I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 158 The Level 8 Ghost King who broke into the Bloody Hotel in the middle of the night [Pleas

As the deputy manager of the agency, Mu Rufeng knew most of the rules.

If Mu Rufeng spent more time, he would know the rules of the entire hotel.

"Yes." A group of players nodded in response.

After everyone finished eating the free instant noodles, they all came to the third floor of the hotel.

"Shi Lan, Ouyang Li, and Zhao Youfeng, the three of you will live in room 310."

"Okay, Manager Mu." The three nodded repeatedly.

They are all girls, and it's not a big deal to live in one room.

Especially Shi Lan, she is an ordinary person, living with two contractors, it's too safe.

"Liu Yong, Zhou Bing, Yao Xuanyu, the three of you will live in room 309, Wang Ziqi and Liu Qi, the two of you will live in room 308." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, Brother Mu." Several people also responded in succession.

"By the way, Brother Mu, where do you live?" Liu Yong asked.

"As for me, I have my own room, living in room 307." Mu Rufeng said.

There are not many rooms on the third floor, only ten, and these ten rooms are the staff dormitories of the hotel.

There are only fifteen employees in the Xuetong Hotel, and the three weirdos live in one room.

Considering that there is also a female weirdo, the fifteen people live in six rooms.

The four empty rooms can be allocated.

If you don't use the privilege, you are a fool. Mu Rufeng naturally doesn't want to live with others when he can live in a room by himself.


After a day of intense and exciting work, Mu Rufeng returned to his room 307.

This room used to be lived in by Wang Gen. After he was fired, he took all his things away.

Before coming in, Mu Rufeng had already asked the cleaner to clean it.

I have to say that this room is still very good.

"Gugugugu~~!" Mu Rufeng's stomach suddenly gurgled.

He only ate a bucket of instant noodles at noon and a bucket of instant noodles at night, and he was already very hungry.

It's not that Mu Rufeng didn't want to buy more food, but he thought that he had a gourmet tablecloth.

Mu Rufeng came to the table immediately, and then took out the [Gourmet's Tablecloth] and spread it on the table.

"Gourmet's Tablecloth, give me a free meal first." Mu Rufeng said.

When Mu Rufeng finished speaking, a black mist appeared on the tablecloth.

When the black mist dissipated, a large bowl of hot white rice and a plate of hot pepper fried pork were seen.

"Uh, the free food is pepper fried pork? Is it so good?" Mu Rufeng was slightly surprised, and then he was about to eat.

But soon, Mu Rufeng was a little dumbfounded.

Because he didn't have chopsticks!

Well, this [Gourmet's Tablecloth] only provides bowls and dishes, not chopsticks.

Helpless, Mu Rufeng could only go to the second floor and get a pair of chopsticks from the kitchen.

When the first bite of pepper fried pork came into his mouth, Mu Rufeng's eyes suddenly lit up.

Not to mention, this taste is absolutely authentic chili fried pork, the taste is not inferior to those star-rated hotel chefs.

Even the white rice seems to be of high quality, soft and fragrant.

Soon, Mu Rufeng finished the food.

"I'm still a little hungry, let's have some free food." Mu Rufeng said again.

At this time, a line of words appeared on the tablecloth: "Free breakfast, lunch and dinner once a day, no more than five people."

"It's calculated by the number of people and times?" Mu Rufeng murmured to himself.

However, he didn't care. It was already very good to be able to provide free breakfast, lunch and dinner every day.

"But should I put RMB or soul coins?" Mu Rufeng thought.

Soon, Mu Rufeng chose to put soul coins.

Because he didn't have cash on him, only soul notes.

Mu Rufeng took out a hundred soul notes and put them directly on the tablecloth.

One second, two seconds, three seconds later, a layer of black fog rose up again and covered the entire tablecloth.

When the black fog dissipated, a large bowl of inky black soup appeared in front of Mu Rufeng.

"Soup? It's so black, can I eat it?" Mu Rufeng looked at the large bowl of soup and felt a little scared.

Mu Rufeng approached and sniffed it with his nose. There was no smell in it.

Mu Rufeng reached out and touched the bowl, and suddenly, the properties of the soup appeared in front of Mu Rufeng.

[Earth Meat Soup]: Fresh soup made from the first-level spiritual object earth meat as raw material.

Effect: After taking it, it speeds up physical and mental recovery and can enhance weak ghost power.

"Spirit object? What is this? Is it a specialty of the weird world?"

"Forget it, I'll try it." With the property description, Mu Rufeng didn't have so many concerns.

Pick up the earth meat soup and take a sip directly.

When the soup entered his mouth, Mu Rufeng's eyes suddenly lit up.

The fragrance and freshness intertwined and flowed into the mouth, making Mu Rufeng feel refreshed.

Then, Mu Rufeng drank the soup in big mouthfuls, and some tiny meat particles entered his mouth.

Mu Rufeng chewed it for a while, and his mouth was filled with a special meat taste.

