I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 166: Wilderness, the source of pollution [asking for monthly votes]

Chapter 166 Wilderness, the source of pollution [monthly votes requested!]

After two seconds, Mu Rufeng finally recovered and his eyes gradually regained their sight.

However, the strong light still made Mu Rufeng shed tears.

"Damn, I never cried when I got an injection when I was a child, but now I am crying because of your pair of light bulb eyes." Mu Rufeng cursed and wiped his tears.

At this moment, the weirdo had actually jumped onto the van and seemed to be ready to drive away.

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng kicked hard and the ground cracked instantly.

And Mu Rufeng also came in an instant like a tiger descending from the mountain, and fiercely crashed into the body of the van.

"Bang!" There was a loud noise.

The van had just started the car, and it was directly overturned by Mu Rufeng's fierce collision.

The van rolled several times on the road and was actually directly knocked to the opposite road.

It almost hit the passing cars and the weirdos on the sidewalk.

None of the drivers or weirdos dared to say anything and left quickly.

After all, the terrifying aura exuded by Mu Rufeng was something that these weirdos dared not to provoke.

Mu Rufeng took out 10,000 soul notes and threw them directly to Ma Qiu: "Eat some money and recover."

"Okay, master!" Seeing 10,000 soul notes scattered in front of him, Ma Qiu suddenly became extremely excited.

Even the twisted car body and the pain were temporarily forgotten.

This scene was also seen by the small electric donkeys and dilapidated electric donkeys around.

They looked at the 10,000 soul notes greedily.

However, the greed on the faces of those brand new electric donkeys quickly turned into fear, and they quickly fled in all directions.

Just kidding, although they wanted the 10,000 soul notes, they had to live to spend it.

Mu Rufeng raised his hand and grabbed a small electric donkey that ran away from the side, and crushed it into a ball in a few seconds.

One second, two seconds, three seconds, no prompt sounded.

"Is it unable to be triggered, or is this small electric donkey not dead yet?" Mu Rufeng muttered to himself while looking at the piece of iron in his hand.

"Master, master, you are so powerful." Ma Qiu shouted at Mu Rufeng while picking up money on the ground.

"Ma Qiu, is this small electric donkey dead or alive?" Mu Rufeng showed the iron block in his hand and said.

"Dead, it's almost the same when we are scrapped. We are sent to the scrap factory and pressed into a lump of iron by machines." Ma Qiu said.

"What a pity, it seems that the small electric donkey is a vehicle, not a weird one, and it can't be triggered." Mu Rufeng shook his head.

"There is a lot of time today, how about... go to Qingshan Pig Farm later?" Mu Rufeng suddenly had this idea in his mind.

It just so happened that he hadn't met the acting factory director yet, and at the same time, it was just right to play the role of a butcher.

Thinking of this, Mu Rufeng immediately looked at the overturned van across the road.

The weirdo called Minister had already flipped out of the van and was running wildly towards the distance.

The speed was so fast that it almost turned into a ball of black lines.

In the blink of an eye, it was about to run out of Mu Rufeng's sight.

Mu Rufeng squeezed the iron ball in his hand, and then threw it fiercely over there.


The powerful force burst out instantly, causing the iron ball to emit a sonic boom.


The iron ball instantly penetrated the body of the weirdo, and then the trend did not slow down, breaking a big tree, and then smashing a big hole in the ground.

This horrible scene shocked some of the weirdos watching around.

Such a horrible power has long exceeded the scope of level five.

[Triggering Success, Physical Fitness +0.1, Ghost Power +0.1%]

Then, Mu Rufeng flashed a few times and appeared directly beside the strange corpse.

At this moment, there was a basketball-sized hole on the chest of the strange corpse, and there was a look of horror on his face.

The powerful force directly destroyed the vitality of this level 5 strange creature.

After Mu Rufeng fumbled around on it for a while, he took out a slingshot and a small bag of iron marbles.

In addition to these two things, there was nothing else on this strange creature.

[Blackwood Slingshot]: A powerful slingshot made of black wood and corpse python tendons.

Effect: A level 5 item, after shooting the bullet, it has extremely powerful penetration ability, and the accuracy increases by 50%.

Note: Please do not use too much force, otherwise the slingshot will be damaged.

[Iron Ball]: The iron bearing ball stolen from the bicycle repair shop is very suitable as a slingshot bullet.

"Not bad." Mu Rufeng put away the marbles and slingshot with satisfaction.

This thing, unexpected attack, is pretty good.

"Can't use too much force, meaning, can't attack beyond level 6 strength?" Mu Rufeng murmured.

Just as Mu Rufeng was touching the corpse, a group of shabby electric donkeys surrounded Ma Qiu on the other side of the road.

They didn't show any courtesy to Ma Qiu, and madly gnawed the soul notes scattered on the ground.

"Mine, mine, all mine." Ma Qiu shouted loudly.

However, those electric donkeys didn't care and continued to do their own thing.

