Emily and the others learned that Ji Ruo was participating in the martial arts meeting, so they came here to cheer for Ji Ruo.

As the three most important main gods of the Earth Mother Continent, they have a good relationship with Ji Ruo, and because of the popularity of "Armor Warrior", they are also very popular in Daxia.

Moreover, the Dimother Continent is now in a cooperative relationship with Daxia, or in other words, the Dimother Continent, which is waiting to be rebuilt, is relying on Daxia's power to rebuild its homeland.

The Earth Mother Continent is extremely rich in various mineral resources, and all of them are renewable.

Among them, magic, magic weapons, gods, etc., are all good research topics for Daxia.

Charles is dead, and life, death, and Mother Earth are the three highest main gods, but these three main gods don't care about anything at all, and even almost packaged the entire Mother Earth Continent to Da Xia, allowing Da Xia to treat It is developed.

Moreover, the Adventurer's Union in the Earth Mother Continent has also solved the employment problem of many people for Daxia, and it has killed many people in one fell swoop.

Therefore, as long as some requests from the three gods of Emily are not excessive, Da Xia will not refuse.

Even if it's too much, Daxia can agree after discussing it.

Not to mention just watching Ji Ruo's game, even if Ji Ruo is allowed to marry into the mother land, it's... ahem, this really doesn't work, it depends on Ji Ruo's own wishes, and if you want to marry, it's theirs.

In Daxia, as early as a thousand years ago, marriages were no longer carried out, and freedom of love was advocated.

Let the young people handle the affairs of the young people by themselves, and other things will naturally be taken care of by others.

"Where is Jiruo?"

Emily looked around curiously as if nothing happened just now: "Be careful, what about Ji Ruo?"

Ji Xiaoxiao's forehead was throbbing with veins: "Besides, I'm young, believe it or not, I beat you!"

"Oh, my temper is still so big."

Sheila said unhappily: "You are stupid, didn't the people who asked us to come say that he is now participating in the martial arts meeting in a special secret place!"

"Secret realm." Emily tilted her head: "Is it the same secret realm as our Earth Mother Continent? Speaking of which, our world turned out to be just a secret realm, and there is such a vast world outside. It is said that there are countless secret realms... ...surely would be fun, if only we had known sooner."

Sheila sneered: "Even if I let you know earlier, how can you get out?"

"Like, really not."

Emily scratched her head, and found Ji Ruo's figure on a floating projection screen, and said excitedly, "Ji Ruo! It's Ji Ruo! Come on, Ji Ruo!"

"Fool, he is separated from us by a world now, how could it be... um."

Before Sheila finished speaking, Ji Ruo on the screen seemed to have really heard Emily's words, turned her head and nodded in this direction with a smile.

"Ji Ruo, and me, I'm coming too!"

Sheila transformed immediately, and her battle armor turned into the cheerleader uniform of the same style as Emily, waving her staff and cheering.

Emily: "?"

Didn't you say you don't wear this!

Yu Hongzhuang, who was lying on the ground, asked hesitantly, "What do you guys have to do with Ji Ruo?"

It doesn't look like they are a couple!

Emily raised her chin when she heard this, and said proudly, "Then you are asking the right person, I am Ji Ruo's goddess!"

Sheila's expression changed: "Nonsense! Obviously I am Ji Ruo's goddess!"

The two goddesses quarreled like this.

Yu Hongzhuang: "...Bah, it's really shameless to be a goddess!"

"We are really gods!" Emily said seriously: "I have a godhead, I am life... Huh? What a powerful breath of life, this is—"

Emily suddenly looked up and looked into the distance.

Tim, who was immersed in the history of Daxia, finally came back to his senses, frowning and looking into the distance.

Sheila also frowned in the same way.

They felt a slightly familiar and annoying breath.

They had only felt this kind of breath in Charles not long ago.

That is, the breath of time.

Seeing this, the leader of Daxia asked curiously: "What happened to the goddesses?"

He knew the identities of these people.

