I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 164 Rules and Props: I Want to Become an Immortal [Please give me a monthly ticket! ]

Without any hesitation, Mu Rufeng directly bought fifteen level three spiritual fruits.

450,000 soul notes were paid directly by face recognition.

When the fruit appeared, Mu Rufeng could clearly feel the ghost energy fluctuations emanating from it, which was much stronger than before.

Immediately, he quickly swallowed all the level three fruits one by one.

[Eat the fruit of strength, increase the strength attribute by 1 point]


[Eat the fruit of soul, increase the spiritual attribute by 1 point]


[Eat the fruit of flesh, increase the physical attribute by 1 point]

[Strength]: 1598.3 (145.3+1453)

[Spirit]: 1443.2 (131.2+1312)

[Physique]: 1366.2 (127.2+1272)

At this moment, Mu Rufeng felt that he had become a little stronger.

I am afraid that the current level six weirdness can be easily suppressed by him.

As for the level seven, it is still a long way off.

Just when Mu Rufeng was about to go to the fourth-level partition, he found that he did not have the authority.

Although the amount of consumption had reached level 6, because his own level was only level 2, he could only see the third-level partition at most.

As for the rule props, Mu Rufeng already had the authority to view them.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng entered the rule props partition.

There were quite a few rule props, there were dozens of them.

The cheapest one was only 100,000 soul coins.

[Say No Loudly]: You have to learn to refuse.

Effect: Rule props, when you ask others for help, others will definitely not agree to your request.

Note: After each use, the next time someone asks you for help, no matter what the matter is, you must refuse it sternly.

Well, this rule prop is only priced at 100,000 soul coins.

It feels like a very strange prop, and that's why it's sold for only 100,000.

And the most expensive one is as high as 1 billion.

[I Want to Become an Immortal]: I want to ride on an immortal and go back, but I am afraid that the jade buildings are too cold up there, so I dance with my shadow, how can I feel like I am in the human world.

Effect: A one-time rule-based prop. Reciting the above poem can turn you into an immortal and possess the power of an immortal.

Note: The duration is calculated based on age. It can last for one second for every year consumed. Once used, it cannot be stopped until the age is reset to zero.

"I want to become an immortal? The power of an immortal?" Mu Rufeng was stunned after reading the properties of this prop.

Ten billion, compared to this property, it should not be expensive, right?

Immortal, that's an immortal. Although I don't know what kind of power an immortal has, it can at least be comparable to the power of the ninth-level ghost emperor in this world, right?

And Mu Rufeng feels that the power of this immortal is absolutely beyond the power of the ghost emperor.

However, looking at the price, the age is reset to zero, needless to say, it must be dead.

A one-time prop, and the price is to pay life, ten billion, that's about the same.

However, it is estimated that this prop is the treasure of Baibaolou, which is just for everyone to see and will not be sold at all.

This is definitely a super trump card. With this prop, no force dares to attack Baibaolou.

Because once Baibaolou uses this prop, it must eliminate the existence of the forces hostile to them.

After calming down, Mu Rufeng also saw the blind box of rule props in it.

The price is one million, but he is not eligible to buy it. This requires a lottery to obtain the purchase qualification.

Mu Rufeng looked through some rule props again. It must be said that most of the rule props here are some junk.

[Unending hot and spicy tissues]: This is a pack of unending and spicy tissues.

Effect: Rule props, no matter how you use tissues, this pack of tissues will never be used up.

Note: Never use it to wipe your butt, otherwise, be careful that your PP will become hot.

[Ordinary chopsticks]: This is a pair of ordinary chopsticks.

Effect: Rule-based props, eating with it can speed up eating by 50%.

Note: If you eat with it, you will temporarily lose your sense of taste.

Look, look, what is the use of this rule-based prop?

One hundred thousand soul notes, it is really not worth it.

Mu Rufeng was not discouraged and continued to check these rule-based props.

In the end, Mu Rufeng locked on a pretty good rule-based prop.

[Decay Master Key]: This key can only open the lock 10,000 times. As the number of unlockings gradually increases, it has become somewhat rotten.

Effect: Rule-based props, a master key that can open all doors, even fingerprint locks or password locks.

Unlocking times: 9990/10000

Note: When the number of unlockings reaches 10,000 times, the key will disappear directly.

Although it is only ten times, Mu Rufeng feels that it will definitely be useful.

Moreover, the price is only one million.

Moreover, this thing can actually be sold in installments, one unlocking time is 100,000 yuan.

One million is nothing to Mu Rufeng, this thing will definitely come in handy in the future.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng placed an order and spent one million to buy this rotten master key.

As for other rule-based props, Mu Rufeng did not find a satisfactory one.

