I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 152: The competition among the ghosts, the rapid increase in strength [Please give me a mont

"You dare to attack me in my territory. You are level 7, so what?"

A terrifying aura also erupted from Hua Wenliang's body.

Moreover, the rules of the Xuetong Hotel descended and merged into Hua Wenliang's body, which actually raised his aura to level 7, the same as Xu Yin.

"Spider ghost den!" Xu Yin took a step forward, and the deep red field instantly spread in all directions.

"Are you the only one with a ghost den?"

A dark breath erupted from Hua Wenliang's body and quickly spread around.

At the gate of the Xuetong Hotel.

Mu Rufeng and his group were staring at the battle in the parking lot.

Not only them, some guests of the Xuetong Hotel were also watching the battle.

Whether it was the guests upstairs or the guests in the lobby.

This was a battle between level 7 ghost generals. Being able to watch it would also open their eyes.

"So powerful, is this a ghost den?" Zhao Youfeng murmured to himself.

"I wish I could be this good in the future." Liu Yong said with anticipation.

"If Hua Wenliang loses, what should we do with this copy?" Yao Xuanyu said.

"It shouldn't be possible to lose, after all, this is Hua Wenliang's territory." Liu Qi said.

"Huh? When did you two come here?" Wang Ziqi said in surprise.

The two chefs Liu Qi and Zhou Bing also stood beside them at some point.

"I came early, but you were just watching the excitement and didn't notice us." Liu Qi said.

"Liu Yong, Shi Lan, and Zhou Bing, you three are ordinary people, go to the hotel to watch, it's safer."

"And Wang Ziqi and Liu Qi, you two should go in too." Mu Rufeng said.

At this moment, Mu Rufeng had taken out his mobile phone and started recording the battle between the two.

"Okay." Liu Yong nodded, and without saying anything, he turned around and entered the hotel, watching the outside world through the glass.

Shi Lan and Zhou Bing were stunned for a moment, and quickly followed in.

Wang Ziqi and Liu Qi were still a little entangled in whether to go in or not.

In the end, they still felt that safety was the first priority and entered the hotel.

Although they were already at level two, they had not yet developed ghost power in their bodies, because without the strangeness of the contract, ordinary people could not develop ghost power at all.

Mu Rufeng placed the mobile phone on his shoulder, raised the bandage, and pointed the camera forward.

At this time, the ghosts of both sides had already touched each other.

The terrifying energy instantly spread in all directions.

Everyone on the steps also unconsciously stepped back a few steps.

Only Mu Rufeng stood still in the same place.

On the other hand, Liu Mei and others had already retreated to a safe distance.

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng strode towards Liu Mei who had retreated to the side.

"Hey, Mu Rufeng, what are you doing? Are you going to die?" Ouyang Li was shocked when she saw this.

However, Mu Rufeng just waved his hand and ignored it. After a while, he came to Liu Mei's side.

"Manager Liu, long time no see, and Brother Lin." Mu Rufeng greeted the two.

"Mu Rufeng, what are you doing? What are you doing over there?"

Without waiting for Liu Mei and the others to reply, Wang Gen, the deputy manager of the hotel lobby, pointed at Mu Rufeng and shouted.

"Nothing, just catching up with two old friends." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Mr. Mu, long time no see." Liu Mei said with a smile.

"Mr. Mu, you don't deserve to be called Brother Lin. You are younger than me, so you can just call me Brother Lin." Lin Chen was not arrogant.

"Hey, I am only two levels younger than you. It's not wrong to call you Brother Lin." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Okay." Lin Chen nodded and didn't refute.

Seeing that Liu Mei and Lin Chen seemed to really know Mu Rufeng, Wang Gen gritted his teeth and didn't answer.

After all, he was also afraid that Lin Chen would suddenly rush over to fuck him.

Although he could also use the local advantages of the Xuetong Hotel to upgrade from level 5 to level 6, he didn't have any tricks. If Lin Chen had any tricks, he would be in trouble.

"Mu Rufeng, right? After this matter is over, I will see how I can deal with you." Wang Gen thought viciously in his heart.

"By the way, Mr. Mu, this is the rule prop blind box promised to you. I couldn't give it to you before. It's just right, I'll give it to you now."

Liu Mei took out a black box.

This blind box is a fist-sized, square red box. There is a big black question mark on several sides of the box.

It is exactly the same as the one Mu Rufeng got before.

"Happy cooperation, I have been looking forward to it for a long time." Mu Rufeng took the rule prop blind box with a smile.

[Rule prop blind box]: After using it, you can get a random rule prop.

Not only are the appearance the same, but the properties are also exactly the same.

Obviously, this thing is unified.

