Chapter 931 Ten Stars, God Body of Will

In the Dantian, the Daoyun river is burning, the sky is full of clouds, and the sky is filled with crazily into the Star map. The Houtu God Orb is sacrificed to the end, only the last particle is left… and then completely dissipated.

The good fortune seed in the core data space suddenly flew out, flying over the core will incarnation.

“In the past, I was still thinking about what the fifth largest clone of own is. Now the incarnation of will is almost condensed. The core will is my true will, and there should be a divine body.”

The transformation of the core will surprised Su Dong. His huge will has been growing continuously, and now it is only one step away to become the essence…this is the most “essential” divine body of Su Dong.

Good fortune seeds, good fortune, possesses mysterious powers and methods. Su Dong originally prepared for own fifth god-tier body, but at this moment, he feels very suitable for the incarnation of will.

The good fortune seed is directly integrated into the incarnation of the will, the divine light of purple and gold floats, and the endless divine light is coming.


The divine light descended from the head of the incarnation of will, and then quickly penetrated, followed by the whole body of the incarnation of will, a layer of purple and gold divine light appeared all over the body, the divine light was flowing, the bones and flesh were born, and the skin was condensed into skin, and there was mysterious and unpredictable on the skin. Heavenly Dao lines flow.

“My will has long been transformed, and with the help of good fortune seeds, the birth of the divine body is very easy.” Su Dong felt.

Ordinary divine body, divine object, the will to be born for thousands of years, but the will is strong, the treasure is enough, the birth of the divine body is very easy.

The seed level of good fortune is high enough and gentle enough. This is a “good fortune”, creating, evolving…have infinite possibilities.

The divine body of will is shaped bit by bit, forming every particle of the divine body. Countless particles are stacked to form a god body.

After a while.

In the core data space, the incarnation of the will is formed, and the birth of the good fortune seed is easier than Su Dong expected, without any hindrance.

The will god body looks down at his body, this is the most primitive body feeling.

Since Su Dong’s will is transformed into the core data space, although he has many god-tier bodies, all the god-tier bodies are avatar carriers, and none of them can be regarded as “primitive god bodies” in the true sense.

And now, this divine body of will is Su Dong’s body.

Of course, although it is his most essential divine body, it is still carried in the core data space, so even if this divine body is destroyed, the core data space is still there, and Su Dong’s origin is there, and it can continue to differentiate into the incarnation of will.

The body of the will is also Su Dong’s fifth god-tier body.

“Look at the strength of my will and deity?” Su Dong was immersed in the will and deity.

His body of will is not a physical body, it is a body of good fortune, similar to Xiantian creatures…but because it is shaped by the seeds of good fortune, it contains infinite possibilities.

When the mind moved, a vast and noble aura burst out of the body of will, as if Heavenly Dao’s will descended, and this will aura contained endless coercion. A trace of divine light permeated the eyes of the divine body of will, divine light flickered, and there was a picture of Heavenly Dao reflected in the divine body, and countless traces of Heavenly Dao were condensed into silk threads and wound around the body of the divine body.

Divine light enveloped the whole body.

“I am the sky.”

A kind of hazy feeling, Su Dong is immersed in the change of the will and the god body. There is no will and no god body, but the will is huge but invisible. After having the god body, it is as if the emperor has a scepter…

He can control the energy of this level of will.

One thought.

Heaven and earth divide.

On a thought,

The river is surging.

“This is the power of will.” Su Dong was shocked, remembering that when he was weak, he had come into contact with the “Dream Sword” technique that contained will.

At that time, it was only a rough application of the will, and at this moment, I really felt what the energy of the will was.

As the saying goes, the heart is infinite, and the power is infinite.

The same is true when the heart here is replaced with a will. The will is infinite, the power is infinite, and the possibilities are infinite.

This energy is invisible, invisible and intangible.

However, Su Dong’s mind and body mind turned, wherever his thought came, Heavenly Dao changed, wherever his thought came, he controlled everything.

“The power of will is a kind of control.”

Divine light flickered in Su Dong’s eyes.


In the core data space, the Fire Lotus Divine Body violently erupted into the void fire god-tier, and a flame Sword Ray condensed out of thin air and slammed into the Will Divine Body.


The will of the divine body will move.

The invisible “control” acts on the flame Sword Ray, buzzing… The flame Sword Ray trembles wildly, and for a moment, the flame Sword Ray collapses and dissipates.

“My current control of will, there should be a dominance level.” Su Dong judged…After the fire lotus divine body has transformed, he can use god-tier pass… and the silver horn gods can break their wrists.

“Star power, ultimate mode.”

“Void God Fire Sword!”

The fire lotus body broke out again, booming, and this time a more terrifying flame Sword Ray shot past.


The volitional body urges…

As if there was an invisible big hand between the world and the earth firmly grasping the flame Sword Ray, Sword Ray trembled and struggled for a while, and finally it was still broken.

Su Dong’s eyes lit up.

“The power of will… it’s terrifying.”

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