I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 148 Burn, my little eMule [ask for a monthly ticket! ]

Oh, let me say here that the Moutai in the weird world is different from the Moutai in the real world.

Although the names are the same, the ingredients are completely different.

Of course, the status of wine is equal in both worlds.

And there are some special effects, so this wine is so expensive.

Not to mention, when Mu Rufeng heard the name Moutai, he thought he was in the real world.

"Little ghost, let me ask, do you know how to get to the Moutai store?"

Mu Rufeng stopped a passing child and took out a 100-yuan soul note and handed it to the little ghost.

"Are you blind? Which eye can you see that I am a child?" The little ghost's originally cute face suddenly darkened, revealing an extremely angry expression.

However, when the little ghost saw the 100-yuan soul note handed over, his face changed instantly.

"Big brother, the Moutai store is just ahead. Follow this road and you'll see it after four or five miles."

The little ghost took the soul note and turned into a harmless and adorable cute boy.

"Little ghost, don't give directions randomly, otherwise, be careful that big brother will twist your head off and use it as a urinal." Mu Rufeng patted the little ghost on the head and strode forward.

He only had half an hour, and the Moutai store was about five kilometers away.

Five miles, even if riding a bike, it would take seven or eight minutes.

If walking, it would be even slower. It would be difficult to go back and forth in half an hour.

Mu Rufeng glanced at the bare, decayed, unknown trees on the side of the road.

Under the trees, there were seven or eight shared electric donkeys.

Can you believe that the development of this weird world is really fast?

Just to say, Mu Rufeng looked at those electric donkeys that were broken and tattered, and even one of them had no wheels, and he didn't know if it could be driven.

Originally, Mu Rufeng wanted to run to the Maotai store, but after seeing this electric donkey, he suddenly didn't want to run.

He immediately stepped forward and prepared to take out his mobile phone to scan the code.

However, before he could scan the code, the electric donkey spoke.

"Brother, you don't need to scan the code, just feed me the money, one dollar for ten minutes."

"Ah?" Mu Rufeng was stunned for a moment.

He thought he had to scan the code, and there was even a QR code on the front of the car.

Unexpectedly, this electric donkey was still alive.

Then he reacted and immediately took out ten yuan and prepared to feed it to the electric donkey.

"Brother, I'll take one dollar for eleven minutes." At this time, another electric donkey next to him spoke.

"I'll take twelve minutes, brother, choose me." Another electric donkey spoke.

"Hmph, I have thirteen minutes, big brother, choose me, choose me."

"Don't argue, I'll give you one dollar for twenty minutes."

Soon, the seven or eight electric scooters all surrounded Mu Rufeng and chattered.

"What are you doing? This is my customer, big brother, I'll give you one dollar today, I just want to open a business." The electric scooter that Mu Rufeng first found said.

"I say, Ma Qiu, you don't even see that you don't even have wheels, and you're still carrying people."

"Even if there are no wheels, I can run." Ma Qiu's tone became a little far-fetched.

"That's right, big brother, look at this kid, he doesn't even have wheels, how can he run faster than us."

"Don't choose that kid, choose me, big brother."

"Choose me, big brother."

The electric scooters shouted again.

"Shut up, it's annoying." Mu Rufeng scolded immediately.

Feeling Mu Rufeng's terrifying aura, all the electric donkeys were instantly silent and dared not speak.

Although they can speak and have their own thoughts, they are just first-level vehicles.

Moreover, although they are first-level, in terms of combat power, let alone first-level ghosts, they may not be able to beat powerful humans.

"Where to put the money?" Mu Rufeng took the ten yuan and looked left and right, but didn't see where to put the money.

"Here, here." Ma Qiu was overjoyed when he heard it, and quickly made a mouth appear in the middle of the faucet, where the QR code was.

Mu Rufeng immediately stuffed the ten yuan directly into it.

The latter immediately chewed and swallowed the money.

"Brother, take a seat quickly." Ma Qiu said hurriedly.

Mu Rufeng immediately sat on it.

"Beep beep!" Ma Qiu pressed the horn and looked at the electric donkeys triumphantly.

And the electric donkeys didn't dare to say much, but cursed in their hearts and scattered.

"I went the wrong way. Over there. I want to go to the Moutai store." Mu Rufeng said.

"Ah? Oh." Ma Qiu responded immediately and turned around immediately.

Mu Rufeng also took the time to look at it. Although the front wheel of this small electric scooter was gone, it was still able to ride magically.

It was just slower than the normal small electric scooter in terms of speed, but it was not a big problem.

"Hey, wait, brother, I remember that the Moutai store is not here, but on the other side." Ma Qiu suddenly stopped and said.

"What?" Mu Rufeng was shocked.

"Damn you little brat, don't let me see you again." Mu Rufeng's face was full of black lines.

