I Have a Big Problem with My Achievement System

Chapter 439: Ji Ruo's support team

After confirming that Yu Hongzhuang would not be able to get up for a while, Ji Ruo greeted the leader of Daxia, and then returned to the secret realm of martial arts.

He hasn't finished the game yet, but he has reached the end stage.

Yu Hongzhuang was lying on the ground, her eyes rolled, her whole body was in excruciating pain, but she stiffened and remained silent.

"Sovereign, why are you here, you... what's wrong!"

The leader of the Jianzong scrambled over and asked in a panic.

As soon as Ji Ruo came back on his front foot, their suzerain followed him on his back foot.

And Ji Ruo looked normal, but their suzerain fell to the ground with bruises all over his body... How can we not panic?

"Such a serious injury... the fruit of life, Da Xia has the fruit of life!"

The team leader hurriedly went to ask the leader of Daxia for the fruit.

"Sect Master Yu..." The faces of the other sect leaders also changed slightly.

They all know the master of Jianzong!

A peak powerhouse in the Heavenly Human Realm, and also a sword cultivator, attacking Wushuang, even if he looks at the Nine Sects, he is also a top-notch master.

It can even be said that if there is a choice, the other eight sects will not choose to single out the master of the Sword Sect.

But at this moment, the mighty Sect Master of Sword Sect has become like this...

The combination of Ji Ruo and Xing Jie seems to be stronger than they thought, and unexpectedly, even the Sect Master Jianzong has become like this.

It can be said that at this moment, they have already recognized Ji Ruo's strength in their hearts.

The Xingji Sect leader suddenly snorted coldly, and said: "Oh! Jianzong is really getting better and better! The majestic Sword Sect master was single-handedly picked by a boy who has just entered the golden body!"

The leaders of the other sects also reacted, and they all taunted: "Even the sect master has been beaten like this, Jianzong, tsk tsk, where's your arrogance?"

Losing is not losing. Although these team leaders lost, Jianzong was seriously injured even the suzerain!

Although the nine sects are united in name, they are actually not in harmony with each other, and there are occasional frictions.

Now that he has the opportunity, he will naturally ridicule him verbally.

The leader of the Jianzong gritted his teeth, but he didn't say much. He just tried to find a way to negotiate with the leaders of Daxia for the fruits of life—as long as Yu Hongzhuang recovered, these people would have to shut up.

Moreover, he didn't know what happened during the time when Ji Ruo left, but his suzerain had become like this, presumably, nothing good happened.

Ji Ruo didn't leave for a very long time, and he came back in less than a day.

In such a short period of time, Ji Ruo was able to make the Sect Master Jianzong look like this, which already surprised them very much.

No one thought that Ji Ruo really defeated Jiu Zong.

What they prefer to believe is that Ji Ruo was the first to go to Jianzong. With the power of Star Tribulation, he overwhelmed Jianzong. Although Yu Hongzhuang was defeated, he couldn't be angry and came after him with his seriously injured body. .....This possibility, although a bit outrageous, is more reasonable than Ji Ruo's visit to all nine sects...

"Shut up, everyone!"

Yu Hongzhuang finally regained her composure, lay down on the ground and said coldly, "What qualifications do you have to say that about this sect?"

The team leaders paused slightly. After all, Yu Hongzhuang was the master of Jianzong, and his rank was higher than them.

But so what?

As one of the Nine Sects, the Sect Master of the Sword Sect was beaten to the ground by a guy who had just entered the golden body—although they all fell to the ground together...but so what!

Yu Hongzhuang is the master of Jianzong!

"Qualification? Hahaha! Sect Master Yu, I admit that you are very strong, but it is an indisputable fact that your Sword Sect was single-handedly overthrown by a guy with a golden body!"

"That's right! The ranking of the nine sects, it can't be said, it has to be changed!"

The team leaders continued to taunt, showing the sharpness of their tongues.

"Shut up!"

Yu Hongzhuang said angrily: "If this sect can still come here, it is already the top of the nine sects! You sects can't even get a decent person out, and you are still talking nonsense here. Do you really think that this sect dare not move you!"


If you can still come over, you are already the top of the nine sects... What do you mean by this?

Before they could react, suddenly, a palm-sized door suddenly opened, and Ji Xiaoxiao poked his head out of it, and said cheerfully: "Oh, are you all here? Just right, I have something to inform you .”

Install the latest version. 】


Yu Hongzhuang was stunned: "Husband, why have you become so small? Is this... still enough?"

Ji Xiaoxiao: "...?"

He rarely gets choked.

"What and what! The young master is the old man's demon. Hey, show me a little more clearly, you thick-skinned stinky woman!"

