I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 146 The lobby manager is a nightmare ghost? [Please give me a monthly ticket! ]

This scene made Shi Lan, who had just come over to order food, widen his eyes.

"This is so... so amazing." Shi Lan looked at Mu Rufeng with respect.

In addition to Shi Lan, Liu Qi and Zhou Bing, who were always paying attention to the situation in the kitchen, were also extremely shocked.

Especially Liu Qi, although he was not a contractor, he was also a senior LV2 player.

He knew the power of this third-level chef Gui, but now, he was like a pig waiting to be slaughtered, allowing Mu Rufeng to control him.

"Spare my life, spare my life, I will do it right away, I will make another one right away."

Feeling the chill of the butcher knife, the chef Gui did not dare to breathe, and was really panicking at the moment.

Mu Rufeng loosened the bandage, took back the butcher knife, and said coldly: "If it happens again, I will feed you to my contracted Gui."

"Yes, yes, yes." The chef Gui shuddered all over and quickly shrank back.

Even the broken arm was not dared to be taken.

Mu Rufeng hooked his feet, raised his hands and clapped his fat hands directly into the kitchen.

"Hurry up." Mu Rufeng said.

"It will be ready soon, it will be ready soon." Chef Gui did not dare to refute, and could only agree repeatedly.

"Brother Mu, you are so amazing, how did you do that? Is this the power of the contracted ghost?" Shi Lan trotted over and exclaimed when he got close to Mu Rufeng.

"Almost." Mu Rufeng was vague.

"Brother Mu, you were really amazing just now, you got rid of that ghost in one go~~~!"

Before Shi Lan finished speaking, he was interrupted by Mu Rufeng: "In a place like this, talk less, you hurry up and order the dishes, by the way, write the menu first."

"Oh, oh, oh, okay." Shi Lan nodded, took the paper and pen and started writing.

Not long after, the chef came over with the two dishes.

"Sir, your dishes are ready. I didn't put chopped green onions this time. I also added a bowl of meat soup for him. That guest has ordered it several times." Chef Gui said carefully.

After Mu Rufeng took it, he opened the lid and took a look, and found that there were indeed no chopped green onions.

"Be smart, if there is anything wrong with my companion's dish, I will cut you as well." Mu Rufeng said coldly.

"Yes, yes, I will be fine." Chef Gui nodded repeatedly.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng returned to Table 1 with the dish.

"Sorry, sir, the chef was confused and read the menu wrong. This broth is your apology." Mu Rufeng said.

"Well." Blind Gui nodded, and then ate silently, not daring to look up at Mu Rufeng.

This guest was also served, and Mu Rufeng left Table 1 directly and stood at the door waiting.

At this time, there was still one person standing at the door, that was Sun Hu.

The rest of the people were welcoming their own guests.

Even if those guests were eating, they had to give orders to the waiters from time to time, so Ouyang Li and others were not idle at all.

It was still the best here with Mu Rufeng, and that blind Gui did not dare to give orders to Mu Rufeng at all.

"Hey, Brother Mu, there will be guests coming later. Can you help me welcome them? I'm missing an arm, so it's a bit difficult."

At this time, Sun Hu came to Mu Rufeng and said.

Mu Rufeng glanced at Sun Hu and said, "You can't do nothing just because you're missing an arm."

"The current job is pretty easy. I've also taken care of the back kitchen. Be careful, nothing will go wrong."

Sun Hu's eyes flickered a few times when he heard this, but he didn't refute.

This Sun Hu is still being petty.

Mu Rufeng really doesn't like this guy. If he dies, he dies. It's none of his business.

Five minutes passed in a blink of an eye.

At this time, a weirdo with a hollow stomach walked in.

Sun Hu saw this scene and retreated instead of advancing. It looked like he wanted Mu Rufeng to receive him.

Mu Rufeng saw this scene, shook his head, and stepped forward to receive this weirdo.

In the next second, another weirdo walked in from outside the door.

It was still an acquaintance of Mu Rufeng, the hanged ghost whose rubber band he had robbed.

When Sun Hu saw the hanged ghost, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he quickly came to the hanged ghost.

The stomach of the person Mu Rufeng received was emptied, and he looked very scary at first glance.

As for the hanged ghost, he was beautiful and had a good figure, and he didn't look weird at all. Sun Hu felt that this ghost must be easy to deal with.

Seeing this scene, Mu Rufeng shook his head in his heart, and estimated that Sun Hu was in danger.

On the other hand, the weird that Mu Rufeng led was actually very weak, only level one, but much easier to deal with than the hanged ghost.

However, this seemingly weak weird looked at Mu Rufeng with greed.

Obviously, he was very greedy for Mu Rufeng's body.

"Guest, what dishes would you like to order?" Mu Rufeng asked after taking the weird to table number seven and sitting down.

"I want to have the five internal organs soup and stir-fried internal organs. Oh, and they must be fresh, not cloned." Guiyi said.

"No problem, sir. But the price will be a little bit higher, you should know that, right?" Mu Rufeng pointed at the price on the menu and said.

"Are you afraid that I can't afford it? Go quickly, or I'll use you as a treat." Guiyi scolded.

"Uh, you?" Mu Rufeng looked Guiyi up and down, shook his head, and turned away.

