I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 140 Hidden Matters about Room Service [Monthly Ticket Request! ]

"You are so lucky, kid." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"That's all thanks to Brother Mu's props." Liu Yong scratched his head a little embarrassedly.

"That's also your own luck. I'll go take a look around." Mu Rufeng said.

"Brother Mu, I'll go with you." Liu Yong seemed to be afraid to stay alone in this gloomy corridor.

"Okay." Mu Rufeng didn't care and walked in the corridor by himself.

The corridor is long and there are many rooms. There are ten rooms on each side of the left and right sides, which adds up to twenty rooms.

Mu Rufeng didn't know whether these twenty rooms were all occupied by weirdos, or only part of them.

Soon, Mu Rufeng passed through the corridor and came to the end.

There was a window at the end. Mu Rufeng stood in front of the window and looked down.

Below is an ordinary hotel square with greenery, parking lots, and even security weirdos.

And on the outer edge of the hotel, it was shrouded in black fog and the outside world could not be seen clearly.

"Hmm?" Suddenly, Mu Rufeng frowned slightly. He reached out and opened the window, and then picked up a small card pressed by a stone on the outer windowsill.

[Hidden matters of room service]

1. If you want to know if there are guests in the room, just drop a drop of blood in front of the door.

2. When the guests come out of the room, no matter what they say or do, you can ignore them.

3. When the red light is on above the room, don't notify the manager, go to the door to provide room service yourself.

4. When two red lights are on, please make sure you have two room service staff to provide room service separately.

5. Please note, please note that the guest in room 404 is extremely dangerous, extremely dangerous. As long as the light is on, please notify the hotel lobby manager Hua Wenliang or deputy manager Wang Weng as soon as possible.

"Hmm? This." Mu Rufeng looked at the card.

Some of the hidden matters on it are relatively normal, but some of them conflict with the room service precautions I saw before.

For example

3. When a red light is on above the guest room, do not notify the manager, but go to the door to provide room service yourself.

4. When two red lights are on, please make sure you have two room attendants to provide room service separately.

And on matters of attention.

7. Please note that if the light on the door is red, please immediately notify Wang Gen, the deputy manager of the hotel lobby.

8. If two red lights are on in a short period of time, please leave this floor as soon as possible and notify Hua Wenliang, the hotel lobby manager, as soon as possible.

When the red light is on, one is for you to serve, and the other is for him to notify the lobby manager.

There is also the fifth hidden item, which is also a bit weird.

"Is it extremely dangerous?" Mu Rufeng touched his chin and thought.

"Brother Mu, what's wrong?" Liu Yong asked curiously.

"Take a look." Mu Rufeng handed the card to Liu Yong.

Liu Yong took it and looked at it, and immediately said: "Brother Mu, this seems to conflict with the precautions. What should we do if the red light really comes on later?"

"Let's take it one step at a time." Mu Rufeng took the card back and put it in his pocket.

"However, we still need to confirm whether what is said on this card is true or false."

"Liu Yong, don't mind bleeding a little?" Mu Rufeng looked at Liu Yong and said.

"No problem, Brother Mu." Liu Yong gritted his teeth and nodded.

"Yeah." Mu Rufeng immediately grabbed Liu Yong's finger, and then gently scratched it with his fingernail, and a small cut was made.

Blood soon seeped out.

"Go, drip in front of this door." Mu Rufeng pointed to the door of Room 420 and said.

Liu Yong immediately walked over, turned his finger, and a few drops of blood fell in front of the door.

Immediately, Liu Yong immediately put his finger in his mouth and retreated to Mu Rufeng's side.

For a long time, there was no movement in Room 420.

"Try 419 again." Mu Rufeng pointed to another room and said.

"Yes." Liu Yong nodded, turned around and came to the door of room 419, and then dripped a drop of blood on the door, and then quickly retreated to Mu Rufeng's side.

Just at this moment, a magical scene appeared.

When the blood just fell to the ground, a suction force appeared from the crack of the door below, and instantly sucked the blood into it.

When Mu Rufeng saw this scene, he immediately understood that there must be a guest in this room.

However, the next scene made people a little meaningful.

I saw that the light above the door of room 419 suddenly lit up.

"Brother Mu, it's on, the light is on." Liu Yong exclaimed.

Mu Rufeng didn't say anything, and let the bandage wrap Liu Yong's injured finger.

In just a few seconds, the bandage was retracted, and the small wound on Liu Yong's hand had healed.

"Wow, Brother Mu, my wound has healed, so amazing."

"Wait outside, I'll go take a look." Mu Rufeng did not take the cleaning tools this time, because he guessed that the service required by the guests here must be related to the blood that just dripped.

"Knock, knock, knock! Room service." Mu Rufeng knocked on the door of room 419.

"Come in!" As a voice came from inside, the door opened in time.

