I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 154 Hua Wenliang died, the power of the one-time strange explosion grenade [ask for monthly

"Run? Do you think you can run away?" Xu Yin sneered, and his figure flashed, and he quickly approached Hua Wenliang.

"I say, old man, did you forget that I was still here?"

At the right time, Wang Zhi's voice sounded, and his figure seemed to have appeared beside Hua Wenliang.

The two sides directly punched each other, and the terrifying energy burst out.

However, Xu Yin was the one who retreated, while Wang Zhi did not move at all, obviously Wang Zhi had the upper hand.

However, this is normal, after all, Xu Yin was previously affected by the strange explosion grenade. Although the ghost power can still be used, it has also been weakened.

"Old man, you haven't taken action for so long, your strength has declined?" Wang Zhi looked at Xu Yin, and he was a little eager to move.

"Brother Wang is mighty!" Hua Wenliang paused, turned around, and moved to Wang Zhi's side, saying with a flattering face.

"Decline? Otherwise, try my grenade, and then we will fight again?" Xu Yin took out the strange explosion grenade.

Wang Zhi looked at the grenade with fear.

The daily limit has been used, so the only thing left is the permanent one.

If it explodes, although it cannot hurt him, he will definitely become a weirdo with only physical strength left.

At that time, he will really be at the mercy of others.

Moreover, the most important thing is that once the weird explosion grenade is used at full power, it will definitely be a life-and-death situation.

"Haha, I'm afraid you won't be willing to use it." Wang Zhi said with a faint smile.

He was not panicked. After all, this weird explosion grenade has always been regarded as a treasure by Xu Yin, and he didn't believe Xu Yin dared to use it.

"Can't bear to use it?" Xu Yin raised his hand and pulled out the pin of the grenade.

Seeing this, Wang Zhi's pupils contracted violently, and without saying a word, he flew directly out of the parking lot.

When Wang Zhi flew out, he saw Xu Yin put the pin back again. The weird explosion grenade can actually be operated in this way.

After inserting the bolt back, Xu Yin came to Hua Wenliang in one step. Before Hua Wenliang could react, he stretched out his hand and grabbed his neck.

"Run, are you running?" Xu Yin said with a ferocious face.

"Mmmmm~~!" Hua Wenliang was pinched by the neck and couldn't speak at all.

"Fuck, old man, you lied to me." Wang Zhi flew back and landed not far away, looking at Xu Yin with a violent face.

"Hehe, you look tall and strong, why are you so timid." Xu Yin did not forget to mock Wang Zhi.

"Boy, what do you say now? Can we check the cold storage of this hotel?" Xu Yin lifted Hua Wenliang and put his head close.

It seemed that as long as he didn't agree, he would swallow it in one bite.

"Hua Wenliang, you are also a waste, hurry up and use your shareholder privileges." Wang Zhi didn't do it, but was afraid that Xu Yin would kill Hua Wenliang directly, so he scolded.

Xu Yin heard this, his face turned ruthless, and he exerted force on his hands, and actually broke Hua Wenliang's neck directly.

The head and body were separated directly and fell to the ground.

At this moment, the Xuetong Hotel on the side burst out with unparalleled momentum and directly suppressed Xu Yin.

Obviously, Hua Wenliang used his shareholder privileges.

Xu Yin's face did not change at all, without any hesitation, he directly pulled out the pin of the strange explosion grenade and threw it to the Xuetong Hotel.

Wang Zhi's face changed again, and he ran madly towards the periphery.

Including Wang Zhi's two level 5 subordinates and Wang Gen, the deputy manager.

This is a fight between gods, and mortals suffer.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise.

The strange explosion grenade exploded.

This time, the power was more terrifying than the previous explosion.

The strange breath instantly swept the entire parking lot.

And the Xuetong Hotel was also disturbed by this breath, and the power of suppression disappeared in an instant.

The entire interior of the Blood Boring Hotel was greatly affected, the lights flickered, and the aura seemed to be very unstable.

The eighth-level ghost king was affected by the one-time strange explosion grenade.

And their Blood Boring Hotel was naturally affected, but after all, it was a group company, so it soon calmed down.

It was just that the shareholder privileges that Hua Wenliang had used were gone and offset.

A seventh-level prop directly cracked the attack of the Blood Boring Hotel, and because the distance was too close, it was no different from using the main body to attack.

Xu Yin jumped out of the green belt.

At this moment, he returned to the appearance of the old man before, without any ghost power fluctuations, only physical strength.

Because he was close to the distance, he was also affected and could no longer use the chaotic ghost power.

On the other side, Hua Wenliang, I don’t know when, the headless corpse holding his head appeared in front of the hotel gate.

It was less than half a meter away, and Xu Yin had difficulty chasing him. It seemed that Hua Wenliang had escaped into the hotel.

Once he escaped into the hotel, even if Hua Wenliang could not use his ghost power at the moment, he could rely on his position as the lobby manager, and his safety would not be threatened by anyone.

