I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 147: Facing the world outside the strange copy [Please give me a monthly ticket! ]

"Eh? Can I leave the hotel?" Mu Rufeng was stunned for a moment and asked.

"I allow you to leave, so you can leave naturally. I'll give you half an hour." Hua Wenliang said.

"Okay." Mu Rufeng didn't say anything, put away the 1,000 soul coins, and walked out of the box.

"You, go to the kitchen and order food immediately, and ask them to serve quickly." Hua Wenliang looked at Ouyang Li again and said.

"Yes." Ouyang Li didn't dare to stay in the box for long and left immediately.

"I say, Manager Hua, this is not authentic. 1,000 soul coins can't even buy a bottle of Feitian." Duomugui said.

"Haha, if this kid is lucky enough to come back, that will be your appetizer." Hua Wenliang said with a smile.

"That's not bad." Duomugui nodded.

"Xiao Wang, go quickly and take out my treasured Feitian." Hua Wenliang instructed the deputy manager Wang Gen.

"Okay, Brother Hua, I'll go right away." Wang Gen nodded repeatedly, and then quickly left the box.

"Brother, where did you get this batch of pork for me this time? Tell me the whole story."

At this time, Duomugui asked Hua Wenliang.

"Brother Wang, since you asked, I will naturally not hide it. Brother Wang knows about Qingshan Pig Farm, right?" Hua Wenliang said.

"Qingshan Pig Farm? Are you saying that your pork comes from Qingshan Pig Farm?" Duomugui frowned slightly.

"Qingshan Pig Farm also supplied us with pork before. It was not bad before. After that, it seems that the factory manager was changed, and the quality of the meat has deteriorated."

"A few months ago, there were complaints from customers, so I didn't do business with them."

"I heard that Qingshan Pig Farm now supplies some markets and retail investors. Oh, by the way, Xixi Youxuan seems to be supplied by him." Duomugui said.

"Alas, come to think of it, I was also cheated by someone, and it was Scarlet Optimization." Nightmare Gui sighed and said.

"Huh? Scarlet Optimization? How are you related to them? Come on, tell me." Duomu Gui was immediately excited when he heard about Scarlet Optimization.

Immediately, Hua Wenliang told him about the deal between the director of the Qingshan Pig Farm and him.

"Brother Wang, the director originally sold all the pork to me at a low price."

"I even called people and cars, and then, when I went to the pig farm, all the pork was taken away by the people from Scarlet Optimization." Hua Wenliang said here, his face full of anger.

"I was wondering, why did Scarlet Optimization suddenly have so much cheap pork some time ago, it turns out to be like this." "Duomu Gui looked as if he had suddenly realized something.

"But didn't you say that the pork was taken away by the driver of Scarlet Optimization, so where did your pork come from? Duomu Gui asked in confusion.

"I was so angry that I stopped half of the car."

"That driver is really good, otherwise, I would have stopped the whole car." Hua Wenliang said.

"Haha, brother, you did a great job. This is not a scam. I got dozens of pigs for free, which is a big profit." Duomu Gui laughed.

"Let's get rich together, let's get rich together."


Mu Rufeng didn't know anything about these conversations in the box.

At this moment, he had taken the elevator to the first floor.

"Bug, get out of the way, you're blocking the way."

The elevator just opened, and before Mu Rufeng came out, a voice came from the front.

Mu Rufeng looked up and found that it was a centipede with a centipede head.

"First down and then up, don't you understand? Get out of the way." Mu Rufeng said coldly.


The centipede was about to get angry, but saw that Mu Rufeng had already taken out the butcher knife.

Seeing Mu Rufeng's weird appearance and cold eyes, I don't know why, I shivered all over.

He didn't dare to say much, and actually stepped aside to make way.

He was obviously only a level 2 contractor, but he actually exuded a level 5 aura, which shocked him, a level 3 ghost. It was really unbelievable.

After getting out of the elevator, Mu Rufeng came to the lobby.

Just in time, he saw Zhao Youfeng, who was receiving a ghost.

Mu Rufeng didn't care much, and came to the hotel door, pushed it open and walked out.

This scene attracted Zhao Youfeng's attention.

"Huh? Isn't that guy upstairs? Why is he leaving the hotel now?"

"Forget it, forget it, it's none of my business, let's arrange the guests first." Zhao Youfeng ignored it and dealt with his own affairs.

"Hey, hey, hey, you kid, aren't you a waiter in the restaurant? How dare you leave during working hours?"

"Hey, there is an unexpected surprise for lunch today."

A tall and strong security ghost immediately came from a distance with a grim smile on his face.

"Manager Hua Wenliang asked me to go out and buy wine." Mu Rufeng said.

"Manager Hua?" The security guard stopped in front of Mu Rufeng and looked at him suspiciously.

"Of course, look, this is the money he gave me." Mu Rufeng said, taking out the 1,000 soul notes.