Mu Rufeng immediately pushed the door open, and when he entered, the door closed automatically.

The layout of the house is exactly the same as the previous 402.

As for this guest, it was a dishevelled white-clothed female ghost, and her figure was very slim.

The face could not be seen clearly because it was covered by hair.

"Guest, what service do you need?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Your look is even weirder than a ghost."

"I just smelled blood, I want to drink your blood, and if I am satisfied, I will give you a good review." The white-clothed female ghost said.

"Drink blood? Sorry, guest, we don't have this service." Mu Rufeng shook his head and refused.

"No? Do you believe I will give you a bad review?" The white-clothed female ghost said coldly.

Mu Rufeng did not speak, as if he was thinking about something.

"Hehe, it seems that you agree, then I won't be polite." The white-clothed female ghost took a step forward.

When she appeared again, she was actually in front of Mu Rufeng.

"So fast." Mu Rufeng was slightly surprised. This guy was obviously not teleporting, but the speed was so fast.

The female ghost appeared in front of Mu Rufeng, and then hugged Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng did not resist and let the female ghost hug him.

The female ghost kept sniffing Mu Rufeng, and then her expression was extremely intoxicated.

"The truth is too fragrant. I haven't smelled the smell of a living person for a long time."

"Then I won't be polite." The female ghost said, stroking Mu Rufeng's neck and trying to remove the bandage.

However, the female ghost couldn't remove the bandage at all.

"Hmm?" The female ghost frowned slightly, shook her hair lightly, revealing a pale but delicate face.

Immediately, she opened her cherry mouth and bit Mu Rufeng's neck regardless.

Just when the female ghost wanted to suck blood, she found that she didn't seem to bite through the bandage.

"My guest, have you attacked me like this?" Mu Rufeng suddenly said.

The female ghost didn't speak, as if she was afraid that Mu Rufeng would run away. Her legs and hands were like snakes, and they were wrapped around Mu Rufeng.

It must be said that even with the isolation of work clothes and bandages, Mu Rufeng could feel the coldness of the female ghost.

Then, the cherry-like mouth turned into a huge mouth of the abyss, and rows of terrifying sharp teeth emerged, biting towards Mu Rufeng's neck again.

However, before she could bite, a ball of bandages was instantly stuffed into the female ghost's mouth.

Then, the bandages on Mu Rufeng's body instantly extended out, and in the blink of an eye, the female ghost was wrapped up.

The female ghost was shocked, and she tore the bandages with her big mouth, as if she wanted to tear the bandages in her mouth into pieces.

However, she underestimated the toughness of the bandages.

No matter how her bloody mouth chewed and tore, it had no other effect except for the saliva on the bandages.

Mu Rufeng raised his foot and wanted to walk, but the female ghost's legs were a little tight, but it couldn't stop Mu Rufeng.

He took a big step and broke free from the female ghost's legs.

After a while, Mu Rufeng came to the sofa and sat on it.

Then Mu Rufeng took out the butcher knife and gently placed it on the female ghost's neck.

"My guest, I think my service is complete, what do you think?" Mu Rufeng stroked the pale face of the female ghost and said.

"Mmm~~~!" The female ghost's mouth was full of bandages and she couldn't speak at all.

"Oh, I almost forgot." Mu Rufeng immediately took the bandage back.

Of course, because there was too much saliva, Mu Rufeng squeezed the bandage out and then returned it to the female ghost's mouth.

The latter subconsciously swallowed it directly.

This is also her own saliva, so it's nothing big.

"Drink blood, can you give me some blood, just a little bit will do." The ghost girl pleaded.

"Huh? What did you say?" Mu Rufeng's butcher knife pressed down slightly, and had already cut the ghost girl's skin.

"Really, just a little bit of blood will do. I have hemophilia. I can still suppress it if I don't drink blood, but I just drank a little blood and I can't suppress it."

"Once I can't suppress it, I will lose my mind." The ghost girl faced Mu Rufeng's butcher knife and explained.

"Hemophilia?" Mu Rufeng frowned slightly.

He looked at the ghost girl again, and seeing the breath of this ghost girl, it should be the peak of level three.

However, Mu Rufeng could feel that there seemed to be another breath in her body.

That was the breath of another weirdness, as if she was seriously injured by another weirdness, leaving a force in her body that was destroying her body all the time.

However, that force had been suppressed and did not destroy the ghost girl's body.

"Are you injured? Is your hemophilia caused by the force in your body?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"When I was fighting with a bitch, she didn't follow martial ethics and called her husband over. I couldn't beat her. Fortunately, I was fast and ran away, otherwise I would have died there." The ghost girl said.

Today is much better. I wrote one chapter in the morning. The rest will be written in the evening. I have to go to work in the afternoon. It's the last day. Please give me a monthly ticket!

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