’s kitchen **** position did not give a specific cooking method.

Because it is really incomprehensible.

However, the Kitchen God is the Kitchen God after all.

Just at the moment of contact, although the Kitchen God was unable to give a specific cooking method, it gave a very clear feedback—

Can't cook, mainly because I don't understand!

In other words, as long as you understand it, Ji Ruo can cook Nian beasts!

Therefore, Ji Ruo would let Liang Shixian and Luo Qian cooperate.

And Ji Ruo was naturally not idle.

Nian Beast is now acting entirely by instinct.

At this moment, there are only Ji Ruo and Liang Shixian in front of her, and she will naturally want to destroy them with evil thoughts.

But after trying to no avail, she decided to give up.

With so many destructible people or things around, why bother with these two guys?

She plans to go.

But whenever she wanted to leave, she would be stopped.

The strength she is proud of is completely useless in front of Ji Ruo's Tai Chi. No matter what direction she tries to leave, she will eventually be unloaded by Ji Ruo and thrown back to its original place like a ball. Liang Shixian and Rosie continued to 'mapping' their own structures.

If nothing else, this situation should continue until Nian Beast is resolved...

But obviously, things didn't go so smoothly.


(so annoying!


The original roar of the Nian Beast had other meanings for the first time.

She can't shoot, bite, hit... Her attack method can't cause effective damage to Liang Shixian.

She wanted to leave, but Ji Ruo kept blocking her, not letting her go.

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