That bitch, he took out a hundred soul notes to ask for the toll, but he dared to lie to him.

"Hurry up. Speed ​​up." Mu Rufeng took out the flame vehicle without saying a word and slapped it directly on Ma Qiu's body.

The next moment, a fierce flame broke out from the small electric scooter.

"Ah~~Ah~~~I'm on fire, I'm on fire."

"Brother, I feel full of strength now." Ma Qiu exclaimed.

"Go!" Mu Rufeng twisted the accelerator handle violently.

Suddenly, the whole electric scooter burst out with a terrifying speed and rushed out in an instant.

Even the empty front wheel now formed a flame wheel.

The electric scooter, which was originally 20 to 30 kilometers per hour, soared to 100 kilometers in an instant.

When passing by those electric scooters, Ma Qiu deliberately honked the horn to show his presence.

"Fuck, is that Ma Qiu?"

"Nima, why is it on fire? Wait, is that the hellfire?"

"Oh my god, what's going on? Why did Ma Qiu's breath become so strong all of a sudden?"

Those electric scooters looked at the flaming electric scooter in shock.

"Awesome! I haven't felt so good in a long time."

Mu Rufeng drove the Fiery Electric Scooter on the road, and he felt so happy.

In the real world, riding an electric scooter every day at a speed of only a few kilometers per hour is really not fun.

I finally got a chance to drive a car, and when I went to Yiyang City, I was ready to go on the highway, but the dice drew 1.

Now, I can finally feel good without any scruples.

Not to mention, after the electric scooter used this flame vehicle card, the speed was really good.

"Brother, brother, what is this thing of yours, it's amazing."

"Brother, I'm so fast, haha!"

"Brother, brother, you are so amazing, you can even drift."

"Brother, can you drive fast? There is a tilted wall in front of you."

"Haha, okay, I just want to play with it."

Mu Rufeng laughed, and soon saw a wall tilted forty degrees more than a hundred meters away.

And it was quite high, enough for four or five meters.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng rushed up along the wall.

The terrifying speed, coupled with such a light electric scooter, without any accidents, the whole car flew up directly.

"Wow wow wow wow~~~!" Ma Qiu exclaimed immediately.

Mu Rufeng was also very happy.

"Ah~~~~! No, it's the traffic officer of the Nether Police Station." At this time, Ma Qiu exclaimed.

"Ah? What? Nether Police Station?" Mu Rufeng also saw that not far away, a fully armed skeleton was leaning against a cool iron horse, smoking a cigarette.

It was at this time that the skeleton also looked up and saw Mu Rufeng and the burning Ma Qiu.

"Well? Good, dare to drive illegally in my territory? And play fast?" The skeleton immediately threw away the cigarette, and then straddled his iron horse.

"Hurry, big brother, run quickly. If you get caught, you will be fined a lot of money. I'm afraid it will all be reimbursed." Ma Qiu shouted hurriedly.

"Okay." Mu Rufeng nodded.

As soon as Ma Qiu landed, Mu Rufeng suddenly turned the accelerator and drove forward at a high speed.

The iron cavalry roared, and then burst into a terrifying speed.

It was actually comparable to Ma Qiu's speed.

In fact, when the speed increased, the two were actually closing in quickly.

"It's over, it's over, I'm going to be caught up." Ma Qiu said with a sad face.

"Is the iron cavalry in this weird world so fast?" Mu Rufeng was slightly surprised.

The road is very wide, and although there are many cars, it can't be considered too many. Even if Mu Rufeng shows off his driving skills, the iron cavalry can catch up quickly.

More importantly, he has something to do. Moreover, the Maotai store is now gone.

"Ah? Big brother, don't you know the Netherworld Police Department? Their cavalry are all level 3 vehicles."

"Although big brother used props for me, I barely upgraded to level 3 vehicles, which is still slower than the cavalry." Ma Qiu said.

From the beginning to the end, Ma Qiu thought Mu Rufeng was a local weirdo.

Ma Qiu himself is only level 1, and he can upgrade to level 3 with the flame vehicle card. This guy is too lame.

"Don't worry, it's useless to be fast, this is a city." Mu Rufeng smiled and turned around immediately, turned off the road, and then went directly to the building on the side.

He didn't forget that the flame vehicle card has special abilities.

"Ah, brother, slow down, slow down, brother, it's hit, it's hit, it's going to hit." Ma Qiu exclaimed.

Then, as Ma Qiu exclaimed, the Fiery Electric Donkey actually drove up along the building.

Wherever it passed, there were still some burning hell flames.

Fortunately, it went out after a few seconds, otherwise, wherever the ball passed, it would have set fire to it!


The cavalry braked sharply and stopped under the building, staring blankly at the burning electric donkey above.

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