Ji Xiaoxiao was furious, but still did not forget the business.

He glanced at the leaders of each sect, and suddenly took out a special instrument, handed it to the leader of Daxia, and said: "The old guy's experience in Jiuzong is here, what he means is, as an armored warrior follow-up movie Play, I have already edited it, you guys watch it... oops!"

As he said that, Ji Xiaoxiao fell on the ground in an extremely exaggerated manner, and the instrument fell to the ground and was activated passively.

The edited video in it was played immediately.

In chronological order, the first is—

"It's my Xingjizong?! Damn it, you guys sneaked into my Xingjizong to secretly shoot video files!"

He was half angry, and suddenly he couldn't get angry, and his face was replaced by panic.

The furious thunder, the 100-meter giant, the terrifying demon cat that devours the sky and the earth... the Xingji sect didn't even hold on for long before it was turned into ruins.

Even the Taishang Elder of their Xingjizong shot from outside the cave, but was blocked by that kid, this, this...

"This is impossible!" The leader of Xingjizong's expression collapsed: "How is this possible, it's fake, it must be fake! How could that guy be so strong!

This is a fake video, you guys are lying to me! Damn it, use special effects to construct our Xingji sect and discredit my sect, you Daxia are really—”

Ji Xiaoxiao took out a pair of small round-frame black-rimmed glasses from somewhere, and said seriously: "As we all know, videos cannot be uploaded, so this is true."

Leader of Daxia: "..."

There is one thing to say, when he watched Armored Warriors without knowing it before, he thought it was just an ordinary special drama, until his son was watching TV and turned into a light in front of him... ..He just knew that it was a live documentary...

If Ji Ruo went back and forth, in less than a day, the nine sects bowed their heads and edited back and forth. The so-called big movie only took a little more than two hours, and the nine sects were all defeated...

Several team leaders, even the expression on the face of the leader of the Jianzong team was dull.

Of course they could tell that it was the sect behind them.

From the layout, scenery, to disciples, elders, suzerain, and even martial arts!

Everything is true, there is no sign of falsification.

Edited down, two and a half hours, nine cases, lost.

Seeing this, although Yu Hongzhuang was still lying on the ground, she still sneered and said, "How about it? This sect is the top of the nine sects, are you talking big?"

Everyone was silent.

According to this, Yu Hongzhuang really deserves to be the top of the nine sects - if she can still catch up, she has already crushed the other eight sects.

This is so...

"Hey, that demon."

Yu Hongzhuang suddenly said: "Your body, what do you think about this sect? When will he go back and get married with this sect?"

Everyone: "???"

marriage? !

What the hell?

You are here for this?

Ji Xiaoxiao sneered: "Don't worry about it, Uncle Gu said that you sects are pedantic. I thought that was the case before. Now that I met you, I realized that you guys even pay attention to family status in marriage." ... Tsk.

What you said before, the old guy is quite annoying, so don't even think about it.

The old guy has a good match, people are waiting in line to be with the old guy, who are you? "

Yu Hongzhuang was silent for a moment, then suddenly snorted coldly: "I'd like to see, he has both swords and swords, who else in this world is worthy of him except this sect!

When this sect regains some ability, I will discuss it with that woman with a sword... Such an excellent person, a virtuous person lives there! "

"?" Ji Xiaoxiao grinned: "Okay, they've all been materialized by the old guy, right? As for who is worthy of him... Wait a moment, he'll be here soon."

The next moment, the power of the earth veins swelled, and an unspeakable fluctuation spread.

A khaki-yellow light suddenly appeared, opening a door.

"Tim, you don't seem to be very good at the earth movement magic... this is too bumpy!"

Sheila, who has a tall and cold temperament, couldn't help complaining.

Tim didn't speak. They had just arrived in Daxia and discovered that there was a huge amount of information recorded in Daxia's leylines.

When he first arrived, Tim inevitably accepted the baptism of these information because of his priesthood. For a while, he was also shocked by the great ups and downs of the great history of Great Xia through the ages, and immersed himself in it.

Compared with Great Xia, although the history of Earth Mother Continent is longer, it is like a child's play house. The only major event worthy of praise is when Charles ignited the divine fire... After that, hundreds of thousands of people In the past year, the history of Earth Mother Continent has never had any turmoil... oh no, count the time of Ji Ruo.

That scene was really big.

Yu Hongzhuang looked at Sheila who was holding Tim, and was slightly taken aback. After a moment of silence, she looked at Ji Xiaoxiao: "This is...his child?"

Ji Xiaoxiao stroked his chin, thought about it seriously, and said in a serious manner: "In theory, it can be calculated like this. After all, Tim was born because of the old guy."

