I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 160 Red light flashes [ask for monthly pass! ]

Mu Rufeng called a few more times, but he still didn't wake up. Helplessly, he had to hang up the phone.

Immediately, he edited a text message and sent it to the conductor.

At the same time, he was afraid that the conductor would not see it, so he sent five messages in a row, all with the same content.

After sending the text message, Mu Rufeng lay back on the bed and continued to sleep.

No words all night.

At seven o'clock in the morning, Mu Rufeng was awakened by the alarm clock on time.

Get up, wash, go to the toilet, and then have breakfast.

What happened last night did not affect Liu Yong and others.

In fact, because of Mu Rufeng, they slept very sweetly last night.

It can be said that it was the most comfortable and fragrant day to sleep in the weird copy, and no one was sad.

Mu Rufeng inspected the hotel and the external parking lot as usual.

The three security guards were still patrolling diligently. What happened last night had been reported to Liu Mei.

Liu Mei did not punish them, and even compensated them with a few hundred yuan in medical expenses.

Just as Mu Rufeng and others were waiting for the start of work, they saw three strange people in formal attire entering the hotel.

Liu Mei seemed to have received the news long ago, and when they arrived, she immediately went to meet them.

She even called Mu Rufeng over.

There was no need to ask, it must be Xu Yin who sent his men to serve as the hotel manager.

Liu Mei was only a temporary agent after all. She was the manager of the human resources department in Scarlet Optimization, which was much better than the position here.

A group company with a scale of tens of billions is naturally not comparable to the Blood Boring Hotel with a scale of only 300 million.

"Hello, Manager Liu, I am Han Chun, who was sent by President Xu to serve as the lobby manager of the Blood Boring Hotel."

"This must be Mr. Mu, hello, President Xu specifically told me that you and your friends can move freely in the hotel, and we will actively cooperate."

"We will try our best to take care of the temporary players recruited later." Han Chun said.

"Then I would like to thank Manager Han here first." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

Zhao Youfeng and others on the side were also full of joy when they heard the words.

Originally, they only hoped to pass the customs safely. Now, because of Mu Rufeng, they can pass the customs with a high degree of clearance. This is simply too dreamy.

"Manager Han, Mr. Mu is now the deputy manager of the hotel. I will leave first. There are still many things to deal with at Scarlet Selection." Liu Mei said.

"Okay, Miss Liu, please." Although Han Chun is a level 6 weird, he is extremely respectful to Liu Mei, a level 5 weird.

As for facing Mu Rufeng, who is level 2, he is even more respectful.

He even faces Mu Rufeng as a subordinate.

"Mr. Mu, you can do whatever you want these days, and you can arrange your friends."

"If you want to manage some things in the hotel, I will..."

Han Chun was interrupted by Mu Rufeng before he finished speaking: "I don't have so much time to manage it. Anyway, I will be back after tomorrow."

"You should take good care of this hotel. This hotel has a very good prospect."

"By the way, let me tell you that an eighth-level ghost king has checked into Room 801 of the Xuetong Hotel."

"It is not open to the public yet. Please send an employee to wait there." Mu Rufeng said.

"Eighth-level ghost king? Not open to the public?" Han Chun's face was a little surprised.

"Okay, Mr. Mu." Han Chun nodded solemnly.

"Mr. Mu, I have just taken office and there are still many things to deal with. Please feel free to do as you please. If you have any questions, please tell me. I will serve you as soon as possible." Han Chun said.

"Well, we have to go to work too." Mu Rufeng nodded.

Immediately, Han Chun took the two people behind him to the office.

At the same time, they also gathered those weird employees again before going to work.

When a new official takes office, he naturally has to recognize everyone. Not only Han Chun knows the employees, but also the employees know Han Chun and others.

Time gradually reached eight o'clock.

Mu Rufeng had already asked everyone to return to their posts.

Mu Rufeng was still guarding the sixth floor alone.

The fourth and fifth floors were Liu Yong and Wang Ziqi respectively.

As for the seventh floor, it was in charge of a weird employee, and as for another weird waiter, he was waiting on the eighth floor to serve the eighth-level ghost king.

In a blink of an eye, time came to ten o'clock in the morning.

In these two hours, there was still no room service.

"Bai Jingwei, do you have any way to lead the hanged ghost and the smoker out." Mu Rufeng pondered for a while and asked.

"No need for any method, as long as I leave the hotel openly, they will definitely follow." Bai Jingwei said.

"Is that so? Okay, I'll go out this afternoon, and I'll see how to deal with them." Mu Rufeng said.

As a dungeon player, Mu Rufeng cannot leave the Xuetong Hotel dungeon.

However, he has now become the deputy manager of the hotel, and can give himself some outing tasks.

Although this kind of task will not increase the clearance, it's enough to be able to go out.

It's just right, take advantage of this time to go to Baibaolou.