There are a few with good properties, but the price is tens of millions, and Mu Rufeng feels that Baibaolou is not sincere in selling them.

Mu Rufeng searched in the props area and the spiritual object area, bought a lot of things, and then ended this trip to Baibaolou.

After going to the toilet, Mu Rufeng left here.

Riding a small electric donkey, Mu Rufeng went to the vegetable market for purchase.

Since the purchase task was issued, he naturally had to purchase the things back.

Fifteen minutes later, Ma Qiu took Mu Rufeng to a somewhat noisy vegetable market.

[Qingshan Old Street Vegetable Market]

This is also the place where the chef in the back kitchen told Mu Rufeng to purchase.

He didn't need to purchase much, just hundreds of kilograms of fresh corpse worms and one hundred kilograms of corpse oil.

Walking in the messy vegetable market, smelling the fishy smell in the air, Mu Rufeng actually felt a hint of fireworks here.

If it weren't for the strange and horrible appearance of these merchants and customers, Mu Rufeng would really feel like he had returned to the real world.

"Fatty Oil Refinery, this is it." Mu Rufeng stopped in front of a shabby store.

"Boss, give me 100 kilograms of corpse oil." Mu Rufeng shouted directly after entering the store.

"100 kilograms? Sure, a total of 1,000 soul coins, do you want cash or card, or face recognition?" A greasy fat weird said.

"Ten yuan per kilogram? I remember, shouldn't you sell it at eight yuan per kilogram?" Mu Rufeng asked.

The kitchen told him that the corpse oil at the Fatty Oil Refinery is eight yuan per kilogram, the lowest price in the entire Qingshan City, and the quality can also be ranked among the top.

"Eight yuan? When have I ever sold oil at eight yuan per kilogram? Ten yuan per kilogram, take it or not." The fat man said impatiently.

"I'm the deputy manager of the Xuetong Hotel. In the past, our chef, Master Liu, always bought from you at eight yuan per catty." Mu Rufeng said again.

"Deputy manager of the Xuetong Hotel? Are you sure? I remember it should be Wang Weng, right?" Fatty looked Mu Rufeng up and down, and said with a suspicious look.

"The management of the Xuetong Hotel has changed a little. Eight yuan, I want one hundred catties, is that okay?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Since it's Brother Liu who said it, then I'll give you eight yuan per catty." Fatty finally agreed to Mu Rufeng's price of eight yuan per catty.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng carried one hundred catties of lard and walked to another store.

It didn't take long, and he spent two thousand soul coins to buy one hundred catties of corpse worms.

After leaving the vegetable market, Mu Rufeng carried a large object in one hand and rode a small electric donkey towards the Xuetong Hotel.

However, not long after walking, Ma Qiu suddenly stopped.

"Huh? Ma Qiu, what's wrong?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"That. Master, I seem to have seen my companions." Ma Qiu suddenly said.

"Where?" Mu Rufeng immediately looked around.

Soon, Mu Rufeng saw a large group of electric donkeys on the road diagonally opposite.

There were about twenty brand-new electric donkeys forming a circle.

At the same time, in the center of their circle, there were seven extremely dilapidated electric donkeys.

"Why? Want to help them?" Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Yeah." Ma Qiu nodded.

"I remember that they mocked you when they were competing with you for business." Mu Rufeng said.

"Competing for business, this is normal, I have also mocked them a lot, we have been through hardships together, so we don't care so much."

"Master, I want to save them, can I? They are surrounded by those electric donkeys, they definitely can't escape." Ma Qiu asked carefully.

"Haha, go ahead. Here, this is for you. If you can't win, use it and inject soul power." Mu Rufeng said, and got out of the car, and then put the flame vehicle card on Ma Qiu's body.

"Thank you, master." Ma Qiu was very excited when he saw Mu Rufeng agreed and gave him all the flame vehicle cards.

Immediately, Ma Qiu rushed across the road quickly.

Mu Rufeng didn't wait here, holding the corpse worm and corpse oil, and walked towards the zebra crossing in front.

To cross the road, you still have to use the zebra crossing.


"Why are you chasing us?"

"We have come to this point."

"Yes, we have come to the garbage dump, why are you still chasing us."

"We are all electric donkeys, please be kind and let us go, okay?"

Several dilapidated electric donkeys shouted loudly to the electric donkeys around.

"You rubbish should be scrapped."

"You are already the rubbish of the previous generation. Fortunately, there is a garbage dump nearby. We can dispose of you and throw you there."

"Don't you even look at your status? How dare you say that you are all electric donkeys like us?"

The words of these brand new electric donkeys are full of disdain and sarcasm.

Here are the third updates.

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