I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 162: Outbound mission, go to Baibaolou [ask for monthly votes! ]

When the props were used, the singing mouth turned into a black light and sank into Zhang Xiaojie's body.

"Once again, you rushed into the wind and rain,

Once again, embarked on a journey without regrets,

Once again, faced the rising flames,

This is a war of blood and fire,

Every time, you encounter many difficulties,

Every time you must keep moving forward,

Every time, sweat and tears are surging,

Save lives from fire and water..."

A sonorous and powerful lyric sang from Zhang Xiaojie's mouth.

The eyes that were originally full of red light and full of tyranny, at this moment, slowly became bright and agile.

Accompanied by the singing of each sentence and Zhang Xiaojie's strict body movements, Mu Rufeng could clearly feel that Zhang Xiaojie seemed to have regained his sanity at this moment?

Because Mu Rufeng found that Zhang Xiaojie's eyes were staring at him.

It was not the kind of hatred and ferocious stare, but the kind of gratitude and appreciation.

"Hmm? This is..." Mu Rufeng's eyes focused, and he found that the invisible energy in the room was being quickly absorbed by Zhang Xiaojie.

And the violent breath in Zhang Xiaojie's body was slowly fading.

"It really works. Xiaoying, you helped me a lot." Mu Rufeng praised.

"Hehe, I'm glad that you can help daddy." Xiaoying said with a smile.

Soon, a song was over.

[The Mouth That Loves to Sing] also returned to Mu Rufeng's hands, and then he put it away.

"Are you awake?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Awake, thank you for saving me again." As if something was pressed on his throat, his voice seemed extremely hoarse.

"The flame vehicle card you gave me helped me a lot." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"What's the situation with you? I lent you 10 million at that time. You should have gone to the hospital to heal your injuries, right?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"It's a long story, and it's just my bad luck." Zhang Xiaojie said slowly.

Soon, Zhang Xiaojie told his previous story.

After getting the support from Mu Rufeng, he got off at the horror hospital.

He spent 300,000 soul notes and successfully healed his injuries.

Then he bought some spiritual objects and props, and after raising his strength to the peak of level 6, he went to find his enemies again for revenge.

This time, he made full preparations and even called a familiar friend to go together to find the weird who had seriously injured him.

Two level 6 weirds, together, there was no accident, the weird and his accomplices were all killed by the two, and revenge was successfully avenged.

Even the fraudulent money was recovered, and more than one million was earned.

However, after the incident was over, Zhang Xiaojie's friend actually attacked Zhang Xiaojie.

He was directly injured, and fortunately Zhang Xiaojie used a level 6 prop, the transfer card, and successfully escaped.

Unfortunately, the strange ability of the sneak attack was very special, which polluted Zhang Xiaojie's body and made it difficult to suppress it.

Finally, he came to the hotel and bought a lot of level 5 spiritual objects to try to suppress it.

Unfortunately, he failed to suppress it in the end, was completely polluted, and lost his mind.

"I think you are really in trouble." Mu Rufeng shook his head.

"That guy must have thought about the money on me, otherwise, he would not have attacked me."

"Fortunately, Mr. Mu is here, otherwise, I would really be completely hopeless now." Zhang Xiaojie really respected Mu Rufeng at this moment.

"This is also a coincidence. I didn't expect that you would be in the Xuetong Hotel."

"Besides, you are lucky. Although the VIP room of the Xuetong Hotel has not been renovated yet, it can be put into use."

"You are not out of danger now. You need to stay here for a long time, and you have to swallow some specific level 5 and level 6 spiritual objects to fully recover." Mu Rufeng said.

"Well, I will repay you in the future." Zhang Xiaojie didn't know what to say, and nodded.

"Haha, repay or something, I have already determined that you are my contract weird, you wait until I reach level 5." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Okay." Zhang Xiaojie nodded solemnly.

"You wait here first, I just need to go to the Treasure House, I will buy you some spiritual objects." Mu Rufeng said.

"No need, I have them here, I bought a lot before coming to the hotel, but I can't suppress them. If I'm here, it should be no problem." Zhang Xiaojie said.

"Okay." Mu Rufeng nodded.

"Mr. Mu, how did you appear here, could it be that your copy this time is the Blood Boring Hotel?" Zhang Xiaojie asked curiously.

"Yes, today is the second day, and I will be back after get off work tomorrow."

"I have bought some shares of Xuetong Hotel, and now I am a shareholder of Xuetong Hotel and the deputy manager of Xuetong Hotel."

