I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 157 The little security guard is ridiculous [Please give me a monthly ticket! ]

Mu Rufeng only knew this when he became the deputy manager of the Xuetong Hotel.

He can issue some side quests, and as long as the players complete them, they can get the quest clearance.

Of course, this kind of side quest is only once a day, which means that he can issue three side quests in these three days.

He can't issue it to himself, but he doesn't care.

Because with his position as a deputy manager, he will definitely get a high bonus.

Moreover, the completion rate is likely to be linked to the number of guests received by the Xuetong Hotel.

"By the way, if you can't move it, you can use the inventory to transport it. If you are strong, you can carry one." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, Manager Mu." The players nodded hurriedly after hearing this.

Then, Mu Rufeng walked out of the kitchen and came directly to the front door of the hotel on the first floor.

You can see the hotel security directing a truck to reverse.

Shi Lan and the other two walked quickly towards the hotel.

The truck had been called out by them, and they had completed the task assigned by Mu Rufeng.

"Brother Mu, the truck is coming in." Liu Yong came closer and said.

"Well, you should clean up the green belt in the parking lot first." Mu Rufeng pointed to the messy parking lot and said.

"Yes, Brother Mu." Several people responded in succession.

These jobs are really too simple and easy, and there is no danger.

Things like receiving customers and room service are still very dangerous.

Not long after, the rear of the truck turned over and faced the door of the Xuetong Hotel.

"Manager Mu, the car has been parked, then I will go on patrol." A security guard came forward, hunched over, and his posture was very low.

This security guard was none other than the security guard who took the five hundred soul notes from Mu Rufeng.

"You, go and move those cars to the parking space." Mu Rufeng ordered.

"Okay, Manager Mu." The security guard nodded repeatedly, fearing that Mu Rufeng would deal with him.

"By the way, Manager Mu, I just picked up 5,000 soul coins. I wonder if it was dropped by you." The security guard came forward and took out a small stack of soul notes and handed it to Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng glanced at the security guard and reached out to take it: "Well, not bad, go to work."

"Okay." Seeing Mu Rufeng take the money, the security guard immediately went to work happily.

Taking his money means not caring about what he did before. He was originally worried, but now he is relaxed.

"Mr. Mu, hello, I am the driver of Scarlet Preferred, Changshan." At this time, the truck driver got off the car and introduced himself to Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng looked at the driver. Not to mention, he was a level 5 weird.

It's just that the shape is a bit scary. The whole body is exposed dark red muscles, and there is no skin at all, even on the face.

"Well, I still have to trouble you. There are dozens of pigs." Mu Rufeng said.

"No trouble." Changshan said with a smile.

Just to say, this smile is really scary.

Only Mu Rufeng has seen it many times and thinks it's nothing.

However, Liu Yong and other ordinary people who were cleaning the green belt on the side were almost scared to death when they saw Changshan.

At this time, Zhao Youfeng and his group came down.

They were not empty-handed. The contractors were carrying half a pig.

Like Wang Ziqi and Liu Qi, two people carried half a pig.

There was nothing they could do about it. Half a pig was frozen hard. It was okay for two people to carry it, but it would be very difficult for one person.

"Manager Mu, the pork is here. Should it be put directly in the truck?" Zhao Youfeng asked Mu Rufeng while carrying half a pig.

"Well, throw it all in. A few people go up and stack the pork." Mu Rufeng ordered.

"Mr. Mu, I will stack the goods. You can ask them to throw the pork at the back of the car." Changshan turned over and jumped directly into the car.

"Okay, that's troublesome." Mu Rufeng nodded.

Immediately, the group began to quickly throw the pork in their hands and in the inventory into the back of the truck.

Ten minutes later, a total of 48 pigs were all loaded onto the truck.

"Boom~~!" After loading, Changshan drove the truck away from the Xuetong Hotel.

"Okay, everyone should go to work according to their previous positions." Mu Rufeng instructed everyone.

The group did not say anything, and they all nodded immediately.

Mu Rufeng was not idle and took the elevator with Wang Ziqi.

Room service, a good review can have a lot of clearance completion, which is a good thing.

But he did not go to the fourth floor. After all, if he was there, Liu Yong would not be able to grab any good reviews.

Before Liu Yong got out of the elevator, he said to Liu Yong: "If you meet a difficult guest, you can tell him that a good review can extend the rent for one day for free, Wang Ziqi, you too."

"Thank you, Brother Mu." Liu Yong and Wang Ziqi looked at Mu Rufeng with gratitude when they heard it.

