I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 138: Plug-in received, absolute defense! [Please give me a monthly ticket! ]

"Working hours? You have to gather in the utility room at 8 o'clock every morning and get off work at 8 o'clock in the evening." Manager Wang glanced at Mu Rufeng and said.

After that, Manager Wang left directly.

"Well, are we going to take the elevator up?" Liu Yong said.

"Of course, otherwise why would that weirdo bring us to the elevator entrance?" Sun Hu said, and pressed the elevator directly.

Mu Rufeng and Wang Ziqi didn't say anything.

After the elevator opened, a group of four people walked into the elevator.

Mu Rufeng and Liu Yong were responsible for the room service on the fourth floor, so they got off the elevator on the fourth floor.

Wang Ziqi and Sun Hu went to the fifth floor.

"Brother, what should we do?" Liu Yong looked at the gloomy corridor and trembled in his heart.

"Don't worry too much, be braver, and act according to the situation." Mu Rufeng patted Liu Yong on the shoulder and said.

Then, Mu Rufeng strode forward.

This Xuetong Hotel seemed to be a new copy, because he did not find it in the database of the relevant department.

Mu Rufeng found that, except for the bloody train, the other copies were all new copies.

As expected, as Captain Zhou said, with more and more new copies, the survival rate of players will be lower and lower.

Mu Rufeng was not in a hurry to enter the guest room. After all, if he disturbed the customer directly, he might give you a bad review.

So, Mu Rufeng began to walk in the corridor and observe clues.

Soon, Mu Rufeng found a warning sign not far away.

On it, there were notes on room service.

[Notes on room service]

1. Please try to meet the needs of customers.

2. Never let customers give you bad reviews.

3. Do not enter the room without the customer's permission.

4. When the light on the door is on, it means that the customer needs service. Please go within two minutes.

5. Remember to knock on the door when entering.

6. Please note that you must not attack customers. Of course, if customers attack you, you can fight back. Please remember that once you fight back, please quickly defeat them and let them give you good reviews. Remember, customers are God and you must not let them die in the hotel.

7. Please note that if the light on the door is red, please immediately notify Wang Weng, the deputy manager of the hotel lobby.

8. If two red lights are on in a short period of time, please leave this floor as soon as possible and notify Hua Wenliang, the hotel lobby manager, as soon as possible.

Eight, a total of eight.

Mu Rufeng secretly pondered each piece of information.

At this time, Liu Yong also came up.

"Liu Yong, you can also take a look. Remember everything. We will adapt to the situation." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, brother." Liu Yong nodded and hurriedly looked at the precautions for room service.

Just at this time, a prompt sound suddenly appeared in Mu Rufeng's mind.

[Host has been detected to have entered the dungeon, and the plug-in has been loaded successfully]

[Host, please select one of the following three plug-ins]

[1. Absolute defense: It can only be turned on for one hour a day, and can be turned on and off at any time, with the time accurate to the second. After turning on absolute defense, all attacks will be ignored, even if they are blocked by rules.]

[2. Listen to the voice: You can hear the voice of the weirdness or the contracted person that is not higher than level three.]

[3. Weird controller: You can control a weirdness that is lower than your level.]

"Hmm?" Mu Rufeng was slightly stunned.

These three plug-ins seem to be very good.

The absolute defense of the first one can be said to be invincible. Although it can only be turned on for one hour a day, you can choose to turn it on and off.

If it is used well, it is really no different from invincibility.

The second one, listening to the voice of the heart, is also very good. According to the above, he can hear the voice of all beings at level five and below.

It is definitely a super old plug-in.

And the third one seems to be much worse than the first two.

Because Mu Rufeng is only level 2 now, he can only control level 1 weirdness. If Mu Rufeng's level is higher, he will definitely be able to control higher weirdness.

However, Mu Rufeng should consider more than just this now.

He also has to consider the legacy of the plug-in after uninstalling it, which is the so-called beggar version plug-in.

After thinking for a long time, Mu Rufeng finally chose the first plug-in.

[1. Absolute defense: It can only be turned on for one hour a day, and can be turned on and off at any time, with the time accurate to the second. After turning on absolute defense, ignore all attacks, even the rule obliteration can be ignored.]

If this plug-in is used well, it is definitely a great help to Mu Rufeng. Even if it is a beggar version, it is definitely so powerful.

"Brother Mu, Brother Mu, look, the lights in a room are on."

Just as Mu Rufeng was still thinking, he saw Liu Yong tug at Mu Rufeng's clothes and exclaimed at the door of room 402.

Mu Rufeng looked up, and sure enough, a yellow light was on above the door of room 402.