"Thank you, Brother Mu." Bai Jingwei hurriedly thanked him, and was very moved.

"Didi didi~~~!"

Suddenly, Mu Rufeng's cell phone rang rapidly.

He took out his phone and looked at it, and found that it was the hotel APP.

When he opened it and took a look, he immediately knew that the lights were on on the fourth floor, and the lights were still red.

Mu Rufeng immediately pressed the elevator button without any hesitation.

Not long after, we took the elevator to the fourth floor.

When the elevator opened, Liu Yong was seen stepping inside.

But when he saw Mu Rufeng, he paused, then with a face filled with surprise, he pointed to a door in the back and said, "Brother Mu, you're down, I was about to go find you, the red light came on. "

Mu Rufeng nodded and walked quickly towards that side.

Not long after, Mu Rufeng stood in front of the gate of 404.

When the red light comes on, it means that the guests inside are out of control.

Because the injury has worsened too seriously and he has lost his mind, at this time, the hotel manager and deputy manager need to go and deal with it.

The higher the position, the more powerful one is.

This is why when a red light comes on, the hotel manager and deputy manager should be notified immediately.

But, as for the little card pressed on the windowsill.

Items 1, 2 and 5 are correct.

However, the third and fourth articles were entirely written by the previous deputy manager Wang Gen himself, just to deceive players like them.

[3. When the red light lights up above the guest room, do not notify the manager. Go to the door to perform room service yourself. 】

[4. When two red lights are on, please ensure that you have two room attendants to perform room service respectively. 】

This kind of out-of-control weirdness has no sense, only knows how to kill and torture, and is completely unable to communicate. If you get in, you will die.

Even if you are a contractor, at the same level, there is a high probability that you will be included in it.

Mu Rufeng took out her mobile phone, entered the hotel's APP, and retrieved the 404 information.

"You wait outside." Mu Rufeng warned Liu Yong and prepared to enter.

But at this moment, the elevator opened again, and Han Chun walked over from inside.

"Mr. Mu, wait a minute, let me go. The strange thing inside is an out-of-control level six red-clothed ghost. It is too dangerous." Han Chun did not dare to let Mu Rufeng take risks.

The most important thing is that he is a level 6 trick, and with the blessing of the hotel's power, he has level 7 combat power and can easily solve this out-of-control level 6 trick.

"Haha, Manager Han, no need. It just so happens that I also want to try the power of the sixth-level trick." Mu Rufeng smiled calmly and resolutely opened the door of 404.

When the door opened, a burst of blazing flames spurted out.

Mu Rufeng's eyes froze for a moment, then she teleported and disappeared from the spot.

Then, the door clicked and closed directly.

Seeing this, Han Chun suddenly didn't know what to do.

He wanted to just barge in, but felt that would be rude.

"Forget it, Mr. Mu must have his own trump card before he dares to enter. Three minutes. If you don't come out after three minutes, I will go in and have a look." Han Chun made up his mind and waited at the door.

Mu Rufeng used teleportation to successfully avoid the will-o'-the-wisp and entered Room 404 directly.

The entire room was filled with thick smoke and terrifying high temperatures.

Some furniture had begun to burn.

In front, a tall figure stood, with a large amount of smoke and flames emerging from his body.

This is a level six red-clothed fierce ghost with the power of fire.

However, Mu Rufeng felt that this was strange and somewhat familiar.

"Huh? Wait, you...are you Zhang Xiaojie?"

When Mu Rufeng saw the strange thing clearly, his face was filled with shock.

He knew this person, the same Jiao Gui whom Mu Rufeng had borrowed ten million from on the bloody train.

In his previous life, he was a fireman who was burned to death, a Level 6 Scorched Ghost. Because of investment failure, or maybe he was defrauded, all his savings were lost, and he even owed the bank half a million yuan.

He also went to find trouble with the person who defrauded him, but was seriously injured by that person's accomplice.

Unexpectedly, we met again after half a month.

And it was still at the Blood Boring Hotel that he met Zhang Xiaojie, who was out of control.


Faced with Mu Rufeng's call, he responded with a roar.

A blazing flame came instantly, trying to drown Mu Rufeng.

When Weiyi maintains his sanity, he can communicate.

If you want to make Weird lose control, it will not lose control even if it is seriously injured.

If you want the weirdness to get out of control, your spirit must be polluted, which will lead to real weirdness.

After becoming weird, it is difficult to regain sanity.

In this case, either he was dealt with by another Weird, or he killed everyone in a certain area and was then dealt with by Weird.

Thanks to Skywalker for the 5000 point reward! Thanks to Eternal Ancient Youyou for the 2166 point reward! Thank you Oscar 621 for your 2000 point reward, and thank you book friend 20171226230438590 for your 200 point reward! Thanks to Master Duoduo, Palace Master Mingyue, and Shani’s dad for the 100-point reward! Thank you everyone for your monthly passes and subscriptions!

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