I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 167: Wilderness Evil Ghost [Please give me a monthly ticket! ]

"Ring, ring, ring~~!"

Just then, Mu Rufeng's cell phone rang suddenly.

"You drive, I'll take a call." Mu Rufeng let go and took out his cell phone.

"Okay, Master." Ma Qiu responded quickly.

"I said, conductor, I've been waiting for your call for a whole day." After Mu Rufeng answered, he complained.

During the lunch break today, Mu Rufeng called the conductor again, but still no one answered.

"Mr. Mu, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I just woke up, and after reading your message, I called back immediately." The conductor said apologetically.

"So, do you think the client I received last night was the captain of the Gluttony Cruise?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"I don't know. I don't know his name either. Besides, there are more than one captain of level eight. I know of four captains of level eight."

"The first one is naturally the captain of the Gluttony Cruise. The second one is the captain of the Titanic. The third one is the captain of the Black Pearl."

"I haven't heard that the other captains were injured. Only the captain of the Gluttony Cruise was injured." The train conductor stopped talking here.

After a pause, the train conductor said, "Mr. Mu, I guess that captain will not leave the Bloody Hotel in a short time."

"I'll ask someone to find out the name of the captain of the Gluttony Cruise. If he is the captain of the Gluttony Cruise, this time, he can't be let go no matter what."

"Okay, I won't be back until tomorrow night. There is still time." Mu Rufeng said.

"Don't worry, it won't take too long." The train conductor responded and was about to hang up the phone.

"Hey, wait, conductor, let me ask you, do you know the meat fruit, soul fruit and power fruit sold in your dining car?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Huh? This has always been managed by Xiaofei, and I didn't pay much attention to it. What's wrong?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"I cleared out your inventory last time, 10,000 yuan per piece, and then, I saw it in Baibaolou today, only 1,000 yuan per piece."

"Although I don't lack money, but I don't want to be a sucker, help me beat up Xiaofei and let me vent my anger." Mu Rufeng said.

"What? Xiaofei, don't worry, Mr. Mu, I will charge your card for the difference, Xiaofei, I will put him into the fuel furnace to let you vent your anger."

The conductor was furious when he heard this.

"I said, you just beat him up, and I will beat him up the next time we meet." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, no problem, Mr. Mu, you have the final say, I'll beat him to death." The conductor gritted his teeth and said.

"Yeah." Mu Rufeng nodded, and then hung up the phone.

"Ma Qiu, let me drive, time is a bit tight." Mu Rufeng put away the accelerator and hit the faucet with both hands.

"Okay, master." Ma Qiu responded quickly.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng suddenly turned the accelerator to the bottom.

"Boom!" Ma Qiu roared suddenly, and the speed soared suddenly.

In just seven or eight seconds, Ma Qiu's speed directly increased from 100 kilometers to 150 kilometers.

You know, this is a road in the city, and there are many vehicles.

However, this is not difficult for Mu Rufeng at all. With the blessing of [Crazy Driver], he can easily control it with his superb driving skills.

After traveling in Qingshan City for about 40 minutes, the surrounding roads became more and more remote.

Even the road under his feet has changed from the previous asphalt road to a somewhat uneven cement road.

"Master, we will leave the city soon. Your ghost cave should be able to last for a long time. We still need to drive in the wilderness for at least 20 minutes." Ma Qiu said.

"Twenty minutes? It should be about the same." Mu Rufeng said.

After a few minutes, Ma Qiu's speed suddenly slowed down.

At this moment, Mu Rufeng looked far away and found that the distance was shrouded in darkness.

There was still an extremely strange atmosphere over there, which made people shudder.

Mu Rufeng even found some warning signs on the side of the road.

It said that it was forbidden to leave, the wilderness was dangerous, and beware of the contaminated weirdness, etc.

Mu Rufeng immediately released his ghost cave.

When the ghost cave appeared, the strange atmosphere disappeared instantly.

"Master, you must keep the ghost cave. It's foggy today. If there is no ghost cave, we will get lost in the wilderness. It will be really dangerous."

Coming to a very obvious dividing line, Ma Qiu stopped and shouted again.

Mu Rufeng didn't say anything, just honked the horn, turned the accelerator, and went straight into the darkness.

As soon as he entered, Mu Rufeng felt that there was a force eroding his ghost den from all directions.

Mu Rufeng immediately narrowed the range of the ghost den to a radius of three meters around himself, so that the eroding force dropped sharply in an instant.

