I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 153: Strange Explosion Grenade, Chaotic Ghost Power [Please give me a monthly ticket! ]

At this moment, Hua Wenliang's body has swelled up, and his breath has become more terrifying.

At this moment, countless black shadows emerged from the ghost den and killed those small spiders.

For a moment, the ghost den competition between the two sides was once again deadlocked.

"Manager Liu, why don't they use props?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Props? Low-level props are useless in this kind of battle."

"And high-level props are extremely rare, and the price is not inferior to some regular props. I remember that Grandpa Xu has a level 7 prop, but it's not time to use it now." Liu Mei said.

"Really? So there is such a saying." Mu Rufeng nodded and fell into deep thought.

He looked at some of his props.

It's true that low-level ones are really useless to him.

For example, the level 3 security electric baton.

Used to deal with level 3 ghosts or contractors, it is indeed accurate to shock one by one.

But if it is used to deal with level 4 or even level 5 ghosts, it is completely useless.

Unless it is like Mu Rufeng last time, directly hitting someone's head with electricity, which is almost the same.

Only some special props are still very useful.

For example, his gambler's dice, let alone level 1, even if he reaches level 9 in the future, the props that can increase the luck value are still very useful.

As for those rule-based props, regardless of level 1 or level 9, they are completely universal.

The battle below is still going on.

Moreover, because the strength of both sides has been improved again, the battle scene has become more grand.

The parking lot has also been greatly damaged.

It's just that this is a parking lot. If it were inside the hotel, even Xu Yin, a level 7 ghost general, would have to abide by the rules of the Xuetong Hotel.

"Mr. Wang, are we leaving now?" A strange man in a suit behind Wang Zhi came up and asked.

"Leave? Why should we leave? We should finish watching the show first." Wang Zhi sat in the car, smoking through the window, looking at the big scene in front of him, feeling very comfortable.

"But, Mr. Wang, we have a meeting at two o'clock, and it's almost time for us to go back now." Another weirdo said.

"Meeting? That's just some useless nonsense. You, make a phone call and help me cancel the meeting. Just say that I am fighting with old man Xu." Wang Zhi said.

"Yes, Mr. Xu!" The weirdo responded under Wang Zhi's fierce eyes.

On the other side, Mu Rufeng saw that this battle could not be ended in a short time.

So, Mu Rufeng quietly retreated behind the two of them, and then took out the rule prop blind box, and then crushed it.

The blind box was easily crushed by Mu Rufeng, and a weird symbol appeared from the blind box.

This note gathered in Mu Rufeng's palm and finally formed a tablecloth.

"What is this?" Mu Rufeng frowned immediately.

However, when Mu Rufeng learned about the properties of this rule prop, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

[Foodie's Tablecloth]: This is a tablecloth that gourmets love very much.

Effect: Rule props, after spreading the tablecloth, put in soul money \\ RMB, and food will appear randomly.

Note: The type of food depends on the amount of money you put in. Of course, you can also not put money, and it will give you free food.

"Foodie's Tablecloth?" Mu Rufeng's face showed a look of surprise.

To be honest, every time in the weird world, Mu Rufeng ate with fear, worrying whether this thing could be eaten or whether there was any food.

Now, now with this [Foodie's Tablecloth], the problem of eating is solved.

And the most important point is that it can actually provide free food.

"Not only can I put soul notes, but I can also put RMBs. Does this mean that putting soul notes will give me food that can improve my attributes?"

Mu Rufeng unconsciously thought of the priceless food provided in the dining car of the bloody train.

Mu Rufeng couldn't wait to try it, but considering that this occasion was not suitable, he could only put away the tablecloth first and try it when he was free.

"Have you drawn it? Mr. Mu, what rule props did you draw?" Liu Mei noticed Mu Rufeng and asked curiously.

"Alas, I was unlucky. I only got a prop that can turn into food." Mu Rufeng sighed and said.

"This kind of rule prop is indeed less valuable, but it can also make Mr. Mu not worry about the problem of food in our world."

"This kind of rule prop should be very popular among the contractors, right?" Liu Mei comforted.

"Yes, it can be regarded as solving the problem of food for me." Mu Rufeng nodded and agreed.

"I'll ask you again, do you really want to fight to the death with our Scarlet Optimal Team?" Xu Yin shouted sternly.

His voice became extremely sharp, probably because of his current appearance.

"Fight to the death? It's you Scarlet Optimal Team that wants to fight to the death with me, am I afraid of you?"

Hua Wenliang had disappeared at this moment, completely transformed into a black aura and merged with the ghost.

