I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 151 The Scarlet Preferred has arrived [asking for a monthly pass! ]

When Mu Rufeng and his group came to the first floor, Hua Wenliang and Duo Mugui and his group were still talking in the lobby.

"Brother Mu, the vending machine is over there." Liu Yong pointed to the vending machine in the corner and said.

"Yeah." Mu Rufeng nodded and immediately came to the vending machine.

This vending machine is similar to the ones Mu Rufeng has seen, except that there is a button for temporary employee meals.

There was nothing strange, and everyone easily got a bucket of instant noodles.

"Hey, wake up, do you have hot water?" Mu Rufeng knocked on the vending machine and said.

"Yes, five yuan for a bucket of instant noodles." The vending machine said.

"Ah, Brother Mu, the vending machine is talking, the vending machine is talking." Liu Yong exclaimed immediately.

Shi Lan also exclaimed.

"Five yuan? Say it again, how much do you want?" Mu Rufeng exuded a breath, and his eyes gradually became unfriendly.

If this vending machine doesn't know what's good for you, then he doesn't mind emptying his body.

"Just kidding, big brother, it's free, you're all free." The vending machine said flatteringly.

Soon, everyone in the group had a bucket of instant noodles.

Yao Xuanyu even bought an extra loaf of bread and a bottle of water with soul notes.

There was no other way, the inventory could not store water and food in the real world, so they could only buy them with soul notes in the weird world.

It was at this time that Wang Gen, who had been missing, appeared.

He came with a beautiful gift box and finally put it in the hands of Duomugui.

Then the few people laughed again, and then walked towards the door.

Obviously, they were ready to leave.

Suddenly, Mu Rufeng saw two cars entering the hotel's ground parking lot through the huge glass curtain.

"Here we are." Mu Rufeng immediately finished the instant noodles in one breath, and then walked quickly towards the door with a bottle of mineral water.

"Brother Mu, where are you going? What's going on?" Liu Yong saw Mu Rufeng leaving and immediately followed him with instant noodles.

The other people saw this and quickly drank up the instant noodles, even the soup.

They didn't dare to throw them away, but threw them into the trash can and quickly followed Mu Rufeng out the door.

Zhao Youfeng, who had just finished work and was about to go to the vending machine to eat something, saw this scene and turned around and followed him.

It looked like something big was going to happen. Eating can be eaten at any time.

"Mu Rufeng, what happened?" Zhao Youfeng walked out of the door, came to Mu Rufeng, and asked.

"Hehe, there's a good show to watch." Mu Rufeng pointed down and said.

At this time, Hua Wenliang and his group walked down the steps and came to a very cool and high-end car.

The multi-eyed ghost was about to get in the car, but suddenly stopped. His eyes fell on the few people who had just got off the car not far away.

He knew that these people were all from Scarlet Optimal Group, and they were naturally at odds with Undead Optimal Group.

"Damn it, why are they here? Did I reveal that I robbed their pigs? No way, I was disguised at the time, and they couldn't possibly know me."

When Hua Wenliang saw Lin Chen and Liu Mei getting off the car, he was slightly shocked.

"Hua Wenliang, you are so brave, you dare to rob our Scarlet Optimal Group's car?" Lin Chen shouted, taking the lead.

"Who are you?" Hua Wenliang secretly said badly, but on the surface he spoke with a cold face.

"Who am I? I'm your father!" Lin Chen, who had a bad temper, rolled up his sleeves and prepared to take action.

"Tsk tsk tsk tsk, the people of Scarlet Optimal Group are really getting worse and worse, but Manager Liu Mei is getting more and more beautiful."

"Manager Liu Mei, I think you should just come to work at our Undead Optimal Group and be my secretary. I guarantee you will have a good life."

Duomugui smiled at Liu Mei and said.

When the multi-eyed ghost opened his mouth, Lin Chen's arrogance was suppressed instantly.

One is level six and the other is level seven. Although there is only one level difference, the strength is absolutely different.

As long as there are no special props or rule skills, the level seven can definitely beat the level six easily.

"I didn't expect Mr. Wang to be here, but I'm doing well in Scarlet Optimization now, so I'd better not go." Liu Mei said.

"Hehe, since I saw you outside, it's not up to you, burp~!" The multi-eyed ghost burped and said.

Liu Mei shrank slightly when she heard it, and Lin Chen immediately stopped in front of Liu Mei.

At this time, a person got off the second car.

"I say, Wang Zhi, you are getting worse and worse, and you are still here to scare the little girl?"

An old man who was only about one meter tall, wearing a black training suit and full of wrinkles came over.

"Grandpa Xu." Liu Mei shouted.

"Oh, I thought it was someone else, but it turned out to be old man Xu." Duomugui looked at Xu Yin with fear.

Obviously, this old man who looked friendly was definitely a tough guy.

"Mr. Wang, you have nothing to do here, you can leave." Xu Yin said.

"Whether I leave or not is none of your business." Duomugui said coldly.

"Haha, whatever you want." Xu Yin shrugged.

"Who is Hua Wenliang, the manager of Xuetong Hotel?" Xu Yin said.

"I am." Hua Wenliang said.

Although he is only a level 6 Gui, this is his territory.

