Chapter 930 Tenth Star

The top ten Taoist fragments in the Rongdao chapter are that the entire void is a valuable treasure, and even the Domination Realm will compete for it.

Being able to become a master is basically considered to be polished to the limit. Dao Yun fragments can become a Dao Shen Dan, which is also a kind of complete Ascension, and the dominance will naturally not be missed.

Although the blood ancestor god monarch got it, he has never found a suitable opportunity to use it. He didn’t condense the Taoist Pill, thinking that one day he will get through the Three Tribulations and use it again.

After all, to dominate the Three Tribulations is that the stronger the Holy Spirit, the more difficult it is… you need to grasp a certain degree between the strong and the weak. This is also a major difficulty in dominating the Tribulation.

After obtaining the Houtu Divine Orb, the Blood Ancestor God Sovereign kept it away, and usually only dared to sneak a look at it by himself, and did not dare to disclose it at all.

Otherwise, I’m afraid it would have been taken away by the spirit sword ruler a long time ago.

Unfortunately, the blood ancestor god who had survived for a long time died in Su Dong’s hands.

“These holy spirits who have lived for a long time. All of them are big rich men.” Ordinary people still have the desire to conquer money, not to mention the powerful holy spirit.

It is common sense that the longer you live, the more treasures you have.

Su Dong put away the Houtu God Orb.

Then look at the other two items, although there have been big gains. But there are too many treasures.

“What is this picture scroll?” Su Dong took the picture scroll. The material of the picture scroll is neither paper nor leather. It seems to be some kind of silk…very tough. A dark space vortex is drawn on the scroll.

At a glance. As if the spatial vortex would rotate, swallowing the surrounding light, but Su Dong’s will penetration could not feel the slightest abnormality.

“It’s another peculiar item.” Su Dong put together the picture scroll and the wordless book that the natural disaster giant gave him. Needless to say, the wordless book of heaven was hidden for billions of years that day, fearing that the entire human temperament would have changed. NS. Su Dong didn’t bother to explore the things he gave.

The last side brocade box opens, this is a large space. A set of divine armor entwined with water, some tokens, and many Magic Treasures emerged in it.

Upon checking, the name written on the token was “Night Demon God”.

“Night Demon God…” Su Dong checked through the Yellow Springs Taoist talisman, and instantly learned… The Night Demon God was originally a strong god-tier Lord of the Void God Court, and he fell when he broke through the secret realm thousands of years ago.

“It seems that the night demon god has died in the hands of the blood ancestor god, and the blood ancestor god is very proud of killing the night demon god… he will collect all his magic treasures.”

Some strong players will collect the opponent’s Magic Treasures when defeating some powerful opponents. Even the corpse was used as a collector’s item… The blood ancestor god was indeed very satisfied with that killing. That was his biggest adventure in nearly ten million years.

certainly. The gain is also considerable.

After viewing everything.

Su Dong sat in the Lotus Position last.

“Refining the Houtu Divine Orb, the six Nine Profound Divine Tree Fruits only light up 70% of the tenth star. Let’s see how this Houtu Divine Orb is.”

Although the Nine Profound God Tree Fruit has the effect of condensing the Taoist Pill and offering sacrifices to the Taoist Pill, it is only equivalent to the effect of Dao Yun fragments ranked about fifty. It can also be seen from the quantity that although the fruit of the Nine Profound Gods is precious, the quantity is extremely large.

Naturally, it is not too heaven-defying in terms of utility. The Houtu Divine Bead is different. Extremely rare.

The Houtu Divine Bead absorbed into the core data space, and suddenly turned into a stream of light and fell into the Dantian, the Dao Yun river was shining, the Dao Divine Pill was shining with radiance, and the star map was reflected on the mobile phone in the center.

Nowadays, some applications on mobile phones are useful for Su Dong, eternal space and ultimate mode, and other applications are slightly inadequate.

Of course, even now, Su Dong still thinks that the phone has more mysteries waiting for him to discover.

