I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 144 The rubber band of the strange doll [ask for monthly votes! ]

"I'm so mad, so mad at me."

The smoker regained his mobility and strode towards the door immediately.

It seemed that he wanted to go out and fight Mu Rufeng for another 300 rounds.

"Honey, wait a minute. Although that kid is only a Level 2 contractor, he is really evil. Moreover, this is the Blood Boring Hotel." The female spy stood up and stopped the smoker.

"Ah~~~! I must eat this guy, otherwise it will be difficult to understand the hatred in my heart." The smoker also became more awake and said extremely irritably.

"Husband, put your hands together first. Our most important thing is to kill that bitch first." The female spy picked up the severed arm and handed it to the smoker.

"Yes, that bitch is the most important." Smoker nodded, and then reattached the broken arm to the wound.

"Oh, my rubber band, my rubber band was taken away by that waiter." The female spy suddenly exclaimed.

"Damn guy, I'm going to kill him, kill him!!!" The female conspirator was immediately furious and headed straight out the door.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, take it easy, that kid is very evil, and this is the Blood Boring Hotel." This time, it was the Smoker's turn to grab the female ghost.

Mu Rufeng walked out of the room and glanced around, but did not see Liu Yong.

Just when Mu Rufeng guessed whether Liu Yong had entered the room to serve.

But there was a "ding!" sound, and the elevator suddenly opened.

Liu Yong hurriedly walked out of it.

"Liu Yong, where have you been? Also, why does it smell bad?" Mu Rufeng came to the elevator and said with a frown.

"Well, Brother Mu, there are three urgent needs. I really couldn't hold it in anymore. There is no toilet here, so I peed in the bucket."

"Then. Then" Liu Yong hesitated to speak.

"What happened next?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"I happened to be bumped into by the 401 guest. She asked me to go to the front desk and said that the phone in her room was broken and she couldn't make calls." Liu Yong said with a blush on his face.

"Well, let me tell you, wouldn't you find a room with no guests to go to the toilet? There will be no one in 420," Mu Rufeng said.

"I tried, but I don't have the key to room 420, so I can't open it," Liu Yong said.

"Okay, okay, you can go to 401 and reply." Mu Rufeng waved her hand towards Liu Yong.

"Yeah." Liu Yong nodded immediately.

"By the way, I still don't know what properties that rubber band has." Mu Rufeng immediately took out the rubber band prop from her pocket.

[The Rubber Band of the Creepy Doll]: It is the favorite rubber band of the Creepy Doll.

Effect: Tough and elastic. Throw it at the target. For level 5 and below, it can hit the target 100%, thus binding it.

Note: Remember to retract it in time, otherwise, once the target is restrained for more than one minute, or if it falls to the ground, it will become ownerless.

"Is it a level five prop? This one has a 100% hit rate, which is pretty good." Mu Rufeng was quite satisfied with this prop.

"Ah, this is that bitch's rubber band, Brother Feng, can you give it to me?" Suddenly, a voice sounded in my heart.

It was the voice of Bai Jingwei, a woman in white.

"Huh? Wait, aren't you in the hotel? Why did you suddenly go back to the contract trough?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"I don't know either. I was going to take a shower, but I suddenly returned to the contract tank."

"Oh, I know, it seems that I can't be ten meters away from you." Bai Jingwei said.

"Ten meters? Forget it. I'll take you to check out after get off work later."

Mu Rufeng really didn't know this. The contract and contract were so weird that they couldn't leave within ten meters.

Since she can't be within ten meters of the contracted ghost, it's impossible to let her stay in the guest room.

As for the smokers and hangers-on, there is always a chance to kill them.

"Brother Feng, Brother Feng, Brother Feng, rubber band, give me the little rubber band."

Bai Jingwei came out of the contract slot at some point, stood behind Mu Rufeng, and whispered in Mu Rufeng's ear with a very soft voice.

Mu Rufeng reacted very quickly and subconsciously slapped him away.

There was a sound of "Crack!"

Bai Jingwei flew to one side, and then hit the wall hard with a dull sound.

Mu Rufeng suddenly looked awkwardly at Bai Jingwei who was slapped away by her.

"I said, don't suddenly appear behind me. I'm very vigilant." Mu Rufeng retracted her hand silently.

If he were in the real world, he probably wouldn't be like this, but in the strange world, he is really on alert at all times.

Bai Jingwei got up from the ground and looked at Mu Rufeng with an aggrieved look on her face, tears glistening in her eyes.

Of course, Mu Rufeng couldn't see it, because Bai Jingwei's face was blocked by her hair.

However, because Mu Rufeng and Bai Jingwei have a contract, they are somewhat connected, so they can feel Bai Jingwei's aggrieved mood.

"Okay, okay, I'm wrong, I'll give you this rubber band." Mu Rufeng immediately took out the small rubber band.

