I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 139 Lucky Liu Yong [Monthly vote requested! ]

"Haha, hurry up and clean it up. If you can't finish it, I'll be angry."

"And I'm angry, so you have to leave something here." Meatball said in a weird and conspiratorial tone.

Mu Rufeng looked at the weirdness of the flesh ball. The level of this weirdness was not very high, only level four.

With Mu Rufeng's strength, it can still be easily solved.

It’s just that Rouqiu’s weird identity is that of a guest of the Blood Boring Hotel, so he can’t take the initiative.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng raised her hand and saw the bandage pop out immediately.

Instead of attacking the weird one, he went directly into the water stains on the floor.

The water stains were quickly absorbed by the bandage.

After a while, it was clean.

"Huh? Boy, you really have some skills, can you suck it so well? Then suck all the corpse water from your fat grandpa and me."

After Rou Qiu's strange words fell, he saw multiple blisters on his legs bursting.

A large amount of corpse water gushes out from it.

After a while, the ground was covered with stinky corpse water.

Mu Rufeng saw this scene and calmly released all the bandages.

Bandages can suck blood, and corpse water is also liquid, so it can naturally be absorbed.

However, the bandage seemed a little reluctant, as if saying to Mu Rufeng, this water smells so bad.

"Good boy, go ahead and I'll find you some fresh blood to drink later," Mu Rufeng said.

Soon, the bandage absorbed all the corpse water.

When Bandage wanted to come back, he was directly stopped by Mu Rufeng.

There was no way, the current bandage was too smelly, if it was wrapped around him again, Mu Rufeng would probably die from the smell.

"This prop is really good. It actually sucked away all the water from my corpse."

The meatball seemed to have lost more than half of its weight due to the release of too much corpse water, and it was barely possible to see that it looked like a human being.

"Guest, do you know if there is anything else you need to serve?" Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Yes, of course. This bandage is mine. Give it to me and you can leave." Meatball said strangely.

"Yours?" Mu Rufeng looked at the meat ball with a strange expression.

"What? You don't believe it? This bandage has my scent all over it, so of course it belongs to me. Otherwise, it could still be yours?" Meatball said strangely and indifferently.

"Your service today is not bad. Give me the bandage and I will give you a good review." Meat Ball said strangely.

Mu Rufeng glanced at the open toilet door on the right.

He immediately directed the bandage to go to the toilet, and then spurted out the absorbed corpse water into the toilet.

When the corpse water was gone, the stench disappeared from the bandage.

"Now that there is no smell, how can it be yours? Or, if you call it, it will respond to you?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Hey, kid, I didn't want to do it at first, but now you can't blame me."

Meatball stood up from the sofa strangely, and a unique level 4 strange aura burst out.

From the perspective of Meatball Weird, Mu Rufeng is just a small two-level weirdo. Although it can't kill people, it still has no problem grabbing props.

"Oh? Do you want to take action?" The corners of Mu Rufeng's mouth raised slightly.

Isn't this the time he has been waiting for?

He couldn't take the initiative, but as long as the guest made the first move, he could fight back.

At this moment, Mu Rufeng, when the deputy manager was taking them around, he had used the rule skill [Life or Death] to successfully multiply his own attributes tenfold.

"Feel the feeling of suffocation."

The flesh ball opened its bloody mouth strangely, and a huge ball of corpse water spurted out, immediately surrounding Mu Rufeng.

All of a sudden, Mu Rufeng felt the ultimate stench and suffocation.

"Disgusting, so disgusting." Mu Rufeng felt goosebumps in her heart.

Without any hesitation, Mu Rufeng made a fist with her right hand, and with one punch, the mass of corpse water exploded.

A large amount of corpse water splashed around, and the roof, walls, beds, sofas, etc. were all contaminated with corpse water.

The stench in the entire room became even stronger.

"What? How can you, a little second-level contractor, break my water prison?" Meatball's face changed slightly, and he was extremely surprised.

"You attacked me for no reason, so I can fight back now." Mu Rufeng took out the butcher knife with a smile.

"Want to fight with me? You're a little too young." Rouqiu sneered strangely and continued to fight.

However, the next second, Mu Rufeng's figure suddenly disappeared.

Then, Meatball strangely felt a sense of crisis coming from behind him.

Just as he was about to dodge, a cold light flashed through him.

"Bang!" There was a muffled sound.

A thick, swollen arm fell to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the sharp butcher knife was placed on Meat Ball's strange neck.

"What do you think of my service today? Guest." Mu Rufeng whispered in Rouqiu's strange ear.

"Okay, great, your service is very good, I give you praise." Rouqiu swallowed strangely, not daring to move at all.

His arm was cut off, and he could feel an evil spirit eroding his wound.

