I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 169 What are the benefits of being promoted to the ninth-level group? [Five thousand words,

"Mr. Mu, we can actually increase the profit." The factory manager said.

"Increase? How?" Mu Rufeng asked in confusion.

"It takes too long for piglets to be marketed, and our biggest cost is the purchase of live pigs. If we convert those temporary workers into live pigs..."

The factory manager stopped talking here, and the meaning was very clear.

Mu Rufeng did not speak, turned around and looked at the factory manager.

"Mr. Mu, if it is just an ordinary person, if it is converted into a pig, a lot of costs can be saved. For such a pig, we can make a steady profit of 10,000 yuan."

"If it is a contractor, it will make more money. In this way, the profit can at least double, or even more, we-"

The factory manager was interrupted by Mu Rufeng before he finished speaking.

"Liu Mei should not have told you about my identity, right?" Mu Rufeng said slowly.

"This. Manager Liu did not say that, he just said that Mr. Mu is powerful and has abundant funds." The factory manager said.

The factory manager could also feel the breath of two levels from Mu Rufeng.

It was because of the bandage that he didn't think Mu Rufeng was a contractor.

Although Mu Rufeng was only level two, the factory director didn't look down on him at all, but respected him more.

After all, he also knew that Mu Rufeng was a shareholder of Scarlet Optimization.

"Well, I'm officially telling you now that I'm a contractor." As soon as Mu Rufeng finished speaking, he let the bandages restrain their bloody smell.

In this way, the factory director immediately sensed the smell of a living person on Mu Rufeng.

"Ah, Mr. Mu, you... you are a contractor?" The factory director was shocked.

He really didn't expect that Mu Rufeng was actually a living person, a contractor.

"So, there's no need to mention the previous words." Mu Rufeng said.

"Yes, Mr. Mu, I know." At this moment, the factory director respected Mu Rufeng even more.

A level two contractor is not only a shareholder of Scarlet Optimization, but also a shareholder of Qingshan Pig Farm and Xuetong Hotel.

How powerful a background does one have to have to become such a person.

"By the way, why is the pig farm so far from Qingshan City? Do we have to go through the wilderness every time we transport adult pigs? It's very dangerous in the wilderness." Mu Rufeng asked.

"Mr. Mu, I don't know how the pig farm appeared here. When I first took office, I just received a job offer from the pig farm. Only the pig farm knows this."

"As for the transportation of adult pigs through the wilderness, Mr. Mu, don't worry about it. The trucks we found are all level 5 vehicles."

"Even level 6 evil ghosts are difficult to intercept. As for level 7 evil ghosts, they are basically in the depths of the wilderness and will not easily come to the vicinity of Qingshan City." The factory director said.

"I see, then you say, can those evil ghosts be used to transform into live pigs?" Mu Rufeng suddenly had an idea.

"Uh, Mr. Mu, this is possible, but we don't have the strength to capture them. Although those evil ghosts are irrational, they will follow their instincts and will not approach this side." The factory director said.

"That's a pity. If I had known, I would not have killed the two evil ghosts I met on the road." Mu Rufeng said with some regret.

"Mr. Mu, when you came to the wilderness, did you meet an evil ghost?" The factory manager was slightly surprised and asked.

"Well, a level 4 evil ghost with mouths all over his body, and a level 5 centaur evil ghost." Mu Rufeng said.

"Level 4 evil ghost and level 5 evil ghost?" This time, the factory manager was shocked again.

The factory manager is only level 5, and he has not yet entered the ghost den.

If you meet a level 4 evil ghost in the wilderness, you can only run away.

And Mu Rufeng is just a level 2 contractor, but he actually killed a level 4 evil ghost and a level 5 evil ghost?

"Okay, now I know almost everything about the pig farm. How many adult pigs are there in the pig house that can be slaughtered?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"How many adult pigs can be slaughtered? Mr. Mu, there are about 30." The factory manager said.

"Well, go to the slaughterhouse. I feel a little itchy today. Bring all the pigs in the pig house here and I will slaughter them all." Mu Rufeng strode towards the slaughterhouse.