When the level 8 comes, you have to think about it.

"You are the one who robbed our Scarlet Optimization car?" Xu Yin narrowed his eyes and looked at Hua Wenliang.

"Mr. Xu, what are you talking about? When did I rob your Scarlet Optimization car? When doing things, we need evidence." Hua Wenliang said.

"Evidence? Haha, he robbed dozens of our pigs, and Wang Zhi is here now. I think he wants to sell them to the Undead Optimization."

"Then, these dozens of pigs must be placed in a cold storage by you now, and you are the manager of the Blood Tong Hotel, so I guess there must be a lot of pigs in the cold storage of your Blood Tong Hotel?"

"Manager Hua, don't say that you went to other places to purchase them. The pigs from Qingshan Pig Farm are all stamped." Liu Mei said slowly.

Hua Wenliang was unable to reply after hearing this.

What can he say? Liu Mei was right about him.

The dozens of pigs he robbed were lying in the cold storage of their Blood Tong Hotel.

"Hmph, if there is no evidence, please go back." Hua Wenliang snorted coldly.

This is his territory. If he doesn't let these people check the cold storage, they can't get in.

Without evidence, it is naturally impossible to say that he did it.

"So, you are sure of us?" Lin Chen said with a cold face.

"If you send those pigs back now, I can forgive you." Xu Yin said slowly.

"Hehe, this is my territory. What about you Scarlet Optimization? I am afraid of you." Hua Wenliang laughed and didn't give them any face at all.

"Well said, you searched if you said so, you are too shameless." Wang Zhi nodded and said.

Hearing that Wang Zhi was backing him up, Hua Wenliang's chest straightened a little.

"So, you think this is your territory, so you can be fearless?" Xu Yin looked up at Hua Wenliang, his tone still seemed unusually calm.

Hua Wenliang said with disdain: "Even if your general manager comes, I won't be afraid."

Hua Wenliang is level 6, and the Blood Boring Hotel is level 7.

Let's put it this way, the level of group companies or some special vehicles can be equal to or even exceed the level of the higher level weirdness.

In short, if the level 7 Blood Boring Hotel comes, it must behave properly. If the level 8 comes, it can leave whenever it wants. Only the level 9 Ghost Emperor can break through the Blood Boring Hotel.

This is why Hua Wenliang is so fearless.

Xu Yin still smiled when he heard this, and he said: "You are the manager of the Blood Boring Hotel, and you must be a shareholder of the Blood Boring Hotel."

"Then, you should also know that if the shares exceed 5%, you can use the shareholder privileges. Tell me, if I use this privilege, can Scarlet Optimization break through your Blood Boring Hotel?"

Hua Wenliang was shocked when he heard this.

Yes, there is such a thing. He owns 10% of the shares of the Blood Boring Hotel, so he naturally knows the shareholder privileges.

It's just that if he uses it, he usually just summons a phantom, which is probably a downgrade.

"Haha, Manager Hua, don't listen to this old Deng. As far as I know, this guy only has 3% of the shares, and it is absolutely impossible to summon Scarlet Optimum."

Wang Zhi said.

Hearing what Wang Zhi said, Hua Wenliang also calmed down.

"Don't you know that our Scarlet Optimum has absorbed funds from the top again? Oh, it's all thanks to you that my shares have reached 5%." Xu Yin said with a smile.

In fact, Xu Yin was just bluffing. This time, he only increased it by 1%, which means that his shares are actually only 4%.

"Humph, what you summoned is not the real body, but just a phantom. With the ability of the Blood Boring Hotel, it can be easily blocked." Wang Zhi snorted.

Although it is also possible to summon the real body, the price paid is too high. Wang Zhi doesn't think that he will summon the real body for such a small matter.

Hua Wenliang was still a little unconfident when he heard this: "Brother Wang, Scarlet Optimization is a level nine group. Even if the phantom is summoned, it is level eight."

"Haha, you probably don't know yet. Scarlet Optimization has done something recently. The level has been reduced from level nine to level eight. What are you afraid of?" Wang Zhi laughed.

To be honest, when the Undead Optimization learned the news, its first reaction was to consider whether to directly attack Scarlet Optimization.

It's just that they were afraid that Scarlet Optimization had some conspiracy or trump card, so they were ready to drag Xixi Optimization along.

However, Xixi Optimization did not agree, so the matter was dropped.

"Really?" Hua Wenliang's confidence increased when he heard this.

"Have you really thought about it? Are you going to be our enemy for those pork?" Xu Yin's smiling face gradually subsided.

"I said, your car was not robbed by me. If you have evidence, then take it out." Hua Wenliang said.

"Okay, I'll find the evidence for you!" A terrible momentum burst out from Xu Yin's body.

Immediately, a crack appeared on the top of Xu Yin's head.

Then, a layer of skin was seen cracking from the head to the waist and abdomen, just like a piece of clothing wrapped around the waist.

At this moment, Xu Yin, who had taken off his human skin, appeared in front of everyone in a brand new posture.

There was no change in the lower body, but the upper body had turned into a spider monster.

A pair of hands turned into sharp spikes, the whole body was covered with hard bones, and the head turned into a spider head.

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