Yu Hongzhuang sneered in her heart when she heard this.

This Daxia official seems to be nothing more than that, what kind of goddess, huh...

Her eyeballs rolled away, as if she was thinking about what method to use to bring Ji Ruo back to marry him.

Emily said suddenly: "I think you can prepare for it. There is a very powerful guy who seems to be coming."

"Very powerful guy? Come? From where?"

The leader looked along the line of sight of the three women, used Tongshu, looked far away, at a glance, even the birds thousands of miles away were clearly visible, but did not find anything unusual.

Sheila said seriously: "From... time."



In the Budo Association.

Liang Shixian was still coughing up blood.

The power of heaven and man is still too strong for him.

After all, he is still only in the Xingxuan Realm, and the artistic conception of Martial Dao has just become clear...or rather, he just had a little feeling.

The Martial Dao golden body condensed without artistic conception mountains and rivers reduces damage, and the attack of the Xingji sect lord, Liang Shixian is equivalent to taking all the damage, and even has an increase-artistic conception mountains and rivers is not just as simple as reducing damage and resistance, for those who do not have artistic conception mountains and rivers opponents, the attack power will be multiplied.

Otherwise, how can human martial arts compete with those five-star and six-star powerful monsters?

Liang Shixian's previous Fudo Mingwang body, for the sake of Jiruo withstood a blow, not only took all the damage, but even multiplied it.

Even at this moment, he is still suffering from the artistic conception left by the Xingji Sect master's blow.

In this regard, Gu Xingzhou and several other people who have experienced it want to help Liang Shixian and let Liang Shixian get rid of the intrusion of this artistic conception.

But Liang Shixian refused.

Even, when Ji Ruo came back to borrow the trumpet of truth from him, he didn't eat the raw fruit that Ji Ruo gave him.

The artistic conception of heaven and man continued to hurt him, and he silently gritted his teeth to bear it.

In his words, this is a rare and good opportunity to understand the mysteries of the Heaven and Human Realm, so we can't just miss it.

The more you persist, the more insight you will have.

Don't look at it too much, but if you accumulate it, maybe in the future, Ji Ruo won't have to take risks alone.

The Fudoming King Body that he had previously blessed Ji Ruo with only withstood one blow before it was declared shattered. However, Ji Ruo had to face the nine sects, so many celestial beings and golden bodies, all of them in different forms. What kind of artistic conception of mountains and rivers......

Liang Shixian really had enough of this feeling of powerlessness, obviously he was the squad leader, but when danger came, he always charged ahead alone.

He specializes in hard skills and boasts that his defense is not weak, but every time, he can only stay behind Ji Ruo.

This is really...

He originally planned to eat the raw fruit that Ji Ruo gave him earlier.

But after thinking about it, Ji Ruo went to the Nine Sects alone, surrounded by enemies, each of them was unimaginably powerful by Liang Shixian.

Just thinking about the endless stream of exquisite martial arts, Liang Shixian felt suffocated for a while.

His strongest defense, his strongest martial arts supernatural power, can't even withstand the opponent's casual blow.

While this made him feel powerless, he also felt a deep sense of shame in his heart.

He is really incompetent as the class monitor.

Ever since, in order to comprehend and condense the mountains and rivers of the artistic conception at a faster speed, and break through the golden body, Liang Shixian gritted his teeth to resist the invasion of the artistic conception of heaven and man.

Not to mention, this method is really useful. Under the strong powerlessness and shame, Liang Shixian really realized something.

But the pain that occurred in the meantime is unimaginable.

Gu Xingzhou and the other seniors saw it in their eyes and felt pain in their hearts.

This kid has such a strong sense of responsibility that he may have forgotten that he is not yet nineteen years old.

Liang Shixian is only three days older than Ji Ruo.

Because Ji Ruo was so good that even if Liang Shixian tried his best to catch up, he still couldn't see Ji Ruo's back.

He wasn't jealous or resentful, he just chased her so hard that he even forgot that he was not yet nineteen years old.

