I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 159 The Captain of the Gluttony Cruise? [Monthly Ticket Request! ]

Let alone the acting manager, even the real manager can hardly use the power of the Blood Tong Hotel.

At most, he can get the blessing of the power of the Blood Tong Hotel, and the level 6 Hua Wenliang can have the power of the level 7.

For a level 5 ghost like Liu Mei, it can also be upgraded to level 7, but it is equivalent to just reaching level 7, and I am afraid that she can't even beat Hua Wenliang.

How can he go to fight this guy who can fight the Blood Tong Hotel.

Mu Rufeng frowned slightly and said, "I can't figure out why the Blood Tong Hotel allows that guy to invade the ghost den."

"Maybe the Blood Tong Hotel is unwilling to provoke this ghost king?" Liu Mei guessed.

"In this way, let's go and ask first to see what that guy is going to do." Mu Rufeng thought for a moment and said.

The situation is unclear now. Facing an eighth-level ghost king, Mu Rufeng has no confidence to kill the other party.

"It's just an eighth-level ghost king. The Xuetong Hotel is an eighth-level hotel. Even if we can't kill the ghost king, we can still be invincible." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay." Liu Mei nodded.

One of the rules of the Xuetong Hotel is that you can't do anything to employees, not to mention that they are the manager and deputy manager of the Xuetong Hotel.

Immediately, the two of them hurried out of the room.

However, Mu Rufeng did not go downstairs immediately, but knocked on the door of the two weird employees.

Not to mention, these weird people were all scared, and they didn't dare to open the door or reply.

In the end, he ordered them to open the door in an imperative tone.

After a few casual instructions and ten times the attributes, Mu Rufeng and Liu Mei came to the hotel lobby.

When Mu Rufeng stepped into the lobby, he felt a strange breath.

Especially at the door, that feeling was like someone rubbing his fingernails back and forth on the blackboard. Although there was no sound, that feeling really emerged in my heart.

There is a layer of blood-red aura outside the Xuetong Hotel, and another black aura is intertwined with it.

The blood-red aura is slowly being transformed into a black aura.

Once the blood-red aura at the gate is completely transformed, then even if the invasion is successful, the weird can force its way into the Xuetong Hotel.

Mu Rufeng is also a skilled and daring person, and he came straight to the gate.

In the black fog, Mu Rufeng also vaguely saw a tall figure.

Mu Rufeng could not feel the exact level of this weirdness, but he could clearly feel the power of this weirdness, and the palpitation in his heart could not be deceived.

Even the three weird auras of Xu Yin, Hua Wenliang and Wang Zhi yesterday were far inferior to the weirdness in front of him.

"I am Liu Mei, the lobby manager of the Xuetong Hotel. I wonder why this gentleman broke into the Xuetong Hotel in the middle of the night?"

Liu Mei, who was standing behind Mu Rufeng, asked first.

However, the tall figure didn't care at all, and even saw that the speed of the black mist erosion had increased a little.

At this time, Mu Rufeng took out his singing mouth and raised it high.

"Sir, please answer immediately, otherwise, I will use the rule props." Mu Rufeng said.

When Mu Rufeng's voice fell, the tall figure slowly turned his head and seemed to look over here.

Obviously, he could feel the power of the rule props in Mu Rufeng's hand.

"Open the door, I want to stay in the hotel." A hoarse voice sounded.

Sure enough, it was the rule props in Mu Rufeng's hand that played a deterrent role, allowing the tall figure to tell his intention.

Mu Rufeng and Liu Mei were relieved when they heard it.

"Sir, the hotel refuses to admit guests at night. Why don't you come before 7 o'clock tomorrow morning?" Liu Mei said.

It's not that Liu Mei and Mu Rufeng are unwilling to open the door, but they can't open the door at all.

The hotel rules are like this. Guests cannot be entertained except during working hours.

Guiyi did not speak, but exerted a stronger force to accelerate the erosion of the ghost.

Liu Mei wanted to say something, but was stopped by Mu Rufeng.

"Forget it, wait for him to come in." Mu Rufeng pulled Liu Mei back a little.

Half a minute later, the blood-colored aura at the hotel gate was completely eroded into black.

A smell of the sea came to the face, and the aura in the entire lobby suddenly dropped to freezing point.

At this time, a tall figure walked in from the gate.

The whole body exuded a terrifying aura, which made people dare not be intimidated.

However, when Mu Rufeng saw this figure clearly, he was slightly shocked.

It was not that he knew him, but the way this person was dressed, he was actually wearing a captain's uniform.

"Open a room for me." Guiyi looked at Liu Mei and Mu Rufeng and said.

"Sorry, sir, it's time to get off work now. The hotel system cannot be opened and the room opening service cannot be provided." Liu Mei said apologetically.

"Open a room for me!" Guiyi took a step forward and spoke in a more serious tone.

The temperature around seemed to drop again.

