I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 156 Manager Mu is giving everyone benefits [Please give me a monthly ticket! ]

"I know." Liu Mei immediately talked to Mu Rufeng.

For these human employees of the Xuetong Hotel, it is also very simple to return, that is, they have to work here for three full days.

Then, if it is a room attendant, at least three good reviews are required to complete the clearance conditions.

As long as you pass the level, the initial completion rate is 300%, and each additional good review can increase the clearance rate by 100%.

If it is a front desk, then at least three customers need to be received, the initial completion rate is 100%, and each additional customer received will increase the completion rate by 20%.

If it is a chef, at least five dishes need to be prepared, and the guests cannot be picky, and the initial completion rate is 200%.

Each additional dish will increase the completion rate by 30%.

If it is a cleaner, the initial completion rate is 100%, and each additional room or corridor of a floor cleaned can increase the completion rate by 10%.

These are simple to say, and simple, and difficult to say.

It depends on your own ability.

For Mu Rufeng, it was very simple.

"Mr. Mu, I will fire the deputy manager Wang Heng later. How about you take over as the deputy manager first? I will give you the command of all the contractors." Liu Mei said.

"Hmm? OK." Mu Rufeng was slightly stunned when he heard it, and then a faint smile appeared on his face.

This Liu Mei is not bad. Not only is her figure and face good, but her work methods and emotional intelligence are also very good.

Then, Liu Mei sat in the office, and then took a microphone on the desk in her hand.

This microphone must be connected to the entire hotel's broadcast.

Liu Mei turned on the microphone and said:

"Hello everyone, I am Liu Mei. Just now, the share contract has been officially changed."

"I was appointed by Director Xu as the acting manager, temporarily taking over the position of the lobby manager of Xuetong Hotel."

"Dear guests, I am deeply sorry for the trouble caused by what happened before, so we will waive the room fee for all guests for three days."

"Because of the personnel changes to be made, the service may be temporarily delayed. Please understand."

"Now, all employees, please put down your work and gather in the conference room on the third floor."

After Liu Mei finished speaking, she turned off the microphone directly.

"Okay, Mr. Mu, let's go to the conference room next door first." Liu Mei said.

"Well." Mu Rufeng nodded, and left the office with Liu Mei.

The third floor is not open to the public. In addition to the general manager's office, there is also a conference room and many rooms on this floor.

These rooms are the dormitories of those weird employees.

As for Hua Wenliang, he did not live in a separate dormitory, but lived directly in the office, because in this way, he could save a room fee and put it into his own pocket.

About five minutes later, all the employees of Xuetong Hotel appeared in the conference room.

There were quite a lot of people, not counting the living contractors such as Zhao Youfeng.

There were sixteen strange employees in Xuetong Hotel.

Three security guards, two front desk staff, two cleaners, two restaurant waiters, two room waiters, two chefs, two chef assistants, and deputy manager Wang Heng.

Because of the arrival of Mu Rufeng and others, some employees can rest during the day.

However, under the call of Liu Mei, the acting manager, all of them were in place.

"Let me introduce myself. I am Liu Mei, the acting lobby manager. Tomorrow, the official manager will take office."

"I don't care what you were like before, but now you are under my command, you have to listen to me. If you don't listen, I don't mind letting you try my methods."

Liu Mei's face was extremely cold, and she was completely different from the older sister she was in front of Mu Rufeng before.

"Manager Liu, don't worry, as long as you say, we guarantee to complete the task." The fat chef responded first.

"Yes, Manager Liu, we will definitely listen to you." Another weirdo said.

Soon, all the weirdos expressed their opinions one after another.

Only one, that is, the deputy manager Wang Weng, stood there awkwardly.

"You are the deputy manager Wang Weng, from now on, you are fired, go to your room, pack up your things, and leave immediately. The salary will be deposited into your card on the payment date." Liu Mei said.

"Yes." Wang Weng lowered his head and did not dare to reply. He responded and turned away.

A group of weird employees looked at Wang Weng, all with gloating expressions.

You know, Wang Weng really exploited them when he was on duty.

Now he is fired, he really deserves it!

Zhao Youfeng and other players did not dare to breathe at all, just stood quietly aside and listened quietly.

"Mr. Mu, from now on, you are the deputy manager of Xuetong Hotel. I will trouble you to worry about it these days." Liu Mei suddenly looked at Mu Rufeng and said.