Liang Shixian, in order to catch up with Ji Ruo, was even a little dazed.

When Ji Ruo returned to the Martial Arts Association, Liang Shixian's consciousness had already begun to fade.

If Ji Ruo came back later, I am afraid that Liang Shixian would be forced to withdraw from the Martial Arts Association because of his serious injuries.

"Ji Ruo, quickly persuade him that the artistic conception of mountains and rivers is his own, how can he comprehend it so easily from other people's artistic conception?

No matter how good someone else's is, it is also someone else's. Other people's artistic conception is just what others want.

Under strong pressure, there may be some progress, but compared to the damage suffered, the gains are really too little! "

Gu Xingzhou said bitterly.

They couldn't persuade Liang Shixian.

Ji Ruo pursed his lips, sighed, and said, "Don't worry, Uncle Gu, leave it to me."

He stepped forward and patted Liang Shixian on the shoulder.

Liang Shixian, whose consciousness was gradually dimmed, slammed his fist at Ji Ruo, but stopped abruptly.

The strong wind blew Ji Ruo's black hair, and Chen Mo murmured, "It's so hard, it almost blown me away."

Ji Ruo was unscathed.

Liang Shixian's eyes were lost, and he forced a smile and said, "Ji, Ji Ruo, you're back? How is it going? Are things going well?

Sorry, I'm too weak, I can't help you this time... But don't worry, I have a strong feeling that I'm about to break through... Next time, I will be able to Continue to stand by your side. "

Liang Shixian's eyes didn't have any focal length, he just relied on the intuition of a warrior to recognize that the person in front of him was Ji Ruo, but he didn't really see Ji Ruo.

Even, his consciousness is already very dull, and he doesn't know what he is talking about.

Yes, Liang Shixian tried his best to catch up, just wanting to be able to stand by Ji Ruo's side when the danger comes.

Ji Ruo sighed slightly in his heart, but smiled on his face: "Breakthrough soon? Ha, don't tease me, monitor, what kind of breakthrough do you use? Use the artistic conception of the lord of the Xingji Sect? Forget it, this kind of **** artistic conception is not worthy on you."

As he spoke, the Scripture of Burning Mountains and Cooking Seas was spread out in front of him, and the pages turned with a clatter.

With the turning of the pages of the simple book, everything seems to flow, arise and die in Ji Ruo's eyes.

Behind him, a round of world even seemed to emerge, in which flowers, plants, trees, birds, beasts, insects and fish were so real that Gu Xingzhou and others were amazed.

What kind of mood is this? !

In fact, Ji Ruo's artistic conception of mountains and rivers was not so specific and realistic. In its most primitive state, it was just a book, and at most it condensed the wisdom of the ancestors of Great Xia.

The reason why it will become like this after unfolding is because of going to Jiuzong.

The mountains and rivers in the artistic conception are all kinds of strange things, each with its own characteristics.

Among the nine sects, except for the fact that Wanfo Temple possesses concrete methods that can almost 100% condense the artistic conception of mountains and rivers, the rest of the sects, although slightly more difficult, are much better than Daxia's.

Great Xia warriors who want to suddenly realize the artistic conception of mountains and rivers can only do so by themselves, but within the Nine Sects, there are masters who teach and guide them.

Let's go and give it a try. 】

Therefore, from the disciples to the suzerain of the Nine Schools, almost everyone has an artistic conception of mountains and rivers or its prototype, the artistic conception of martial arts.

Ji Ruo went to the Nine Sects once, beat every sect from bottom to top, and saw all kinds of martial arts artistic conception and artistic conception mountains and rivers.

His scriptures of burning mountains and boiling seas have all evolved because of this—if Ji Ruo didn't feel that he still has a long way to go to the golden body, he would have been able to enter the realm of heaven and man when the sword of Jianzong smashed Yijianfeng.

After finishing the nine sects in one trip, Ji Ruo's background is higher than any golden body in the past and present!

