I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 155 The Xuetong Hotel changes ownership, shareholder Mu Rufeng [asking for monthly votes! ]

"I didn't expect that the contract confirmed by so many people would still be stuck with a bug." Mu Rufeng sighed slightly in his heart.

It was said that the sales money would be settled the next day, but if they didn't sell it directly, it would really be stuck with a bug.

However, Mu Rufeng was not panicked. After all, the supply of goods was in their hands, and they could easily cut it off if they wanted to.

Just when the three were chatting, the car door suddenly opened.

Xu Yin grabbed Hua Wenliang's head and got out of the car.

At this moment, Hua Wenliang's eyes rolled back, his face was dull, and his face was also blue-black, obviously poisoned.

"Let's go, this guy's share contract is in the safe in his office." Xu Yin threw his head on the ground and then stepped on it.

At this time, Mu Rufeng hurriedly stopped Xu Yin.

"Mr. Xu, how about letting me do it for you?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Mr. Mu, please." Xu Yin was stunned for a moment and said with a smile.

Mu Rufeng nodded slightly, and then stepped on Hua Wenliang's head directly with one foot.

[Triggering Success, Constitution +0.1, Ghost Qi +0.1]

This place is not like a pig farm, where there are pigs to kill, and it is already very good to have a weird kill.

"Hey, it's already dead? It seems that this head is his body." Mu Rufeng was a little surprised.

"Mr. Mu, how about going to Hua Wenliang's office together?" Xu Yin said.

"Okay." Mu Rufeng smiled and nodded.

Soon, the group came to the headless body of Hua Wenliang.

"Xiao Liu, deal with the body." Xu Yin said.

"Okay, Grandpa Xu." Liu Mei responded, took out the corpse powder and sprinkled it on the body.

Soon, the whole body disappeared.

The group immediately entered the hotel.

In the hotel, whether it was weird or the contractor, they all made way for them.

Especially those weird, one by one looked at Xu Yin and his group with fearful eyes.

The staff were more frightened than the guests because their boss, Hua Wenliang, was killed.

Is the hotel going to change hands? This is what the staff thought.

The group soon came to Hua Wenliang's office on the third floor.

The door of the office was locked.

However, they were not stopped.

Of course, it was not forced in. Forced in here was really the same as seeking death.

Xu Yin took out a key directly, which was taken from Hua Wenliang.

After entering the office, Xu Yin went directly behind the desk and pushed a bookshelf open.

Suddenly, a safe appeared in front of everyone.

A part of the wall was hollowed out, which was specially used to place this safe.

"Xiao Lin, take down the safe." Xu Yin said.

He was too short now and had no ghost power, so he could not reach it.

"Okay, Mr. Xu." Lin Chen hurried forward, buckled the safe out, and placed it on the ground.

Xu Yin took it directly and started to turn the password of the safe.

In just a few seconds, a "click!" sound was heard, and the safe was opened directly.

There were not many things inside, a contract, an official seal and a dried ghost hand.

Xu Yin had no interest in the official seal and the trick hand, and he reached out and took the contract in his hand.

After flipping through it, Xu Yin showed a happy expression: "It is the share contract of the Xuetong Hotel."

Mu Rufeng had no interest in the official seal, but was very interested in the ghost hand, and immediately reached out and took the ghost hand in his hand.

[Unknown Ghost Hand]: The ghost hand of an unknown evil ghost, whoever possesses it will reduce two points of luck.

Effect: Level 5 props, you can wear the ghost hand on your right hand, so that it has the effect of suppressing the enemy. Level 5 and below, if caught by the ghost hand, it will be directly suppressed, making it unable to move, and it can also enhance the power of the right hand.

"This ghost hand is good, I want it, I will give you some soul coins each."

Mu Rufeng directly wore the trick hand on his right hand.

In an instant, the ghost hand merged into his right hand.

Mu Rufeng could clearly feel that his right hand had a special power, and it became a little cold, like a dead object.

Of course, it felt the same as an ordinary human hand.

"Mr. Mu, you are joking. This is your trophy. You don't need to give it to us." Liu Mei said.

"Yes, Mr. Mu, you really make us ashamed when you say that. After all, Manager Liu and I didn't help at all." Lin Chen also waved his hand quickly.

"It's just a little thing. Mr. Mu, don't take it so seriously."

"Mr. Mu, how about we share this 10% of the shares?" Xu Yin looked at Mu Rufeng and said with a smile.

"Haha, I'm happy to." Mu Rufeng followed and naturally wanted the shares of the Xuetong Hotel.

"Let me see how much this share costs." Xu Yin immediately tried to wipe Hua Wenliang's name.