Yu Hongzhuang was silent.

The next moment, Emily, who has a foul figure and a cute and naive appearance, also appeared here in a cheerleading uniform and holding two **** of fluorescent grass, and she was dazed: "Why don't we take the subway? I heard Ji Ruo say But, there is a subway in Daxia, I’ve never taken it before, I’m so dizzy...Ah, there are so many people, and they’ve been injured, don’t be afraid, I’m here!”

She regained her composure, and used the divine spell of life, which was so effective that it exploded, to heal the wounded here.

As the main **** of life, her life magic is even more effective than the fruit of life.

In an instant, the injuries of the team leaders healed a lot, and it was Yu Hongzhuang who was a little more troublesome.

This guy was attacked by the power of space. If the chaotic and mixed power of space in his body is not eliminated, even if he is cured, the wound will burst open again.

"Oh, it's a bit difficult. I can't deal with such an injury in this state."

Emily frowned pretentiously, then clapped her hands together, and said happily: "It seems that I can only transform!"

Sheila complained: "You just want to find an excuse to transform!"

"How is it possible! Am I that kind of person!" Emily exclaimed: "Although I asked someone to help me redesign the battle armor, and refined some very beautiful life magic spells into divine crystal cards. I have created special effects for my transformation... But, in this situation, I really have no choice but to transform!"

"...You are not human, okay!"

"It seems to be the same?" Emily tilted her head and thought for a while: "Forget about him, anyway, I just want to transform!"

Then, following a burst of gorgeous and magically beautiful, extremely ten-minute special effects that contained a lot of life images, Emily finally completed her transformation.

Everyone: "..."

Her battle armor has indeed been remade, and it is even more gorgeous than before the transforming device was transformed into a magic rod.

Naturally, some basic functions have also been enhanced, but the main thing that has been enhanced is actually the aspect of 'magnificence'.

In short, it looks good.

Of course, the functionality has also been enhanced, but only a little.

Yu Hongzhuang could tell at a glance that this woman absolutely liked Ji Ruo!

"It turned out to be her!"

Yu Hongzhuang stared wide-eyed, looked at the other party's delicate and almost indescribable elf appearance, and that broad mind, and fell silent subconsciously.

There is one thing to say, the appearance of the elves is indeed foul.

Especially Emily, as the goddess of life, even among elves, she is the highest-level existence.

After inheriting the Godhead of the Goddess of Life, Emily needs to be good-looking, intelligent, good-looking, and capable of fighting...

After the transformation, Emily took out the special God Crystal Card with exaggerated movements, and inserted it into the card slot at her waist. The strong breath of life diffused, and beautiful flowers bloomed even on the asphalt road.

Sheila didn't intend to take care of her at first, but Ji Xiaoxiao suddenly pouted and said, "Although it may be inappropriate to say this at this time, this woman is going to rob you of a man.

And those guys that you cured just now, Emily, were beaten by tricks. "


Emily was dumbfounded for a moment, and the magic crystal card of life that was activated halfway stopped abruptly. She looked at Ji Xiaoxiao in a daze, then angrily canceled the transformation, and said to Sheila: "Hmph, this kind It's up to you to transform."

Sheila smiled and summoned the belt to transform.

The death of loneliness is like the death of heaven and earth.

Skeletons, dead souls, dead bodies... and so on represent the appearance of visions of death.

They sang the ballad of death, full of rhythm, guarding Sheila in the center. If I feel it, it is a little scary, but more mysterious and noble——Ji Xiaoxiao watched it with relish, and he didn't know about Sheila. How did the death-like transformation effects become so mysterious and noble.

It feels as if, in the foul-smelling mud, beautiful flowers will eventually bloom.

Sheila's transformation lasted for half an hour. Although she scoffed at Emily's approach, she was still doing it.

The transformation armor of several people had been finalized as early as in the Earth Mother Continent.

They're like a superteam.

Ji Ruo is in charge of output, he is the absolute master c.

Liang Shixian's defense is amazing, he is the meat shield in the team.

Emily is good at all kinds of life magic, which can temporarily stimulate potential and quickly heal injuries. She is a nurse and assistant.

Sheila is using the summoning flow~www.readwn.com~ The undead natural disaster in the mind, the crowd tactics are useless to her.

One after another tombstones are quickly generated here.

A large number of skeleton soldiers and dead souls crawled out of the grave.


Those sect leaders who were cured by Emily just now were all seriously injured again.

Even worse than the one just injured.

Emily sighed: "Oh, Bai Zhi."

Sheila said coldly: "No brains, let me wipe your **** every time!"

Emily was in a hurry: "Nonsense! We elves don't go to the bathroom!"

Everyone: "..."


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