"Hmm? Mr. Mu, what did you say?" The factory manager first hummed, then reacted and asked again.

"I want to kill pigs." Mu Rufeng replied.

The factory manager caught up with Mu Rufeng and said, "Mr. Mu, with your status, how can you kill pigs? That's the job of butchers."

The factory manager didn't understand why Mu Rufeng wanted to kill pigs at all?

"I said, my hands are itching, be quick." Mu Rufeng emphasized his tone.

The factory manager also noticed Mu Rufeng's tone, so he could only respond helplessly.

Now Mu Rufeng is his immediate superior.

His words can get the factory manager down.

Not to mention killing adult pigs, even if Mu Rufeng wants to kill live pigs that have not yet been released, he can't stop him.

Soon, Mu Rufeng arrived at the gate of the slaughterhouse.

The factory manager had already made a phone call and ordered the pigs from the pig house to be transported over.

When Mu Rufeng and the factory manager appeared in front of the gate of the slaughterhouse.

Without waiting for them to knock on the door, the door of the slaughterhouse slowly opened.

"Mr. Mu, the factory director, welcome to the slaughterhouse for guidance." A strange man came up with a flattering look on his face.

This strange man looked familiar, and it was obvious that Mu Rufeng had seen him at the pig farm before.

"Mr. Mu, this is Manager Li of the slaughterhouse. He took up the position after I took office." The factory director said quickly.

"Well, not bad, much better than the dwarf before." Mu Rufeng nodded.

"Hey, thank you for the compliment, Mr. Mu. When I saw Mr. Mu, I knew you were the best among men."

"In just a short time, he has become the owner of our pig farm." Manager Li's horse slapped loudly.

Although it smelled a little bit, Mu Rufeng thought it was pretty good.

Mu Rufeng stepped into it.

Not long after, they arrived at the door of the slaughterhouse.

At this moment, two contractors holding butcher knives were slaughtering a pig inside.

"Huh? There are actually two butchers inside, and they are both contractors?" Mu Rufeng said in surprise.

"Well, if it were a contractor, the slaughtering speed would be too slow, so I arranged for two butchers."

“The slaughtering speed will be much faster this way,” the factory director said.

Indeed, if two contractors can help each other and slaughter the pigs together, not only will the safety be guaranteed, but the speed will also be greatly improved.

"These two contractors are still working a little slowly. They can only slaughter four animals during the day. The butchers on the night shift can kill five or six animals a night."

"Of course, this still depends on the number of adult pigs that can be slaughtered." The factory director explained.

"Go, open the door and let them get off work." Mu Rufeng said.

"Ah? Let them get off work?" Manager Li was stunned.

It's half past four now, and there's still half an hour left until get off work.

"Go quickly, what nonsense are you talking about?" the factory director scolded.

"No, Mr. Mu, I can't open the door before it's time to get off work." Manager Li said with a sad face.

When Mu Rufeng heard this, she immediately recalled it.

At that time, he was causing trouble in the slaughterhouse, and the director of the pig head factory wanted to open the door and come in to kill him, but he couldn't get in, so he had to bring in some powerful adult pigs.

"Forget it, I'll do it myself." Mu Rufeng knew that he really couldn't open it, but it was not difficult for Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng suddenly appeared in the slaughterhouse.

This scene shocked the factory director and Manager Li.

At this moment, Guo Yi and Yang Zhigang in the slaughterhouse were concentrating on disemboweling the pigs on the metal table and removing the internal organs.

He didn't notice Mu Rufeng's arrival at all.

"You guys, it's time to get off work now. Let's get out of the conveyor belt." Mu Rufeng said.

"Ah~~! Who is it?"

Guo Yi and Yang Zhigang were startled by Mu Rufeng's voice and quickly looked at Mu Rufeng.

When they saw it, they were both so frightened that their hearts almost jumped out of their chests.

At this moment, a notification sound sounded in both of their minds.

They both looked at each other with expressions of shock.

There weren't many beeps, but they matched what the bandage monster said before.

The prompt is to let them get off work now and exit through the hole in the conveyor belt without any punishment.