"No problem, I will try my best." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

At this time, everyone's eyes turned to Mu Rufeng.

Whether it was the weird employees or the players, they looked at Mu Rufeng with shocked eyes.

A human contractor became their immediate boss?

These weird employees could not have imagined that this would be the result.

And the players opened their mouths wide, extremely shocked.

In the weird world, they have always been trying to survive, not really working to make money.

Now, a player has directly become their immediate boss, and has also become the immediate boss of the weirds, which is simply unbelievable.

But soon, everyone figured it out, it must be Mu Rufeng's kick before.

It was that kick that completely ruined Hua Wenliang and successfully allowed the old man to move into the Xuetong Hotel and become a major shareholder.

And it was this kick that made Mu Rufeng become the deputy manager of the Xuetong Hotel, and there was absolutely no problem.

Afterwards, Liu Mei said some words of encouragement and rewards and punishments, which directly raised the morale of the entire weird employees, and each one was like a chicken blood shot.

"Okay, everyone go to work now." Liu Mei waved to the employees.

The employees were about to leave when Liu Mei said, "By the way, you temporary workers, all of you should temporarily follow the command of Manager Mu. Except for me and Manager Mu, you don't need to follow anyone else's orders."

"Yes, Manager Liu." The players could hardly hide their excitement.

"Manager Liu, the pork in the cold storage should be transported to Scarlet Optimum first, right?" Mu Rufeng said.

"That's right. There's a truck parked outside the hotel. You can assign some people to move the pork to the cold storage now." Manager Liu immediately said to the weird employees who hadn't left yet.

"Yes, Manager Liu." Those weird people immediately responded.

"Manager Liu, leave this matter to us temporary workers." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, Manager Mu will arrange it. I'll go to the office first. I need to check the account book." Liu Mei said.

"Okay, then everyone disperse. Follow me." Mu Rufeng pointed at the players and said, then strode out of the meeting room.

The contractors quickly followed Mu Rufeng out of the meeting room.

Walking on the carpeted corridor, the footsteps were almost silent.

The nine people came to the elevator quietly.

When everyone entered the elevator.

Liu Yong couldn't help but speak: "Brother Mu, you are really amazing, super, super awesome."

"You actually became our boss, and those weird bosses, too good, haha."

"You kid, why are you so excited." Mu Rufeng patted Liu Yong's head and said with a smile.

"Manager Mu Mu, how did you do this? Is it because of that kick that you became a manager?" Zhao Youfeng still felt that it was more dreamy now.

The others also talked at once.

The originally quiet elevator suddenly became extremely chaotic.

"Okay, let's talk about this later. Let's go to the cold storage first. After work, we have plenty of time to talk in the evening." Mu Rufeng's ears were a little hurt by the noise, and he spoke immediately.

"Okay, Brother Mu." Wang Ziqi responded quickly.

The crowd also quieted down at once.

Now, Mu Rufeng is their immediate superior. To be honest, with Mu Rufeng's presence, their safety will be greatly guaranteed.

At this moment, the elevator also stopped on the second floor.

The hotel's cold storage is on the second floor, or in other words, in the kitchen.

They bypassed the restaurant and came to the kitchen, and soon found the door of the cold storage.

The door of the cold storage is not very big, just a little bigger than a double-door refrigerator.

When the cold storage is opened, there is only about five square meters of space inside.

It's not that the cold storage is only this small, but the space inside is filled with pork.

"Shi Lan, Zhou Bing, Liu Yong, the three of you go downstairs now, go to the door, call in the Scarlet Optimization truck, and say that you want to transport pork."

"Zhao Youfeng, you contractors start moving pork now, Wang Ziqi and Liu Qi, you two help." Mu Rufeng said.

At this time, a side quest suddenly appeared in everyone's mind.

"Brother Mu, Brother Mu, I have a side quest. It asks me to go downstairs to notify the truck to come in. It will increase my clearance completion by 50%." Liu Yong exclaimed.

"I have one too." Shi Lan and Zhou Bing said in unison.

"I have one here too, but mine is to transport pork, and it increases the clearance completion by 100%." ​​Zhao Youfeng looked at Mu Rufeng with a sharp look.

"Haha, this is just an additional benefit for everyone. Okay, stop grinning and get to work." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

Mu Rufeng doesn't mind giving these players some benefits for things that he can do.

The third update is here. Come on, give me some monthly tickets and recommendation tickets! ! ! And subscribe!

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