"Thank you, Brother Feng. Brother Feng is so kind." Bai Jingwei ran over immediately and took the little rubber band in her hand.

Immediately, Bai Jingwei took a small rubber band and began to tie her hair.

After a while, a woman with a very delicate face appeared in front of Mu Rufeng.

I have to say that this look now is much more eye-catching than before.

Although the rubber band was given to Bai Jingwei, Bai Jingwei was his contract ghost, so this was just a transfer from the left hand to the right hand.

"Go back, Liu Yong is coming out." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, Brother Feng, call me if you have something. I'm a little sleepy and need a nap." Bai Jingwei nodded and responded, and then went back to the contract slot.

A few seconds later, the door of room 401 opened and Liu Yong walked out.

"Brother Mu." Liu Yong subconsciously called out when he saw Mu Rufeng.

"Wipe it." Mu Rufeng said.

"Ah? What?" Liu Yong didn't react for a while.

"Face, mouth, wipe it." Mu Rufeng pointed and said.

"Ah" Liu Yong was shocked, and then his face turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Then he quickly wiped his face and mouth with his sleeves.

"And the neck." Mu Rufeng said again.

Liu Yong didn't dare to speak, and quickly wiped his neck.

"Boy, if you build a good relationship with this young lady, I think she can become your contracted ghost." Mu Rufeng patted Liu Yong on the shoulder and said.

"Contracted ghost? Really? But Brother Wang seemed to have said that you can only contract a ghost after you clear the first dungeon." Liu Yong was happy at first, but then hesitated.

Wang Ziqi did teach Liu Yong some basic things, especially about contracted ghosts.

Of course, this is what Liu Yong wanted to ask.

"In principle, it is true, but you have a good relationship with this young lady. Ask her for a phone number. When you go to the next dungeon, find a phone to call her and ask her to come to you."

Mu Rufeng gave Liu Yong an idea.

"Ah? Brother Mu? Is this okay?" Liu Yong was immediately shocked.

"Of course, in the weird world, as long as it is not some special place, those weird phone numbers can still be dialed." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"I know, Brother Mu, thank you." Liu Yong nodded vigorously.

He also knew that if he wanted to survive in the weird world, it was really important to have a weird contract.

Time passed by minute by minute.

In the blink of an eye, it was 10:50 in the morning.

In these few hours, the lights had not been turned on once.

I guess not all customers want room service.

"Ding Dong!"

The elevator door slowly opened.

But there were three people standing inside.

Oh, no, it should be two people and a weird.

These three people were none other than Sun Hu, Wang Ziqi, and Wang Weng, the deputy manager of the lobby.

"It's time for lunch. Now, go to the restaurant to help." Wang Weng said to Mu Rufeng and Liu Yong who were not far away.

Mu Rufeng and Liu Yong didn't say anything and walked into the elevator immediately.

Mu Rufeng glanced at Wang Ziqi and Sun Hu.

Wang Ziqi was fine, and it seemed that nothing happened.

But Sun Hu, his face was extremely pale, leaning against the elevator, looking a little weak.

Sun Hu's left hand was gone.

Soon, the group arrived at the second floor.

"This is the restaurant. Guests from the entire hotel will come here to eat."

"Occasionally, there will be guests from outside who come here to eat. Your task is very simple, that is, to serve the dining customers well." Wang Gen said.

"Manager Wang, I wonder when we can have lunch." Mu Rufeng suddenly asked.

Wang Gen glanced at Mu Rufeng and said, "The restaurant is open from 11:00 to 13:00. After the restaurant closes, you have an hour of rest time."

After the voice fell, Wang Gen turned back to the elevator.

Mu Rufeng looked at the environment on the second floor.

But he found that it was not only them who came.

There were also front desk staff Ouyang Li, Shi Lan, and cleaner Yao Xuanyu.

These three people just walked out of a utility room on the side.

As for Zhou Bing and Liu Qi, I think they should still be busy working in the kitchen.

As for why Zhao Youfeng was not there, it was unknown.

They also changed into clean work clothes.

No, it shouldn't be said to be changed, but a large waiter's uniform was put on outside.

Mu Rufeng immediately walked towards the utility room.

Liu Yong saw this and immediately followed Mu Rufeng.

Wang Ziqi and Sun Hu were not fools, so they naturally followed.

Soon, Mu Rufeng arrived at the door of the utility room.

"You guys should change your clothes quickly, we need to wear the same clothes." Shi Lan reminded.

"Yes." Mu Rufeng nodded and walked straight into the utility room.

This utility room was not much different from the one they had at the beginning. The only difference was that there was only one kind of clothes hanging, that is, the clothes of the restaurant waiter.

Mu Rufeng immediately took one and put it on directly outside.

When he was dressed, Mu Rufeng was surprised to find that a nameplate was hung on his chest at some point.

It read: Restaurant waiter: Mu Rufeng

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