"What are you doing standing still? Didn't you hear what Mr. Mu said? Get off work immediately." At this time, Manager Li's scolding sounded in the slaughterhouse.

It wasn't that Manager Li came into the slaughterhouse, but that he used the radio.

Yang Zhigang and Guo Yi immediately looked towards the glass.

Immediately I saw the factory director and Manager Li outside.

At this moment, neither of them hesitated, grabbed the butcher's knife and climbed into the conveyor belt.

He didn't even care about the adult pig that hadn't been killed yet.

"Go and do what you are supposed to do. I will come out after the killing." After Mu Rufeng finished speaking, he raised his hand and saw the bandage shoot out, completely sealing the glass.

At this time, neither the factory director nor Manager Li could see the scene in the slaughterhouse.

Mu Rufeng took out the butcher's knife, came to the metal table, and chopped the pig in half with one strike.

Then, let the bandage absorb the blood in the flesh, then dispose of the internal organs, then grab them and throw them into the conveyor belt.

[Triggered successfully, constitution +0.1, ghost energy +0.1%]

In a blink of an eye, the time came to five o'clock in the afternoon.

In just thirty minutes, thirty adult pigs were slaughtered by Mu Rufeng.

Counting the one that Yang Zhigang and Guo Yi did not kill, a total of 3.1 attribute points were provided to Mu Rufeng.

Strength increased by 0.8, spirit increased by 0.9, and physical constitution increased by 1.4.

Although it may seem like a small amount, it is an extra addition.

Moreover, including his tenfold superposition, it is quite a lot.

Coincidentally, it was time to get off work. Mu Rufeng wiped the butcher knife, put away the bandage, and left the slaughterhouse.

Outside the door, the factory director and Manager Li were waiting.

"Mr. Mu, you have come out and have finished get off work. You probably haven't had lunch yet. How about going to the cafeteria for a meal? I have asked the chef in the cafeteria to prepare a table of big dishes."

the factory director said.

"Well, let's go, I happen to be a little hungry." Mu Rufeng nodded and walked towards the cafeteria.

Soon, a group of three people arrived at the cafeteria.

Many weirdos have already packed their meals and are eating their dinner.

Mu Rufeng also saw the ten players.

After a quick glance, I found that there were only four contractors, and the rest were new players.

When Mu Rufeng, the factory director and manager Li walked in, the originally noisy canteen instantly became quiet.

"Xiao Li, the big dish I asked you to prepare is ready." The factory manager said to Xiao Li who was getting food at the window.

"Okay, factory manager, I'll be right here, please sit down first." Xiao Li looked at Mu Rufeng who was surrounded by the factory manager and Manager Li, and was a little surprised.

Mu Rufeng and his friends sat at a table.

Those players looked over here frequently, but Mu Rufeng ignored them and didn't say hello.

Mu Rufeng didn't have much in common with them, and not letting the factory manager use them as pigs was already very caring for them.

"Mr. Mu, do you want to add some dishes to those players?" The factory manager came up and said in a low voice.

"No, it's what it should be, don't deliberately target them, and don't deliberately take care of them." Mu Rufeng said.

Providing a safer environment is already the greatest help Mu Rufeng has given.

He can't give them excessive care, which will make their mentality better and have a higher chance of survival in the next copy world.

In just over ten minutes, seven or eight dishes filled the entire table.

It must be said that these were all delicacies from the mountains and the sea.

Not to mention that he had eaten them before, Mu Rufeng had not even seen some of them with his own eyes.

Mu Rufeng was naturally not polite, and ate them in big mouthfuls. The taste was so sour and refreshing.

"Ring, ring, ring~~!" Just at this time, Mu Rufeng's cell phone rang.

Mu Rufeng put down his chopsticks, took out his cell phone and saw that it was Liu Mei calling.

"Hello, Manager Liu, how come you have time to call me today?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Mr. Mu, our Scarlet Optimum will officially start the event tomorrow. I wonder if you have time to come to Scarlet Optimum tomorrow?" Liu Mei said.

"Well, the event will start, why do you want me to come? I still have work tomorrow." Mu Rufeng said.