Contains the Star map, the evolution of the core data space, and the magic treasures of the natal artifact, all related to the mobile phone in Dantian.

There are also many unsolved aspects of mobile phones… For example, where do the apps in the app store come from? Are there any higher applications?

Waiting for him to discover.

“Let’s start.” Su Dong just thought. Then began to refine the Houtu God Orb. “Seven and a half light up last time… I hope I can light up the remaining two and a half this time.”

Su Dong’s heart is looking forward to the middle stage.

Two-and-a-half percent… is worth expecting. Light up the tenth star, and he will usher in a metamorphosis again.


The Houtu Divine Bead in Dantian began to be smelted. The Dao Yun fragments were different from the Nine Profound Divine Tree Fruits. The Dao Yun fragments were stripped from Heavenly Dao and contained spiritual wisdom. The Houtu Divine Bead was calm at first, and when I felt the divine power swept through, suddenly A wave of terror broke out.


Su Dong let out a low voice, his core data space was as sharp as a knife, and he suppressed it forcibly.

The majestic will came, the Houtu God Pearl was shining, and a huge Tuoshan Dragon Turtel phantom loomed in the light. Fragments of Taoism, the more advanced they are, the more enlightened… even the top ten are all Powerful life, obviously there are signs of life in the Hou Earth God Orb.

However, these lives are completely crushed in front of Su Dong’s current will, and under the majestic pressure, the Dragon Turtel phantom in the Houtu Divine Orb just keeps trembling. It turned into a monstrous goddess, gushing toward the Star picture.

“Dao Yun Hengkong… Heavenly Dao appears.”

Su Dong’s gaze narrowed slightly. The Star image can be lighted up faster with Dao Yun fragments. Dao Yun fragments are Heavenly Dao peeled off… Could the Star map swallow Heavenly Dao?

Or the level of Heavenly Dao?

Su Dong guessed…Of course it was just a guess, looking at the gradually lit Star…80%, 80%…

In a blink of an eye, the tenth star lights up 90%.

There are still more than half of the Houtu Divine Orb, which makes Su Dong sure that he should be able to do it!

Outside the void in the Middle Ages.

A phantom is like a phantom in the dark moving forward quickly.

“Control the void, control everywhere. Generally, the Holy Spirit will be discovered when entering, but I am the ruler and the tree of the void is sanctified.”

The phantom transformed into a form, and it was the hair hanging down one by one, like a withered vine, with a one-eyed spirit sword dominating between the center of the eyebrows.

The main body of the spirit sword is also demon. Moreover, it is a tree demon, the void tree… is naturally incomparable to space. Become the master, the outside world thinks that the master of the spirit sword does not master the god-tier communication.

But in fact, the spirit sword dominates naturally with supernatural powers, but it is not the supernatural power of frontal fighting, but the talented supernatural power “Void Escape”.

Integrating himself into the void, he seems to be a part of the void, sneak attack and shuttle, very good at it.

Just like the god of the golden tree, the god of the golden tree is also a holy tree, and he has a natural sense of space, and his talent and magical powers are also god-tier.

In comparison, the teleportation god-tier of the golden tree god is better than the void escape dominated by the spirit sword!

“Then Yan Luo… the frontal strength is strong, I can’t beat it, because my frontal combat is indeed weak. What I am best at is sneak attacks.” The Spirit Sword Master smiled. Smile happy and confident. “I’m bound to win the Demon Sealing Picture Book.”

“It took me so hard to attack and kill. Su Dong, you should be proud.”

“Purgatory life should also thank me. Su Dong grows up, but they are deeply troubled.”

The idea of ​​the spirit sword dominating was completely distorted.


He moved forward quickly. Entering the void controlled by Su Dong, Su Dong’s void disk was not noticed.

Shiwon Daoist, who lives next to Shura Datiandi, didn’t notice it either.

In the shrine of Shura Datiandi.

Su Dong’s progress in refining the Houtu God Orb and lighting the tenth star is finally at the end.

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