I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 168 Monthly Profit of Qingshan Pig Farm [5,000 words, monthly vote requested! ]

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng took out a few more marbles and quickly ejected them.

After a while, holes were punched in all the vital parts of the evil ghost's body.

The evil ghost ran for a short distance, and finally fell to the ground without moving.

[Triggered successfully, constitution +0.1, ghost energy +0.1%]

"Ma Qiu, stop for a moment." Mu Rufeng immediately ordered.

Ma Qiu was very obedient, slowed down immediately, and then stopped.

"Master, what's wrong? Can't you stay here for a long time? The evil ghost is going to catch up." Ma Qiu said fearfully.

Mu Rufeng said nothing, turned around again, and then drove the little electric donkey to turn around and return to the dead evil ghost.

"Ah, Master, you actually killed this evil ghost." Ma Qiu exclaimed when he saw the corpse.

"What a fuss." Mu Rufeng smiled and got out of the car.

However, what surprised Mu Rufeng was that the corpse began to slowly decompose.

This phenomenon made Mu Rufeng a little confused.

Fortunately, Ma Qiu knew better and quickly said: "Master, after the evil ghost dies, it will be decomposed and absorbed by the mysterious power in the wilderness. You see, the decomposed materials are submerged into the ground."

"It's true." Mu Rufeng also noticed this.

This wilderness is still too mysterious, and even the indigenous people of the strange world only occupy a small part of the wilderness.

After a while, it was seen that the entire body had decomposed, and the only thing left on the ground was the black piece of wood.

Mu Rufeng picked it up immediately, and then a look of surprise appeared on her face.

[Wild Sugar Cane]: A level four spiritual object, a sugar cane growing in the wilderness. After being eaten, the movement speed can be increased by 20%.

Note: When chewing sugar cane, the sweetness disappears and the duration ends. It is applicable to level 4 and below. Above level 4, it will be reduced by 5% for each higher level.

"It's actually a fourth-level spiritual creature. No wonder, I just said that the fourth-level evil ghost is so fast and can catch up with Ma Qiu." Mu Rufeng murmured to himself.

It was really good luck to get this spiritual object just after entering the wilderness.

After putting away the sugar cane, Mu Rufeng once again drove the electric donkey towards the Qingshan Pig Farm.

Ten minutes passed in a blink of an eye.

The ghost power in Mu Rufeng's body was almost exhausted.

Mu Rufeng immediately called on Bai Jingwei's ghost power to continue to maintain the ghost.

But soon Mu Rufeng was dumbfounded.


Calling on Bai Jingwei or Xiaoying's ghost power can only activate their accompanying abilities.

In other words, after borrowing Bai Jingwei's ghost power, he can only use Bai Jingwei's sharpness, not taking the usual path and the golden cicada's ability to escape.

And if you borrow Xiaoying's ghost power, you can only use abilities such as teleportation.

"This is a little embarrassing." Mu Rufeng pressed the brake and made Ma Qiu stop.

"Master, what's wrong? We're about to arrive. We should still be seven or eight minutes away." Ma Qiu asked strangely.

"Ahem, my ghost power is about to be exhausted. Please let me use soul money to restore my ghost power."

Mu Rufeng took out a stack of soul coins and prepared to restore her ghost power.

"Ah? Master, didn't you say that you were about to hold on for twenty minutes? And in the wilderness, you must not stay in the same place for a long time, otherwise it will attract evil spirits." Ma Qiu was suddenly shocked.

"I thought I could use the strange ghost power of the contract to cast ghosts, but I didn't expect it wouldn't work." Mu Rufeng also said helplessly.

"But, Master, you really can't stay where you are for long." Ma Qiu panicked a little.

If someone who is not strong enough dares to stay in the wilderness, it is definitely the same as seeking death.

Although it feels that its master is very powerful, its ghost power is almost gone. If it encounters an evil ghost, it will really die.

"Forget it, then I'll just drive a van."

Mu Rufeng thought about it. He had bought a van with a level four vehicle before.