Soon, Xu Yin got the information and said, "The valuation of Xuetong Hotel is about 300 million. It will cost 30 million to acquire this 10% stake."

"No problem." Mu Rufeng nodded immediately.

"Well, I wonder if Mr. Mu can pay the 30 million first, and then give me 5% of the shares?"

"I only have 16 million now." Xu Yin said a little embarrassedly.

"Of course, no problem." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng took out his Tiandi Bank platinum card and swiped it on the contract.

Thirty million was swiped away in an instant, and then Mu Rufeng easily left his name and fingerprint on the contract.

Immediately, Xu Yin took out a blank contract and copied it exactly according to the contract, except that the share was changed from 10% to 5%.

Xu Yin did not hesitate, and also took out his Tiandi Bank platinum card, and directly transferred 15 million to Mu Rufeng's bank card, and then signed his name and pressed his fingerprint.

"Mr. Mu, congratulations, you have become a major shareholder of Xuetong Hotel." Xu Yin said with a smile.

"Congratulations, congratulations." Mu Rufeng also said with a smile.

Liu Mei and Lin Chen on the side looked at them with envy.

Fifteen million of thirty million was swiped out casually, really, too rich.

"Mr. Mu, do you have any ideas about the management of this hotel?" Xu Yin said.

"Mr. Xu, you should also know that I am a contractor and will return to the real world after completing the copy."

"For management, please trouble Mr. Xu. I will just wait for the dividends." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Very good, very good." Xu Yin nodded with satisfaction.

"By the way, Mr. Xu, I still have to trouble you. When you recruit humans in the future, you still have to take care of them." Mu Rufeng remembered something and said.

"Haha, this is natural. After all, Mr. Mu is also a human." Xu Yin agreed to this matter directly.

After all, there is no loss at all to take care of a few humans.

"Liu Mei, you will temporarily take over the position of manager of Xuetong Hotel here and appease the employees. Also, the deputy manager Wang Gen has no shares, so you can just fire him."

"I will send someone to take over Xuetong Hotel tomorrow." Xu Yin said.

"No problem, Grandpa Xu." Liu Mei responded immediately.

"Well, then you guys chat, I'll go first, Lin Chen, you take me home." Xu Yin said.

"Okay, Mr. Xu." Lin Chen nodded repeatedly.

Xu Yin's current strength can be said to be extremely weak, so it's better to have someone to protect him.

"Mr. Xu, excuse me, where did you get that grenade?" Mu Rufeng asked just as Xu Yin was about to leave.

"My grenade?" Xu Yin was a little surprised.

"It's like this, Grandpa Xu, Mr. Mu saw that your strange explosion grenade was so powerful before, and wanted to buy it. I wanted to ask you, but I saw that you had already used it, so." Liu Mei hurriedly explained.

"Hehe, this is what I got from the battlefield, and it's also a rare product." Xu Yin said.

"Rare product? That's a pity." Mu Rufeng said with a little regret.

"Unfortunately, I still have it in my hand." Xu Yin's hand suddenly flashed with black light, and two strange explosion grenades appeared in the palm of his hand.

"Two by two?" Mu Rufeng was slightly surprised.

He never thought that Xu Yin actually had two more?

"I got three grenades from that battlefield, which are level 6, level 7 and level 8 props."

"Level 8, I want to use it myself, so I can't sell it to you. I've already used the level 7, and this level 6 is useless to me. Just give me 100,000 yuan as a token of my appreciation." Xu Yin said.

100,000 yuan is actually very cheap to buy a level 6 strange explosion grenade.

After all, the attribute of this strange explosion grenade is really strong.

Generally speaking, ordinary level 6 props are only about 100,000 yuan. If the attribute is good, it is really no problem to multiply it by three or five times.

If this strange explosion grenade is sold, it will definitely be sold for 300,000 soul notes easily.

The higher the level, the more expensive the prop is.

If it is a level 7 strange explosion grenade, it can be easily sold for one million, or even more.

And if Xu Yin's remaining level 8 strange explosion grenade is auctioned, I'm afraid the reserve price will be 3 million.

There is no other reason, it's really too powerful.

"Thank you." Mu Rufeng was not a hypocritical person, and directly transferred 100,000 to Xu Yin.

"It's yours. Be careful when using it once." Xu Yin reminded him.

As long as it is not used once, this grenade can be used once a day.

Soon, Xu Yin and Lin Chen left the office.

"Manager Liu, please take good care of me today." Mu Rufeng said to Liu Mei with a smile.

"Mr. Mu, don't worry, I will definitely take good care of you." Liu Mei also smiled.

"By the way, you are now the acting manager of the hotel. Do you know what our return mission is?" Mu Rufeng asked.

There is another chapter later, and I am working hard on typing!

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