Chapter 929

The void is vast, and there are more secret places. Some secret realm Su Dong will not care about it. After all, they have existed for a long time, and many holy spirits are also exploring in it.

In the five areas that really puzzled Su Dong, there are strong people hiding their breath. Even the nearest place is on the side of his Shura Heaven and Earth!

“If you can hide your breath to this point, at least it’s a strong man of the level of the natural disaster giant, who is dormant in the void on my side… Although the breath is difficult to understand, I am not afraid. Controlling the void can appear anywhere in the void at will, as long as it is not the master. , In the void, I am invincible, just ignore them and clean up the demon.”

Su Dong’s heart moved, and he explored the void. He controlled the void to return this void and a human void, so that the demon who caused the disaster would evade.

Demon… As long as the demon at the highest level of the Holy Spirit is resolved, without the background, the ordinary demon can be resolved by handing over to the Void Holy Spirit.

In fact, from the moment he took control of the void, many great demons in the Void God’s Court retreated early, and Su Dong knew about the demon’s methods, even the blood ancestors were killed. Still care about them?

But there are those who are not afraid of death.

In a vast lava world, there are only a few life in the world, the center is a huge volcano, the volcano is thrusting into the sky, and magma is constantly gushing out from the volcano, flowing all the way, from the beginning of bright to dark red… As the blood of a mountain is flowing quietly.

A wolf-shaped holy spirit with smooth fur all over is crawling here. It is known as the lava wolf saint. It has occupied this world for a long time. It likes to kill and also likes to watch the weak and small lives struggle, fight, and survive under the rules he made.

In his world, human race has wars at all times.

“Kill it, the more you kill, the more I like it.”


Suddenly the world trembled, and a figure wearing a pale gold robe appeared out of thin air.

The giant wolf demon raised his head in surprise. He is the ruler of this side of the world, and he avoids him on weekdays, who dares to come in.

You can see the comer clearly. A smile suddenly appeared on the wolf demon’s hideous cheeks, and his figure continued to shrink, shrinking to the size of an ordinary person, before he bowed to the figure in front of him to salute.

“Little Sage has seen the Grand Commander.”

“Wolf, I control the void, do you dare to do harm?” Su Dong said.

“Grand Commander, I am just going to have fun in my own world, and the Commander has to deal with this?” The wolf demon was anxious.

“The commander is too overbearing.” At any rate, he is also a holy spirit.

Su Dong didn’t bother to talk to it. When he raised his palm, the lava wolf saint fell uncontrollably, and the huge volcano lifted up. The latter was crushed under the huge volcano without any resistance, and Su Dong left a talisman on the top of the volcano.

The golden light of Dao Talisman flashed into the mountain and disappeared.

“Master, please spare your life.” The wolf demon under the volcano said quickly.

Su Dong disappeared in a flash, and the wolf demon was crushed under the volcano for a long time. The human race of the whole world no longer fights indiscriminately, and the strong is slowly born. He also knows the wolf demon who is permanently suppressed under the volcano. , Legend has it that this wolf demon used to be a disaster for the world, and it was suppressed only when the strong human race appeared.


Where the great demon is. Su Dong all appeared, either beheaded, suppressed, or expelled.

However, those who were a little more informed, had evaded earlier.

Now that Su Dong controls the void, he is the absolute hegemon. No one is qualified to judge his right or wrong. He just thinks that King Su Dong Shura hates demon.

As a human, it’s normal to hate demon.

The reason why the human race is strong is that it has unlimited potential, and secondly…there are also constant emergence of the strong, sheltering the weak, and allowing more strong ones to emerge from the weak, which makes the human race stronger and stronger.

In less than a day, the void was cleared.

There is no big demon in the void, and the void human race is destined to rise rapidly in the Middle Ages. After all this…

Then Su Dong Lotus Position sat in the big world of Shura, flipped his palm, and many objects appeared in the palm of his hand.

Among them is the accumulation of many treasures of the blood ancestor god.

Killing a powerful holy spirit in the void is different from killing a holy spirit in a secret realm. Most of the holy spirits who go to the secret realm are only with the proper magical artifact Magic Treasures. Many treasures are accumulated in secret places.

Like Su Dong, he has enough life-saving means to dare to break into the secret realm, but even so, many treasures will be left in the colorful stone body, because the Shura big world where the colorful stone body is located is his base camp.

In the same way, the base camp of the blood ancestor god is his bloody tower.

Killing such a long-lived holy spirit, the harvest is still rich enough, the void is not sure enough, the strong will not take the initiative to fight, the blood ancestor god will do it with Su Dong, also because of the wrong estimation of Su Dong’s strength.

Only then was he killed. If he had known that Su Dong was so strong, he would not dare to fight with Su Dong if he was given ten more courage.

“I control the void, and all parties covet, the spirit sword ruler oppresses it… the rulers of all parties send the Holy Spirit at will.”

Taking control of the void, even though he was finally in control, Su Dong felt a little powerless. The strength of own is not fully exposed… First, it is not forced to that share, and second, it is also because of fear. If you reach the level of dominance, you still use fear?

At this moment, someone was staring at his void. Only when you are strong can you truly stand in the void.

Once the strength breaks through to the dominance level, Su Dong stands confidently on top of the void. No longer fear any strong.

In fact, Su Dong still sympathizes with the giants of natural disasters.

The natural disaster giants were forced to hide for billions of years.

Isn’t it because you can’t break through to dominate the realm, and your strength is weak?

If the natural disaster giants reach the dominance early, will they still have to suffer?

“Strength is the last word.”

Su Dong searched for the treasures in the tower of the blood ancestor god.

“There are indeed hidden treasures.” Su Dong flipped his palm, revealing a bloody stone. At first glance, the blood-colored stone was just a gem, containing divine power, but as soon as Su Dong’s will penetrated, he felt Bufan in it, forcibly penetrated.

The blood ancestor god has died after all, how can the remaining Restrictions resist Su Dong’s infiltration?

Suddenly the space inside the blood-colored stone appeared.

There are three treasures in total.

A picture scroll, a brocade box, and a gray bead.

“This is…”

Su Dong’s heart moved. The gray beads among them suddenly appeared in his hands, and as soon as they appeared, a touch of coercion filled the hall. The gray beads are ordinary in appearance, but they contain divine light.

“Hou Tu Divine Orb… The ninth Dao Yun fragment in the Rong Dao chapter. Legend has it that only the void where the Chaos first opened, it is extremely rare, and it was obtained by the blood ancestor god.” Su Dong’s eyes were filled with surprise. .

Not only accidental the collection of the blood ancestor god, but also feel that own luck is overwhelming.

Karma loops, if Su Dong hadn’t killed the blood ancestor god, this Houtu God Orb would not reach him.

“With this God Bead from the Earth, I can try to light up the tenth star.” Su Dong was very excited. Fly to make a fortune…

Once the tenth star in his star chart is lit, it will be a full-scale transformation of Ascension, and that Ascension is essential!

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