And that van has an attribute, [can drive in the wilderness].

Immediately, Mu Rufeng thought and took the van out of the inventory.

[Old van]: This is a van that has passed through several hands.

Effect: Level 4 vehicle, costs 50 yuan per 100 kilometers, and can travel in the wilderness.

Note: The seats in the back seat have been removed, so do not carry people, otherwise they will fall over.

Although the van was a bit old and had some dents due to being hit by Mu Rufeng, it could still be driven.

Mu Rufeng turned the key, and the van's engine roared and started.

"Okay, Ma Qiu, do you want to stay in the car or go into my inventory?" Mu Rufeng looked at Ma Qiu outside the car and asked.

"Master, I want to go into the inventory." Ma Qiu still felt that it would be safer to go into the inventory.

"Come on, how can I get to Qingshan Pig Farm if you don't show me the way?" Mu Rufeng said angrily.

"The master also said that he would let me enter the inventory..." Ma Qiu muttered in a low voice.

"What did you say?"

"Nothing, Master."

Then, Mu Rufeng opened the car door, got out of the car, opened the side door, and Ma Qiu immediately entered the trunk.

At this moment, there was a rustling sound coming from all around.

Mu Rufeng was slightly startled. How long had he stayed there before an evil spirit came smelling it?

"Master, run quickly, there's a situation." Ma Qiu also shouted at the right time.

Without any delay, Mu Rufeng directly shifted gears and then stepped on the accelerator to the bottom.

The van roared and then rushed forward.

Mu Rufeng had already removed the ghosts at this moment. The lights of the van emitted a soft light, illuminating the road dozens of meters ahead.

At the same time, he also felt that the chaotic ghost forces around were also blocked by the van.

As expected, the van could actually drive in the wilderness.

"Da Da Da~~!"

At this time, a sound like horse hooves running came from behind.

Mu Rufeng looked through the rearview mirror, but could only see darkness.

"Da Da Da~~!"

The sound became more and more urgent and closer.

"Ma Qiu, give me the flame vehicle card." Mu Rufeng said.

"Master, it's here, take it yourself." Ma Qiu had no hands, so he could only show the position of the card where Mu Rufeng's hands could reach.

Mu Rufeng immediately reached out and took the flame vehicle card, and then directly attached it to the dashboard of the van.

The blazing flames rose up instantly.

The strong flames illuminated the surrounding area of ​​dozens of meters.

And Mu Rufeng finally saw a monster chasing them from behind through the rearview mirror.

The monster was like a tall centaur, with a human upper body and a horse lower body.

At the same time, it was covered with a layer of black scales.

Every time the horse's hoof fell, it could leave several deep marks on the ground.

When it emerged from the darkness, it suddenly let out a roar, and then suddenly accelerated and attacked the van.

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng stepped on the accelerator again, and the speed of the van soared instantly.

At this moment, the van blessed by the flame vehicle card has become a level 5 vehicle.

[Burning van]: This is a van burning with hellfire.

Effect: Level 5 vehicle (temporary), can travel freely in the wilderness.

Special attributes: Primary ghost cave, after the ghost cave is opened, the moving speed increases by 100%.

Note: After starting the vehicle, the ghost cave automatically opens and can be closed by itself, consuming 500 soul coins per 100 kilometers.

"Ah, this... this van has a ghost cave at level 5?" Mu Rufeng was slightly surprised.

The originally dilapidated van, through the flames, can also be seen that its appearance has become brand new, and even the interior has become slightly newer.

Even the garbage in the car was burned out by the flames, and the whole interior was brand new, and the stench could not be smelled.

"Look, I'll hit you to death." Mu Rufeng grinned.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng suddenly accelerated, and then made an extreme drift in front and completed a U-turn.

Immediately, he stepped on the accelerator to the bottom and hit the centaur evil ghost in front.

The centaur ghost had no reason or wisdom at all. Facing the collision of the van, he was not afraid at all and even increased his speed.

"Bang!" With a loud bang.

The van violently collided with the centaur ghost.