To be honest, with Mu Rufeng's promise, his rate of positive reviews will definitely rise sharply.

Even if he encounters unreasonable guests, he will not give a bad review even if he does not give a good review for a day's rent.

There are three types of reviews that guests can give, namely good, ordinary, and bad.

"By the way, let me say this again. In order to prevent the second door from lighting up when you enter the room service, I have asked Manager Liu to modify the room service rules."

"When the first service is not completed, the next light will not light up. Also, if the red light is on, remember to notify me as soon as possible. I'm on the sixth floor." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, Brother Mu."

"Don't worry, Brother Mu."

The two nodded repeatedly.

Not long after, the elevator arrived at the sixth floor, and he was the only one left in the elevator.

"Manager Mu, why are you here?"

A strange man was standing not far away. When he saw Mu Rufeng walking out of the elevator, he was shocked and hurried over.

"You go to the seventh floor, let me come here." Mu Rufeng said.

"Ah? Manager Mu, what are you going to do?" The strange waiter looked at Mu Rufeng in confusion.

"I'm responsible for the room service on this floor. You go to the seventh floor and take charge of the room service on the seventh floor with another employee." Mu Rufeng said.

Weird staff are different from players. They can handle the room service of the entire floor alone.

Even if they are serving and the second light is on outside the door, they can know it through the mobile phone APP associated with the Blood Boring Hotel.

If the above situation occurs, they can also exit the original room directly and go to the second guest for room service.

It can be said that it is much more relaxed than the many work rules of the players.

More importantly, the waiters are also weird, so they will not be troubled by those customers, and basically they can complete the service easily.

Not to mention one person to handle one floor, when Mu Rufeng and others did not come, one person handled two floors.

As for the eighth and ninth floors, they have not been opened to the public yet.

As the deputy manager, Mu Rufeng also learned some information about the eighth and ninth floors.

These two floors seem to be newly built, and the guest rooms are more high-end than the lower floors.

That is, the effect of recovering injuries is stronger, which can be regarded as a higher level VIP room.

It is just that it is still under renovation and it will take about half a month before it can be opened to the public.

In this way, when these two floors are open to the public, the level of guests that Xuetong Hotel can attract will become higher, and there will be more guests and more money.

To be honest, if the decoration is completed, Hua Wenliang may be able to use this wave of customers, plus the help of Xuetong Hotel, to upgrade himself to level 7.

And now, this is also a bargain for Mu Rufeng and Xu Yin.

"Yes, Manager Mu." Weiyi didn't say anything, and took the elevator directly to the seventh floor.

To be honest, two Weiyi were responsible for the room service on the seventh floor, which really made them much easier.

After all, they don't have any good review mechanism, as long as they don't give bad reviews.


In a blink of an eye, time came to five o'clock in the afternoon.

I don't know if it was because of a big change in Xuetong Hotel today, there was no room service for the whole afternoon.

It's five o'clock now, and the restaurant is open.

Except for Zhao Youfeng, the rest of the players also gathered in the restaurant.

"How was the work in the afternoon?" Mu Rufeng asked everyone.

"Brother Mu, I don't know what happened this afternoon. There was no room service." Liu Yong said.

"I did have one. He asked me to clean the toilet for him. The toilet was too smelly. After I finally cleaned it, he said I stole his things and wanted my hand to compensate."

"Fortunately, I said I would renew the rent for him for one day for free, so he let me go and only gave me an ordinary evaluation." Wang Ziqi sighed and said.

"It's okay." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

The others also talked about their work in the afternoon, and nothing went wrong.

Even Shi Lan and Ouyang Li at the front desk received quite a few guests.

"Okay, the guests are coming, let's work, be smart, ask the guests if they have any taboos, as for the chef, I'm here, they dare not make trouble." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, Brother Mu." The players nodded again and again.


The guests in the restaurant this time came much faster than in the morning.

It took only about 20 minutes, and all the tables were full.

Even four of the eight private rooms were full.

This time, nothing unexpected happened.

They waited until the restaurant closed smoothly.

"Strictly speaking, it's time to get off work now. Let's go eat first. After dinner, I'll assign dormitories to everyone." Mu Rufeng said.

In the morning, Wang Gen said that they would get off work at 20 o'clock, but it was completely nonsense.

19 o'clock is actually the official time to get off work. 19-20 o'clock is their meal time.

"Remember it, you must not leave the dormitory after 8 o'clock in the evening. You can only leave after 7 o'clock in the morning." Mu Rufeng reminded again.

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