"I have already talked to Manager Han, if you have any questions, you can find him, as for the room fee, I will pay for one month for you." Mu Rufeng said.

"Thank you, if you have any questions in the future, you can find me directly, I will definitely go through fire and water, without hesitation." Zhang Xiaojie said.

"Recover here." Mu Rufeng waved his hand and left the room directly.


In a blink of an eye, time came to two o'clock in the afternoon.

After Mu Rufeng arranged the work of the players, he gave himself a task to go out and buy food.

The stipulated time was three hours, which gave Mu Rufeng enough time.

After leaving the Xuetong Hotel, Mu Rufeng let the bandages smell bloody to cover up his popularity.

Then, he glanced at the tree not far away.

More than a dozen brand-new electric donkeys were gathered there, and Ma Qiu's companions were still nowhere to be seen.

Obviously, this piece of land has been occupied by these brand-new electric donkeys.

Mu Rufeng didn't care much about it, and then he took Ma Qiu out directly.

At this moment, Ma Qiu no longer looked shabby before, but had become brand new.

Even the level was upgraded from level 1 to level 2.

[Small Electric Donkey Ma Qiu]: Level 2 vehicle, this is a reborn small electric donkey.

Effect: It has automatic driving function, is familiar with all the roads in Qingshan City, and can reach a maximum speed of 100 kilometers per hour.

Note: Only ten soul coins are needed for one hundred kilometers.

"Two-level vehicle? The upgrade is quite fast." Mu Rufeng nodded with satisfaction.

At this moment, Ma Qiu was still sleeping soundly. Even when Mu Rufeng took it out, he didn't react at all.

"Wake up, wake up, work." Mu Rufeng sat on it directly.

As for the flame vehicle card, it is still too conspicuous, so it's better not to use it.

"Ah~~ Master, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's too boring in the inventory, so I took a nap."

When Mu Rufeng sat on it, Ma Qiu woke up instantly, and then hurriedly said with an apologetic look.

"Okay, let's go quickly, to the Treasure House." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, Master." Ma Qiu started and drove quickly forward.

It took only half a quarter of an hour for Ma Qiu to stop in front of the gate of the Treasure House.

This time, Mu Rufeng didn't stop Ma Qiu on the side of the road, but directly put Ma Qiu into the inventory.

When he came yesterday, he didn't see anyone, because they all knew that the Baibao Building was closed yesterday.

After it was opened today, there were a lot of people.

At this moment, people were coming and going in front of the Baibao Building, and many strange people were coming in and out. It was obvious that the business here was very good.

Inside the Baibao Building, there were many guests and staff, but they were all behind the window, and there were only five staff in the hall.

Many guests were not followed by employees, but at this moment, an employee came to Mu Rufeng.

"Welcome, sir, is this your first time to our Baibao Building?"

As soon as Mu Rufeng entered, a pale-faced woman in a business suit came up strangely.

"Yes." Mu Rufeng looked around and nodded.

"Hello, guest, this is your first time here. As long as you buy any item, you can become a user of our Baibao Building. You can choose the items you need to buy in the operation area."

The employee led Mu Rufeng to a self-service machine.

"Thank you." Mu Rufeng thanked him and stood in front of the self-service machine.

I have to say that this is very modern.

It is not difficult to operate. There are many partitions on the self-service machine.

First, there is a partition for levels 1-9, and then there is a separate partition for rule props.

Then, under each level of partition, there are many categories.

Like what props, spiritual objects, etc., and under the props, there are more detailed partitions, such as what attack type, auxiliary type, etc.

Even spiritual objects are divided into many categories, which makes Mu Rufeng dazzled.

After thinking about it, Mu Rufeng directly clicked on the partition of rule props.

However, to Mu Rufeng's surprise, he did not have the authority to enter, but needed to spend 100,000 in Baibaolou to enter the partition of rule props.

Mu Rufeng immediately clicked on the ninth-level partition, but to Mu Rufeng's disappointment, he still could not view it.

Mu Rufeng clicked all the way down and found that he could only click on the first-level partition.

The staff member at the side seemed to notice Mu Rufeng's doubts and immediately said, "Sir, you need to buy a first-level prop first and open a Baibaolou account."

"After you download our Baibaolou APP, you can view the prop partitions that do not exceed your first level."

"As for higher partitions and rule props, as long as you spend 100,000 yuan, you can view them all."

Mu Rufeng nodded and said, "Thank you, I understand."

Then Mu Rufeng looked through the first-level prop area and clicked on the attack type.

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