If his head was chopped off with this knife, although it was possible, he would really die.

"Damn, he's just a small second-level contractor, how come he has so many powerful props." Meat Ball said angrily in his heart.

As the meatball weird gave a good review, an idea came into Mu Rufeng's mind.

The general meaning was that Mu Rufeng successfully completed the service of a guest and received a good review, so he could leave the room.

Mu Rufeng guessed that this should be the Blood Boring Hotel itself, which can monitor the customer's indication of giving good or bad reviews.

In this way, Mu Rufeng was not worried that the meatball weird would give Mu Rufeng a bad review later.

"You are lucky. If it weren't for the fact that we can't let guests die in the hotel, you wouldn't be so lucky today." Mu Rufeng patted the meatball weird's fat face with a butcher knife and said.

Then, he raised his hand to release the bandage and pierced his wound.

"What are you going to do?" The meatball weird suddenly became a little terrified.

"Nothing, I promised the bandage to give it some fresh blood. Don't worry, it won't suck you dry." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

The meatball was in a panic. He could clearly feel that the blood and ghost energy in his body were being absorbed rapidly.

"No, I was wrong. Let me go. If you absorb it again, I will drop to level three." The meatball was scared.

Mu Rufeng turned a deaf ear to him.

The meatball immediately gritted his teeth and took out a black bead with some pain, saying: "I am responsible for what happened today. This prop is my apology."

"Oh?" Mu Rufeng took the bead immediately.

As soon as he took it, he felt the huge weight.

[Corpse Water Bead]: The bead that has been nurtured by the water ghost for a year is extremely heavy.

Effect: It compresses a large amount of corpse water, making it extremely heavy. You can use its weight to hurt the enemy, or release the corpse water in the corpse water bead at once, causing large-scale corrosion damage.

Note: Everything else is good, but it is too smelly. It is best to put it in the inventory.

"It's a good prop, but it really stinks." Mu Rufeng frowned slightly, somewhat disgusted with the stench on it.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng waved his hand, called back the bandage, and then stuffed the corpse water beads into the bandage.

Even with the bandage wrapped, there was still a stench.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng wrapped the corpse water beads with the bandage for more than ten times, and finally he could not smell its stench.

"Well, Brother Mu, the things are also given to you, are you?" Meatball said strangely in a flattering manner.

"Well, today's service is also completed, and I should leave."

"However, the corpse water in this room. Don't you want to express your gratitude?" Mu Rufeng glanced at the room and said.

"Yes, yes, yes." Meatball nodded strangely, and then opened his mouth and sucked, and saw that the corpse water stained everywhere in the room was quickly sucked into his mouth.

Even the corpse water in the bucket was absorbed by it.

"It's much cleaner now, and the stench is gone." Mu Rufeng nodded in satisfaction, then picked up the mop and bucket and walked out of the room.

Rouqiu looked at Mu Rufeng strangely, his face gloomy to the extreme.

Then, he picked up his broken arm and embedded it in his wound.

However, the wound did not heal because there was still evil spirit on it.

Suddenly, a lot of corpse water came out, trying to remove the evil spirit.

However, soon Rouqiu's strange face changed.

"Damn, this evil spirit will take one or two hours to remove. That knife is at least a level five prop." Rouqiu cursed strangely, then sat back on the sofa and continued to drive away the evil spirit.


Mu Rufeng returned to the corridor.

However, in the corridor, there was no sign of Liu Yong.

Mu Rufeng looked around and came to the corner where some tools were placed.

"The broom and dustpan are missing, but there are also mops and buckets. It seems that the lights in the guest rooms are on again."

"I hope Liu Yong can finish it safely." Mu Rufeng shook his head and put the mop and bucket back.

He threw the dice and added five points of luck to him, which must still provide some chances of survival.

Ten minutes passed quickly.

The door of room 401 opened, and Liu Yong walked out of the room with an excited look on his face.

"Brother Mu, Brother Mu, I got a good comment." Liu Yong closed the door, and then saw Mu Rufeng not far away, and immediately ran over and said excitedly.

"Oh? There is a good comment already? What is the ghost in room 401?" Mu Rufeng asked curiously.

"Brother Mu, the client of 401 is a female ghost. How should I put it? A very strange female ghost."

"After entering, she let me whip her with a whip. After whipping for ten minutes, she gave me a good review."

"Brother Mu, you know what, it must be the dice prop of Brother Mu that worked." Liu Yong still looked unsatisfied when he spoke.

I took an IV drip for a whole morning and slept for a whole afternoon. I sat in front of the computer with a sore back and a painful body. I barely wrote 6,000 words. I'm sorry. After I resign, I will definitely make up for it. It seems that Xiaowen works so hard, so please give me another wave of monthly tickets!!!

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