I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 143 The Hanged Man and the Smoking Man [Ask for the guaranteed monthly ticket! ]

The door still closes automatically.

"Two guests, what services do you need?" Mu Rufeng asked.

The male strangely ignored Mu Rufeng and was still puffing away alone.

On the contrary, the female spy lying on the sofa turned her head and looked lazily at Mu Rufeng.

"It tastes really sweet. Human beings are such delicious beings."

"You just came out of room 419 after doing room service, right?" the female spy asked.

"Yes, guest." Mu Rufeng nodded.

"Tell me, what did she ask you to serve?" the female spy said.

"This... just gives her some blood to drink." Mu Rufeng hesitated for a moment and then said.

"Did you drink blood for her?" The female spy immediately sat up.

"It's okay. Seeing that this kid is still so lively, he must not have drank much."

"Besides, even if she recovers, it will be okay. My ability can restrain her. As long as I leave the hotel, I can definitely take her down." At this time, the smoker on the side said hoarsely.

"Yes, my man is still more powerful." The female ghost smiled and hugged the smoker, and stretched out a long tongue, about to go downwards.

"Take it easy, there are outsiders here." Smoker grabbed his tongue and said.

"We are already an old couple, why are you so shy? Well, waiter, go and remove the cigarette smell from the room."

"If it doesn't go away, then you can leave an arm for me as a snack." The female sly finished her words and lay back on the sofa.

"Disperse the smoke?" Mu Rufeng looked around the room, and finally fixed his gaze on the smoker who was still puffing away the smoke.

The smoke is easy to disperse, but if the source of the smoke is not solved, the smoke will naturally continue to flow.

However, Mu Rufeng didn't care. She walked to the bed and opened the window.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew in.

All of a sudden, some of the smoke in the room was blown away.

Then, Mu Rufeng walked up to the smoker and with lightning speed, pulled out the cigarette butt from the smoker's mouth.

Then he pinched it out and threw it directly into the trash can nearby.

Then, without waiting for the smoker's reaction, Mu Rufeng opened her mouth and blew out a breath.

In an instant, the air in the room was completely transformed, and the smoky room suddenly became much fresher.

"Huh? Are you looking for death?" Smoker reacted at this time and said angrily.

Mu Rufeng, however, calmly took a few steps back and said, "Guest, the smell of smoke in the room has dissipated. Please give me a good review."

"Oh, it's really fast. However, you seem to have offended my husband. If you deal with my husband first, I will give you a good review."

The female ghost turned sideways, showing off her good figure at a glance. She was like a living Bodhisattva.

Two thick plumes of smoke erupted from the smoker's nose.

He stood up slowly and looked at Mu Rufeng with a gloomy expression.

"Guest, what kind of service do you need?" Mu Rufeng looked at the smoker and said with a slight smile.

"Service? I want to eat some meat. I think your meat is very good."

Yan Gui strode forward, came to Mu Rufeng, grabbed Mu Rufeng's arm, and then pulled hard.

He should have torn it off, but Smoker found that Mu Rufeng's arm was still intact.

"Guest, can I regard your behavior just now as an attack on me?" Mu Rufeng turned his head slightly and looked at the smoker.

"The body is quite strong, not bad. It will definitely be chewier this way." Smoker nodded with satisfaction, completely ignoring Mu Rufeng's words.

Immediately, he moved his right hand, then grabbed Mu Rufeng's arm, used his ghost power, exerted all his strength, and then pulled it.

Just like before, he was still indifferent.

"Huh? What are you?" At this moment, the smoker realized that Mu Rufeng's body was really not that strong.

With the move he just made, even if it was a level four trickster, his arm would be broken by him.

And Mu Rufeng is just a small second-level contractor.

At this moment, Mu Rufeng had already grabbed Yan Gui's right hand with his backhand.

Without waiting for Yan Gui's reaction, Mu Rufeng pulled hard.

A somewhat thin arm was torn off by Mu Rufeng.

"I'm sorry, guest, I didn't know your body was so fragile. I just pulled it lightly, but why did your hand break?" Mu Rufeng said apologetically.

"You~~!" Yan Gui's expression suddenly changed.

He didn't expect that his hand would be torn off like this.

However, before Yan Gui could fight back, Mu Rufeng's hands had already grabbed Yan Gui's neck.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng twisted suddenly and turned the smoker's head 360 degrees.

Then he kicked the smoker away and hit the big bed room not far away.

"Excuse me, guest, have I completed my service?" Mu Rufeng looked at the female spy who had already stood up with a faint smile on her face.

"Husband, what's going on?" The female spy shouted towards the smoker.

"This kid is very evil. Don't confront him head-on. Watch me poison him to death with poison gas."

The smoker didn't know when he got up from the bed.

With his remaining left arm, he actually turned his head around.