"I'll go first. You stay here. Remember, follow the rules." Mu Rufeng patted Liu Yong on the shoulder and strode towards 402.

However, just after taking a step, Mu Rufeng stopped.

He turned around and looked at Liu Yong.

Mu Rufeng felt that if he ignored him, he would most likely not survive.

However, Mu Rufeng could not give him props and soul coins.

Without relatives or friends, Mu Rufeng is not a saint, and it is impossible for him to be like a nanny.

Moreover, no matter what, if he wants to survive, he has to rely on himself.

In this case, Mu Rufeng can only wish Liu Yong good luck here.

Wait, good luck? Mu Rufeng immediately took out the gambler's dice.

"Here, you throw it." Mu Rufeng handed the dice to Liu Yong.

"Ah? Brother Mu, what is this? Hey. Hey, Brother Mu, I can see its properties, so magical, is this a prop?"

Liu Yong exclaimed.

'Hurry up and throw it. Within two minutes after the lights are on, you have to go to the guest room. 'Mu Rufeng said.

The dice can only be thrown once a day, and even if the dice changes hands, it needs to wait for the next day to cool down.

Mu Rufeng doesn't need it for the time being, so it's okay to throw it for Liu Yong.

"Okay, Brother Mu." Liu Yong nodded immediately, and then quickly threw the dice.

"Five o'clock, it's five o'clock, Brother Mu, will I increase my luck by five points?" Liu Yong exclaimed again.

Mu Rufeng put away the dice, and then said: "Remember what I said."

As soon as the voice fell, Mu Rufeng came to the door of 402.

"Knock, knock! - Room service."

Mu Rufeng knocked on the door.

"Click!" A sound.

The door was opened, and a voice came from inside: "Come in."

Mu Rufeng got the customer's permission and immediately pushed the door into the room.

"Pop!" The door was closed directly.

Mu Rufeng didn't care about it, but looked at the situation in the room.

This room is about 40 square meters, and it is not very luxurious. It can only be said to be simple and ordinary.

In front, on the wooden sofa, there was a swollen body, like a meatball.

And an extremely unpleasant odor filled the whole room.

"Huh? It's a living person. What? Is this the snack that the hotel specially prepared for me?" Rouqiu Weiyi seemed a little surprised that the service staff this time was a living person.

"Hello, guest, I am Mu Rufeng, the room service. I wonder if you have any needs?" Mu Rufeng said calmly.

"There is so much water on the floor of this room. Please clean it all up." Rouqiu Weiyi said.

Hearing this, Mu Rufeng looked at the ground. As expected, there was a lot of water.

And the stench seemed to be emitted from the water.

"Glad to serve. But can I go out and get a mop?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Mop? Sure, I'll give you three minutes." Rouqiu Weiyi had a strange smile on his face.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng opened the door, but did not step out of the door. Instead, he said directly to Liu Yong who was standing not far away: "Liu Yong, help me get a mop and a bucket. They are right at the elevator entrance."

"Ah? Oh, okay, Brother Mu." Liu Yong was stunned for a moment, and then quickly reacted. He quickly went to the elevator entrance and found some tools in the corner on the left.

He immediately took a mop and a bucket and walked over.

"Here, Brother Mu."

"Thank you. By the way, if there are lights on, remember to bring some cleaning tools in advance." Mu Rufeng thanked him and closed the door.

Meatball Weird saw that Mu Rufeng did not leave the room, and was a little disappointed for a moment.

And Mu Rufeng naturally noticed his expression.

Obviously, this is definitely a trap.

As long as Mu Rufeng just walked out, there will definitely be some unpredictable consequences.

"Boy, clean up quickly."

The meatball Weird saw that Mu Rufeng was not fooled, and did not care.

Mu Rufeng immediately started to mop up the water stains on the ground.

Then he put the mop into the bucket and twisted it with his ghost power, and a lot of water immediately sank into the bucket.

I have to say, this water is really too smelly.

After a while, the bucket was half full of water, and the water stains on the ground had been cleaned up.

"Guest, the water stains have been cleaned up." Mu Rufeng said.

"Cleaned up? No, look, there are still a lot of them under my feet, right?"

The meatball said strangely, and raised his swollen legs.

There was another large pool of water stains, and Mu Rufeng could see that there were still water stains dripping from the meatball's legs.

In this way, how could Mu Rufeng not know that these waters were simply dropped from the meatball's body.

From this point of view, this weird should be a water ghost, and those water stains are corpse water.

In this case, even if Mu Rufeng cleaned it non-stop for 24 hours, he would not be able to finish it.

"Guest, this water seems to be flowing from your body." Mu Rufeng said.

I will update twice today. If I feel better tomorrow, I should be able to resume three updates.

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