In the collision between the two, the van with the ghost had a complete advantage.

The centaur ghost had almost no resistance and was hit by the van and flew dozens of meters away.

The van was only slightly bumped by the ghost, without any damage.


Mu Rufeng braked suddenly and stopped.

Through the car window, Mu Rufeng looked at the centaur ghost.

The centaur ghost's bones were broken all over his body, lying on the ground, twisted.

He was not dead yet, after all, he was also a level 5 ghost.

Mu Rufeng drove the van and drove past again.

He did not get out of the car, but drove the car repeatedly to crush the centaur ghost.

After almost seven or eight times, the killing prompt sound finally appeared.

[Triggering Success, Spirit +0.1, Ghost Qi +0.1%]

Mu Rufeng stopped the car, but did not turn off the engine, and looked at the corpse of the centaur evil ghost.

In just over ten seconds, the corpse was directly decomposed and disappeared.

Mu Rufeng glanced and did not find any objects left.

"It's a pity that there is no drop when killing monsters." Mu Rufeng shook his head, and then drove the van to Qingshan Pig Farm.

"If I have time, I can come to the wilderness to kill monsters." Mu Rufeng touched his chin and thought.

There seem to be many irrational evil ghosts in the wilderness.

As long as you stay where you are, you can attract these evil ghosts.

It's just that if you are lucky, you will attract low-level evil ghosts, but if you attract high-level evil ghosts, it will be very dangerous.

"Forget it, let's talk about it after we become stronger. Let's go to Qingshan Pig Farm first."

The ghost of the van doubled its speed.

It took only a few minutes to arrive at the territory of Qingshan Pig Farm.

The quiet path, the withered grove, and the surrounding ghost power also returned to calm.

The dark sky was now bright again.

Mu Rufeng looked at the time and found that it was only four o'clock in the afternoon.

Before in the wilderness, he thought it was already night.

When they arrived at the territory of Qingshan Pig Farm, the speed of the van also slowly decreased.

In front, Mu Rufeng had already seen the familiar big iron gate and the sign with the big words [Qingshan Pig Farm].

"Beep beep beep!" Mu Rufeng came to the big iron gate and pressed the horn.

After a while, a small iron window opened on the big iron gate, revealing the face of a young woman.

When the woman saw the burning van, her face was slightly startled.


Mu Rufeng was slightly stunned when he saw the woman's face. This was actually a contractor.

Yes, it should be a temporary worker recruited by Qingshan Pig Farm.

"Open the door, I am a shareholder of the pig farm, Mu Rufeng." Mu Rufeng said.

"Shareholder?" The contractor looked at Mu Rufeng in the car with suspicion.

The contractor did not know Mu Rufeng, but he did not know that Mu Rufeng was a contractor.

Mu Rufeng came from the outside world in a van, with blood-red bandages wrapped around his body, and his shape was extremely strange.

How could this security guard think that Mu Rufeng was a contractor?

"Contact your factory director and tell him that Mu Rufeng is here." Mu Rufeng said.

He did not know the name and phone number of the new factory director, because he was about to return and had handed over all matters to Liu Mei.

"Okay, wait a moment." The security guard did not dare to turn his face away. After closing the small iron window, he immediately returned to the security booth, picked up the landline and dialed the number of the factory director's office.

"Hello, Xiao Zhong, what's the matter?" The factory director's voice came from the phone.

"Factory director, there is a man driving a van outside. He said he is a shareholder of our pig farm, named Mu Rufeng." Zhong Fu said.

"What? Mu Rufeng? Why is Mr. Mu here? Wait, I'll be here soon." The factory director hung up the phone as soon as he finished speaking.

In just a minute, the factory director in simple clothes came rushing from a distance.

"Quick, open the iron gate." The factory director came up and hurriedly asked Zhong Fu to open the car door.

"Okay, factory director." Zhong Fu hurriedly opened the big iron gate.

"Beep, beep!"

Mu Rufeng honked the horn and drove the van in.