At this moment, he flipped through the Scripture of Burning Mountains and Cooking Seas, and on a certain page, he found relevant records.

Then he raised his hand and twitched lightly, like pulling out the cocoon, forcefully pulled out the heavenly and human artistic conception that was constantly invading and hurting him from Liang Shixian's body.

Losing the strong pressure of the artistic conception of heaven and man, Liang Shixian's body softened and he almost fell down.

In this case, even raw fruits are useless.

Liang Shixian suffered not only physical injuries, but also mental injuries.

Although Shengshen Fruit is powerful, it only cares about the body.

Fortunately, Ji Ruo's current treatment methods are not just raw fruits.

He took out a special stationery box from the four-dimensional pocket, and used it as a temporary transformation device, and took out a few Shenjing cards, and inserted them into the card slots on the transformation device.

Life magic, spiritual healing magic, and the targeted oral therapy of [Shunfeng Ear] + [Common Language], coupled with the increased language appeal of [Diplomatic Spokesperson], Liang Shixian's injuries, from body to spirit, even Started to save myself...

Not long after, Liang Shixian recovered a little bit. Although his eyes were still a little dazed, they had regained their clarity.

"Ji Ruo? You're back? How's it going? Is everything going well?"

Liang Shixian, who asked the same question again, was indeed delirious just now.

"Well, I'm back."

Ji Ruo grinned: "Squad leader, in fact, you don't have to chase me so hard."

"Huh?" Liang Shixian was slightly taken aback.

Ji Ruo blinked: "I don't need you to do your best just to be able to stand by my side."

Hearing this, Liang Shixian remained silent.

"Also, everyone has their own good and bad things. Maybe what I'm good at is becoming stronger. If you just focus on chasing me, you will be desperate."


"In short, you just need to know that no matter what you become, I will stand by your side and you don't need to chase after me. That's enough."

Liang Shixian suddenly thought that in another future, in order to protect Ji Ruo when he was a child, he hurt the foundation of martial arts, and it would be difficult to make any progress in this life, and the road to martial arts stopped at the Xingxuan Realm.

But even so, Ji Ruo at that time was still with his future self, and even made himself the director of the General Affairs Department in the future...

Thinking of this, Liang Shixian suddenly let out a long sigh of relief.

Yes, Ji Ruo doesn't need him to catch up at all, he just needs to do what he should do.

The friendship between him and Ji Ruo is not maintained by the strength of both parties.

And thinking about it carefully, it seems that Ji Ruo's strength is never measured by the realm of martial arts.

Ji Ruo, who was still a warrior at that time, was able to bring himself to become one with the tree demon, and after opening up his energy, he rushed to the top of Wanshou Mountain and competed with those four-star monsters.

Entering the Xingxuan Realm for the first time, even more capable of carrying the Star Tribulation, scaring off millions of monsters by herself...

Thinking of this, Liang Shixian felt his depression was swept away.

Thoughts are clear, Xingxuan is anchored, Qi veins are connected, the spirit is full of vigor, and the golden body is self-contained!


Ji Ruo paused slightly with his hand turning the page, and said in surprise: "Squad leader, you can do it, and if I say it's really not possible, I have a lot of models of artistic conception mountains and rivers here~www.readwn.com~ You can pick one and try to understand it. , although it’s delicious, it’s enough...I didn’t expect you to break through, hey!”


Liang Shixian scratched his head in embarrassment: "Other people's things belong to others after all. It's better to comprehend things like mountains and rivers by yourself."

Gu Xingzhou: "...?"

That's not what you said when we advised you before!

Ji Ruo clapped his hands, and the classics of burning mountains and boiling seas floated out of thin air, and said, "Since you are fine, monitor, let's go directly to the next item on the agenda!"

"What's the next agenda?" Liang Shixian rolled his eyes: "How do you say it looks like a school sports meeting?"

"Cough, that's pretty much what it means." Ji Ruo paused, and said, "Let's present the awards next...ah no, it's the best in the world!"


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