"What? Are you looking down on me for being only level one?" Guiyi jumped up and down, and was about to take action.

Then, Mu Rufeng put the butcher knife on his neck with lightning speed.

"Guest, this is a restaurant, a public place. I think it's better not to make loud noises, what do you think?"

Mu Rufeng said softly.

"Hmmmmmmmm~!!!" Guiyi didn't dare to move at all and nodded repeatedly.

Mu Rufeng put away the knife and walked slowly to the kitchen.

In a blink of an eye, the time came to twelve o'clock.

At this moment, half of the guests in the restaurant were already seated.

According to the number of tables, twenty-five tables have been seated.

There are still twenty-five tables vacant. I have to say that this restaurant is really big.

The most important thing is that no guest left.

Even the blind Guiyi who came at eleven o'clock, after an hour, had finished two dishes and broth, but still had no intention of leaving.

Such a result is extremely strange.

Mu Rufeng recalled the last work rule of the restaurant waiter.

【11. As long as the guest does not leave the table, you must not go to urge him. 】

"It should be that the restaurant can recover the guests' injuries faster?" Mu Rufeng guessed.

Mu Rufeng and Ouyang Li were standing in front of the restaurant at this moment, waiting for the next guest.

As for Liu Yong, Shi Lan and Yao Xuanyu were busy in the restaurant.

As for Sun Hu, that guy is gone, and he had been eaten up by the hanged ghost.

"Haha, this is what Mr. Wang said!"

Just at this time, a hearty laugh came from outside the door.

Immediately, five weirdos walked in.

"We will have a pleasant cooperation this time. Today, you have to accompany me for a drink." A multi-eyed weirdo with eyes all over his head said.

"No problem, eat and drink as much as you want today, and it's all on my account." The weirdo in the suit said seriously.

"Come on, come on, please come in, I'll take you to the Tianzi box, Mr. Wang." The weirdo in the suit pulled the multi-eyed weirdo and walked inside.

But soon, when the weirdo in the suit saw Mu Rufeng, he was stunned.

The suit-wearing weirdo was stunned, and so was Mu Rufeng.

Because he knew this guy.

This suit-wearing weirdo was the nightmare weirdo on the bloody train, the nightmare weirdo who was designated by Mu Rufeng to sing a song called Good Luck.

Mu Rufeng and the nightmare weirdo raised their eyebrows almost at the same time.

"Huh? A living person? Manager Hua? When did your hotel start recruiting contractors?" The multi-eyed weirdo glanced at Mu Rufeng and Ouyang Li and spoke.

Mu Rufeng's eyes fell on the nightmare weirdo's chest.

There happened to be a nameplate there: Lobby Manager: Hua Wenliang

Good guy, he is really a good guy.

His copy this time turned out to be a hotel related to Hua Wenliang, who had a feud with him.

His position is not low, he is the boss of his boss.

"Haha, isn't it a bit difficult to find ingredients? Now that we have found someone, we will have the ingredients." The nightmare weirdo looked at Mu Rufeng with a sinister smile.

"That's true, haha, it seems that we have to recruit some living employees for Undead Optimization." The multi-eyed ghost also laughed.

"You two, lead the way."

At this time, Wang Gen, the deputy manager standing next to the nightmare ghost, pointed at Mu Rufeng and Ouyang Li and said hurriedly.

"Glad to serve." Mu Rufeng smiled slightly, and walked towards the Tianzi box without panic.

This nightmare ghost is very powerful, a level 6 ghost.

However, Mu Rufeng is not scared.

Ouyang Li, on the other hand, is a little scared.

Her face is a little pale.

The nightmare ghost is a level 6 ghost, while the so-called Wang's multi-eyed ghost is a level 7 ghost.

The two ghosts following the multi-eyed ghost are also strong, both level 5.

And Ouyang Li and Mu Rufeng are going to serve them now, how can Ouyang Li not panic.

The guests who are dining in the restaurant and the waiters also discovered the situation here.

They are all extremely frightened.

There is no other reason, the momentum of this group of people is too strong.

Level 7, that is a level 7 ghost general, in the strange world, it is also considered a strong man.

Crushing them to death is really like crushing an ant.

Soon, Mu Rufeng led a group of people to the Tianzi box.

"Mr. Wang, take a look, what do you want to eat." Hua Wenliang put the menu in front of Duomugui.

"This, this, and this, don't take it, all the others, two copies." Duomugui said.

"By the way, do you have Moutai here? I always drink Moutai when I eat." Duomugui said.

"Sorry, Mr. Wang, I neglected it. Who, Mu Rufeng, right? Go, go to the Moutai store five miles outside the hotel and buy two bottles of Feitian."

Hua Wenliang said, and took out a thousand soul notes and threw them to Mu Rufeng.

Recommend a friend's book "Weird Domain: Collector of Old Things"

The old gods gazed at the world, and the new gods were born in the Weird Domain.

A crazy snake woman with a long scarlet tail on her lower body and a sexy and beautiful upper body? !

A steam monster that can cook people thoroughly? !

And that strange bus that can get on people but not off them? !

Fortunately, fortunately, I am not abnormal myself...

[Ding, I sensed an old object that carries the host's old wish. Would you like to check it? ]

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