"Let me see." The security guard took the 1,000 soul notes.

After a careful look, he nodded and said, "It seems that Manager Hua asked you to go. Okay, then you should leave quickly."

The security guard stuffed the soul notes to Mu Rufeng.

"I say, did you give too little?" Mu Rufeng looked at the five hundred soul notes left in his hand and said.

This security guard is really as thick-skinned as a city wall. He changed his hand and lost half of it.

If only one or two tickets were missing, Mu Rufeng would have let it go. After all, he didn't need them, so he just took them as tolls.

This guy took half of it. How could Mu Rufeng tolerate it?

"Huh? What? It's just 500? Get out of here." The security guard waved impatiently.

Mu Rufeng shook his head and said nothing. The ghost cave was quietly opened without him noticing.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng reached out and took out an electric baton from the security guard's waist.

[Security guard's electric baton]: An electric baton that only wants to discharge electricity. Please pay attention, don't put me in a strange place.

Effect: Press the switch to release a strong current, which can instantly paralyze level 5 and below.

Note: The red light on the indicator light means that the battery is running out. You must remember to charge it!

Mu Rufeng had an electric baton before, which he got from the security guard at Qingshan Pig Farm.

The properties are almost the same, except that the electric baton is a level 3 item.

This electric baton is obviously much more powerful, it is a level 5 item.

Mu Rufeng put away the electric baton and then strode towards the parking lot gate.

And the security guard Gui also turned around and walked to the other side.

The electric baton hanging on his waist was taken away by Mu Rufeng, and he didn't know it at all.

Soon, Mu Rufeng came to the gate of the hotel's open-air parking lot.

That is, the automatic lifting gate.

Just when Mu Rufeng wanted to pass through the middle, he was stopped by a security guard in the security booth.

"Stop, hehe, a waiter? It seems that you have a good meal today."

Mu Rufeng paused and looked at the security guard: "I'm going to buy wine. Manager Hua asked me to go. If I'm delayed, you will be responsible."

"Manager Hua?" The security guard looked at Mu Rufeng suspiciously.

"Forget it, get out." The security guard Gui waved his hand without much hesitation.

Mu Rufeng immediately walked out from the middle of the gate.

There was fog in front of him, but when Mu Rufeng stepped out, the fog dissipated directly.

"Ding ding ding~~~!"

A car whistle sounded on the road not far away.

Many cars were driving on the road.

There were many weird people walking on the street.

When Mu Rufeng appeared, he immediately attracted all the weird eyes.

"Living person?"

"Contractor? Is it a living contractor?"

In an instant, those weird eyes became extremely greedy.

Mu Rufeng glanced around and felt a little uneasy.

It was not that he was afraid of these weird things, but he was shocked by the scenes in front of him.

Tall buildings, busy traffic, and endless streams of weird people.

This weird world is really like a real world.

At this moment, one side of the weird world appeared in front of Mu Rufeng.

"Bandage, you emit some bloody smell to cover my popularity." Mu Rufeng suddenly muttered.

The next second, a faint smell of blood emanated from the bandage, with a little bit of stink.

At the same time, Mu Rufeng burst out his own aura comparable to level 5.

Those weird things that were about to come over to attack stopped one by one, looking at Mu Rufeng with surprised faces.

"The smell of living people has disappeared."

"How can it be a contractor? This is clearly a level 5 evil ghost."

"It's a close call, it's a close call, I didn't do it, otherwise I would be miserable."

"It's gone, it's gone, there must be a contractor who was eaten by this senior, so there is a smell of living people left."

The weird things not far away immediately dispersed, not daring to touch Mu Rufeng's tiger whiskers at all.

"Really good." Mu Rufeng patted the bandage with satisfaction.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng took out his mobile phone and tried to record the video here.

The camera of the original system could not be used, but Mu Rufeng did not care, and entered the ghost system.

Sure enough, once the system was changed, the ghost camera could shoot videos without any hindrance.

The world outside these strange copies must have great research value.

Take some photos and upload them to the relevant departments. Let’s not talk about rewards. This will definitely play a role in the research of the relevant departments.

That is to say, there is only half an hour, otherwise, Mu Rufeng must have a good look around this strange world.

Speaking of which, he actually didn’t believe Hua Wenliang’s words.

He didn’t believe that Mu Rufeng could leave the hotel at all.

It was the will of the hotel’s rules that came down, making Mu Rufeng understand that he could indeed leave the hotel.

Otherwise, even if Hua Wenliang said it, Mu Rufeng would never leave the Xuetong Hotel.

“By the way, where is the Moutai store?” Mu Rufeng was a little dumbfounded.

He seemed to have forgotten to ask where the Moutai store was. He only knew that it was five miles away from the Xuetong Hotel. Is it five miles to the left? Or five miles to the right?

The third update is here. Sleep, sleep, I’m so sleepy!

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