Then, the smoker's nose, mouth, and even his ears were seen spewing out a stream of white and green smoke.

However, before it could spread, Mu Rufeng took out a sandbag and hit the smoker directly.

Suddenly, the body of the smoker froze in place.

Although his mouth and eyes could still move, the smoke had stopped spraying.

Apparently, the restraint of the sandbag also had an additional effect.

"Husband, husband, what's wrong with you?" The female ghost also found that the smoker was not right, and quickly turned over and jumped directly to the side of the smoker.

However, no matter how she pushed her husband, she couldn't make him move.

"What a weird thing, what props did this kid use? I can't move now. Hurry up, you take action and kill this guy." The smoker said hurriedly.

"Okay." The female ghost responded immediately, and then took a leather rope from her hair with her backhand and threw it directly at Mu Rufeng.

"What is this?" Mu Rufeng frowned, and then slightly turned sideways to avoid the leather rope.

However, something unexpected happened.

I saw that the leather rope appeared directly on Mu Rufeng's body.

Then, it quickly began to wrap around Mu Rufeng, and soon, it tied Mu Rufeng tightly.

"A prop that is sure to hit?" Mu Rufeng was slightly surprised.

"I caught you."

When the female ghost saw this scene, a ferocious look appeared on her face.

Then she opened her mouth, and a soft and sticky tongue flew out like a sharp arrow.

"Open it for me!" Mu Rufeng's muscles shook violently, trying to break free from the leather rope.

However, the material of the leather rope was also very resilient. Under Mu Rufeng's encouragement, it was only stretched a little, and then retracted back to Mu Rufeng's body.

At the same time, the tongue was about to come.

Mu Rufeng moved directly in an instant to avoid the attack.

And the leather rope was still on Mu Rufeng's body, and did not stay in place because of Mu Rufeng's teleportation.

"Just right, try the new contract ability." Mu Rufeng saw this scene, calmed down in his heart, and then immediately used the ability of escaping from the golden cicada shell.

Mu Rufeng shrank and slipped out of the rubber band.

"Huh? Teleport? Can you break free from my rubber band?" The female ghost was slightly surprised.

After Mu Rufeng broke free from the rubber band, he returned to his previous appearance and fell to the ground.

Obviously, this rubber band cannot be retracted on its own. If it is broken free and not retracted by the user, then whoever picks it up will own it.

Look, the female ghost's tongue gave up attacking Mu Rufeng and went straight to the rubber band.

However, at this moment, Mu Rufeng suddenly appeared beside the rubber band, stretched out his hand, and grabbed the female ghost's tongue.

Immediately, with a sudden pull, a huge force was transmitted.

In an instant, the female ghost was pulled over, and then Mu Rufeng's left hand grabbed her neck.

"Now my service is completed, can you please give me a good review?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Bug, are you looking for death? Want a good review? Humph, I'll give you a bad review now~~~!"

In the distance, the bound Smoker was shouting and yelling.

Just before he could say the word 'review', a thick stick flew over and pierced the back of the Smoker's head directly.

You can see that this is an electric baton, which enters from the mouth and sticks out half of the back of the Smoker's head on the other side.


The electric current exploded instantly.

The Smoker rolled his eyes and couldn't speak.

Although it was only a third-level electric baton, it hit the vital point and could still play a certain role.

"This guest, please give a review, otherwise, I don't mind cutting off your tongue and giving it to the kitchen to fry a bowl of flavored tongue."

Mu Rufeng took out the butcher knife and gestured a few times on the long tongue of the female ghost.

The female ghost could clearly feel the terrifying murderous aura on the butcher knife. At this moment, she panicked.

"Good review, good review, I am very satisfied with your service, I give you a big review." The female ghost said hurriedly.

"That's right." Mu Rufeng nodded with satisfaction.

At this moment, he has received a reminder that the service has been completed.

So far, he has received three good reviews.

"Go, get my electric baton back." Mu Rufeng said.

The next second, the bandage flew out, crossed a distance of seven or eight meters, wrapped around the electric baton, and then flew back again.

"It's really dirty." Mu Rufeng looked at the filth on the electric baton with disdain, and immediately took it into the bathroom and took a shower.

"Okay, guests, today's service is completed, so I will leave first."

Mu Rufeng said politely, then let go of the female ghost's neck and tongue, opened the door and walked out directly.

When the door was closed, the duration of the sandbag also expired, and it directly ignored the closed door and flew back to Mu Rufeng's hands.

The first update is here. There are two more to go. I will post one chapter as I write one. It's the beginning of the month. Please give me a guaranteed monthly ticket! If you have any recommendation tickets, you can also vote a little. Thank you for the 1700 points reward from Hengguyouyou! Thank you for the 1500 points reward from Oscar621, and thank you for the 500 points reward from Mingyuegongzhu, Liumang, and Xingxing!

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