Liu Mei wanted to speak, but Mu Rufeng came forward and said, "Sir, how about this, I will register your information manually and then take you to the eighth floor of the hotel."

"That is the VIP room that is still under renovation, and the recovery effect is even stronger."

"Although it has not been officially opened to the public, the effect is definitely not discounted."

"Okay." Guiyi thought for a moment and said.

Mu Rufeng immediately came to the front desk, searched for a while, and found a booklet and a pen.

Liu Mei, who was standing beside him, did not speak either. She followed Mu Rufeng to the front desk and stood beside him.

"What's your name, sir?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Zhu Shixuan."

"Sir's occupation, level, and your ID number."

"If you don't want to say your ID, you can, but you have to say your occupation and level." Mu Rufeng said.

It's not that he was talking nonsense. He glanced at the registration on the booklet, and it was indeed these items.

It's just that some customers don't want to say it, and they don't have to register. As long as they pay the money, even if you say a fake name, it's okay, and no one will check.

"Captain, level eight." Guiyi said.

"Level eight-eight ghost king? Mr. Ghost King, how many days do you need to stay? The VIP room is 500 yuan a night." Mu Rufeng was slightly surprised. Sure enough, his guess was right. This Guiyi was really a level eight ghost king.

This price was not something he said randomly, but was set by the Xuetong Hotel itself. It was just not open to the public yet, and he was the deputy manager of the hotel and knew this information.

"Ten days." After saying this, Guiyi took out five thousand soul notes and slapped them directly on the front desk.

"Ordinary rooms only cost one hundred yuan a night. If the effect of the VIP room does not meet the requirements, I will not give up." Guiyi said coldly.

Obviously, this Guiyi had been to the Xuetong Hotel before and knew the prices of the Xuetong Hotel.

"Don't worry, I guarantee that you will be satisfied." Mu Rufeng took the money with a smile.

Then, he and Liu Mei took Guiyi to the elevator directly to the eighth floor.

After getting out of the elevator, they soon arrived at Room 801.

On the corridors around, there were some decoration materials or furniture piled up, and it was obviously still under decoration.

The door of Room 801 was open, but not locked.

After entering, the size of the room was about the same as that of an ordinary room, but both the decoration and furniture were better than those of an ordinary room.

"Sir, the decoration of Room 801 is almost done. I will help you clean it up. You can move in directly, okay?" Mu Rufeng said.

"No, that's enough. You can leave now." It seemed that this strange thing felt the special effect in the VIP room and directly issued an order to expel the guests.

Even if the floor was still full of dust and debris, Mu Rufeng didn't need to clean it.

"Guest, this is the key. If you need any service, you can press the service bell on the table. However, it's off-duty time now, and room service can only be provided during the day."

Mu Rufeng said.

The strange thing didn't say anything, just stared at the two of them.

Just at this moment, the strange thing suddenly waved his hand, and a gust of cold wind whistled up.

The dust, some debris and some construction waste in the room were blown out of the room in an instant.

Mu Rufeng and Liu Mei were blown out of the room without any resistance.

Immediately, the door closed instantly, leaving only Mu Rufeng and Liu Mei standing there in shock.

"Let's go, Manager Liu." Mu Rufeng called out.

"Yes." Liu Mei nodded, and the two immediately walked into the elevator and returned to the third floor.

"Manager Liu, I'll go back to sleep first. Tomorrow you can have someone enter the information of this guest into the computer system." Mu Rufeng said.

"Yes." Liu Mei nodded, and then walked towards the office.


Mu Rufeng returned to the room, closed the door, and then locked it.

"Captain, Zhu Shixuan, it shouldn't be possible to be an eighth-level ghost king? How can it be such a coincidence?" Mu Rufeng murmured.

The captain of the Gluttony Cruise is also an eighth-level ghost king, and he seems to have been injured in the previous battle with the Bloody Train.

Are the two the same person? Also, shouldn't the Gluttony Cruise be in the Dead Sea? Can the captain leave the Gluttony Cruise at will?

"I can't figure it out myself, let's call the train conductor to ask."

Mu Rufeng immediately took out his mobile phone and called the train conductor.


After a minute, the conductor's phone automatically hung up, and no one answered.

Mu Rufeng had no choice but to use the privilege of the phone card.

As a user of the Black Gold Phone Card, Mu Rufeng has the privilege of forcibly connecting the phone once a day.

When Mu Rufeng used the privilege, the call was connected directly.

However, there was a loud snoring sound from the other end of the phone.

It goes without saying that the conductor was sleeping.

"Does Wei Yi have to sleep too?" Mu Rufeng was a little speechless.

"Wake up, wake up, conductor." Mu Rufeng shouted.

However, the response to Mu Rufeng was still a loud snoring sound.

This time, Mu Rufeng was really helpless.

The phone can be connected by force, but he can't use this phone to wake up the conductor.

Even the Black Gold Card doesn't have this function.

Two chapters will be updated first, and there will be another chapter later

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