I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 163 Level 2 Power Fruit and Level 3 Power Fruit [Please give me a monthly ticket! ]

My goodness, the things inside really seem like no one wants them even if they are given away for free.

Like some ‘worn kitchen knife’, a broken steel ruler, a bloodstained brick, a rusty nail clipper, etc.

These things are all sold at a uniform price of ten yuan. I can only say, is there really anyone who would buy them?

Then, Mu Rufeng looked through the first-level spiritual objects area.

To be honest, only first-level spiritual objects can be looked at. First-level props are really, unbearable to look at.

“Huh? It’s the meat fruit? And the soul fruit and the power fruit?” Mu Rufeng exclaimed in surprise.

These three fruits are actually first-level spiritual objects? This surprised Mu Rufeng a little.

You know, this attribute is very strong.

[Soul Fruit]: After eating, it can increase 1 point of spirit, up to 5 points. Price: 1000

[Flesh Fruit]: After eating, it can increase 1 point of physique, up to 5 points. Price: 1000

[Power Fruit]: After eating, it can increase 1 point of strength, up to 5 points. Price: 1000

Suddenly, Mu Rufeng's eyes narrowed, and he saw the price.

"One thousand soul coins? Only one thousand soul coins?" Mu Rufeng's pupils shrank slightly.

Just kidding, the three kinds of fruits he bought on the bloody train cost 10,000 soul coins each.

"So, the price difference on the bloody train is ten times?" Mu Rufeng now understands the terrifying benefits of the bloody train.

Of course, only Mu Rufeng, the sucker, bought them, and didn't even look at the fact that those fruits have been in stock on the bloody train for several years.

"Excuse me, is there a limit on the purchase quantity of these three kinds of fruits?" Mu Rufeng looked at the staff who had not left yet and asked.

"Sir, there is no limit on this fruit, and only higher levels have restrictions." The staff said.

"Higher levels have restrictions?" Mu Rufeng said with some surprise.

"Yes, sir, starting from level three, these three kinds of fruits are limited to purchase, and each customer can only buy a maximum of ten." The staff said.

Mu Rufeng didn't say anything, and directly clicked to buy a fruit of power.

However, when it came to the payment interface, Mu Rufeng was a little stunned.

There were four options, namely cash, card, face payment and fingerprint payment.

"Sir, you can choose any one. Face payment is the most convenient. It will automatically deduct the money from your bound Tiandi Bank card." The staff explained.

"Haha, this is really intelligent." Mu Rufeng immediately chose face payment.

Soon, the deduction of one thousand soul coins was successful.

Mu Rufeng also felt that the Tiandi Bank card trembled slightly, and a message was directly printed in Mu Rufeng's mind.

[Your bank card pays one thousand soul notes in the Baibao Building in Qingshan City]

The next second, a black mist appeared out of thin air, and then the fruit of power appeared in Mu Rufeng's hand.

"Sir, you are now a user of our Baibaolou. You can download the APP and then purchase goods on the APP."

"As long as you are in Baibaolou, the goods will appear directly in your hands after purchase."

"Even if you are in the outside world, set an address, as long as it is in Qingshan City, it will be delivered within an hour." The staff said.

"Thank you for your help. Where can I download this APP?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Please scan here." The staff quickly took out his mobile phone and displayed a QR code.

Mu Rufeng nodded and scanned it immediately.

"Guest, you have downloaded it and can log in by scanning your face. I have something to do, so I will leave first."

After Mu Rufeng scanned the QR code, the staff left this sentence and left directly.

Mu Rufeng did not care about it, because the APP was installed.

Mu Rufeng clicked the login button, then scanned his face and logged in directly.

[Congratulations to the new user, Mu Rufeng entered the Baibaolou APP. Your level is level 2. You can currently view and purchase partitions with level 3 and below permissions. ]

[Your current consumption amount is: 1,000 yuan]

[Your user level is level 1...] Click...Details to view the specific upgrade rules and permissions corresponding to the level.

Mu Rufeng directly clicked on the ones behind the user level...

[Any consumption can be upgraded to level 1...] Click the ellipsis to view the level permissions.

[Spending 10,000 yuan can be upgraded to level 2...] Click the ellipsis to view the level permissions.

[Spending 20,000 yuan can be upgraded to level 3...] Click the ellipsis to view the level permissions.

[Spending 30,000 yuan can be upgraded to level 4...] Click the ellipsis to view the level permissions.

[Spending 50,000 yuan can be upgraded to level 5...] Click the ellipsis to view the level permissions.

[Spending 100,000 yuan can be upgraded to level 6...] Click the ellipsis to view the level permissions.

[Spending 1 million yuan can be upgraded to level 7...] Click the ellipsis to view the level permissions.

[Spending 5 million yuan can be upgraded to level 8...] Click the ellipsis to view the level permissions. ]

[Spending 10 million yuan can be upgraded to level 9...] Click the ellipsis to view the level permissions. 】

Mu Rufeng was a little dazzled by all these levels of authority.

After thinking about it, Mu Rufeng decided to spend 100,000 yuan first. After all, what he wanted to see most were the rule-based props.

