I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 141 This female ghost can actually transform? [Monthly votes requested! ]

"That bitch's husband has a special ability. He left a stream of energy in my body. I can't expel it in a short time by myself, and I'm afraid they will hunt me down, so I can only come to the Blood Hotel."

"Give it to me, suck some blood from me, please." The white-clothed female ghost said with a pleading look.

"Give it to me, give it to me quickly!!!" Suddenly, the tone of the white-clothed female ghost changed, and she became extremely irritable.

It seemed that she was beginning to lose control.

As the voice fell, the female ghost opened her mouth and bit Mu Rufeng's neck again.

However, the next moment, her mouth was stuffed with a bandage again.

"Does the hotel's guest room have a healing effect?" Mu Rufeng thought to himself.

After thinking about it, Mu Rufeng cut a bloody wound on his palm.

Then, Mu Rufeng noticed that a faint energy flowed into his wound.

He could feel that this energy was helping him recover from his injuries.

"Sure enough, this hotel really has a healing effect. So, it seems that all the guests staying in the hotel have been injured?" Mu Rufeng guessed in his heart.

Just at this moment, the white-clothed female ghost in his arms suddenly struggled frantically.

The originally white dress turned black directly.

At the same time, a layer of black silk was covered on the smooth thighs.

The hair that was originally disheveled was strangely tied up by itself, forming a bun.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but Mu Rufeng also felt that something became more~~~!

The figure also became taller, which is commonly known as growing taller.

After the transformation, the black-clothed female ghost began to twist her body and struggle frantically.

"Hey, hey, hey, don't move, I can't stand it anymore."

Mu Rufeng didn't lie. As a young man with blood and vigor, he couldn't stay calm at all.

What's more, this female ghost was not an extremely ugly evil ghost with a bad smell.

But she had a good figure and good looks, and she seemed to smell good.

Mu Rufeng used the bandage to pull the black-clothed female ghost off Mu Rufeng without hesitation.

"Mmmmm~~!" The black-clothed female ghost's expression became extremely weird, staring at Mu Rufeng, as if it was something extremely delicious.

The next second, the female ghost shrank, and the whole person actually got out of the bandage directly.

The bandage reacted very quickly and immediately continued to roll towards the female ghost.

The latter's figure was extremely flexible, and the bandage couldn't catch her at all.

Even, the female ghost's figure was getting closer and closer to Mu Rufeng.

From time to time, the female ghost's unique laughter came out of her mouth, which made people feel cold.

"Blood, I want to drink blood!"

The female ghost hung upside down on the roof, like a spider man, muttering to drink blood.

Her eyes looked at Mu Rufeng, emitting red light.

The next second, she shot directly towards Mu Rufeng.

During this period, she dodged all the bandages that attacked in a weird posture.

It can be said that it easily broke through the bandage defense line and successfully pounced on Mu Rufeng.

Then, Mu Rufeng's right hand was as fast as lightning, and he grabbed the female ghost's neck.

However, before Mu Rufeng could hold it tightly, the female ghost's neck suddenly became like a loach, and it slipped directly out of his hand.

Before Mu Rufeng could react, the female ghost turned behind Mu Ru, and her legs were already clamped around his waist, and then she bit Mu Rufeng's shoulder.

Mu Rufeng reacted very quickly and immediately pumped his muscles.

In an instant, the muscles on his shoulders were as hard as steel.

Sure enough, when the female ghost's teeth bit down, some saliva was left, and even the skin was not broken.

Just kidding, with a physical fitness of nearly 1,300 points, the female ghost is only level three, how can it be bitten?

No, that's not right. After the female ghost transformed, she has reached level four, but even at level four, she can't bite through Mu Rufeng's pumped muscles.

The black-clothed female ghost didn't believe in evil, bit Mu Rufeng's flesh and kept gnawing.

"I say, enough." Mu Rufeng grabbed the black-clothed female ghost's neck and lifted her up directly.

This time Mu Rufeng held her tightly, even if she wanted to use the weird form just now, she would never escape from Mu Rufeng's palm.

However, what surprised Mu Rufeng was that the female ghost actually escaped from Mu Rufeng's palm again.

She didn't rely on her brute force to break free, but used a special ability.

"This weird ability is not bad." Mu Rufeng didn't care much about the female ghost's escape.

Because the female ghost once again stood on him, this time, she didn't bite him.

Instead, she used her nails to scratch Mu Rufeng's skin.

Not to mention, the black claws of the black-clothed female ghost were extremely sharp, and she actually scratched Mu Rufeng's skin directly.

This scene surprised Mu Rufeng a little.

"Such sharp nails." Mu Rufeng shook his whole body and directly shook the female ghost away.

Then he grabbed her fiercely, trying to control her.

At the same time, the bandages quickly spread a net around, trying to trap the female ghost again.

However, the female ghost's dodge was really like it was at MAX. Even if Mu Rufeng caught her, he could rely on her magical ability to escape.