He turned off the engine, got out of the car, and then put the van directly into the inventory.

"You are the new factory director that Liu Mei mentioned, right? Hello, nice to meet you. I am Mu Rufeng, a shareholder of Qingshan Pig Farm." Mu Rufeng said.

"Hello, Mr. Mu, I am Pang Zhengan, nice to meet you." The factory director excitedly reached out and shook Mu Rufeng's right hand.

"I just happened to have time this time, so I came here to take a look and find some business for our pig farm." Mu Rufeng pulled his hand out without leaving a trace.

"Mr. Mu, what business? I bought a batch of meat pigs in recent days. A lot of adult pigs have been sold today. Scarlet Select is also saturated, and I am worried about having no sales."

When he heard about the business, the factory director immediately became interested.

"Do you know the Xuetong Hotel?" Mu Rufeng said.

"I know, I lived there for a while." The factory director nodded.

Last year, his position as factory director was taken away by the pig-headed factory director, who even injured him a little, so he went to live in the Xuetong Hotel for a week.

"I acquired some shares of the Xuetong Hotel and became a shareholder there."

"In the future, the pork of the Xuetong Hotel will be provided by our Qingshan Pig Farm."

"Come, I'll tell you the phone number of Han Chun, the manager of the Xuetong Hotel. Remember it and call him later to discuss it."

Mu Rufeng took out his mobile phone and dialed Han Chun's phone number.

"Oh, oh, ok."

The factory director was a little stunned when he heard that Mu Rufeng had acquired the shares of the Xuetong Hotel, and then he reacted and quickly took out his mobile phone.

"By the way, is this security guard a contractor?" Mu Rufeng looked at Zhong Fu on the side at this time.

Zhong Fu was extremely nervous when she heard that this big shot mentioned her.

This was her fourth copy. Today was the second day. She had been cautious all the time, fearing that something unexpected would happen.

"That's right, Mr. Mu. This time, our pig farm has recruited ten temporary employees." The factory director said.

"Well, there hasn't been any problem with the pig farm these days." Mu Rufeng said.

"Mr. Mu, I made some changes. Would you like to go with me to the pig farm?" The factory director said.

"Okay, let's go for a walk." Mu Rufeng nodded.


Half an hour later, Mu Rufeng visited several major areas of the pig farm.

With the factory director's explanation, Mu Rufeng also got to know Qingshan Pig Farm better.

There are only fifteen employees in Qingshan Pig Farm.

The fifteen employees also include all employees in various major areas.

This number is not large, but with the ten newly recruited temporary workers, the number has reached twenty-five.

At the same time, Mu Rufeng also learned that the pig farm will continuously recruit temporary employees from the real world.

As long as all of this group of people die or return after passing the level, the next batch of employees will be recruited, and so on.

This batch of temporary employees of Zhong Fu is the third batch after Mu Rufeng.

The number of people ranges from five to ten.

The time of return also varies from a few days.

At the same time, Liu Mei knew that Mu Rufeng was a contractor, so Liu Mei and the factory manager mentioned that they should not be too difficult for those players.

But she did not tell the factory manager that Mu Rufeng was a player.

At the same time, she also said that they should not be taken care of deliberately, as long as they can pass the level safely.

Mu Rufeng did not say anything about this. This is the best, and there is really no need to take care of them deliberately.

"By the way, Director, how much is the monthly profit of the pig farm now?" Mu Rufeng asked.

Speaking of which, he has never cared about how much money the pig farm can make in a month.

"Mr. Mu, our pig farm can produce more than 200 adult pigs every month."

"The higher the level, the longer the growth time and feed cost."

"According to my estimate, after deducting all expenses and costs, the monthly net profit is about 200,000." The director roughly estimated.


This number is not low, but Mu Rufeng only has 40% of the shares.

In other words, he earns about 80,000 soul notes every month.

Starting today, the chapters will be updated twice, each chapter has 5,000 words, and two chapters will add up to 10,000 words, which is more than the previous three chapters of 9,000 words, and there will be another update later.

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