"By the way, Manager Liu, I wonder how much soul coins this rule prop blind box is worth in the weird world?" Mu Rufeng asked curiously.

"If it's on the black market, it costs two million each, but if it's in Baibaolou, it only costs one million." Liu Mei said.

"Huh? Why is the price twice as different? Is there any reason?" Mu Rufeng asked in confusion.

"Because the official price of Baibaolou is one million, Baibaolou branches around the world will sell three every month. At the same time, if you want to purchase the qualification, you need to participate in the lottery."

"As long as you win the lottery, you can pay one million to buy the rule props blind box, and then someone will spend two million to buy it. This one, our general manager was lucky to win the purchase qualification." Liu Mei explained.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise.

The ghosts of both sides collided again, and at the same time, even some cars around were blown away.

However, before it landed, it was caught by Wang Gen.

If this one is damaged, then they will lose.

Therefore, Wang Gen directly organized security guards and some weird employees, including Zhao Youfeng and other contractors, to move all the surrounding cars away.

Mu Rufeng ignored this.

"I see, how can I get this purchase qualification, can I draw it?" Mu Rufeng said again.

"Of course you can, but you have to go to Baibaolou first and spend once, so that you can officially become a member of Baibaolou, so that you can download the Baibaolou APP, and the lottery qualification is in the APP." Liu Mei said.

"Well, it seems that we can only wait until next time." Mu Rufeng felt sorry when he thought that today was the day for inventory at Baibaolou.

"By the way, Manager Liu, are you sure you can kill this Hua Wenliang?" Mu Rufeng continued.

"The confidence is not great, in fact, we are afraid that it will be difficult to get back these dozens of pigs."

"But we can't swallow this breath, let's find a place first, and we can't let outsiders look down on us, Scarlet Optimization."

"Besides, do you think we can't deal with them?" Liu Mei sneered.

"What method?" Mu Rufeng asked curiously.

"There are already two of our drivers driving two large trucks outside and blocking their gate."

"As long as this matter is not resolved, there is no need for their Xuetong Hotel to operate." Lin Chen said.

"Haha, in this case, our work content will be easier." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"There are many guests in this Xuetong Hotel. Don't worry, I will also give them a warning. Maybe I can let Mr. Mu and you guys complete the copy directly." Liu Mei said.

"That's unnecessary, because you don't know if there are any powerful weirdos living in the hotel." Mu Rufeng refused directly after hearing this.

Who knows if there are any big guys in the Xuetong Hotel? If they are angered, they will kill Xu Yin and others. Then there will be no place to complain.

"Be careful!" At this moment, Lin Chen was startled, stretched out his hand to grab Mu Rufeng and Liu Mei, and jumped directly to the glass eaves above the hotel entrance.

"Boom boom boom!"

A series of roars exploded where Mu Rufeng and others had just stood.

"Thanks, Brother Lin." Mu Rufeng was also in shock and didn't react at all.

It must be said that the seventh-level combat power is really terrifying.

Even the aftermath can easily injure Mu Rufeng.

"Haha, old man, is your ghost power insufficient? Do you want to rest for a while?"

Hua Wenliang was suspended in the air, with black smoke in the lower half of his body, leaving only the upper half.

The large black ghost dens around him seemed to extend from his body.

Hua Wenliang looked forward at this moment, laughing wantonly.

He drank a lot of Feitian Moutai, which could also improve his combat power to a certain extent, and made him not afraid at all.

"Hmph, the power of a small nightmare dares to compare with my spider power?" Xu Yin snorted coldly, panting.

The next second, Xu Yin used two sharp spikes to pierce his heart directly.

This scene startled the spectators slightly.

Wang Zhi, who was watching the battle from a distance, saw this mood and hurriedly reminded:

"Manager Hua, this old guy is going to use all his strength. He is injecting spider venom into his heart to stimulate his body, which will completely transform him into a spider monster and his strength will skyrocket. Whatever means you have, use them quickly."

Hua Wenliang was shocked when he heard this. He didn't expect that Xu Yin hadn't used all his strength yet?

At this moment, Hua Wenliang no longer hesitated, took out a black glass bottle, and threw it directly into his mouth without even opening the bottle cap.

"Crack!" There was a sound.

Hua Wenliang bit the glass bottle directly and then swallowed it into his stomach along with the glass shards.


A large number of black runes began to appear on Hua Wenliang's body.

On the other side, Xu Yin's body had already separated from the human body and completely turned into a huge spider monster over three meters long.

A pair of compound eyes stared at Hua Wenliang, and the spider ghosts around him became more powerful.

A large number of small spiders were actually transformed by the ghosts, and they rushed towards Hua Wenliang's ghosts.

There will be another chapter later.

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