At this moment, both sides were really angry.

"Okay, if that's the case, don't blame me." Xu Yin took out a prop with his backhand.

This prop is very familiar to everyone. It is actually a grenade.

Without any hesitation, Xu Yin pulled out the pin and threw it towards Hua Wenliang. In an instant, it passed through the darkness and sank into the depths of the nightmare ghost cave.

"What is this?" Hua Wenliang was shocked and wanted to use the power of the ghost cave to throw the grenade out.

However, it was too late.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise.

A large area of ​​black air vibrated and spread in all directions.

"Crack, crack, crack!"

Even on the glass curtain of the hotel, there were some fine cracks.

Hua Wenliang fell directly from a high altitude and restored his original body.

His nightmare domain was directly shattered, but there was nothing on the ground, and it seemed that there was no lethality.

On the other hand, Xu Yin's spider domain was also shattered.

"It's a ghost explosion grenade. This old guy's prop is really difficult to deal with." Wang Zhi said with a slightly serious expression.


"What's going on? Why do I feel that the ghost power in my body is a little chaotic?" Mu Rufeng, who was above the glass eaves, also had some changes in his expression.

"This is caused by Grandpa Xu's prop." Liu Mei said.

"Is it that grenade?" Mu Rufeng was slightly surprised.

"Yes, it is a level 7 prop called a ghost explosion grenade.

After pulling out the pin and throwing it out, when it explodes, it can shock the ghost power of both parties, making it impossible for them to use ghosts for a certain period of time. Of course, it is only effective for ghost power and will not cause harm to the human body.

At the same time, this is a recyclable prop with a cooling time of once a day, and it can also be used as a disposable prop.

And if it is used as a disposable prop, the power can already affect the eighth-level ghost king." Liu Mei seemed to be very familiar with the ghost explosion grenade.

"There is actually such a prop, it is really an eye-opener." Mu Rufeng was shocked.

It's really convenient if you can buy ten or eight of this kind of props for your own use.

The most important thing is that once you use this, you can't use ghost power for a short period of time.

If Mu Rufeng gets this, he will directly hold the enemy and detonate the grenade. In this way, the ghost power of both sides cannot be exerted.

Mu Rufeng's ghost power is very low, which can only be regarded as a bonus. He has a rule skill of [Life and Death], which can make him have a stronger physical strength than the fifth-level weirdness.

The two sides are simply a perfect match.

Mu Rufeng touched his chin and looked at Xu Yin who had automatically retracted the grenade below.

"I don't know if this grenade is for sale." Mu Rufeng murmured.

"Ah? What?" Liu Mei didn't hear clearly what Mu Rufeng said, and asked hurriedly.

"Manager Liu, do you think that Grandpa Xu's weird explosion grenade is for sale? I think this grenade is very suitable for me, and I want to buy one for fun." Mu Rufeng said.

"Ah? Mr. Mu, do you want to buy Grandpa Xu's grenade?" Liu Mei was shocked.

Oh, that's right. Liu Mei just remembered that Mu Rufeng was a super rich man. When it comes to spending money, he really doesn't hesitate.

At that time, just to keep in touch with her, he recharged a million phone bills.

Without knowing anything, just to make her believe that he was rich and really came to buy Scarlet Preferred shares, he directly transferred a full 10 million soul notes into her bank card.

That's 10 million soul notes, not a ghost note with a face value of 10 million.

"I'll ask Grandpa Xu for you later, but Mr. Mu should not have too high expectations."

"Grandpa Xu also likes this prop very much." Liu Mei said.

"Haha, it's okay. As long as the money is in place, I guess he can even sell me his underwear." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"This. Haha." Liu Mei smiled awkwardly.

"What kind of prop is this? Why can't I use my ghost power and nightmare ability?" Hua Wenliang's face became a little frightened, staring at Xu Yin in front of him.

"Hehe, this is my treasure. Without the ghost power, do you think you are still my opponent now?" Xu Yin sneered.

Immediately, the terrifying aura unique to level 7 burst out again.

At this moment, Xu Yin was temporarily unable to use the ghost because of the aftermath of the weird explosion grenade, but he could still use some ghost power.

After all, he was not at the center of the explosion, but Hua Wenliang was.

Hua Wenliang ran towards the hotel gate without any hesitation.

Without the ghost power, he could only rely on his physical body, and his physical strength was about the same as that of level 3.

A level 3 fighting a level 7 weird? That's not called fighting, but called sending to death.

The third update is here, please vote for the monthly ticket!

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