However, before Hua Wenliang entered the hotel, Mu Rufeng's figure appeared in front of the hotel door.

Before Hua Wenliang could react, Mu Rufeng's big foot had already kicked out.

"Ah~~!" Hua Wenliang screamed, and then flew more than ten meters away and rolled to Xu Yin's feet.

Mu Rufeng smiled and nodded at Xu Yin.

The latter was slightly stunned, and then smiled and nodded to Mu Rufeng.

Immediately, Xu Yin stepped on Hua Wenliang's body with one foot and brought his head close with one hand.

"Manager Hua, now, do you want to die? Or do you want to live?" Xu Yin said with a smile.

Hua Wenliang did not speak, but looked at the exit of the parking lot with his peripheral vision.

Over there, it was none other than Wang Zhi and his two subordinates, plus the deputy manager of the hotel, Wang Gen.

"Hehe, don't look at it, the explosion range of my ghost explosion grenade is not small, and that guy has no ghost power, so he dare not come over."

"Don't you think so? Mr. Wang?" Xu Yin looked at Wang Zhi and said.

"Humph, old man, your grenade is gone, let's see how I will deal with you next time." Wang Zhi snorted coldly, turned around and left the parking lot, even leaving their car.

Wang Zhi's two subordinates also quickly followed, and then only the level 5 ghost, Wang Gen, was left.

It's just that Wang Gen is now also affected by the ghost explosion grenade, and there is no ghost power at all.

He quietly hid in the security booth. He didn't want to take care of things. Whatever happens, it's up to you.

"Boss Xu, I was wrong. Those pigs are all in the hotel's cold storage. I'll ask the hotel staff to take them all out." Hua Wenliang said with a sad face.

"Now, it's not just about those pigs. Let's talk about the shares of the Blood Drilling Hotel, shall we?" Xu Yin showed his ferocious fangs.

Without waiting for Hua Wenliang to reply, Xu Yin took him back to his car.

When the car door closed, everything was quiet.

"Mu Rufeng, are you crazy? How dare you do that?"

Ouyang Li was shocked.

"You shouldn't have taken action. This is not something we can control." Zhao Youfeng shook his head and said.

"Fuck, Brother Mu, you are so awesome. You kicked Manager Hua away with one kick." Liu Yong came up and said excitedly.

The others also looked at Mu Rufeng with amazement.

I have to say that Mu Rufeng is really too bold.

Mu Rufeng smiled and said nothing.

"Mr. Mu, let's go out and take a look." At this time, Liu Mei came forward and said.

"Mr. Mu, this time it's really thanks to you, otherwise it would not be so easy for Mr. Xu to catch that kid." Lin Chen said.

"Hehe, this kid doesn't get along with me, and I have wanted to kill him for a long time. Now the opportunity is here." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

Immediately, the three of them walked out.

As early as when the battle was extremely fierce, Mu Rufeng shouted Lin Chen and Liu Mei to enter the hotel as soon as possible.

At first, Lin Chen didn't agree, because Xuetong Hotel was Hua Wenliang's territory, and he was afraid that he would control them.

But Mu Rufeng said that if they checked into the hotel as guests, even Hua Wenliang would not be able to touch them.

This is not nonsense, but true, the rules of Xuetong Hotel are like this.

Customers are God, that's really not a joke.

Not long after they entered the hotel, the grenade exploded.

Fortunately, the door was closed, so the grenade did not affect the people in the hotel.

Soon, Mu Rufeng and the other two came to the two cars of Scarlet Optimization.

Xu Yin's car, I don't know if it was covered with a car film, or it was Xu Yin's special ability, people couldn't see the inside clearly from the outside.

Even from the front windshield, it was completely dark, and it was silent, without any movement.

The three of them were not panicked at all, just standing outside and waiting quietly.

"By the way, Manager Liu, I just heard from Wang Zhi that the level of Scarlet Optimization has been reduced to level eight?" Mu Rufeng suddenly remembered something and asked hurriedly.

"Well, yes, because last week, the channel was opened up and the super-limit force was used, which led to the reduction of the level."

"But it doesn't matter, wait until tomorrow weekend, there will be a big event in the next two days, and the traffic and transaction volume will increase, and the level can be raised again." Liu Mei said.

"Oh, so that's the case. I was wondering, the materials traded these days have not been credited yet. It turns out that you guys are saving them for activities." Mu Rufeng looked like he had realized it.

This morning, Mu Rufeng suddenly had an idea and wanted to see how much money he could get from the transaction with Scarlet Optimization.

But when he looked, he found that not even a dime had been credited.

Mu Rufeng asked Tian Lin, who said they didn't know either, and even asked the weirdos who were in charge of the transportation.

But those weirdos didn't communicate with them at all.

You know, when they signed the contract, the money was settled the next day after the sale.

They were also a little anxious, but there was nothing they could do. They couldn't contact anyone from Scarlet Optimization.

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