"Well, it's like this, Mr. Mu, we have been advertising for a week, and tomorrow's traffic and order volume are likely to break records."

"Xinhong Youxuan can take this wave of traffic and be promoted to a level nine group company again."

"When a group company is promoted, the employees inside will have a lot of benefits."

"If it is the senior management of the group company, or shareholders, this kind of benefit will be more." Liu Mei said.

"Hmm? There is still such a saying? But this should be the second promotion, right? Is it still effective?" Mu Rufeng asked curiously.

"Of course it is effective, Mr. Mu, I know what you are thinking, do you think someone will downgrade the group company and then promote it again?"

"Hehe, unless it is necessary, the group company will not do this unless it is the most dangerous moment." Liu Mei said.

"What time will you arrive tomorrow?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"If possible, it's best to come at nine o'clock tomorrow, and the event will officially start at nine o'clock, because we don't know when the group company will be promoted." Liu Mei said.

"You mean, you may have to stay in Xinhong Youxuan for a day tomorrow?" Mu Rufeng frowned slightly.

"Almost. I know you are still in the dungeon time, but you are the deputy manager of the Xuetong Hotel, you should have the authority to go out."

"As for the conditions for clearing the dungeon, I think you have almost completed it, right? The benefits of being promoted from level 8 to level 9 are huge."

"I can probably use this opportunity to be promoted to level 6." Liu Mei said.

"Level 6?" Mu Rufeng was slightly stunned. Wow, this is really a big benefit.

I am afraid that ordinary employees, with that kind of level 1 weirdness, may be promoted to level 2.

"Okay, I will be there at nine o'clock tomorrow." Mu Rufeng agreed directly.

"Then I will wait for Mr. Mu to come." Liu Mei said with a smile, and then hung up the phone with Mu Rufeng.

"Eat, why are you looking at me? There is food on my face?" Mu Rufeng looked at the factory director and Manager Li who dared not to move their chopsticks, and said with a smile.

"Yes, yes, yes." The two responded quickly, and then started eating.


Mu Rufeng finished dinner, it was already six o'clock.

The things that needed to be done at Qingshan Pig Farm today have been done, and Mu Rufeng did not stay here for long.

The closing time of Xuetong Hotel is 8 o'clock.

There are still two hours, so it is still in time.

"Mr. Mu, next time you come, you can call me in advance so that I can prepare more adult pigs for you." The factory manager said.

"Well, I will. Also, remember what I said before, let all employees go to the APP of Baibaolou to draw a lottery. As long as they win the purchase funds of the blind box of regular props, they will be rewarded with 100,000 soul notes."

"Yes, Mr. Mu."

"Then I will leave first." Mu Rufeng took out the van and sat on it directly.

"Mr. Mu, take care!"

Mu Rufeng waved his hand, started the car and drove out.

While driving, Mu Rufeng also took out the flame vehicle card, which upgraded the van to a level 5 vehicle again.

And he also let the sesame ball out to show the way.

Without a clear road sign or reference point, Mu Rufeng really didn't know how to go.

Along the way, it seemed that because the van was very fast, he didn't encounter any evil spirits along the way.

It only took forty minutes, and before seven o'clock, he successfully returned to the Xuetong Hotel.

When Mu Rufeng put the purchased corpse oil and corpse worms into the kitchen, the reminder sound of completing the side quest actually rang in his mind.

The next morning, after Mu Rufeng explained to Liu Yong and others, he said a few words to Han Chun, and then left the Xuetong Hotel and went to Scarlet Optimum.

Scarlet Optimum has been advertising every day these days.

It didn't say what it was going to sell, but just said that there was mysterious fresh blood and flesh.

And the quantity was very large.

Speaking of which, it has been a week since the two sides started trading.

In a week, all the fresh pork, mutton and beef obtained from the relevant departments were stored in the cold storage.

Mu Rufeng didn't know how much there was, but it took half an hour to move, and even if one was thrown over every ten seconds, 360 heads could be traded in a day.

Two updates of 10,000 words are here. I'm a little stuck these days. I'll think about the plot carefully.

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