Although Ma Qiu cursed, he didn't drive away his companions.

However, those little companions were very conscious, and each seemed to have eaten only five or six hundred soul notes and then stopped one by one.

"Humph, you have a conscience." Ma Qiu ate up all the remaining money.

The flames on his body rose again, ghost power surged, and the twisted car body was slowly recovering.

The friends who were watching him also had ghost power surged, and the old car body began to become brand new.

"Wow, wow, wow~~!"

Just at this moment, a shrill whistle sounded in the distance.

"Oh no, the people from the Public Security Bureau are here. You guys go to the vicinity of the Xuetong Hotel first, and I will take my master away first." Ma Qiu ordered his friends and quickly went to Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng naturally also discovered the arrival of the police car.

Mu Rufeng thought for a moment, took out the corpse powder, and sprinkled it on the strange corpse.

Then, Mu Rufeng came to the overturned van again.

Reached out and pressed it.

[Old van]: This is a van that has been passed down for who knows how many times.

Effect: Level 4 vehicle, consuming 50 yuan per 100 kilometers, can be driven in the wilderness.

Note: The back seat has been removed, so don't take anyone with you, or you will fall over.

"Wilderness?" Mu Rufeng was slightly stunned, and then he put the van directly into the inventory.

"Master, run quickly, the people from the Public Security Bureau are here. If they catch you, you will be locked up in a cell. It will cost a lot of money to get out."

Ma Qiu came to Mu Rufeng in a hurry and urged him.

"Okay." Mu Rufeng nodded, sat directly on the car, and then quickly drove in the opposite direction of the police car.

It can be said that the speed was directly full, but it was a little inconvenient to carry the corpse oil and corpse worms in his hands.

Mu Rufeng took out the pig farm's share contract and butcher knife from the inventory, wrapped them with bandages and put them behind him.

Immediately, he put these two things that were in the way into the inventory.

"Wow, wow~~!"

The police car followed very closely, and the speed was even faster than Ma Qiu's.

You know, now Ma Qiu has a flame vehicle card attached, and it is now a level 4 vehicle.

In other words, the police car is most likely also a level 4 vehicle, and it is one of the top ones.

"Master, watch me get rid of him." Ma Qiu turned the steering wheel sharply and drove straight to the building on the side of the road.

Obviously, he still wanted to use his special ability to climb walls to get rid of these people from the Public Security Bureau.

After a few minutes, the sirens gradually weakened, and they also successfully got rid of the people from the Public Security Bureau.

"Master, are we going back to the hotel now?" Ma Qiu asked.

"No, let's go to Qingshan Pig Farm first. Do you know where it is?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Qingshan Pig Farm? I know. A customer rode me there before."

"Because the journey is too far, that's the most money I've made. I still remember the way." Ma Qiu said excitedly.

"How long will it take to get there?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Three hours. At that time, it took me three hours to get there."

"But I'm running much faster now. I should be there in an hour."

"But, Master, we have to walk through the wilderness."

"The wilderness is very dangerous. I don't have a ghost cave yet, so I can't run through the wilderness. Before, it was because the guest had a ghost cave, so I could run." Ma Qiu said.

"Wilderness? You need a ghost cave to run? What exactly is the wilderness?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Master, the wilderness is the wilderness. The wilderness has a strong ghost aura, but this ghost aura is very chaotic and full of polluted power."

"If ordinary weird enters, it is easy to be polluted and lose reason and turn into a real weird."

"Only if you have a ghost cave can you walk freely in the wilderness."

"Moreover, the most dangerous in the wilderness are those polluted weirds. They are powerful, fearless, without any reason, and extremely tyrannical." Ma Qiu explained.

"Are there many polluted weirds?" Mu Rufeng asked again.

"There are many polluted weirds, but the wilderness is huge. There is a wilderness outside every city. If you are lucky, it is difficult to encounter them." Ma Qiu said.

"That's fine, let's go to Qingshan Pig Farm." Mu Rufeng said.

"That. Master, it's not that I don't want to go, but I need a ghost den."

At this time, Mu Rufeng's ghost den was instantly deployed.

Ma Qiu also paused for a moment, and then said with a look of horror: "Master, this. This is a ghost den, you actually have a ghost den?"

"Let's go, show the way." Mu Rufeng said.

"Yes, master." Ma Qiu immediately showed Mu Rufeng the way with great surprise.

At this moment, Ma Qiu has confirmed that his master is definitely not a second-level contractor, but a contract boss of at least level five.

Otherwise, it is impossible to explain how the ghost den came from, and it is even easier to easily kill the fifth-level weirdness of the director of the delivery department of the small eDonkey Group.

There will be another chapter later, and I am typing like crazy!

Recommend a friend's book "Starting from a Haunted House Sleeper"

Introduction: Li Xiang, who just graduated from college, found a job with a monthly salary of over 10,000 yuan, and only needs to stay in a specific room for one night.

Style: Semi-invincible, light folk and supernatural adventure.

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