This taste was not strange, but delicious, like beef, mutton, and some fish.

"Not bad, really good." Mu Rufeng drank the meat soup in one breath.

His stomach felt a little full.

"Burp~~!" When a burp came out, Mu Rufeng felt much better.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng put away the tablecloth.

Then, something unexpected happened.

The dishes that Mu Rufeng had placed aside disappeared.

"Oh, that's great. I can actually handle the dishes by myself. This saves me the effort of washing dishes." Mu Rufeng smiled.

Then, Mu Rufeng looked at the time and found that it was almost eight o'clock.

Mu Rufeng glanced at the bathroom and entered it immediately.

Not long after, Mu Rufeng came out refreshed.

I have to say that it is so comfortable to take a shower and lie on the bed after get off work.

"Sleep, sleep, tomorrow is another beautiful day."

Mu Rufeng adjusted the alarm clock and fell asleep directly on the bed.

It is now more than eight o'clock in the morning in the real world.

It can be said that Mu Rufeng stayed up all night and was very sleepy. Almost not long after lying down, Mu Rufeng fell into a deep sleep.


I don't know how long it took, Mu Rufeng was dazed and felt very cold.

He opened his eyes, only to find that there was a white figure in his arms.

It was this figure that made Mu Rufeng feel as if his whole body was frozen, waking him up coldly.

"Bai Jingwei!" Mu Rufeng called out word by word.

"Hmm~~嘤~!" Bai Jingwei uttered a delicate hum and woke up from her sleep in a daze.

However, when she saw Mu Rufeng's dark face, she was startled.

"Brother Mu, what's wrong?"

"What's wrong? Why are you in my arms instead of staying in the contract slot?" Mu Rufeng said with a cold face.

"Isn't it more comfortable to sleep this way? I think Brother Mu is holding me very comfortably." Bai Jingwei said in a low voice.

"Comfortable your head, you are so cold, do you want to freeze me to death? So that you can inherit my inheritance?" Mu Rufeng said unhappily.

"No, if Brother Mu dies, I will die with him." Bai Jingwei said quickly.

"Is this what I'm talking to you about? Can you understand the key point?"

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to talk to you. Remember, don't lie on the same bed with me without my permission." Mu Rufeng said coldly.

"I know, I'll go back first." Bai Jingwei whispered, and then went back to the contract slot.

"It's so cold." Mu Rufeng shivered, and then wrapped the quilt tighter.

"Dong Dong Dong!" Suddenly, Mu Rufeng's door rang.

Mu Rufeng in the quilt was startled and got up immediately, and the bandages were wrapped around his whole body at the first time.

The butcher knife and the singing mouth were also taken out by him at the first time.

"Dong Dong Dong!" The door was knocked again.

"Mr. Mu, are you asleep?"

Mu Rufeng's eyes suddenly became a little weird.

He recognized this voice, it was Liu Mei's.

Mu Rufeng looked at the time and found that it was two o'clock in the morning.

Why did Liu Mei knock on his door so late?

After eight o'clock, not to mention the customers, even the hotel staff will not go out, because this is the rule of the Xuetong Hotel.

The Xuetong Hotel will randomly devour people or weirdos who walk inside the hotel in the middle of the night, so there is this rule.

However, after becoming a shareholder, I learned more information.

As long as you are a shareholder of the Xuetong Hotel, as well as the manager and deputy manager of the Xuetong Hotel, you will be protected by the Xuetong Hotel and can walk in the hotel at night.

"Manager Liu, it's so late, why haven't you slept yet?" Thinking of this, Mu Rufeng asked.

"There is a tricky guy who is breaking through the hotel's ghost den. In two or three minutes, he will be able to come in." Liu Mei said.

"What? Someone broke into the Xuetong Hotel at night?" Mu Rufeng was slightly surprised.

"Yes, you can see it from the window." Liu Mei said again.

Mu Rufeng didn't speak, got up from the bed, and then came to the window.

His position was just right to see the situation below.

Sure enough, there was really a tall weirdo covered in black smoke.

The black smoke on this weirdo is constantly corroding the ghost den of Xuetong Hotel.

And beside the weirdo, there are three more weirdos.

They are not his men, but the three security guards of Xuetong Hotel, all lying on the ground, not knowing whether they are dead or alive.

Without any hesitation, Mu Rufeng directly used the life-and-death skills on the three security guards and the invading weirdo.

Feeling the improvement of the attribute, Mu Rufeng walked to the door and opened it directly.

"Manager Liu, who is that guy? Can you control the Xuetong Hotel to kill that guy?" Mu Rufeng said.

Liu Mei shook her head and said, "I am just a manager, responsible for the daily maintenance and management of the hotel, and I can't mobilize the power of Xuetong Hotel at all."

"This weirdo dares to come like this, at least it is an eighth-level ghost king."

I got off work a little late today, and I am also quite tired, so there are only two updates, sorry!

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