As for the bandages, no matter how they surrounded her, the female ghost could easily dodge.

"Oh, I don't believe it." Mu Rufeng directly took out the worn-out sandbag and smashed it towards the female ghost.

The female spy seemed to have expected it. She twisted her waist slightly and avoided the sandbag directly.

"." Mu Rufeng looked at the sandbag that had returned to the palm of her hand, feeling a little pained.

Mu Rufeng simply stood still.

Sure enough, the female spy once again passed through the bandage and stuck to Mu Rufeng's body.

Then, Mu Rufeng took the sandbag and easily hit it on the female spy's body.

A magical scene occurred, and the sandbags actually disappeared.

The moment the sandbag hit the female spy, she froze in place, unable to move.

The restraints here are not like in the game, which only restrain the legs, but directly restrain the whole body.

Afterwards, Mu Rufeng pulled the female ghost off of him.

As for the missing sandbags, Mu Rufeng didn't panic.

The description of the properties of the sandbag is also very clear. After the sandbag is thrown, if it misses the target, it will automatically return to the user's hand.

Also, when the restraint ends, it will automatically return to the user's hands.

This also means that the disappearance of the sandbags has also officially played a role in restraint.

This also made Mu Rufeng's idea of ​​relying on sandbags for unlimited restraint disappear.

"This female spy's ability is really good. She should have the ability to break free." Mu Rufeng looked at the female spy carefully, thinking about something.

Mu Rufeng was not worried that the female spy could break free from the sandbag.

Just kidding, this is a regular prop. Even if the female conspirator is very powerful, it will only shorten the restraint time at most.

Speaking of which, Mu Rufeng has not yet tested the duration of the sandbag's restraint.

"Blood, I want blood, give me blood to drink~~!"

Although the female spy in black was restrained, her big smoky eyes were staring at Mu Rufeng, and she kept shouting.

After thinking for a moment, Mu Rufeng cut her finger and put it directly into the mouth of the black-clothed woman.

When blood entered the room, the female ghost in black's eyes instantly lit up, and then the expression on her face became extremely peaceful, or in other words, enjoyment.

Feeling the mysterious feeling on her fingertips made Mu Rufeng feel a little carried away.

But Mu Rufeng soon calmed down.

Because he felt that his blood was being absorbed rapidly.

The absorption speed was so fast that it felt like his blood would be sucked dry within a few minutes.

He only made a small opening on his finger.

If the wound was bigger, it would have to be sucked dry in one go.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng pulled out her hand.

Seeing that there was no more blood to drink, the woman in black suddenly looked at Mu Rufeng with a pleading look on her face: "Blood, I still need blood to drink, give it to me, give me blood to drink~~!"

"Speak to me properly." Mu Rufeng said.

"Uuuuuuuuah, blood, I want to drink blood~~!" The female spy in black ignored Mu Rufeng's words and still whimpered to drink blood.

"So, this is what bloodthirsty is?" Mu Rufeng recalled what the white-clothed female spy had said before.

Once hemophilia attacks, he will lose consciousness, but shouldn't he recover after drinking blood? Why hasn't he recovered yet?

It can't be because he drank too little blood.

At this moment, the corner of the sandbag emerged from the body of the female conspirator in black.

Mu Rufeng's eyes narrowed slightly. He knew that when the sandbag came out completely, it would return to Mu Rufeng's hands, and the restraint would naturally end.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng immediately put the bandage forward and wrapped the black-clothed female ghost tightly.

Except for the eyes, not even an inch is exposed.

Even each finger, hand, and foot was wrapped several times individually, and then the hands and legs were brought together and continued to be wrapped.

This time, Mu Rufeng didn't believe that this guy could still escape.

After about ten seconds, the sandbag flew out and landed on Mu Rufeng's hand.

The female spy in black regained her mobility and immediately began to struggle, trying to break free from the bandages.

However, this time the winding was really too tight, even if the woman in black used her abilities.

He could only break free from the first layer. Before he could break free from the second layer, the bandage quickly closed up again, giving no chance to the female spy in black.

In this way, he was finally captured in a serious manner.

"You haven't changed back yet?" Mu Rufeng frowned.

Immediately, a violent and fierce bridge hit the black-clothed female ghost on the forehead.

"Boom!" There was a muffled sound.

The black-clothed female ghost's forehead sunken directly.

"Ah~~!" A shrill scream came from the female spy's mouth.

"Have you changed back?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"I've changed back, I've changed back, it hurts so much, wuwuwu~~~ But it's so sweet in my mouth~~wuwuwu~~~!"

Upon hearing this, Mu Rufeng nodded with satisfaction, and then spread the bandage away.

At this moment, the female ghost in black has turned into a female ghost in white, and her bun has become disheveled again.

The black silk stockings are gone and she is now bare.

The second chapter is here, and the third chapter will be released later. It’s the last day of the month, please vote for me! ! !

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