"By the way, I heard from the staff that the Fruit of Power is also divided into levels one, two, and three?"

Immediately, Mu Rufeng came to the second-level partition and searched for the fruit of power directly.

[Soul Fruit]: A second-level spiritual object, which can increase 1 point of spirit after consumption, up to 5 points. Price: 10,000

[Flesh Fruit]: A second-level spiritual object, which can increase 1 point of physique after consumption, up to 5 points. Price: 10,000

[Power Fruit]: A second-level spiritual object, which can increase 1 point of strength after consumption, up to 5 points. Price: 10,000

"This is..." When Mu Rufeng saw the attributes of these three fruits, his face suddenly lit up.

It seems that fruits of different levels can be superimposed. For example, after eating five first-level power fruits, eating them again will have no effect.

However, if you continue to eat second-level power fruits, you can eat five more and increase five attributes.

Without any hesitation, Mu Rufeng directly placed an order for five each, and 150,000 soul notes were swiped away instantly.

In terms of price, Mu Rufeng really didn't care at all.

Swish, swish, 15 fruits appeared out of thin air.

Mu Rufeng reacted quickly, and quickly intertwined the bandages to form a bag, and put all the fruits in it.

Mu Rufeng looked around and found that no one was paying attention to him.

However, after all, this place was still a little too conspicuous.

He glanced around, found the location of the toilet, and went in directly.

However, the dozen or so pits inside were all squatted by weirdos.

Obviously, these weirdos also felt that buying things in the lobby was too high-profile, so they hid in the toilet secretly.

It was at this time that there was a movement in the fifth pit, and a weirdo walked out of it.

He glanced at Mu Rufeng, didn't care, and left directly.

Mu Rufeng immediately entered and closed the toilet door.

It must be said that the sound insulation effect in this pit is also very good, and no other sounds can be heard at all.

Moreover, the environment in this pit is very good, not dirty or smelly at all.

Mu Rufeng immediately sat on the toilet, took a fruit of strength and stuffed it into his mouth.

The fruit was not big, only the size of a ping-pong ball.

Once it entered his mouth, he didn't need to chew it, and it turned into a pure energy that flowed through his limbs and bones.

[Eat the fruit of strength, increase the strength attribute by 1 point]

"Huh, it's so comfortable." Feeling the energy flowing through his body, it was really very comfortable.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng took these fruits and stuffed them into his mouth one by one.

[Eat the fruit of strength, increase the strength attribute by 1 point]


[Eat the fruit of flesh, increase the physical attribute by 1 point]


[Eat the fruit of soul, increase the spiritual attribute by 1 point]

After a while, all fifteen fruits were eaten by Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng felt much more energetic and stronger.

His figure was also a little stronger than before.

Although the attributes are exactly the same as those of the first-level fruit, they are really different.

Mu Rufeng recalled what Xiao Fei, the chief train attendant, said on the train. This fruit can only be eaten by the contractor. This is absolutely nonsense.

They said that there are few contractors, so they can't sell it. In fact, the fruit is too expensive. Those weirdos know the normal price, so no one buys it.

It was really Mu Rufeng who bought it.

Mu Rufeng opened his attribute panel.

[Name]: Mu Rufeng

[Age]: 24

[Level]: LV2 (1/3)

[Strength]: 1543.3 (140.3+1403)

[Spirit]: 1388.2 (126.2+1262)

[Constitution]: 1344.2 (122.2+1222)

[Contract Slot]: LV3 Ghost Infant (Mu Guiying)/LV3 Bai Jingwei

[Ghost Power]: Level 3

[Title]: [Crazy Driver] [Pig Killer]

[Skills]: [Life and Death] [You are a Pig]

[Luck Value]: 4

Items: [Scarlet Optimized Share Contract] [Qingshan Pig Farm Share Contract] [Blood Boring Hotel Share Contract] [Bloodthirsty Bandage] [Singing Mouth] [Tian Di Bank Platinum Card] [Flame Vehicle Card] [Bloody Train Black Gold Membership Card] [Clown's Crazy Chainsaw] [Light Energy Flashlight] [Security's Electric Baton] [Ferocious Butcher's Knife] [Gambler's Dice] [Boat Ticket] [Worn Sandbag] [Gourmet's Tablecloth] [Nameless Ghost Hand]

Soul Coins: 125 million

Looking at such high attributes, Mu Rufeng immediately looked at the third-level props area again.

As expected, he still found the third-level fruit.

[Soul Fruit]: A third-level spiritual object, which can increase 1 point of spirit after consumption, up to 5 points. Price: 30,000

[Meat Fruit]: A third-level spiritual object, which can increase 1 point of physique after consumption, up to 5 points. Price: 30,000

[Fruit of Strength]: A third-level spiritual object. After consumption, it can increase strength by 1 point, up to 5 points. Price: 30,000

"It has tripled in an instant? I'm afraid that ordinary weirdos can't afford it?" Mu Rufeng was slightly surprised.

However, soon, a happy look appeared on his face.

For him, soul money is really not lacking!

It's a bit late today, sorry, there is still one chapter, and I'm typing like crazy! There may be typos, please forgive me, you can comment and I will correct it

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