"Ten minutes." Mu Rufeng felt that his ghost den could only last about ten minutes.

There was no way, his strength had improved, but the ghost power level should have barely reached the level of level four.

It was impossible for a level four ghost den to be used. Mu Rufeng could last for ten minutes, which was already extremely powerful.

But there was no need to worry, after all, he could use the ghost power of Xiaoying and Bai Jingwei, and there would be no problem in holding on for another twenty minutes.

When entering the darkness, Ma Qiu turned on the headlights instantly, illuminating the road ahead.

At the same time, because he was still covered with flames, his visibility was greatly expanded.

"Master, this flame vehicle card is so powerful. The speed of the ghost energy erosion has slowed down a lot." Ma Qiu said.

"By the way, Ma Qiu, are there any good things like spiritual objects in the wilderness?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Of course there are. Spiritual objects grow in the wilderness. Those spiritual objects can absorb the chaotic ghost energy in the wilderness." Ma Qiu said.

"In this case, wouldn't there be many people who would specifically go into the wilderness to find spiritual objects?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Yes, master, but these are all high-risk professions, and you must have a ghost cave. Otherwise, coming to the wilderness without a ghost cave is really looking for death." Ma Qiu explained.

"Are those spiritual objects in Baibaolou also found in the wilderness?" Mu Rufeng said again.

"Yes, Master, Baibaolou has special hunters, and Baibaolou seems to have opened up many spiritual fields in the wilderness, which are specially used to grow spiritual objects." Ma Qiu said.

"Ma Qiu, it seems that you know a lot." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Of course, Master, I have been working for five years. I have carried many guests. They chat and make phone calls while riding, so I know a little more." Ma Qiu said.

"Woo woo woo~~!"

At this time, some strange sounds suddenly came from the distance.

It sounded like the gulping sound of some monster eating.

"Master, it seems that something is wrong." Ma Qiu said in a low voice.

"Ignore it, keep driving, don't slow down." Mu Rufeng said.

Ma Qiu responded, and then continued to drive towards the road in its memory.

One minute later.

They drove a long way, but the gulping sound did not weaken, but became closer, as if it was following them.

Mu Rufeng turned his head and found that it was pitch black behind him, and he couldn't see anything at all.

The flame on Ma Qiu's body could only illuminate the surrounding area of ​​about five meters.

After thinking about it, Mu Rufeng took out the light-energy flashlight.

[Old light-energy flashlight]: This was invented by a magical inventor.

Effect: Press the switch to emit light. If there is light, it can emit light without consuming its own power.

Note: If it is out of power, remember to put it under the light to charge.

This flashlight is not of high level, only level two.

However, Mu Rufeng felt that it would definitely work wonders here.

After pressing the switch, the flashlight immediately emitted a bright light.

Immediately, he pointed the flashlight at the back, where the whimpering sound came from.

When the light of the flashlight shone into the darkness, it penetrated directly, but it did not shine very far, about fifteen meters.

Fifteen meters is not close.

However, at a distance of about twelve meters, Mu Rufeng saw a weird thing with mouths all over its body.

The weirdo was holding a black stick about one meter long in his hand, gnawing on it constantly.

Because the wilderness was covered by black fog and the visibility was poor, Ma Qiu's speed was not very fast, otherwise he would have been able to get rid of this guy.

When the flashlight shone on it, all the mouths opened and roared.

However, Mu Rufeng did not hear any sound.

"What's going on?" Mu Rufeng was a little confused.

The weirdo kept chasing Mu Rufeng with his feet, and the dozens of mouths on his body kept opening and closing, but still did not make any sound.

"Wait. It can't be a mental attack? And I am immune to mental pollution of level four and below, so." Mu Rufeng guessed.

Because the weirdo chasing them was only level four, it was naturally immune to its mental attacks.

Ma Qiu was not affected either, because it was just a vehicle, and any sound waves or mental attacks had no effect on Ma Qiu.

"Just right, let's try out the new slingshot."

Mu Rufeng turned around from his seat and faced the weird behind him.

This weird must be the evil ghost that was polluted and had no reason in Ma Qiu's mouth.

In the wilderness, the polluted and irrational weird is called an evil ghost.

Mu Rufeng took out the black wood slingshot and a marble. After loading it, he aimed at the evil ghost and shot it out directly.


A sound of breaking through the air sounded, and then the marble instantly pierced the evil ghost's head.

However, the evil ghost was still chasing Mu Rufeng as if nothing had happened.

Three more chapters are here! Please give me some monthly tickets!

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